Explore Oral Cultures of Bhutan
This Arcadia-funded initiative was carried out by the University of Virginia and implemented on the ground in Bhutan by Shejun Agency for Bhutan’s Cultural Documentation and Research, which is now part of the Loden Foundation. The project's main objective was to identify and document imperiled oral, intangible, and embodied traditions of Bhutanese cultural heritage, and in so doing equip Bhutanese to successfully implement the most substantive and comprehensive intangible cultural heritage-focused project conducted in the country to date.
Conducted between 2015-2019, the major outcomes of the project include over 2,000 audio-visual recordings with transcriptions, which constitute the core of a free, open-access, living archive of Bhutanese culture along with affiliated ranges of media including photos, metadata, place descriptions, subject descriptions, and essays on culture. The project’s focus on the preservation and promotion of culture, which is considered one of the four pillars of Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness, offers resources for aspiring scholars and researchers in the humanities, fields that are comparatively under-represented in Bhutanese academia.
Audio-Video Items in this subcollection
Yeshi Wangchuk1 min 22 sec09 Dec 2014
Yeshi Wangchuk6 min 50 sec07 Dec 2014
Yeshi Wangchuk ...25 min 40 sec07 Dec 2014
Yeshi Wangchuk35 min 31 sec06 Dec 2014
Yeshi Wangchuk39 min 53 sec06 Dec 2014
Yeshi Wangchuk37 min 48 sec06 Dec 2014
Yeshi Wangchuk25 min 42 sec05 Dec 2014
Ariana MakiVisibility
Parent Collection
- Ariana Maki
- Bradley Aaron
- David Germano *
- Dorji Rinchen
- Eben Yonnetti *
- Eddie John *
- Edward Garrett *
- Kalwangjyid Gejay *
- Karma Phuntshog
- Mark Ferrara *
- Michael Sheehy *
- Rinchen Dorji
- Rinchen Dorji
- Rongwo Lugyal Dondrup *
- Sonam Tobgye
- Steve Weinberger *
- Tashi Dekyid Gar *
- Than Grove *
- Tsehua Washu *
- Veronica Kuhn *
* denotes that this member is inherited from a parent collection