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15 Dec 2011
4 min 14 sec
Video Overview

A tangka painter gives a brief introduction to tangka (thang ka) painting.

矿物颜料具有持久、不变色、凝重的品质,相对它的价格也贵。 传统画师用矿物颜料绘制唐卡。

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  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    spyir btang da thang ka de tsho dang po bzo dus tsam par/
    Well, when we first make a thanga
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    ras de tsho de'i smyug ma de la btsems byas/
    we sew the fabric to the bamboo.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    a ni de'i steng la ((sa 'byor ))byas byas ras zhig
    And on the fabric we apply this thing called powdered earth.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de'i steng la yang sa de 'dra cig byugs yag yod red/
    There is a type of earth that we rub on the fabric.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de'i sa de rgyab dang mdun gnyis ca logs la byugs dgos kyi yod red/
    We have to apply the earth on the back and front of the fabric.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de byugs tshar song na de'i sgang la ur ti (dbur ti )thengs ma mang po brgyab byas/
    Once the earth is applied over the fabric, we have to iron the fabric for several times until
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    a ni gzhi nas ras de 'jam po chags song na/
    the fabric becomes smooth. Once it becomes smooth
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    a ni gzhi nas de'i sgang la ri mo bris byas/
    only then we do the painting on the fabric.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    a ni de nas mtshon btang i 'dras byas dgos red/
    And then we color the painting and so forth.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    spyir btang gi ri mo de tsho gang ga logs/
    In general, all of these paintings are
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    spyir btang rnyog 'dra tsha po zhe po cig yod red/
    very complicated.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    thig dang de tsho cig rgyag dus tsam par/
    When you do draw the lines for the painting...
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    thig mang po zhe po cig rgyag dgos kyi yod red pa la/
    there are many lines that you have to draw.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de tsho gang ga logs bod nas byung kyog red la/
    All of these are from Tibet.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de tsho gang ga dang po kho ra ri mo kho ra bod nang nas byung kyog song tsang /
    These are all originally from Tibet.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de tsho gang ga bod nang logs nas byung kyog red/
    These are all from Tibet.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de tsho'i de bag la nga tsho'i de bag la ri mo mkhas pa de 'dra yod red pa la/
    There were some skilled thanga painters, right?
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    snga mo'i che mog (che mo ba )de 'dra de 'dra yod dus tsam par/
    So, when those early thanga painters were around
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    'ong de tshos deb de tsho bzos bzhag kyog red/
    they made these books.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    deb de tsho bzos byas a ni nga tshor mar slob sbyong byed sa zo rog e 'dras de red la/
    So, they made these books and these are what we have for learning thanga painting.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da ri mo bris phyogs kyi thog la yang ri mo 'dra mi 'dra yod red la/
    As for the styles of the paintings, there are many different types.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    kha shas ni khams bris yod red la/
    There are some which are called the Kham Painting.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da dbus bris yod red la gtsang bris yod red la/
    And there is the Central Tibet Painting, there is the Tsang Painting.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da nga tsho'i ri mo de tsho gang ga logs spyir btang gi dbus bris la 'gro gi yod red la/
    And all of our paintings fall into the Central Tibet Painting.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    khams bris ma red la gtsang bris kyang ma red la/
    They are neither the Kham Painting, nor the Tsang Painting.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da spyir btang gi ri mo'i nang logs la khag mang po cig yod red la/
    So, generally speaking there are many types of paintings.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    mtshon de tsho spyir btang gi byas pa yin na/
    As for the colors in general
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da da lta en /
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da ring kha sa yin na mtshon a ni rgya mi'i mtshon mang po cig yod red pa la/
    there are many different colors from China
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    'gyig shog nang logs la de 'dras kyi mtshon mang po cig yod dus/
    that are stuffed in a plastic bag.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de tsho gang ga rdo nas grub kyog gi mtshon de 'dra rkyang red la/
    All of those colors are made out of stones.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    thang ka de'i sgang la btang yag gang ga logs rdo mtshon rkyang ma bzhin/
    It is the stone-color that we use for the thanga painting.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de 'dra gi da lta da ring kha sa gi mtshon gcig kyang yod ma red la/
    We don't use any of the modern colors in the thanga painting.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de tsho de tsho gang ga logs mtshon de tsho gang ga
    All of these colors
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    ri'i khog pa'i nang logs nas bton byas/
    came from the stones that were found in the mountains.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    a ni rdab tsog (rdo tsog )de 'dra zla ba mang po 'dug zer phar tshur btul byas byas/
    And they would grind those stones for many months,
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    gzhi nas a ni tshos gzhi de 'dra cig 'don yong gi yod red/
    and only then you get the colors like these.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de thang ka'i sgang la btang pa yin na/
    So, if we use these colors on the thanga painting
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    thang ka'i sgang la btang tshar pa'i gzhug gu (rjes la )la gang ltar/
    After you used the colors on a thanga
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    lo mang po kho lo brgya phrag phyin pa yin na'i/
    even hundred years later
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    kho thang ka kho tshos gzhi kho 'gyur thub kyi yod ma red la/
    the color of the painting would not change.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    gzhan de ring kha sa'i mtshon bton par cha bzhag na/
    As for the colors that are produced these days,
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    mtshon yod pa de tsho gang ga logs lo gcig tsam de 'dra gi nang logs nas/
    Within a year all of the colors,
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    kho tshos gzhi dmar po yin na/
    for instance, if it is red
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    tshos gzhi dkar po chags 'gro yag
    it will become white.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de 'dras kyi tshos gzhi yag po med pa byas/
    So, the modern colors are not good.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da da lta'i nga tsho'i mtshon de tsho gang ga logs (tshang ma )spyir btang gi
    Well, all of these colors are
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    gang ga bod mtshon rkyang red la/
    purely the Tibetan Color.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    bod mtshon zer na/
    The Tibetan Colors are...
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da ri'i khog pa'i nang logs nas rdab tsog de 'dra tshur bton byas/
    first you take out the stones from the mountains
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de a ni mar rdzogs byas de btul bzhag kyog de 'dra red la/
    and then you grind them. This is what Tibetan Color is.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de byas kyog song tsang thang ka'i sgang mtshon btang pa yin na'i red/
    Since the Tibetan Colors are made in this manner, if you use these colors on a thanga painting
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    thang ka'i sgang la a ni thang ka de lo brgya phrag mang po/
    even if the thangas remain remain for hundred
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    lo stong phrag phyin pa yin na'i las/
    or thousand years,
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    a ni thang ka de 'ong mtshon de yag po de ga la bsdad kyi yod red la/
    the color will remain intact.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da ring kha sa bod mtshon gyi sngon ma gi thang ka rnying pa de tsho la ya/
    The reason why the old Tibetan thangas are expensive
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    gong chen po zhe po cig byed dgos yag gi rgyu mtshan re de/
    is because
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    a ni mtshon kho ra la rten nas de 'dras zer byas byas byung kyog red/
    of the quality of the colors.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    mtshon yag po zhe po cig yod red la/
    The colors are realy good.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    mtshon kho ra dpe ma srid pa'i yag po yod red la/
    They are exceptionally good.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    'ong spyir btang gi byas pa yin na/
    Generally speaking,
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    rdo mtshon de tsho gang ga logs gong gang ga logs chen po rkyang red la/
    the stone-colors are all very expensive.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    rgya ma gang la ya spyir btang gi kho ra rdo nas grub kyog song tsang /
    For one pound..., since the color is made out of stones
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    yang po kho tog tsam cig la rgya ma gang yod red pa la/
    even a small amount of color weighs one kilogram.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    rgya ma gang de byed dus tsam par a ni kho la sgor mo brgyad brgya lhag tsam/
    So, for one kilogram it costs little over 800 yuan
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    gcig stong tsam de 'dra thab 'gro gi yod red la/
    or one thousand yuan.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    mtshon gang ga spyir btang gi bod mtshon yin pa'i gzhug gu la gong gcig pa red la/
    All colors as long as they are the Tibetan Colors cost the same.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da da lta rgya mi'i mtshon de la 'gyig shog gang la sgor mo lnga red/
    As for the Chinese Color, it is 5 yuan for a packet.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    der phal cher rgya ma gang yod red/
    There is probably one kilogram in it.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    ki lo gcig
    It is one kilogram.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da thang ka de tsho spyir btang gi ri mo en
    The pictures of these thanga paintings are...
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de tsho'i sgang la btang yag de tsho gang ga rgyas pa re cig red la/
    the colors used here are more elaborate than other thanga paintings.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    thang ka spyir btang gi bris yag rgyas pa/
    This thanga painting is generally speaking a more elaborate thanga painting.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da gang 'dra re cig la rgyas pa zer gyi yod red zer na/
    The reason why it is an elaborate thanga painting is because
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da de tsho gang ga logs gser btang bzhag yod red pa/
    see, these are all painted with gold.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    'gro gi yod red pa/
    That is why it is an elaborate thanga painting.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    gzhan mi bzhin spyir btang gi ri mo bris stangs kyi byas pa yin na/
    But, in terms of the way the pictures are drawn
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    gang ga gcig pa red la/
    they are all the same.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    da de tsho gang ga da lta de'i 'od rgyag mkhan dang de tsho gang ga logs/
    All of these that are shiny
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    gser btang bzhag yod red la/
    are painted with gold.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de tsho gang ga gser red la/
    These are all gold.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de tsho gang ga gser red la/
    These are all gold.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    de gas gang ga gser btang tsang /
    Since these are all painted with gold
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    spyir btang gi thang ga de a ni yag po zhig dang /
    the thanga looks beautiful
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    rgyas po zhig chags pa red la/
    and it has become very elaborate.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    gzhan de ma bzhin ri mo bris stangs spyir btang pa gcig pa red la/
    Other than that, there is no difference in terms of the way you draw the pictures.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    a mtshon de tsho spyir btang gi 'di de 'dra red 'dug ga la/
    The colors are all the same.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    'ong mtshon gang ga da de tsho bris byas rgyun ring po zhe po cig 'gro gi yod red da'i/
    It has been a while since this painting was drawn, but
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
    mtshon gang ga tshos gzhi ma 'gyur pa byas de 'dras zer red la/
    the color has not changed.
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན
  • ཐང་ཀ་བྲིས་མཁན