Video Overview
Sonam Chomo Lama is a Nar-Phu speaker describing her experience in the 2015 Nepal Earthquake.
- SABsaŋle kʰapi d̤uireभुईँचालो आउने बेलाWhen the earthquake came,
- SABt̪i̤me a̤ɹa̤peघरै नभई..Not home..
- SABkṳre a̤ra̤pe t̪ʰaŋkɛre ŋira ʈutɕeपाल पनि नभईकन चउरमा दुईदिन बस्यौँ।Not even inside tents, we stayed outside on parks.
- SABo̤tsorome pʰire ʈutɕe mo jutɕɛ naŋre ʈuɕeत्यसपछि बाहिर बस्दा पानी पर्यो भित्र बस्दा...Then it was raining outside and when sitting inside ...
- SABsaŋli kʰatɕeभुकम्प आयो।the earthquake came again.
- SABkjuri ajaŋpɛ kamrari ajaŋpɛ ɲi̤ŋkaŋपानी पनि नपाउने अन्न पनि नपाईकन दिनभरीWe did not get food or even water.
- SABtʑɛ̤ tʑɛke pʰot̪en̪ ʈutɕeवच्चाहरु पनि भोकै बस्यो।The childrens had to stay hungry too.
- SABŋi pʰot̪en ʈutɕeहामी पनि भोकै बस्यौँ।We were hungry too.
- SABjule tsʰipruŋ kɛगाउँ त छिप्रुङ हो।The village is called Chiprung.
- SABŋæ̃मMe,
- SABŋitɕjo pli̤ t̪apekɛचउहत्तर भयो।I am 74.
- SABjɛ̤̃अँ, ए..Yes...
- SABpa̤lpɛre ʈuɕju ʈo̤mɕɛ saŋleकाठमान्डुमा बस्छु सोचेँ भुईँचालो..I live in Kathmandu.
- SABʈuɕjo pi̤t̪e latɕe saŋli kʰaɕɛबस्छु भनेर गर्यो, भुकम्प आएर..I did that, the earthquake came ..
- SABŋin̤ ʈa̤ɕɛ pi kʰatɕɛ ŋi pla̤jaŋ t̪o̤ŋtɕɛ ʈo̤mtɕɛएकदमै डर लागेर एक्कासी आईदियो, हाम्रो सातोनै लग्यो सोच्यौँSuddenly, a lot of fear came, we were all very scared.
- SABo̤t̪e̤re kʰat̪eri tsʰjamjaŋ saŋli kʰatɕẽत्यसपछि पनि गाउँमा आएर पनि जहिले भुकम्प आईराख्योEven after coming to the village, there was always an earthquake
- SABt̪a̤ŋɕja kɛ kʰanam piri t̪ape kɛअहिले पो हल्का भएको।It has become lighter now.
- SABjɛ̤̃ t̪emeअँ,....Yes....
- SABoɲome tʑɛkerome tɕʰjamjaŋ kʰapekɛअस्ति तिर जहिले आउँथ्यो,It always came around,
- SABt̪i̤m na tso jaŋ kɛघर त यतै होThe house is right here
- SABtʑɛ̤ tʑɛ̤ke na pi̤t̪esere ŋi t̪e sumबच्चाहरु बिदेशमा गए पछि।After the children went abroad.
- SABtso a̤re ŋæ̃ kontse konme tʑɛ̤ke se tsʰila ʈupɛ sakase t̪ja a̤to̤kɛयता छैन म नाति र नातिनीहरुले हेरेर बसिरहेछ, सरकारबाट केहिपनि पाएकोHere I am watching grandchildren and grandchildren, nothing has
- SABt̪erimeriri t̪ja a̤t̪okɛकेहीपनि पाएको छैन।Got nothing
- SABŋije ɣompɛre ŋijeहाम्रो गुम्बामा हाम्रो।Our monastery people.
- SABtsu julije ʈa̤ptɕeke sekeयो गाउँको लामाहरुले पो।The lamas of this village.
- SABko̤rri ʈa̤ŋkɛtseपाल बाँड्न आयो।The tents have arrived.
- SABjɛ̤̃अँ,yes...
- SABo̤tʑiri ʈa̤kɛktse ɕɛ̤n̪me ŋireत्यो बाँड्न आयो, अर्को त हामीलाईShe came to share, another to everyone
- SABkṳrri ʈa̤ŋkɛtseपाल बाँडे।Set up a tent.
- SABɕɛ̤n̪me ŋire sarkarse t̪a a̤re t̪a a̤reअर्को त सरकारले हामीलाई केहि छैन, केहि छैन।On the other hand, the government has given us nothing, nothing.
- SABjɛ̤ ŋiअँ, हामीYes, we..
- SABla̤lo t̪a ʈo̤mɕɛ ŋi̤nriपल्टिन्छ भनेर डर लागेपनि।Even if we feared of falling.
- SABkja̤lam tʑɛ̤kereबाटोहरुमाOn the street,
- SABʈɹṳi t̪a̤ɳɖane ju juŋ t̪a̤ɳɖane juseपहिरो धेरै आएर, ढुङ्गा धेरै आएर।The mountains fell down, the stones too..
- SABo̤si tɕjopɛ kal laɕɛ kʰapepɛयस्तै हामफालेको जस्तै गरेर आएको।It was like jumping.
- SABpa̤lpɛre ʈusena pa̤lpɛre ŋin̪ ʈa̤se ʈune atɕʰøtɕɛ̃काठमान्डुमा बसौँ भने काठमाण्डुमा डर लागेर बस्ने सकेन।We could not live in Kathmandu because of fear.
- SABo̤tʑɛ̤re t̪i̤m tsərke t̪i̤se t̪i̤mre ʈune atɕʰøtɕẽत्यस्तो भएर घर चर्केर घरमा बस्ने सकेन।The cracked houses were too risky to live in.
- SABo̤tʑo̤romeअनि त्यसपछि..And after that,
- SABjiŋkɛके भन्छ?Just like that?
- SABŋime o̤si ɲiŋre præ kese kʰapekɛहामी त यसै सहेर आईपुग्यौँ।We tolerated everything on the way to move here.
- SABɕɛ̤n̪me sarkarse sajoɣ tɕja kɛɕɛ mumo sajoɣ tɕikjaŋ atɕjakɛअरु त सरकारले सहयोग हेर्नुपर्ने हो, सहयोग यति पनि हेरेन।On the other hand, the government has to support us but, not so
- SABkamra sajoɣri atɕjakɛअन्न सहयोग पनि हेरेन।We did not even get food as support.
- SABkṳri sajoɣri atɕjakɛपालको सहयोग पनि हेरेन।No tents.
- SABt̪a atɕakɛकेहि हेरेन।No support was provided at all.