15 Apr 2015
3 min 56 sec
Video Overview
A NarPhu man describes the history and migration of three clans which led to the formation of the village of Phu.
- Nepal
- DAMchiriŋ ʈɦenʈûiछिरिङ् डेन्ड्रुप (मेरो नाम)।My name is Chiring Dendup.
- DAMlɦo sômču serkuउमेर उनन्चालिस (भयो)।I am thirty nine years old.
- DAMsômču seʈuउमेर छत्तिस (भयो)।I am thirty six years old.
- DAMchiriŋ ʈɦenʈûiछिरिङ् डेन्ड्रुप (मेरो नाम)।My name is Chiring Dendup.
- DAMsômču seʈuछत्तिस (बर्ष)I am thirty six years old.
- DAMmenlɦoउमेर (आदर)the age of mine
- DAMmenlɦocʌ tɦoŋeउमेर अनि,while telling my age,
- DAMtota ɦjulमाथि गाउँin the upper village,
- DAMpwecʌ tɦoẽcʌ lɦoतल निस्केको साल,the year people came down,
- DAMlɦoसालthe year,
- DAMtoŋricʌ suŋkiki tæ̂cʌ moएक हजार तीन सय वर्ष जति भयो कि?this might be around one thousand and three hundred years, is it so?
- DAMthoẽcʌ lɦo coŋiनिस्केर बर्ष यताWhere did they go after having come out from there?
- DAMʈûcʌ halʌmबसेको त्यस्तै (करिब करिब)having sat there around,
- DAMɦyulnaŋni ʈûcʌ lɦo kɦêkeki ʈûnaगाउँ भित्रै (भित्र गाउँमा बसेको त्यस्तै) आठ सय बर्ष बसेछन्।The people lived there for eight hundred years.
- DAMɦoce čɦuču lɦo pɦiŋi tɦaratɦureपछि बाहिर एउटा दुईटा अलिअलि (घरहरू सरे)।Later, houses (one or two were ) shifted outside.
- DAMtɦoẽcʌ lɦo čɦukiki tæ̂cʌ moत्यहाँबाट निस्केको चार वर्ष जति भए होला।It might have been two or four hundred years.
- DAMɦoseŋeफेरिAgain,
- DAMŋæ̂ naŋni ʈuca tɦaŋpaम भित्र बसेको पहिल्यै (उहिल्यै)I, sitting inside long ago,
- DAMnɦaŋni ʈûpe kɦuŋcʌ kɦici ɦin pɦilimmɛभित्र बस्ने कारण चाहिँ के हो भने,The reason why people lived inside it is,
- DAMtâŋpʌ naŋne ʈûpʌcʌउहिले (गाउँ) भित्र बस्ने चाहिँlong ago, (if you lived inside),
- DAMšapʈacʌठाउँ चाहिँfacing turning east,
- DAMya cû naŋni kɦêra čɦarpaयो भित्र धेरै राम्रोit was very good there.
- DAMɦucečučuत्यसपछिAfter that,
- DAMɦyulcʌ cɦyâkpa tɦoẽcʌगाउँबाट चोर निस्केर,having decoids (robbers) come to the village,
- DAMpɦwɛyca cɦyâkpa tɦoẽcʌतिब्बतबाट चोरहरू आएरhaving many robbers come from Tibet,
- DAMɦucucʌ tɦoŋe pɦini aʈûpʌत्यही कारणले (त्यहाँबाट) बाहिर बस्ती नबसेको (हो)।there are no settlements outside the main village.
- DAMtɦosor nepali nagʌrikta pɦyôrcʌत्यहाँबबाट नेपाली नागरिकता पाए देखि बाहिर निस्केको।After we got Nepali citizenship,
- DAMpɦyôrcʌ phini tɦõepikiपाएर बाहिर निस्कनको लागि,I went out of the country.
- DAMluksa šecʌ moभनाई चाहिँ छ।People used to say a proverb.
- DAMɦučuču tɦosorत्यसपछि अहिलेafter that now,
- DAMphiŋi ʈûcʌबाहिर बसेरhaving sat outside,
- DAMlɦo suŋkiki ɦalam tæ̂cʌ moतीन सय वर्ष जति भए होला।it is about three hundred years.
- DAMlɦo suŋkikiतीन सय वर्षAlmost three hundred passed,
- DAMɦalam tɦoŋe thara thuriप्रायजसो एक दुई जनाit is about this length of time people began to live outside.
- DAMʈûcʌ lɦô suŋkiki tæ̂kʌcʌतीन सय वर्ष जति भयो।They have lived here nearly three hundred years.
- DAMpura ʈûcʌ lɦoपूरै बसेको बर्षThe whole duration (of sitting here),
- DAMkɦekyɛ ɦiŋki tæ̂pa areकरिव एक सय वर्ष जति भएहोला ।this may be around one hundred years, it is not longer than that.
- DAMpɦiŋi ʈû̂cʌ(गाउँको) बाहिर बसेरHaving lived outside the village,
- DAMšen tɦentɦen ʈûpʌce tɦaŋpâ nâŋne ʈûpʌkaपहिला अरू धेरै बस्ने चाहिँ पहिले भित्रै बस्थे।Many people inside the village
- DAMtɦosorअहिलेNow,
- DAMtɦosor cô ʈûcʌ tɦoŋeअहिले यता बस्नेNow, the people live here,
- DAMcû pɦiŋi thõecʌ lɦo pɦlî kitecʌ tæ̂pʌ areबाहिर निस्केको चार सय वर्ष जति भयो होला कि।The people who settled out of this house might have been one hundred
- DAMcôयहाँHere,
- DAMkɦyuŋ kɦlâm tɦaŋpʌ ŋâcʌ mraŋpʌmʌखोलाको बाटो मैले देखे देखिwhen I saw the road passing along the stream,
- DAMcû kɦyuŋ kɦlâm ŋoeŋi kɦera tɦukpo moयो खोलाको बाटो निकै नराम्रो थियो।the road (trail) along the stream was very bad.
- DAMkɦyuŋ kɦlâmne câm ŋɦyûšu če ŋɦîखोलाको बाटोमा बाईस ओटा पुल थिए।There were about twenty bridges on the road.
- DAMcâm čɦu muबीस बाईस ओटा पुल राख्यौँ, थाप्यौँ।About twenty or twenty two bridges were fixed over the stream.
- DAMŋoene kɦyuŋ kɦlâmपहिले मैले खोलाको बाटो (देख्दा खेरि)When I first saw the road (trail) along the stream,
- DAMŋæ̂cʌ â r̥ata r̥iti mraŋpî tɦuiŋyaमैले अलि अलि देख्ने बेलामाWhen I began knowing a little
- DAMcâm ŋɦišu ceŋi tɦo tɦo cû moबाईस ओटा जति पुल थापेको (बनाएको) छु।a total of twenty two bridges were constructed.
- DAMŋoine kɦetra tɦukpo moपहिले त साह्रै गाह्रो थियो।It was very difficult long before.
- DAMtɦosor mu tɦoŋeअहिले त अनिBy contrast, now,
- DAMŋæ̂ checcicʌ ŋɦiyûšu parniम बिचारले चाहिँ बीस वर्ष बिचमाduring the twenty years when I grew up,
- DAMlɦo ŋɦiyûšu parniबीस वर्ष सम्ममाin twenty years,
- DAMlɦo ŋɦiyûšu parni tɦoŋe cûबीस वर्ष बिचमा अनि योduring this twenty two years period,
- DAMcâm kɦiki mupcʌ pʌribʌrtʌn tæ̂cʌ tɦoŋeपुल धेरै परिवर्तन भएर फेरिthere were changes in the bridges, and again,
- DAMcâm sampʌ ša čɦucʌसबै पुलहरू नयाँ बनाएँ (थापेँ)।All new bridges were made.
- DAMŋoene câm ŋɦiyûšu ceŋi čɦupa tɦosorपहिला बाईस ओटा पुल थापेको (बनाएको)थियो, अहिले (त)A total of twenty bridges were constructed before, (by contrast) as
- DAMcâm kɦyuŋ kɦlâm parखोलाको बाटो पुल बिचमाIn the bridge along the road (trail) of stream,
- DAMcâm ŋɦæ̂ker areपाँच ओटा पुल बाहेक छैनन्।only five bridges are still there.
- DAMɦos moयति मात्रै हो।This is all (I have to say).
- DAMcuparne tɦosor ŋoe čaceयो बिचमा पहिला हेरेर (भन्दा),Now, in between the times, compared to past,
- DAMkɦyuŋ kɦlâmcʌ cupar tɦotɦoniखोलाको बाटो र त्यो बिचमाthe road along the stream in between,
- DAMŋoe čacʌ tɦosor kɦlâm tɦoŋeपहिला भन्दा अहिले बाटो फेरिthe road (trail) is a bit damaged.
- DAMkɦepâ ŋoeniराम्रो, सजिलोThe road (trail) is better than before.
- DAMtɦaŋpô kɦetera akɦepâबाटो निकै नराम्रो (खराब) थियो।The road (trail) is very bad.
- DAMpraŋ čɦupʌभिरको पुल (ताम्) थापेको छ।The bridge (wooden plank) is fixed into the cliff.
- DAMhos muptẽयस्तो भएर,It is like this.
- DAMkɦwîmoथरMy clan
- DAMkɦume kɦo somतीन खलक छन्।There are three clan (names).
- DAMkɦo som mup tæ̂cẽ ŋɦîŋi taŋpʌ tɦoŋeतीन खलकका छन, अनि पहिला अनिThere are people of three clans in our village in those days..
- DAMoŋcɦaŋtaŋ lataten ŋocotenतीन थरिमा, छाङ्तेन्, लातातेन्, ङोचोतेन् (छन्)।The three clans are Chongten, Lataten and Ngochtin.
- DAMɦucû somker areयी तीनजात (भन्दा अरू) छैनन्।There are no other castes (clans) except these three clans.
- DAMkɦû somker arecẽ nartwɛneफुमा यी तीनजात (भन्दा अरू) छैनन्।There are no other castes (clans) except these three clans in Phu.
- DAMoŋcɦaŋtaŋ ŋocoten latatenतीन थरिमा, छाङ्तेन्, लातातेन्, ङोचोतेन् (छन्)।Among three castes, there are Chongten, Latoten, and Ngocheten.
- DAMsomker areतीनजात (भन्दा अरू) छैनन्।There are no other people except these three castes.