20 Jan 2016
2 min 30 sec
- TEKŋɦi kêse pɦisi roहाम्रै भाषा बाट भन्ने रे।(Should) we say in our own language ?
- DAMpro cæ̂ pæ ɦosi læ̂pɛखाजा खान यस्तो गर्नु।Do like this while eating snacks.
- DAMʈhôŋcuke ɦocuke cosiki kɦalatome kɦyinieबनहरू त्योहरू (तिनीहरूको बारेमा) बोल्ने कि कस्तो गर्नु पर्छThe forest like that, or what should you do ?
- DAMɦocaŋ lja ljaत्यसै गर्नुस न त।Do like that.
- TEKpê sineलाजै मर्दो।(I am) ashamed.
- DAMpê pêleकिन लाज लाग्ने ?Why to be ashamed ?
- DAMtæ̂ tæ̂ pɦise naneके के भन्ने अगाडि ?What to say further ?
- DAMkɦiŋ ŋɦî ʈep čotjaतिमीहरू दुई जना ठ्याक्के सल्लाह गर न त।You two consult each other.
- DAMyarsagumpe ɦoco ɦo yarsegompe ɦocukeyaŋयार्सागुम्बा त्यो चाहिँ यार्सागुम्बा तिनीहरूAs for yarsagompa, for yarsagompa they,
- DAMkɦin šencuke pɦine ačɦoeतिमीहरू अर्काहरू भन्न सक्दैनौं।You can't say the other things.
- DAMkɦyaŋre ŋjoesekeतिमीलाई सोध्ने कि?(Shall we) ask you ?
- DAMkɦi ŋɦî sur ŋjoese ŋjopcɛतिमीहरू दुई जना कस्लाई सोध्ने, सोध्ने ?Whom of you (two) (should we) ask ?
- TEKsur ŋjoriyaŋ æ̂ kiजसलाई सोधे पनि हुन्छ होला।Perhaps you can ask anyone.
- DAMʈholkal ŋjoeta ə̃ nane minअघि जस्तै सोध्नु अँ दिदीको नामAsk the name of elder sister's name like before.
- TEKŋêe minमेरो नाम?My name ?
- DAMaʈheneten pɦiowनहाँसिकन भन।Say without laughing.
- DAMmin pɦiwनाम भन।Tell (them) your name.
- DAMkɦyaŋ renaतिमी भन।You tell (them your name).
- TEKpɦiwe pasaŋ cɦompaभन (उनीहरूलाई) पासाङ् झोम्पा।Tell (them)Pasang Jhompa.
- DAMkyaŋ pɦiowतिमी भन।You tell.
- DAMmin tæ̂ ɦimpɛनाम के हो?What is your name ?
- DAMlɦo ɦote tæ̂pɛवर्ष यति भयो (भन)।Tell (you) are of this much age.
- TEKpê moलाज लाग्यो।(I) am feeling shy.
- DAMmɦi ŋotoŋre ačhanetenमान्छेको अनुहारमा नहेरिकन(Tell it) without looking at the face of (people),
- DAMɦišetenसोचेर(and) thinking.
- TEKaɦe pêmoleहैन लाज लाग्यो।No, I am feeling shy.
- DAMkyâŋsaŋ ŋjoetaतिमिले नै सोध।You yourself ask.
- DAMŋæ̂ lɦo teमेरो वर्ष यति (भयो)।I am this much old.
- DAMthocɦepe ŋêe aŋakɛधोछेपे मेरो छोरी हुन् (भनेर भन)।Dhopeche, (tell that they are) my daughters.
- DAMŋæ̂ thocɦepeम धोछेपे।I (am) Dhopeche.
- DAMlɦo ŋɦaču ŋɦəini tæ̂pɛउमेर बाउन्न (बर्ष) भयो।(I am) fifty two years old.
- DAMkɦe tɦaŋpɛ naneकाम पहिला अगाडिEarlier, the work,
- DAMpriseɛn læ̂se ʈupɛगोठालो गरेर बस्थेँ।(I) was a herdsman.
- DAMtɦosor ŋæ̂ prisɛn læ̂saŋ ʈupɛअहिले म गोठालो गरेरै बस्छु।Even now I am a herdsman.
- DAMtɦôsorअहिलेNow,
- DAMca tæ̂pɛ cu yarcegompɛ thuse tæ̂pɛअलि भएको (भयो) यो यार्सा गुम्बा टिपेर भयो (भएको)।The little (people) earned is by picking the yarshagompa.
- DAMtɦaŋpɛ nane prisɛnyaŋ cɦyamपहिले अगाडि चौंरी गोठालो जहिलेBefore I was the herdsman of yaks.
- DAMtɦôsor ŋæ̂ prisɛnyaŋ cɦyamअहिले पनि चौंरी गोठालै हो जहिले।I am still the yak herdsman, (even nowadays).
- DAMtɦôsor parere ca tæ̂pcɛअहिले बिचमा थोरै भएको चाहिँ(The income) generated in between is...
- DAMcu yarcegompɛ thuse ca tæ̂pcɛयो यार्सा गुम्बा टिपेर अलि भएको।(People) earn this little amount by picking yarsagompa.
- DAMcu yarcegompɛseयो यार्सागुम्बाले।(This is) because of this yarsagompa.
- TEKŋêe min pasaŋ cɦimiमेरो नाम पासाङ् छिमी (हो)।My name is Pasang Chimi.
- TEKŋæ̂ lo ŋɦûšu čeŋi tæ̂pɛम उमेर बाईस भएँ।I am twenty years old.
- TEKẽ ɦorom osiyaŋkɛअँ फेरि यस्तै हो।Yes, again this is like this.
- TEKtîŋi yarcegompɛ tʃik tʃik thu ŋiciआज अलि अलि यार्सा गुम्बा टिप्न गएँ।I went to pick yarsagompa today.
- TEKɦori šenumअनि अर्कोAnd the next,
- TEKtota ɦosiyaŋमाथि यस्तै हो।it is like this in high hills.
- TEKtiŋi me tɦânne ayaŋe sekend tæ̂te sumeआज त धेरै पाईन दोश्रो (दिन) भएरै हो।I did not get much today because it is the second day.
- TEKcukcukɦe yaŋce thane ayaĩअलि अलि मात्र पाएँ, धेरै पाईन।I got little, (but) I did not get much.