12 Apr 2018
4 min 49 sec
Video Overview
Kristine Hildebrandt
Mr. Karsang Chesang Lama describes his experiences during the 2015 Nepal earthquakes.
- TEKmiŋनाम।Name.
- TEKmin tsɛ bhiu roनाम चाहिँ भन्नुस्।Tell me your name.
- DAMmiŋ tsɛ weनाम चाहिँ?Name?
- DAMkarsaŋ mota kartaŋ tshesaŋ hoकारसाङ्, म चाहिँ कार्साङ् छेसाङ् हुँ।Kaarshang, I am Karshang Chhesang.
- TEKŋhi kesaŋ bhiu ŋi keहाम्रै भाषाबाटभन्नुस्।Tell me in our language.
- DAMŋhi ke se woहाम्रै भाषाबाट हो?In our language?
- DAMŋe mine karsaŋ tshesaŋ kɛमेरो नाम कार्साङ् छेसाङ हो।My name is Karshang Chhesang
- DAMloवर्ष,Age
- DAMŋi tsusom tatse ŋaत्रिहत्तर भएँ म।I am 73.
- DAMŋhi tsusom tatse ŋa ŋha athe moत्रिहत्तर भएँ म, कानै सुन्दिन।I am 73, I cannot hear.
- DAMmime thoptʃa mraŋ moआँखा(ले) त ठिकै देख्छु।I can see properly.
- DAMŋa athe moकान सुन्दिन।Can't hear.
- DAMmese hup hup ɖhuighirijaŋमान्छेले तान्दा पनि,If people poke,
- DAMɖhuikɛpe ahimbomeतान्दा मात्र थाहा हुन्छ।I can just feel the touch.
- DAMmise mraŋpɛ tse ten mhise hup hup ɖhuikoptseआँखाले देख्नु र मान्छेले तान्दा,I can see and If people poke,
- DAMŋha ta bhiptse athemo ŋa athemoकानले सुन्दैन, मैले सुन्दिन।can't hear, I can't hear.
- DAMlho mitsi sum tatseउमेर चाहिँ त्रिहत्तर भयो (पुग्यो)।My age is 73.
- DAMhotere me koʈereत्यसपछि तल कोठामाAfter that in the room..
- DAMtso ɖuse sodu tsameबसेर (चाहिँ) खानेकुरा खानै लागेको थिएँ,I was about to eat my meal,
- DAMtsane late mopere dʒha thuŋmeखानै लाग्दा खेरि चिया पिउन लाग्दा खेरि,While I was having my meal and tea.
- DAMthuŋne late mopere ʃoपिउन लाग्दा खेरि कप (चियाको)While I was having my cup(Tea cup)
- DAMʃo kaŋse mopere dʒha kaŋse mopereकप खन्याईरहेको थिएँ, चिया चाहिँ भरिँदै थियो।I was filling the cup, the tea was getting full.
- DAMrarari dhete moरारा (चाउचाउ) पनि पकाउँदै थिएँ।Rara(chauchau) was getting cooked.
- DAMdʒhatse thuŋne thuŋne late mopereचिया पिउन पिउन लाग्दा खेरि,While I was about to have my tea,
- DAMkhate sume hodurme kha dhesume hodhurmeआए पछि फेरि, आए पछि फेरि,when it came,when it came
- DAMsarpo marpo ta seयता र उता उफ्रिएँ (डरले छटपटाएँ)।I jumped here and there(thrash about in fear)
- DAMdzhuta akombe phire dhoŋhjutseजुत्ता नललाईकन बाहिर निस्केर आएँ।came out without my shoes
- DAMdzhuta kumpe lhwaŋ akhapeजुता लगाउने समय नै पाईन।I did not get time put on my shoes.
- DAMghate tsurpe rel dhoŋketseजति सक्दो (छिटो म) निस्केँ।came out as early as I can
- DAMdzhome theri moएउटि आफन्त आनि (घरमा) थिईन।my relative was inside(in house)
- DAMdzhom thetsesɛ dhepe ghete dzhetsor ekeseतिनै आफन्त आनिले जति सक्दो छिटो फर्केर आएर,that relative came as early as he/she could,
- DAMnuŋtsɛ tsa lo ʈhaŋ tesumeउ चाहिँ अलि निडर (नडराउने) छ।He is little brave(unafraid)
- DAMghete dʒhurdʒhurjuse dzhuta tse nuŋse bhejutseजतिसक्दो छिटो आएर जुता पनि उनले लिएर आइन।He came as fast as he can and he bought my shoes too.
- DAMhodurme photenफेरि भोकैagain hungry
- DAMnamdoŋ dʒhatʃɛkhe thuŋtseविचान चिया मात्रै पिएँ।I had tea only.
- DAMrara hjaŋ atsatseचाउचाउ पनि खाएको थिइन।I could not eat chau chau too.
- DAMtsane tsane late mopere hosor tate sumeखाना खान लाग्दा खेरि यस्तो भए पछिIt happened during the Lunch.
- DAMho ro dzhikeme rup dhoŋne tseती साथीहरू त सवै निस्के।All friends came out.
- DAMŋasume ʈoʈo rentse bhrane atapo maniro rentsiमैले बस बस भनेँ (उनीहरूलाई), हिँड्नु हुँदैन मानि गर्नु भनेँ।I said to sit(to them), we should not walk
- DAMmeŋi ra rentseमानि गर भनेँ।I said like that.
- DAMahe hosoraŋ se theneहोईन, यति ठूलो,It's not that big,
- DAMro tsike rup dhoŋe ŋitese rup dhoŋe ŋiteseसाथीहरू सबै निस्केर गएछन्, सवै निस्केर गएछन्।All friends went out, all of them.
- DAMdzhuta rup koŋise ŋame mene raʈutseजुता लगाएर सवै जना निस्केछन्, म चाहिँ माने गरेर बसेँ।they went wearing the shoes, but I sat down.
- DAMŋuŋume dzhuta adhanaŋ hotaŋsieउनीहरू जुत्ता (लगाएर वाहिर गए)।फेरि त्यहाँThey went out wearing the shoes.
- DAMjuŋ dzheke rup ʈutseढूङ्गाहरू पनि सबै भत्कियो।the stones collapsed.
- DAMdher bhiteधेर् (आवाज) भनेर,Sound.
- DAMŋiŋtse dzhikʈa khatse hoturmeडर लाग्यो, डरलाग्यो (बेस्सरी), आयो फेरि ।I was scared, so scared(immense), it came again.
- DAMdzhuta akumbɛ ŋitse dzhuta akumbɛ jutseजुत्ता नलगाईकन गयौँ, जुत्ता नलगाइकन आयौँ।went without shoes, came without shoes.
- DAMphi sine late dhetaनिकै प्यास लागेर उता,I was so thirsty,
- DAMdhare ŋise kjuri thoŋtseधारामा गएर पानि खाएँ।went near the tap and drank water
- DAMkjutse thuŋ talasɛ hotsorkeपानि चाहिँ खाएर त्यसपछिdrank water, after that..
- DAMdʒho matse ŋeeआनि झोङो चाहिँ मेरोand then my..
- DAMthe dʒhomtsese dzhuta kijũseतिनै आनि आफन्तले जुत्ता चाहिँ ल्याई दिईन।that relative bought my shoes..
- DAMdzhuta tsekwẽse sotuŋ atsapɛ hodoromeजुत्ता चाहिँ लगाएँ, खाने कुरा चाहिँ केही खाएको थिईन, फेरि,I wore those shoes, I had not eaten anything, then,
- DAMteme dzheke ko bhende ladzhomoउसले सवै पसल बन्द गरेछ।He has shut down all the shops.
- DAMrup dhoŋŋitese photse khrentsẽ hodorme tira dhenसवै निस्केर गएछन्, भोक पनि लाग्यो,एक दिन,everybody came out, I was hungry,one day..
- DAMdzhidzhu me hodormeपछि फेरिafter that again..
- DAMho aŋieत्यो छोरीको,That daughter's..
- DAMdzhe dzhike sekeबच्चाहरूले पो,her kids..
- DAMkanɖi tshuse dʒhari thuŋखाना पकाएर चिया पनि पिएँ (खाएँ)।cooked food, had tea also..
- DAMdʒhari lalase ghlanikoŋचिया बनाएर दुई ठाउँमा,made tea
- DAMŋi tsuŋŋera dhoto tsuŋŋera dhotoसात बाह्र दिन सम्म,बाह्र दिन सम्म,till seven,twelve days, till twelve days
- DAMponre ghurphose ɖhutse hotormeचौरमा पाल टाँगेर बस्यौँ, फेरि,set up the tent in the ground and stayed there..
- DAMghorphuse hosikeपाल टाँगेर यत्तिकै,set up the tent,
- DAMtʃham ʈuʈuse atɛ ɖhomse hjulere khatseजहिले पनि बसि राखेर हुँदैन (भन्ने) सोचेर गाउँमा आएँ।Thought I should not sit everyday like this and came back to the
- DAMhjulere khatse dhikpe tso aʈuiगाउँमा आएँ, फेरि बसिन।came back to my village..
- DAMdhimre phirʈuseघर बाहिर बसेँ।stayed outside of my house.
- DAMghurphuse ghurphuseपाल टाँगेर पाल टाँगेर,set up the tent, set up the tent..
- DAMphuseटाँगेर,set up..
- DAMtsuʈurate dhim tʃharaŋ ghuphusaŋसोह्र दिन जति घरकै छेउमा पाल टाँगेर,I stayed in the tent for sixteen days,
- DAMdhim tʃharaŋ pon thaŋkere ghurphusaŋ tsuŋniघरकै छेउको चौरमा पाल टाँगेर बाह्र,set up the tent near the house.
- DAMtsukriraएघार दिन,11 days,
- DAMtsuŋnira tsisumraबाह्र तेह्र दिन,12,13 days,
- DAMtsi somra ʈutʃopoतेह्र दिन बस्यौँ।stayed there for 13 days.
- DAMtsi somra ʈutʃopo dhimre hodorke hodorke dhimre konitseतेह्र दिन पछि पो घरमा सर्यौँ, फेरि घरमा,after 13 days moved back to my house,
- DAMmetana phokhrenseतल हुँदा खेरि चाहिँ भोक लाग्यो।I was hungry when I was staying down..
- DAMsidhare dhukaŋ dhapɛ tshikeसाँच्चै पसलेहरू,The shopkeepers..
- DAMbhende koplaseसबै बन्द गरेछन्।has shut down all the shops..
- DAMphona khrentse atseसाह्रै भोक लाग्यो।I was starving..
- DAMhodorme hosor tate sumeफेरित्यस्तो भए पछि,when it happened..
- DAMhodorme ghuphuseत्यसपछि पाल टाँगेर,After that I set up the tent,
- DAMpon thaŋkere tsuŋŋira ʈepचौरमा बाह्रदिन ठ्याक्कै,In the ground for 12 days..
- DAMkoʈere tirakhe ʈutseकोठामा एक दिन मात्रै बस्यौँ।I stayed in the room just for a day.
- DAMhodoroŋ hjuleraŋ khadzeत्यसपछि त गाउँमै आयौँ।then I came to my village.
- DAMhjulere khase metase khapa ghjojaŋगाउँमा आयौँ। तालबाट आउने बित्तिकैcame to my village. The day I came back from down..
- DAMkoto bhalbase khapa ghjojaŋ katore sir dhokese horom maŋsi katoकोतो काठमान्डुबाट आउने बित्तिकै कोतोमा सिधै आईपुग्यौँ, त्यसपछि तलFrom kathmandu I came directly to Koto, then down in Koto,
- DAMpemjaŋri moʈoltse sop noŋtseपेमाङमा गाडि बिग्र्यो।The vehicle broke down in Pesang.
- DAMsen moʈolrire ne ghaŋkonअर्को गाडीमा हामी बुढाबुढी,In another vehicle we both(husband and wife),
- DAMŋhiten dzheŋi moदुईजना बुढाबुढी दुईजना बच्चाBoth husband and wife and two children..
- DAMdzhe ŋhitse ghla apimbeदुईटा बच्चाको भाडा नदिईकन,I did not pay vehicle rent for the kids,
- DAMtemaŋ tor ghja apimbe kato dhoto khatsiतिमाङ्देखि भाडा नतिरिकन कोतो सम्म आयौँ।From Temang to Koto, we came without paying for the bus ticket
- DAMsenoho nune bhjon dzhekeअरू जवान (मान्छेहरू) हिँडेर आए।Young people were walking..
- DAMbhrasekhae dhoeʈasekhae dzholadzhikeहिँडेर आयौँ, भारीहरू बोकेर झोलाहरू बोकेर आयौँ।came walking, carrying weights and bags..
- DAMŋe dzholadzhe hoहाम्रा झोला त्यो,Our bag that,
- DAMmoʈoldzhesaŋ bhorpidzhe ghla atsake buɖhaत्यही गाडीले भाडा नलिईकन ल्यायो बुढा (भनेर मलाई)।bought in the same vehicle without paying for it
- DAMbatsatsa mudzhẽबच्चाहरू भएर,because of kids,
- DAMhotʃolase dharme kha bhiteत्यसो गरेर धर्म आउँछ भनेरdoing that it will be virtue
- DAMru dzhaŋse katore muise dhoketseसबै हालेर कोतोमा राति आइपुग्यौँ।Reached Koto at night.
- DAMhotore hjulere tso dhoko tesameत्यसपछि गाउँमा यहाँ आईसकेपछि,after that when we came to this village.
- DAMdhepe tsoi khase ŋi phirekopफेरि यहाँ आएर हामीसवै जना,then after coming here, we all,
- DAMphe ʈusmomo hodorom ŋi dhoketseबाहिर बसिरहेका रहेछन्, त्यसपछि हामी पनि आईपुग्यौँ।staying out,then we came back too.
- DAMphire hodorme khatose khase tsosir dhoketseबाहिर फेरि कोतोबाट आयौँ, यता सिधै आईपुग्यौँ।then from Koto we came here directly.
- DAMpho aŋer krentseबेस्सरी भोक लाग्यो।I was starving.
- DAMkrentʃõ hosor latseभोकलाग्यो यसै गरी।I was hungry.
- DAMpho aŋer dhuki dhatseभोकपनि लाग्यो, दुख पनि भयो।I was hungry,and sad too.
- DAMna atheकान सुनिन।cannot hear.
- DAMmime mraŋpɛ miseआँखा त देख्छन् मान्छेले।people can see.
- DAMhupho tsuŋkɛ ŋennetse aropeतानेको थाहा पाउँछु, कानले सुन्दिन।know whenever anyone pokes, but cannot hear.
- DAMmime mraŋtsẽआँखा त देख्छु।I can see.
- DAMaŋere dhuke tatseएक दमै दुख भयो।I was very sad.
- TEKhotehjaŋ himbaयत्ति नै हो?That is it?
- DAMhotjaŋkoयत्ति नै हो।That is it..