20 Apr 2018
7 min 4 sec
Video Overview
Kristine Hildebrandt
Ms. Anzom, a native speaker of Tsum, describes her experiences after the 2015 Nepal earthquakes.
- TEKəni huru ʈasi dhəleand.then aunt greeting.wordअनि सानिमा नमस्कार!Good morning, aunt.
- DAMen dhen miŋ aŋtsomagain name Antsomअनि मेरो नाम आन्चोम हो।My name is anchom.
- TEKthaŋpo jøpagood be.NPSTसन्चै छ?Your'e okay?
- DAMthaŋpogoodसन्चै हो।I'm Okay.
- TEKəni huruhi miŋand.then aunt -GEN nameअनि सानिमाको नाम?And what is your name?
- DAMantsomAntsomआन्चोम्।Anchom.
- TEKantsom əni huru ghortsaAntsom and.then aunt houआन्चोम हो? तपाएको घर (कहाँ)?Is it Anchom? And your home?
- TEKghortsa kokpahouse Ghokpa.villageघर चाहिँ घोक्पा (हो)My home is in Ghokpa.
- TEKpaŋdʏnPangdyn.villagपाङ्दीनPangdin
- TEKəni huru naŋla mi su su jøpand.then aunt inside man who who be.NPSTअनि सानिमा घरमा को को हुनुहुन्छAnd mother, who else is in your home?
- DAMnaŋla ŋe ŋipora dʒhartu ɲirainside we two -CLF only waste, old (threadbare) two - onlyघरमा हामी दुईजना मात्रै हो। काम नलाग्ने (हौँ)।We are two people in the house.
- TEKəni huru land.then aunt agअनि सनिमाको उमेर?And your age mother?
- DAMlo dha ŋaptʃu ŋapke dʒho ɖho hinage now fifty eight around become COPउमेर चाहिँ अब अन्ठाउन्न जति पुगेँ।Age, I am about 58.
- TEKŋaptʃu ŋapke ɖho hinfifty eight go COPअन्ठाउन्न (पुगेँ)।Almost 58.
- TEKhuru dhi khatsaŋ ae dhawa sumbi tshepaaunt this in.recent.past particle (confirmation) monththreeसानिमा अनि अस्तिको तेश्रो महिनाको (तिब्बती)Mother, and last third month of tibetan calendar.
- TEKŋin dhela saŋgul tshempo tsik laŋso da aiday part -LOC earthquake big one rise -PSTparticle (ni)त्यही एक दिनमा भुकम्प आयो नि है?That time when the earthquake come.
- TEKhodi kaŋla ghana jøpthat time where be.NPSTत्यो बेलामा (तपाईँ) कहाँ हुनुहुन्थ्यो?Where were you that time?
- DAMŋa tʃhulelaI Chhule.village -LOCम छुलेमा (थिएँ)।I was at Chuley.
- TEKtʃhulelaChhule.village -LOCछुलेमा (थिएँ)।Chuley..Okay.
- TEKtsi tsi dzhuŋsã ho thola abi tsik sø ro ghiwhat what become -PST that aboutPOSB -Ordinal.numeral.suffix oneके के भएको थियो होला है, त्यही बारेमा अलिकति बोलि दिनुस्।What happened that time? Can you talk a little about it.
- DAMtʃhulela ŋa tha thaŋanChhule.village -LOC I make.handloom make.handloom -PROGछुलेमा तान बुनिरहेकी थिएँ।I was making some handicraft in Chule.
- DAMdhene saŋgul lãrak dhen dite dhal sin top nøreand.then earthquake rise -SIM again this -SEQ fall.downfinish -POSBअनि भुकम्प आउँदा खेरि (मैले) यो घर भत्कि सके होला जस्तो सोचेँ।And when the earthquake came, i thought the home feall down
- DAMmala tshoŋ hoŋbelow run comeतल कुदेर आएँ।I came down running.
- TEKəni dʒamen tʃhule nam tsi tsi dzhuŋsãand.then other Chhule.village sky what whatbecome -PSTअनि अर्को छुलेमा के के भएको थियो?And what other thing happened in Chule?
- TEKtshulela agu sonam ghalpø khim dhalteChhule.Village -LOC uncle Proper.Name Ghyalpo housefall.down -SEQछुलेमा काका सोनाम घ्याल्बोको घर भत्केछ।Uncle Sonam ghyalba's house in chule fell down.
- DAMau ghjamtso ghapʏ khjimte dhalteuncle Ghyamcho Proper.Name house -SEQ fall.down -SEQकाका घ्याम्चो घापोको घर पनि भत्केछ।Uncle Ghyamcha Ghapa's home fell down too.
- TEKhururaŋ mik dhoŋla raŋ dhal sãaunt - EMPH eye.EMPH in.front.of EMPH fall.down -PSTसानिमाको आँखाको अगाडि नै भत्केको हो?It fell down right in front of your eyes?
- DAMwo dʒhop dhal sinte ra ŋa mala tshoŋ hoŋwathat all fall.down finish -SEQ only five below runcome -PSTत्यो सबै भत्के पछि म तल कुदेर आएँ है?When it all fell down you came running down?
- DAMŋe khonte saŋgul hintop nø madzuŋ ɖhuk laŋwa hintop nøsãNEG- feel lightening rise -PST COP -POSB know -PSTहामी चाहिँ भुकम्प होकि (होला) भन्ने मनमा आएन, चट्याङ् होला भन्नेWe did not think it was an earthquake, i thought it was thunderstorm.
- DAMdhiŋ dhiŋ mein nawaraŋ mepeONO ONO say -PST aware - EMPH NEG.becomeधिङ् धिङ् भन्छ, सचेतै नभएर।It was so loud.
- TEK037
- TEKəniand.thenअनिand
- TEKdʒhamjan tsi tsi dzhuŋsã huruother what what become -PST aunt
- DAMdhen ta dʒhamjan hokja hinaagain particle (EMPH) other that.much COP.POSBअनि अरू त्यत्ति होला।And i think that was it.
- TEKdhen huni mala hoŋteagain after.that below come -SEQअनि त्यसपछि तल आएरAnd after that i came downstairs.
- TEKmala hoŋte ŋaraŋ dhen dha tsi di khjimdibelow come -SEQ I -EVID again now what thishouse -DEFतल आए पछि म चाहिँ यो घर चाहिँI rushed downstairs to check on my grand father
- DAMdhal sinte di mere si sintop nøte tshoŋ tshoŋraŋ oŋnøte tshoŋall.down finish -SEQ this say -SEQ die finish -POSBthink -SEQ runभत्किएर यो हजुरबुवा चाहि मरिसक्नु भयो होला भन्ने सोचेर कुदेर आएँ।I thought the house buried my old grand father.
- DAMdhanda khoŋ dʒhop haula dhø reand.then they all there (that.side) sit COPअहिले (अनि) वहाँहरू सबै उता (त्यहाँ) बसिरहनु भएको छ।But they were all downstairs.
- DAMdhen dhiŋ madhal reagain ONO NEG- fall.down COPअनि यो (घर) पनि भत्केको छैन।The house i was living came down.
- TEKmadhal reNEG- fall.down COPभत्कोको छैन?Was it destroyed?
- TEKdʒamenotherअरूAnything else?
- DAMmadhal reNEG- fall.down COPभत्कोको छैन?
- DAMkera kere dønuo.be.cracked - only to.be.cracked -SEQ sit -EVIDचर्केको मात्र बसेको (चर्केको मात्र) रहेछ।There were little cracks.
- DAMdhaldzi ra ka wafall.down -INF HYP.CONDघर पक्का भत्किन्थ्यो होला।It had almost fallen down.
- TEKdhen huru raŋla dhen dha diagain aunt EMPH -ACC again now thisअनि सानिमा तपाईँलाई अनि योAnd mother, all your near ones
- TEKejøn dha ŋeraŋ khjimtse niŋ newa huŋgur dhaklaound now our neighbour close.relative like.that all -LOCवारि पारि हाम्रो छिमेकी मनको नजिक (भएका)हरू सबैमाthose who lived close to you
- TEKdha kale tsheiʃo tsi dzhuŋsãnow suffering biggest what become -PSTसबै भन्दा ठूलो दुख के भयो (रह्यो)?What was the most difficult part for you guys?
- DAMdha hosaŋre ta dhen horeŋ dhaltennow that.time particle (EMPH)again that EMPH fall.down and.thenअनि त्यही बेलामा त त्यो पनि भत्केEverything had fallen down at that time.
- DAMdʒamen te ŋai thoŋme hwather particle (EMPH) I -ERG see NEG.be.PRFअरू त मैले देखेकी थिइन।I could not see other houses at that time.
- TEKho numu te naŋla ɲaltsi dzhuŋsaत्यही राती घरमा सुत्न पाउनु भयो?Did you sleep inside that night?
- DAMnumu ɲalme hwa sa mauराती सुतेकै थिइन, उता तल,I could not sleep all night.
- DAMphui tʃhwesiŋhi sjau nəm ɲal dwewaछोरा, खेतको तल तिर सुतेँ (सुतेकि थिएँ) है।Me and my son slept in the fields downhill.
- TEKsiŋ sjaula iखेतको छेउमा?Next to the fields?
- TEKəni ʃakma khatsø philola ɲalwaअनि कति दिन बाहिर सुत्नु भयो?And how long did you sleep outside?
- DAMho numuत्यहि रात,That night,
- DAMthønte numute mahula ɲalwa huni dhenठुलो भुकम्पको रातमा तल सुत्यौँ, त्यसपछि अनिWhen there was the big earthquake and
- DAMdi philola ɲaldwewaयहीँ बाहिर सुतेका (थियौँ)।everyone slept outside.
- TEKghortsi philolaघरको बाहिर?Outside house?
- DAMĩ di gharto philolaहो यही पर्खालको बाहिर।Yes behind these walls.
- TEKəni ʃakpa gahtsøअनि कति दिन?For how long?
- DAMhote ʃakpa ghala ɲalseत्यहाँ केही दिन सुतेकि थिएँ।I slept there for few days.
- DAMkhe phutem dʒha tshwe simpaतपाइँ बच्चाहरू(ले) चिया पिउनु भयो?Did you get to drink tea?
- DAMghala ɲalseकेही दिन सुत्यौँ।We slept for some days.
- DAMhuni hjã hinaafter.that again COP.POSBअनि यहाँ यताAnd after that here,
- DAMhina ildola tsik ɲalwaCOP.POSB court.yard -LOC one sleep -PSTयता आगनमा सुतेँ।Here outside the house.
- TEKdhatawhenअहिले?Now?
- TEKdhanta dhen dha tsisand.then again now whatअहिले अनि अब केWhat about now?
- DAMnaŋlainsideघरमाInside home.
- DAMphilo ɲalme hwaoutside sleep NEG.be.PRFबाहिर सुतेकै छैन।We didnot sleep outside for long.
- TEKdha wo saŋgul hoŋ kaŋlanow that earthquake come timeअब यो भुकम्प आउँदा खेरिAnd when the earthquake come,
- TEKdha saŋgul tsi meraŋ saŋgulnow earthquake much EMPH earthquakeअब भुकम्प धेरै भुकम्पWhen you experienced earthquake.
- TEKŋala saŋgul ɖha tshor ɲoŋ hwabefore earthquake like.that experience experience be.PRFपहिला भुकम्प (यस्तो हुन्छ) जस्तो अनुभव गर्नु भएको थियो?Did you think an earthquake will fell like this?
- DAMdhaŋpo num jala jule tsik laŋwa thoŋtsuŋbefore around, towards small one rise -PST see -PSTपहिला तिर अलिकति एउटा भुइँचालो आएको दखेँ।Before i had only felt smaller earthquakes.
- DAMthalø dzhor laŋwa thoŋraŋ majuŋthis.year like rise -PST see - EMPH be.NEGयो बर्षको जस्तो आएको देखेकै थिइन।I had never experienced something as big as this.
- TEKhuru semla saŋgul tsitse hwãaunt soul -LOC earthquake why be.PRसानिमाको मनमा भुकम्प किन आउँछ?What made you most scared during earthquake?
- DAMnawaraŋ mihoŋ ŋete dhenaware - EMPH NEG- come we particle (contrast) againमनमै आएन, हामीहरू अनिWe did not even think it was an earthquake.
- DAMnamghi ɖhuk laŋwa hintop nø mamsky -GEN lightening rise -PST COP -POSB know withoutआकाशको चट्याङ् होला (भनेर) सोचेको बाहेकwe thought it was a thunderstorm.
- DAMearthquake COP -POSB know - EMPH be.NEGभुकम्प होला जस्तो पनि लागेन।We never thought it was earthquake.
- DAMʈuka rak dha dhen saŋgul himta nøtsaŋshake only see earthquake be.POSB know -PSTहल्लाएर भुकम्प होला जस्तो लाग्यो।When the ground started shaking we thought it was an earthquake.
- TEKsaŋgul de tsitse lã himmenearthquaDEF why rise COP sayभुकम्प किन आएको (आउँछ) भन्छन्?Why do you think earthquake comes?
- DAMsuʃãखै?hmmm.. not sure..
- TEKmi halatshula lapghin dhapeople here.there say - NPST nowमान्छेले यता उता भन्छन् (कुरा गर्छन्)?People have a lot of assumptions not really sure.
- DAMtʃaŋkaŋ gho majuŋ tsinothing listen be.NEG particle (doubt)केही सुनिन खै।I dont know much.
- TEKəni saŋgul hoŋ kanŋe maŋpoand.then earthquake come effect muchअनि भुकम्प आयो, दुख धेरै (भयो)?And after the earthquake did you suffer a lot?
- TEKkale maŋpo khase aisuffering much happened Qदुख धेरै भयो होला है?You must have suffered a lot.
- TEKdi kapla philonethat time outside -ABLत्यही बेलामा बाहिर बाटAnd during that time any outside
- TEKroram ɖha huŋkur ten huru ʈamba dwasupport like.that like.that and.then aunt memory COPसहयोग जस्तो तस्तो अनि सानिमा मनमा (आएको) याद छ?People provide support to you guys?
- TEKnam leutsa ŋama ʃakma ghantsø tiŋnomwhen come -PST first.of.all day how.much laterकहिले आयो, अगाडि कति दिन पछि तिरWhen it came, how many days back and forth
- DAMghese wa pheu op tsio eone.with.Master's.degree -PSTcome (HON) particle (doubt) what COPगुरूहरू हुन् कि कुन् हुन्?Were they teachers?
- TEKʃakpa ghantsø tsø niday how.much that.much -ABLकति दिन जति हो?And how many days?
- DAMʃakpa ɲiday twoदुई दिन।2 days.
- DAMdʏnʈa tsik l̥akaŋ matshe aweek one much.more be.not.enough POSBएक हप्ता भन्दा बढी त्यही नपुग्ला ।It will not be more than a week.
- TEKəni teken tshokpa ghaŋ ghaŋ huru ɖhampa duaअनि दिने सँस्था कुन कुन (हुन्) सानिमा याद छ?And what kind og organizations come do you remember?
- DAMwo re dha tsithaDEF now whatत्यही अब केThat's what now
- DAMruŋ tsikpo ŋeroŋ intsi dzordzhetse tsikman.from.lowland one -CLF we foreignerlike.that become -PRF oneनेपाली हाम्रो कोही विदेशी जस्तो एउटाSome were Nepali, some foreigners.
- DAMbum tsik te dzhuŋ huneone.hundred.thousand one particle (EMPH) become there -ABLएक लाख दियो, त्यस पछिThey gave one lakh rupees.
- DAMŋeroŋ tsumpi ɖhawa ɲi hiwe Tsum.valley -NMLZ -GEN monk two -ERGहाम्रो चुम्बाका दुईटा लामा छन्।We have two lamas at our Gumba.
- DAMghur tsikpo serpo huŋgur dukna aitent one -CLF yellow like.that COP particle (ni)एउटा पहेँलो पाल एउटा छ निWe had one tent.
- DAMmi ɲi ɲalsa huŋgur tsikman two sleep - further.away like.that oneदुई जना सुत्न मिल्ने एउटाTwo people could sleep in one.
- DAMhuni philam bre reafter.that again rice DEFत्यसपछि फेरि चामलAnd also some rice.
- DAMdhen dhowo sumtsø tʃap sum si tsø teseagain sack three - that.much times three four that.muchgive -POSBअनि तीन चार ओटा बोरा तीन चार जति दिए होला।And also 3-4 sacks of rice.
- DAMdhen ghur te dhaagain tent particle (contrast) nowअनि पाल चाहिँ अबAnd some tents,
- TEKəni dha dini hjala kjopso tekin philo miɖa leutsãand.then now this -ABL up reliefgive -PROG outside man likecomeअनि अब त्यसपछि यता तिर राहत दिने (मान्छे) बाहिरबाट मान्छे आए?And did people come to provide some reliefs?
- TEKroŋpa ɖa intsi ɖa huŋkur ɖa leutsãleudzãlow.land -NMLZ like foreigner like like.that likecome -PSTनेपाली जस्तो, बिदेशीजस्तो त्यस्तो आए?Nepali people, any foreigners?
- DAMintsi re thoŋ mijoŋforeigner -SEQ see NEGबिदेशी चाहिँ देखिन।We didnot see any foreigners.
- TEKroŋpa ɖa leudzãlow.land -NMLZ like come -PSTनेपाली जस्तो आए?Any Nepali?
- DAMroŋpa re dhanta ŋeroŋ tsikpølow.land -NMLZ DEF and.then we one -NMLZ -GENनेपाली अहिले हाम्रो त्यसैकोNepali people came
- DAMbre re ho kaŋte hop tsik dhenrice DEF little full that.much one againचामलको हो कि कुन चाहिँ हो कि एउटा अThey bought some rice with them.
- DAMdhanta sadzippa wo dharka reand.then secretary that teamअब सचिवको टोलीA team of secretaries.
- TEKəni khuŋ ɲambo khuŋ ɲambo dha ɖhelwa bja huŋkurnd.then they together they together now contactdo like.thatअनि उहाँहरू वहाँहरू सँग सम्पर्कगर्ने जस्तोAnd as they approach there
- TEKtam lawa dhiŋkir kale huru roŋke sewatalk speak -PURP like.this suffering auntlow.llanguage know -NPSTकुरा गर्ने त्यस्तो दुख सानिमा नेपाली (भाषा) आउँछ?Did you talk to them in Nepali?
- DAMe tsiwe setsi ma roŋ ɖhodzi raŋ mepalparticle (doubt) howknow -INF particle (Q) low.land go -INF EMPHNEGए, कसरी आउनु र (जान्नु र?), काठमान्डुमा (शहरमा) नै गएकै छैन।No.. I dont know Nepali.. Haven't been to Kathmandu yet.
- TEKəni dʒamen ta kjon saŋgulhi kjond.then other particle (EMPH) effect earthquake -GENeffectअनि अरू त क्षति भुकम्पको क्षतिAnd the other damage is earthquake damage
- TEKsiŋɖha huŋgur ŋeraŋfield - like.that like.that ourखेत जस्तो हाम्रोLike our fields
- TEKsemtsen dhiŋkirla kenka ɖha taŋtʃãanimal like.this -ACC effect like.that become -PSTजनावर जस्तो लाई क्षति जस्तो भयो?Were there any damages to animals?
- DAMsemtsen dha tsi hjahu phutsenla dhøen dhen dha rʏki maŋla si høtsianimal now what up Phuchen -LOC sit -NMLZagain now avalancheजनावरहरू त के रे, माथि फुचेन (ठूलो गुफा) मा बस्नेहरूलाई चाहिँ हिउँThe animals, though, in the upper Fuchin living in the snow are very
- TEKdʒamen di dʒuŋlaother this place -LOCअरू त्यही वारि तिरOthers in the same area
- DAMdi dzhuŋla ee masisethis become -LOC DEF NEG- die - POSBयहीँतिर त मरेको छैन होला।It may not be dead here.
- TEKsiŋ ɖao tʃaŋga kjon maphosãfieldlike any effect NEG- happen -PSTखेत जस्तो केही क्षति भएन?No damage to the farm?
- DAMsiŋla tʃaŋ kjon mandukfield -LOC any effect NEG.COPखेतमा कुनै क्षति छैन।No damage to the farm.
- DAMdha ɖhodzərki wo lam phorenow bull.dozer -GEN that road happen -SEQअब डोजरको त्यही बाटो परेरNow by the way to the excabator.
- DAMlulu ra mam dʒamen kjon tʃaŋa mindukdamaged only without other effect anyबिगारेको (मात्र हो) र अरू केही क्षति छैन।Damaged only but not too much damage.
- TEKdha hini hjala ghortsa rem ghetse maŋpo ʃornow here -ABL up house -PLcrack (crack.SEQ, TIB) much becomeअब यस माथि धेरै घरहरू चर्केर ,Now with lots of houses on it,
- TEKmangaŋ tshorten gompaMani.Wall Stupa monastryमान्खाङ्,छोर्तेन,गुम्बाMankhong, Shurten, Gumba
- DAMmangaŋ re ta dʒhop dhalre hjã mi hjulwalaMani.Wall DEF particle (EMPH) all fall.down -SEQagain peopleमान्थाङ्हरू सवै ढलेर अनि फेरि गाउँलेहरूलेThe manthas all collapsed and the villagers again
- DAMsesol dzhere tsiwanteract become -SEQ build (wall) -PSTमिलाएर फेरि बनाएको हो।Made it again.
- TEKkhuŋ mi dzhinta thonde ʈaŋa tetethey people sponsor appear -SEQ money give -SEQवहाँहरू मान्छेले प्रायोजन गरेर पैसा दिएरPeople there donate money through sponsorship
- TEKladʒa tete wop khuŋruŋ raŋ dhawage give -SEQ may.be they EMPH nowज्याला दिएर हो कि आफैले अबPay yourself that now
- TEKlatʃa mepa du raŋ hinpawage NEG- be.NPST COP EMPH COP -NMLZज्याला नपाएर त्यस्तै (गरेका हुन्)?Doing so without pay?
- DAMlatʃa tetop matetop suʃãwage give -POSB NEG- give -POSB particle (doubt)ज्याला दिए कि दिएनन् खै?Wage paid or not?
- DAMkhola ɖhidzi jøpal ŋaree ɖhotsi mepalhe -ACC ask -INF be.POSSIBLE -particle (in.particular) go -उसँग होला, म त गएकै छैन।Well, I'm not gone.
- TEKhin te dhaktaŋ dzo sinsin himpaCOP particle (contrast) all make finish - finishCOP -NMLZहुने चाहिँ सबै बनाई सकिएको होला।Well, maybe everything's done.
- TEKəni dʒamen hina dha iskul dzor huŋkur ɖaand.then other here now school likeअनि अरू यता स्कूल जस्तो अबAnd nowhere else is like school
- TEKkjon ʃorsãeffect become -PSTक्षति भयो?Were they damaged?
- DAMiskul tʃuuschool particle (Question)स्कूल पनि खै?And schools?
- DAMkjon maʃor popeffect NEG- become POSSIBILITYक्षति भएन कि?Were they destroyed?
- DAMghur te philola putsa de larkitent particle (EMPH) outside fix keep -EVIDLar (PN) -GENपाल चाहिँ बाहिर टाँगि रहेको छ, लारको (लार ठाउँको)The tent is hanging out.
- DAMdhen dʒamen hjau num te sahjau sekarnum himbe thoŋtsi raŋagain other above around, towards particle (EMPH) further.away -अनि अरू माथि तिर उता माथि शेकारमा (शेकर ठाउँ) भए देखिन।And the others looked upstairs at Shaker.
- TEKəni dha saŋgul hoŋ sinde əni haltshula miand.then now earthquake come finish -CVB (SEQ) and.thenhere.and.thereअनि अब भुकम्प आए पछि अनि यताउता मान्छेAnd now after the earthquake and people around
- TEKhjul mi naŋla halatshula roram rawaruwe ta dhukpo peinavillage people inside here.there support each.other particle (EMPH)गाउँले भित्र यताउता सहयोग सकेसम्म जस्तो दुख गर्छन्।Villagers suffer as much pain as possible while moving inside.
- DAMroram suʃã tsi ŋaraŋ de tʃã pe majuŋsupport particle (doubt) what I -EVID DEF anydo be.NEGहयोग खै त मलाई चाहिँ केही गरिन।Well, I didn't do anything.
- DAMmirem pei op mapeopman -PL do - POSSIBILITY NEG- do - POSSIBILITYमान्छेहरूले गरे कि गरेनन्?Did people do that or not?
- TEKdhen kjopsoremagain relief -PLअनि राहतहरूAnd the reliefs
- TEKghoe kaŋla huru hjamu ghantsuk ghoetsi hindopdistribute time aunt nice howdistribute -INF COP -POSSIBILITYबाँड्दा खेरि सानिमा राम्रो कस्तो (जस्तो) बाँड्ने छ?What would be better similar to sharing?
- TEKmila ɖhanʈapanɖa dhiŋkirɖapeople -ACC equal like.this likeमान्छेलाई बराबर जस्तोEqual to people
- DAMho re ɖhanʈapanɖa dha di tʃa dzerthat DEF equal now this iron nailयो चाहिँ बराबर, अनि यो फलामका किल्लाहरूIt is equal, and this is iron forts
- DAMthowa rak horem de di tsi khoŋla jøpahammer that -PL DEF this what they -ACC be.NPSTह्यामरहरू यीनीहरू के वहाँहरूसँग होला।The hammers are what these guys are up to.
- DAMŋala tʃakã mepI -DAT anything NEGम(सँग) केही छैन।I have nothing.
- DAMdhen balʈin karwo ɲi duagain bucket white two COPअनि बाल्टिन सेता दुईटा छन्।And the bucket white ones are two.
- DAMmarwo tsik hjop hon ta thakpa du men du thakpa te majuŋred one COP that withrope COP sayrope give be.NEGरातो एउटा छ, त्यही सँग डोरी एउटा छ भन्छन्, डोरी चाहिँ दिएन।There is a red one, there is a rope with one, that is, a rope Not
- DAMdzag tsik tetsuŋjug one give -PSTजग एउटा दिए।The foundation gave one.
- DAMmirem dʒhop thakpa duman -PL all rope COPमान्छेहरू सँग डोरि छन्।People have rope.
- DAMŋala thakpa te majuŋI -DAT rope give be.NEGमलाई डोरि दिएनन्।I did not get any ropes.
- DAMdha jønaŋ khoŋla jøpal bhula jøpanow COP -CONC they -COM be.POSSIBLE son -COMbe.NPSTअब भए पनि यिनीहरूसँग होला, छोरा सँग होलाEven now, they will be with their son
- TEKʃiŋne tsi ɖafield -ABL what likeखेत बाट जस्तो (बाट),From the field like (from),
- DAMsiŋ te ŋala siŋ jøraŋ mepfield particle (EMPH) I -COM field COP - EMPH NEGखेत त मसँग खेत छ कि छैन।The farm, whether I have a farm or not.
- DAMkhuŋ tesinthey give - finishउनीहरूलाई दिइसकेँ।Have given them.
- TEKdhen suŋ nepal suŋneagain government Nepal government -ABLअनि सरकार, नेपाली सरकारबाटAnd the government, the Nepali government
- TEKtsinɖa tsikpo ɖa leudzãsomething one -CLF like come -PSTकेही केहीकुराहरू आए?Something came up?
- DAMsuʃã ho re hoŋraŋ majuŋparticle (doubt) thaDEF come - EMPH be.NEGखोइ, त्यो त आउँदै आएन।Well, it wasn't coming.
- DAMtsime dzhumɖu mepal ŋaraŋ te rome ghjur sinphevery.much gathering be.NEG I - EMPHfriend NEG.COP become finishयति चलन छैन, म चाहिँ छुट्टै भैसकेको हुनाले (कारणले),Not so much, because I'm already separated
- TEKhalexpression.of.sympathyहो र? (सहानुभुति दिएको) ।Really?
- DAMdhen dha tsi ŋaraŋ hjopa tsholteagain now what I - EMPH food search -CVB (SEQ) \tx tsholreअनि अब के आफै खाना खोजेर,And now, looking for food
- TEKdhen hururaŋki da tsinʈa nø saŋgulagain aunt -EVID -GEN now anything think earthquakeअनि सानिमा तपाईँ अब केही हानी पुर्याएको भूकम्पAnd the devastating earthquake has now caused you some damage
- DAMdhaŋtʃa dhawa dhʏnpa num ljãsometimes.ago month seven -Ordinal.numeral.marker around, towardsअस्ति सातौँ महिनामा आउँछ रे,So in the seventh month.
- DAMdha lali khuŋdenow some (people) they DEFअब कुनैलाई केही,Now some,
- DAMtsime dzhiʈa dzhesãvery.much fear become -PSTधेरै डराएँ (डरायौँ)।We were very scared.
- DAMhoni re tʃã matosã huni naŋ ʃu dhøthat -ABL DEF any Neg.become after.that inside enter sitत्यस पछि त केही भएन (फरक परेन)।त्यसपछि भित्र पसेर बसेँ।After that, nothing happened (no matter what) Sit down.
- TEKho laʃothat thank.youअब भयो (सकियो)।Done now.