05 Jan 2016
4 min 7 sec
- TEKčɦo ɦlakpoछो लाक्पो।
- DAMʈasi dhəlekनमस्कार।Good morning.
- TEKʈasi tɦalekनमस्कार।Good morning.
- TEKâtɛ lɦo kɦate ɦimpɛ̂दाईको वर्ष कति भयो ?How old are you (lit. brother's age)?
- DAMŋɦaču ŋɦarkɦu ʈhukčure lɦori ajopɛउनन्साठी साठीमा एक वर्ष नपुगेको छ।(I am) sixty nine, less than one year for sixty.
- TEKmin ce čɦo ɦlakpa ɦimpî tãनाम चाहिँ छो लाक्पै होलानि है?(Your) name is Cho Lakpa, isn't it ?
- DAMŋê min čɦo ɦlakpaमेरो नाम छो लाक्पा (हो)।My name is Cho Lakpa.
- TEKɦyule čɦipruŋ tæ̂ceगाउँ नार भयो ।(Your) village is Nar.
- DAMčɦipruŋ ɦjule čɦipruŋनार, गाउँ नार।(It is ) Nar, the Nar village.
- DAMcô ɦyûse ŋɦyûšu cepkɦe carkɦu cɦuŋ tæ̂ceयहाँ आएको अठ्ठाईस उनान्तिस वर्ष भयो।Twenty eight or twenty nine years passed since I came here.
- DAMkatore ɦyûseकोतोमा आएको।Coming to Koto.
- TEKɦotetor ŋɦie tso kyu phjakʈri sopi tɦûireत्यसपछि हाम्रो यहाँ पानि उद्योग बनाउँदा खेरिAfter that while making our water factory here,
- TEKkhêce khêce tæ̂pɛ ɦotce tilo pɦipinɛकस्तो कस्तो भयो एक पटक भनिदिनुस न।Please tell us how it became.
- DAMcupie kju phjakʈri sopieयो पानी उद्योग बनाउनुको (बनाएको)(The reason why) this water factory is
- DAMsotaŋ ce khêci ɦo pɦiromeकारण चाहिँ कस्तो हो भनेhow the reason (of this) is like,
- DAMsopome khana khana sone pɦiteबनाउन त कता कता बनाउने भनेको,As for making, (we) decided to make it somewhere.
- DAMiŋke kyue caso kînceए, पानि(को) चासो लिए।As for the water, they took initiatives.
- DAMnui ritar hlakpaeउ रितार लाक्पाHe, Ritar Lakpa Lama.
- DAMkepi dzənmə dipɛ čɦipruŋriजन्मनु, जन्म दिए नारमा।As for being born (parents) gave birth to (me) in Nar.
- DAMtɦosor ʈûse pɦâlpɛre ʈûsemo nuseअहिले बसेको (बसेर) छ काठमान्डुमा, उसले।He has been living in Kathmandu now, he.
- DAMkyu phjakʈri sose ʈekbahadurse ɦosor ɦosor sose pɦite sacyaपानि उद्योग बनाउने टेक बहादुरले यस्तो यस्तो भनेर जमिनIn order to make this water factory, saying this and that (he bought)
- DAMkyu cekap læ̂se tæ̂ læ̂se ŋâse kyuपानि चेक अप गरेर (गरेर) मैले पानिHaving got the water examined, I...
- DAMte apaue kyuउताको आपाउको पानीthe water of Aupa (from there),
- DAMto kato tshue kjuमाथि कोतोको शिरानको पानिthe water from Koto (up there), (and)
- DAMkato ɦjuli kyuceकोतो गाउँको पानि चाहिँthe water of the Koto village,
- DAMcu somre cek læ̂pere pɦâlpɛre pɦorni pɦipɛ čɦučuयो तीनओटालाई चेक गर्न काठमान्डुमा लग्न दिएको, पछि,We (had) them take up the water from these places to Kathmandu.
- DAMtɦosor ŋɦî cæ̂pie kyuce katoe to cɦoreअहिले हामी खाएको पानि कोतो गाउँको माथि सिरानमा (हो)।The water we drink is from the top of the Koto village.
- DAMtircuŋ khalta chori mupi kyuce ɦo kyuceतिर्चुङ् घाल्ता माथिको पानि चाहिँ त्यो पानि चाहिँThe water of Tirchung Ghalti (and) up is this.
- DAMek nəmbərce mecie pɦâlpere pɦorceएक नम्बर चाहिँ तल काठमान्डुमा लगेरTaking the top one (number) one up in Kathmandu,
- DAMphilʈər læ̂pi kyu pɦhiri cuceफिल्टर गरेको पानि भन्दा यो चाहिँThis water (is better) than the filtered water.
- DAMdəs guna cu pɛ čɦarpɛ mom pɦite someदश गुणा राम्रो छ भनेर भन्दा खेरी(It is) better ten times than (the filtered water).
- DAMcupcɛ ɦotere ŋuŋise cutaयो चाहि अनि उनीहरूले यहाँAs for this, they (wanted) to make it (here).
- DAMʈek bahadur ritar hlakpa nuŋi læ̂seटेक बहादुर (र) रितार लाक्पा उनीहरूले गरेरHaving it done by Tek Bahadur and Ritar Lakpa,
- DAMnuŋe kɦate kɦate seər musmoyõउनीहरू कति कति शेयर छ होला।I don't know how much share they have (on it).
- DAMnuŋese læ̂se kyu ceउनीहरूले गर्दा पानि चाहिँBecause of them, they in particular
- DAMcuta kyu phjakʈri sone pɦitɛ ɦotorumयहाँ पानि उद्योग बनाउने भनेर अनि(they) say to make the water factory here,
- DAMdzagga kîn tæ ̂læ̂se kyu phjakʈri sopɛजग्गा किनेर पानि उद्योग बनायौं।having bought the land, (we) established the water factory.
- DAMsôcẽ sôpum sôceबनाउन त बनायौं।As for making, we made it.
- DAMmoʈər kɦlâm ârtesume čɛ̂la pɦakoprɛ kâle khæ̂ceमोटर बाटो नभएर सामान ल्याउन गाह्रो भयो।(but) it was difficult to bring the equipment in absence of the motor
- DAMkɦlâm thopčya čɦu čɦu tɦôkoceबाटो अन्तिममा पछि आईपुग्यो ।Finally the road was constructed (lit. came).
- DAMčɛ̂la læ̂lena kɦlâm ata čeraŋकुनै सामान बाटो नबन्दै (बाटो नहुँदा खेरि)Some equipments (were brought) before the road was built.
- DAMmɦise kulise ʈâ pɦakaceमान्छेले कुल्लीले बोकेर ल्याए।the porters broght them by carrying (them)..
- TEKmɛ saretoryaŋबेशीशहर बाटै ?From Besisahar ?
- DAMsare toryaŋ kulise ʈâ pɦâkəceबेशीशहर बाटै माथि कुल्लीले बोकेर ल्याए।The porters brought them right from Besisahar.
- DAMsare tɦoto moʈərre pɦâkəceबेशीशहर सम्म गाडिमा ल्याए ।They brought it in vans upto Besisahar.
- DAMsarestor kuli ʈâ pɦakaceबेशीशहरबाट कुल्लीले बोकेर ल्याए।The porters brought it by carrying.
- DAMɦote tortče ʈâ pɦipieत्यहाँ बाट माथि के भन्छ (भनेको)?What do they say from up there ?
- DAMčɛ̂la ʈâ pɦakpuŋ pɦakčẽसामान बोकेर ल्याउन त ल्याए।As for bringing they brought it by carrying.
- DAMɦote tor moʈər akhæče lâleत्यहाँ बाट गाडी आएन कुनै।No vehicle came up from there.
- DAMʈâne čɦurpɛcuke moʈərreबोक्न सक्ने जति गाडिमा(They brought it by carrying) in vehicles.
- DAMlâle mɦise ʈâne ačhurpɛकुनै मान्छेले बोक्न नसक्ने जति(If the machines) can not be carried by men
- DAMatɦepcuke ɦotorum pɦakpɛ mɦi ayaŋ čɦučuसजिलो नभएकोहरू पछि (अनि) ल्याउने मान्छे नपाएर पछिas the men (porters) were not available for those inconvenient items,
- DAMthopčyari moʈər kɦâlamce tɦokoteseme čɦučumɛबल्ल बल्ल गाडीको बाटो आईपुगेर पछिas the motor road came finally (in the end),
- DAMmoʈər kɦâlamce tɦokoteseme čɦučumɛगाडिको बाटो आई पुगेर पछिhaving the motor road (is) accessed (lit. came)
- DAMmoʈər thepɛ ʈjakʈərre pɦakəne læ̂čeमोटर फेरि ट्याक्टरमा ल्याउन लागका थिए(They) were trying to bring it in tractor but
- DAMarmise khæ̂ne apiŋkečeआर्मीले आउन दिएन।the army did not allow to come.
- DAMpɦakne apiŋke tẽsume čɦučumɛल्याउन नदिए पछि पछिAs it did not allow bring (the machines),
- DAMɦo tɦosor čuparere pɦræ̂pie čɦipcukereयो अहिले यहाँ बिचमा हिँडेको जिपहरूमा(The machine was brought) by the jeep running between (Chame and
- DAMphyaŋre ča ča ča čaमाथि अलि (थोरै) अलि अलि अलि(Bringing it) little and little further,
- DAMmoʈər pɦiseri læ̂se rhitar lhakpase pɦakče čɛ̂lačeसबै गाडीहरूलाइ भनेर रितार लाक्पाले सामान ल्याए ।requesting to a number of vehicles, Ritar Lakpa brought the stuffs.
- DAMtɦosor pɦyakʈriče tæ̂pume puraअहिले उद्योग चाहिँ हुन त पूराNow, the factory is complete (full) (as for)
- DAMcɦirum tæ̂ce tɦepɛबनाउन त बनाए फेरि।as for making, (they) made it.
- DAMbotəl šôpi misince arečeबोतल बनाउने मेसिन चाहिँ छैन ।There is no machine for making bottles.
- DAMbotəl šôpi misince pɦakčeबोतल बनाउने मेशिन ल्याए।(They) brought the machine to make bottles.
- DAMtɦepɛ coe bhəttie paorse dhantine ačɦurmoफेरि यहाँको बत्तिको पावरले (शक्तिले) धान्न सकेन।The power (electricy) could not run (support/supply the power) to the
- DAMcupcya nuŋyɛ dzenereʈər pɦaksɛ phitɛयो चाहिँ उनीहरूको जेनेरेटर ल्याउने भनेर रहेछ।Then they said to bring the generator.
- DAMnuŋyɛ samsuca ɦosor moउनीहरूको सोचाई यस्तो छ।Their plan (lit. thinking) is like this.
- DAMpɦakpoŋ dzenereʈər kîn thense mo roल्याउन त जेनेरेटर किनेर राखेका छन् रे।As for bringing, they have bought the generator and kept it.
- DAMcu pie bhədo lhæ̂ tɦotore ɦosor pɦite pɦimoयो आउँदो भदौ महिना सम्म यस्तो भन्दो रहेछन् ।Till the coming Bhadra, they say (it),
- DAMmoʈərce phyârse hlæ̂ tæ̂ce khečitayõगाडीले वर्षा महिना भएकोले कस्तो हुन्छ होला ?how might it be as it is the rainy season?
- TEKɦoe thôsor kyuceए अहिले त्यो पानि चाहिँOh, the water is now
- TEKkɦyâŋ ɖilər læ̂tese kyuce kɦate nipa animiतिमी डिलर गरेर पानि चाहिँ कत्तिको जान्छ कि जाँदैन (विक्छ किAs you have been the dealer (lit. having done dealer), how much does
- DAMkyuce šone čɦurume ŋinomo kyuपानि बनाउन सक्यो भने जाँदो (विक्दो) रहेछ पानि।If we can produce (lit. make) water, it sells (lit. goes).
- DAMšone čɦurume ŋinomo moपानि बनाउन सक्यो भने जाँदो रहेछ ।If you produce (lit. make), it is sold (lit. goes)?
- DAMkɦôŋ nane caten cɦa moमूल्य अगाडि थोरै धेरै छ (हुन्छ) ।As for the price, (they say) a bit higher.
- DAMcuta mɛtaseयहाँ तलबाटHere, from (places) down
- DAMmɛta kyuten co kyuतलको पानि (र) यहाँको पानिthe water of below and here,
- DAMcone ca kɦûn mo ɦotoromयहाँको अलि महँगो छ, अनि त(The water) here is a bit expensive.
- DAMlokəl mɦi thuŋse ɦinrummɛलोकल मान्छेले खाने हो भनेIf local people use (lit. eat) it,
- DAMco kyuce kɦatepɦîri kɦûseयहाँको पानि जति पनि बिक्री हुन्थ्यो।much water would sell.
- DAMmɦûy læ̂se cuŋtese mɛta kyuten co kyu khôŋ cɦarmeपैसा गरेर (लिएर) बेच्दा खेरि तलको पानि र यहाँको पानिको मूल्य अलि बढीIf you sell it, the water (produced here) costs a bit higher than the
- DAMkhôŋ kɦrî tæ̂tesumeएउटै मूल्य भएर (भएपछि)Having been the same price (if the same price is fixed),
- DAMcuptae kyuce lokəl mɦi athuŋteseयताको पानि लोकल मान्छेले नखाएरHaving the local people not drunk the water (produced here),
- DAMčɦipəri ɦotə atæ̂mo šenmeयस्तो खासै केही हुँदैन अझै।there is no big business.
- DAMlokəl pɦâlpɛcuke sarčɦeke kalलोकल (स्थानीय) काठमान्डु बेशीशहर जस्तोThe local people (like people in) Kathmandu or Besisahar,
- DAMlokəl mɦi thuŋse čo kyuceस्थानिय मान्छे पिउन यो पानि चाहिँthe local people (if they drink) the (filtered) water
- DAMɦo krîpie mɛta pɦâkpi kyu pɦiri cu kyuceयो अर्को तलबाट ल्याइको पानि भन्दा यहाँको पानि चाहिँthe water (processed here) costs much than the one brought from down,
- DAMmɦûi nɦyûšyu šômčyuपैसा बीस तीसtwenty or thirty rupees (lit. money/paisa)
- DAMphîri lɦâ phase cu kyuce kîn topɛभन्दा बढी तिरेर यो पानि चाहिँ किन्नु पर्छ।(They should buy paying it twenty
- DAMlokəl mɦice athuntẽsस्थानिय मान्छेले नखाए पछिAs the local people don't drink (it),
- DAMyuz alə tesmeप्रयोग नगरे पछि(as they) don't use
- DAMbidesire cuŋpɛ cenaबिदेशीलाई बेचेको चाहिँThe one which is sold to the foreigners,
- DAMsae prepre læ̂se cuŋceमूल्य बराबर गरेर बेचें।(we) sold them it at equal price.
- DAMɦocore mətləb ârabkalत्यसलाई मतलब नभएको जस्तो(it) is like being careless,
- DAMsû mɦûy khæce hocerkhe čyaceजस्को पैसा आयो उसलाई मात्र हेरे।(We) only cared the one who give money (lit. whose money comes).
- DAMsəməsyace ɦoco momoसमस्या चाहिँ त्यही छ।This is the main problem.
- TEKorcheधन्यबाद।