20 Jan 2016
1 min 38 sec
- SABŋæ ŋɦišyûšum reम बीस बर्षमाWhile I (was in) in twenty years
- SABacya cwɛyšum cɦuŋreआच्या तेह्र वर्षमाno, in thirteen years,
- SABcwɛyšum cɦuŋre mɦie mɦare ŋiceतेह्र वर्ष हुँदा अरूको घर ज्वाई बन्न गएँ।while (I was at the age of ) thirteen, (I) went to be the son-in-law.
- SABcwɛyšum cɦuŋse ŋɦisyû cɦuŋse ŋæ ɦjulere yèyèceतेह्र वर्ष हुँदा खेरि बीस वर्ष हुँदा खेरि म गाउँमा फर्केर आएँ।While in thirteen years old, (while in) twenty years old I cam back
- SABɦjulere ŋɦisyû cɦuŋre yèyètẽsomeगाउँमा बीस बर्षमा फर्केर आउँदाWhile returning in twenty years old,
- SABŋɦisyû casôm cɦuŋre phya laceतेईस बर्ष हुँदा खेरि विवाह गरें।I married in twenty three years old.
- SABɦoteter phya tase ŋɦyâŋ ɦinʈumeत्यहाँ देखि विवाह भएर हामी(ले) भएको भए (काल्पनिक)having married then, if that was the case...
- SABaŋyɛr cuधेरै योmuch this,
- SABŋɦisyû acyaबीस, आचा,twnety, no,
- SABlo ŋicuŋ cwɛyšum cɦuŋse ŋicuŋ tɦôtoसात वर्ष देखि तेह्र वर्ष देखि सात वर्ष सम्म(from seven years) from the age of thirteen years,
- SABaŋyɛr thupperi taceधेरै दुख पाएँ।I had difficult time.
- SABkɦyalamre pɦokɦrenबाटोमा भोक लाग्यो।(I) was hungry on the way (back home).
- SABŋɦô cacate yuम लसुन खाँदा खाँदै आएँ।I came home eating wild garlic.
- SABmɦise pyukɛ ŋɦæ sê kenelɛमान्छेले (मलाई) मार्न खोजे।The men attempted to kill me.
- SABkɦyalâmre ŋho cacate yuseबाटोमा लसुन खाँदा खाँदा आएँ।I came while eating (eating) wild garlic.
- SABŋɦêe čɦipruŋ ɦjulere tôyupekɛमेरो नार गाउँमा आईपुगें।(Finally), I came to the Nar village.
- SABlo cwɛyšum cɦuŋse ŋiतेह्र वर्ष देखि सातAfter I was thirteen (and) seven years after it,
- SABlo ŋɦišyû tɦotore aŋyɛr thôko taceबीस वर्ष सम्म निकै धेरै दुख भयो।I had much hardship during I was twenty.
- SABperisim pɦɛceमानौं बुढीSuppose, wife
- SABmɦie pɦæčya ŋice ŋana pyukɛceमान्छेको (अर्काको) श्रीमान खोज्न गई, मलाइ लखेटी।went to look for other's husband, (and) I was driven away.
- SABlo cwɛyšum cɦuŋseतेह्र वर्ष देखिSince I was thirteen years old,
- SABnartwɛe mɦare ŋipkɛफुको घरज्वाईं गएँ।I went to Phu to live there as son-in-law.
- SABlo cwɛyšum cɦuŋse ɦjulereतेह्र वर्ष देखि गाउँमाSince thirteen years old in the village,
- SABlo ŋɦišyû yupkɛबीस वर्षमा फर्केर आएँ।I came back (while I was) twenty.
- SABlo ŋicuŋ parere aŋyɛr ŋæसात वर्षको वीचमा धेरै मDuring these seven years I (got hardship).
- SABpɦokɦrẽse sitare kɦyalâmreभोक लागेर साँच्चै बाटोमाHaving been very hungry on the way,
- SABɦote tɦûre ɦĩsemo kɦyalâmre ŋɦo cacateयति बेलै होला बाटोमा लसुन खाँदै खाँदैPerhaps this time I came eating garlic.
- SAByuse ŋêê ɦjulere tɦoeceआएर मेरो गाउँमा आईपुगें।having come I came to (my) village.
- SABŋêê ɦjulere tɦoese thosor thepcyariमेरो गाउँमा आईपुगे पछि अहिले बल्ल बल्लHaving come to (my) village now hardly,
- SABcapi yote mo thuŋpi yote moखान पनि पुग्छ, पिउन पनि पुग्छ।(I) have enough to eat and drink.
- SABŋen mome kyoŋne yote moआफन्तहरूलाई पनि हेर्न सकिँदै छ।(We) are also been able to look for the relatives.
- SABɦote ten kaʈin čɦempe ta areयति भन्दा बढी मलाई केही चाहिँदैन।I don't need anything more than this.