28 Nov 2015
2 min 58 sec
Video Overview
Kristine Hilderbrandt
A woman from Ngawal village narrates her health struggles and how her family survives. She talks about her children and their education and how the village does not engage in as much farming as it used to a few years ago.
- DAMŋʌ mi tshimi jaŋtseमेरो नाम छिमि याङ्चे (हो)।My name is Chimi Yangche.
- DAMlo ŋʌtsu phreम अन्ठाउन्न वर्ष (भएँ)।I am fifty eight years old.
- DAMŋʌtsu phre loवर्ष अन्ठाउन्न भयो।(I am) fifty eight years old.
- DAMŋʌ põpa tẽम ङावलको हुँ।I am from Ngawal.
- DAMpõpa tẽ ŋʌङावलको हँ म।(I am) from Ngawal.
- DAMtukʌ tʌmoदुख भयो (हुन्छ)।My life has not been easy.
- DAMpʌle sukhʌ mo khe lʌlja atʌmoखुट्टा दुख्छ, काम गर्न पनि सक्दिन।(My) legs ache, (I) can't do much with them.
- DAMtuk tʌmoदुख हुन्छ।I've had hardships in life.
- DAMkhe alʌnʌ tsʌlja ajaŋmoकाम नगरे खानै पाउँदैन।If (I) don't work, I don't get (food) to eat.
- DAMʌle ʈurimoत्यसै बसिरहेकि छु।(I) have been sitting idly (without doing anything).
- DAMare phʌश्रीमान छैन।I have no husband.
- DAMnʌswã sitse(श्रीमान) पहिल्यै मरे।(My) husband is dead.
- DAMkola phili moचार जना बच्चा छन्।(I) have four children.
- DAMnani ŋi moदुईजना छोरी छन्।(I) have two daughters.
- DAMnaŋkore atʃoŋ ŋi moत्यो मुनि दुई जना छोरा छन्।(I) have two daughter who are younger.
- DAMmome ŋʌपरिवार पाँचजनाको छ।There are five (members) in the family.
- DAMkolatse nani ʃi tsiri moएक जना छोरी यहीँ छ।There is a daughter with me.
- DAMatʃoŋ ʃi tsiri moएक जना छोरा यहाँ छ।There is a son here (with me).
- DAMtʃhe ʈori moयहीँ पढ्दै छ।He is currently studying.
- DAMnani ʃi pʌlri moएउटा छोरी काठमाण्डुमा छ।A daughter is studying in Kathmandu.
- DAMatʃoŋ tʃjampako pʌlri moसानो छोरा पनि काठमान्डुमा छ।The youngest daughter is also in Kathmandu.
- DAMpʌlri ʈutsu moकाठमान्डुमा बस्दै छ।(She) is staying in Kathmandu.
- DAMtoso nani ŋʌअहिले नानि तAs for the eldest daughter,
- DAMnani thepʌ nʌ kola iskul tʃhaŋtse ʈutsʌ moठूलो छोरीको त वच्चा (हरू) विद्यालयमा पढाउन बसेकि छ।she has been staying there to make the children study.
- DAMpʌlri ʈuri moकाठमान्डुमा बसेकि छ।(She) has been staying in Kathmandu for study.
- DAMnani tʃjãba puluŋ thu jetsiसानी नानी (छोरी) किरा (यार्सागुम्बा) टिप्न गएकि छ।(One) of the daughters has gone to collect Yarsagumpa.
- DAMatʃoŋ tʃhjãbe pʌlri tʃhe ʈortse mo tʃheसानो छोरा काठमान्डुमा पढ्दै छ।The youngest son is studying in Kathmandu.
- DAMatʃoŋ thepʌ tsuri tse ʈotso moठूलो छोरा मनाङ्मा पढ्दै छ।The elder son is studying in Manang.
- DAMmʌmaŋri ʈori moमनाङ्मा पढ्दै छ।(He) is studying in Manang.
- DAMtʃhe ʈori moपढ्दै छ।(He) is studying in Manang.
- DAMtaŋpa ke katsi totseपहिला जमानामा धेरै बारी रोप्यौं (रोप्थ्यौँ)।Long back, (we) used to plant much.
- DAMtoso ketse pitse pitse jetsiआजकल त छोड्दै छोड्दै गयौँ।Nowadays, we don't do much planting.
- DAMke le tole akhe moखेत धेरै रोप्न पनि सक्दैनौँ।(We) can not plant the crops in the field.
- DAMʌke lʌri moयस्तै (यसरी) गर्दै छु।(I have been) doing like this.
- DAMtoso khe e mitse puluŋ thu jetsiअहिले ए मान्छेहरू सवै किरा (यार्सागुम्बा) टिप्न गए।The men have now gone to pick (collect) yarsagumpa.
- DAMkhe lʌpʌ mi ajaŋmuकाम गर्ने मान्छे पनि पाईँदैन।(We) don't get men to work (for us).
- DAMmi ajaŋmuमान्छे पनि पाईँदैन।(We) don't get men.
- DAMketse thʌtʌr thʌtʌr pitsiखेतहरू विस्तारै विस्तारै छोड्यौँ।(We) gradually (slowly) leave (planting) in the field.
- DAMʌle ʈuri mopateत्यसरी (यसरी) बसिरहकी छु।(I) have been living like this.
- DAMtoso tʃhʌme phjoŋlatse puluŋ thu jemuअहिले केटा र केटीहरू सवै किरा (यार्सागुम्बा) टिप्न जान्छन्।Now, the boys and girls go to pick (pluck) yarsagompa.
- DAMjarsa gumpa thu jemuयार्सा गुम्बा टिप्न जान्छन्।(They) go to pick yarsagompa.
- DAMjarsa gumpa thu jemuयार्सा गुम्बा टिप्न जान्छन्।(They) go to pick yarsagompa.
- DAMkhe lʌpʌ mi ajaŋmuकाम गर्ने मान्छे पाईँदैन।(We) don't get men to work.
- DAMke kati tole akhemuखेत पनि धेरै रोप्न सकिँदैन।(We) can't plant the field either.
- DAMtsa tsa to ʈupa nʌथोरै थोरै (खेत) रोपि रहेको।I plant some crops on the field.
- DAMʌsʌ lʌtse ʈipanʌत्यसरी गरेर बसिराखेकी (छु)।(I) have been sitting like this.