29 Nov 2015
6 min 54 sec
Video Overview
Kristine Hilderbrandt
A man from Ngawal village talks about the history of the village and the gompas. He talks about how the village came to be and how it was in the olden days.
- DAMŋʌ loko ŋitʃũ ʈhu(म) छहत्तर वर्ष पुगें।I am seventy six years old.
- DAMŋitʃũ ʈhu jetsiछहत्तर वर्ष गए।Seventy six years have passed since my birth.
- DAMŋʌ mi kʌrmʌमेरो नाम कर्म हो।My name is Karma.
- DAMkʌrmʌ(मेरो नाम) कर्म (हो)।(My name is) Karma.
- DAMŋʌtseमैलेI,
- DAMtele nʌraŋपहिले जमानामाlong ago,
- DAMpre tsʌrjã pre tsʌrjã apʌ ha ʈoŋtsi apʌnʌसानोमा बा चाहिँ वित्नुभयो।(my) father passed away when I was small.
- TEKhaʈoŋtsi-died
- DAMha ʈoŋtse lʌtse ŋikoबा बितेर हामी हरू चाहिँAfter my father died, we in particular,
- DAMlʌmʌ rumpurse lʌmʌ khjapaरुम्बुर्चे हाम्रो लामा, हाम्रो राजा लामा (थिए)।Rumpuche was the llama, (he) was the llama (and) king of ours.
- DAMkum tẽti tʃheri suउनको अगाडी गुरू (मानेर) (म लामा बसें)।I became llama and sat beside him.
- TEKCheck
- DAMtʃheri sutse lʌtse ʈhutsiलामा मानेर बसें।(I) sat with the llama.
- TEKsutse lʌtse=manera
- DAMlo sentĩ plitĩ tʃheri tʃhutsʌ lʌtseतीन चार वर्ष सम्म लामामा बसेरAfter sitting with llama for three or four years,
- TEKtʃhutsʌ lʌtse=basera
- DAMlʌmʌ ʃuŋti phetsiलामा चाहिँ विते (स्वर्गेबास भए)।(then) the llama passed away.
- TEKphetsi=died
- DAMlʌmʌ ʃuŋʈi phetse lʌtse ŋikoलामा स्वर्गवास भए पछि हामीहरू चाहिँAfter the llama passed away,
- DAMu tʌrkotse ŋjaŋkoत्यहाँ बाट हामीहरू चाहिँwe in particular,
- DAMkompʌpʌkore aगुम्बालाई अनिwere in the gompas again.
- DAMlʌmʌko ʃuŋri phelikaलामाचाहिँ स्वर्ग बास भएपनिAfter the llama passed away,
- DAMkompʌ pipko ŋjaŋगुम्बा भनेको हाम्रो (हो)।(we thought) the gompa was ours.
- DAMtele naraŋ lʌmʌ ʃuŋri phelikaपहिले लामा स्वर्ग बास भए पनिAfter the llama passed away,
- DAMphelu kompakori ŋjaŋयही गुम्बामा हामीहरूwe were in the same gompa.
- DAMŋi mi ʈʌpʌ ŋʌ ʈhute moहामीहरू चाहिँ पाँच छ जना लामा हामी नै हौँ।There are a total of five or six llamas here.
- DAMkompʌ pi thʌmna atʌ pitse lʌtse o lʌtse ŋiगुम्बालाई त्यसै छोड्न त भएन भनेर अनि हामीहरूSince we did not want to leave gompas carelessly
- DAMtiŋi to niअहिले सम्मtill now,
- DAMtele nʌraŋ tʃhe ʃupʌ kaŋriपहिले जमानामा हामी लामा बस्ने बेलामाwe stayed (here) as llamas.
- DAMtshepʌ kʌtiri lo sumdzuतीस वर्ष बस्ने बेलामा (लामा बसें)।I stayed in (this place) for thirty years.
- DAMsumtsu kʌti ŋʌ ʈhuriतीस कति म पैंतीस छत्तीस (वर्षजति)(I lived here) for thirty five or thirty six years.
- DAMʌtse tirkʌ tʃhe lʌtsiत्यति बेला लामा बसेको थिएँ।I had stayed there with llama.
- DAMo lʌtse tiŋiयस्तो (यस्तै) गरेर अहिलेAs till now,
- DAMu tʌr lʌmʌ ʃuŋri phe lʌtse tiŋi toni ŋiलामा स्वर्गबास भएर पनि हामी अहिले सम्मeven though the llamas passed away a long ago, we (are still here).
- DAMtiŋi lo ŋitsju ʈhu jetsiअहिले (सम्म) सत्तरी वर्ष भयो (यहाँ बसेको)।(We) have lived here for seventy years.
- DAMtiŋi toŋi otsoŋpa kompariअहिले सम्म यो गुम्बामा हामी चाहिँ(We) have lived (in this gompa) for long so
- DAMkompʌko a ole khja thʌmpʌna a tʌtsiगुम्बा चाहिँ फालेर राख्ने कुरा पनि भएन।it will not be good to leave it.
- DAMkompakori o lʌtse lʌtseगुम्बालाई त्यसो गरेर (राखेका छौं)।We are keeping the gompa like this.
- DAMʈʌpʌ ŋʌ ʈhuलामाहरू पाँच छ (जना)There are a total of five or six llamas.
- DAMo lʌtse ŋiहामीले यसै गरेरDoing like this,
- DAMole ʈuri moत्यसरी बसेका (बसीरहेका) छौँ।(we) have been sitting here.
- DAMtiŋi tẽअहिले (हामी)We and the
- DAMlʌmʌलामाllama,
- DAMlʌmʌkoi jaŋtsəri phetsi(ठुलो) लामाले पनि अवतार लिए।the great llama incarnated.
- DAMjaŋ tsəri phe lətseअवतार लिन आउनु भयो अब चाहिँ।(The llama) came to incarnate.
- DAMpʌlri kompʌकाठमान्डुमा गुम्बा (छ)।There is a gompa in Kathmandu.
- DAMkompʌ sjaŋtse lʌtse ʈʌpʌ kola kʌti jarʌpʌगुम्बा बनाएर (सानो) लामाहरू थुप्रै गुम्बामा लामा (छन्)।After building the gompas, there were many llamas in the gompa.
- DAMlʌmʌ kosĩ
- DAMportotseri tele khi tẽr sʌriपोर्तोचे (ङावल) मा त्यहाँ बस्नु भएका (लामा)The llama staying in Ngawal,
- DAMtiŋi lake kompʌ thepʌ sjaŋlʌ tsetsia aअहिले फेरि ठूलो गुम्बा बनाएको छ है।has built a big gompa there, you know?
- DAMsjaŋtse lʌtse ʈʌpʌ(गुम्बा) बनाएर लामाAfter building the gompa,
- DAMkʌti arʌpʌ ʈʌpʌथुप्रो लामाहरू (छन्)there became many llamas.
- DAMkuntsʌko mʌr phelikʌ pertsʌkoहिउँदमा त सवै तल झरे पनि वर्षामाAlthough they climbed down in winter, in the summer (rainy season),
- DAMsumtʃu plitʃu tʌr phekʌmoतीस चालिस लामाहरू वर्षामा हुन्छन् (फर्किन्छन्।)there are thirty or forty llamas.
- DAMo lʌtse tẽ tʃhjamoत्यसै गरेर वहाँहरू बस्नुहुन्छ।They have been sitting like that.
- DAMo tʃjompʌri lʌtsʌ mo(हामीले) त्यसै गरेर गरी राखेको।This is how it has been.
- DAMtele tsokori mopkomiहिजोआज यहाँ छन त छ।The situation is like the old times these days.
- DAMtaŋpa naŋsiŋkom taपहिला जस्तो त(The situation is not) like before.
- DAMto mopkomi moअहिले छन त छ।(The condition) is like before.
- DAMtsirãtẽ mop tʌtsi lʌmʌriयहाँ पनि छन् लामा।There are also llamas here.
- DAMlo tʃutʃu kompa khjari kompa sjaŋtsiयो पछि पनि गुम्बाको ठाउँमा राम्रो गुम्बा बनाए।Even after that, they constructed a gompa instead of the previous gompa.
- DAMkomi nimpa khjari sjatsiपुरानै गुम्बाको ठाउँमा बनाए।(They) constructed it in place of the old gompa.
- DAMtasʌri kompa sʌmpʌ sjaŋtsiउ त्यता छेउमै ठूलो नयाँ गुम्बा बनाए।(They) constructed a gompa there (on the side).
- DAMtsi tʃutʃu kompa lʌmʌkãयो पछिको गुम्बाको लामा पनिThe llama (started coming) after this and
- DAMrutsi tʌtsi tele
- DAMtsu kompa kori ŋimi moयो गुम्बामा पनि हामीहरूwe were also (living) in this gompa.
- DAMʈhu de ŋin deछ सात जना (छौं)।We are six or seven in number.
- DAMtikʌtom pertse mi tsoŋa tsuʈu tʌmo ʈʌpʌaकहिले त वर्षमा पन्ध्र सोह्र जना लामाहरू पनि हुन्छन्।Sometimes, there are fifteen or sixteen llamas here.
- DAMo lʌtseयसै गरेरThis way,
- DAMta kaŋri lʌrtse mo
- DAMtele rimportshe tʌp kaŋrjã ŋiŋʌपहिले रिम्बोर्छे भएको बेलामा पनि हामी पाँच (थियौँ)।there were a total of five llamas when there was Rimboche.
- DAMrumportshe ʃepʌ atija lʌtseरिम्पोरछे ठुलो लामा खुट्टा लँगडा थिए।The Rimborche llama was lame.
- DAMpokʌrʌri kompʌ sjaŋ tsetsiपोखरामा ठूलो गुम्बा बनाउनु भयो।(He) constructed a big gompa in Pokhara.
- DAMpokʌra kompa sjaŋ kaŋriपोखराको गुम्बा बनाउने बेलामाWhile constructing a gompa in Pokhara,
- DAMotʃoŋ moʈor areत्यतिबेला मोटर पनि थिएन।there were no motor roads then.
- DAMkhẽ asʌpʌबाटो निकै नराम्रोThe road (was) very bad.
- DAMphla khẽtsʌri ŋi ʈʌpʌtse tene sutse lʌtseभिरको बाटोमा हामी लामाहरूलाई उहाँले लिएर आउनु भयो।(He) took us along the road (passing) through the cliff.
- DAMpokʌrʌ kompa ole sjaŋtsiपोखरा गुम्बा त्यसरी बनायौँ।(We) constructed the Pokhara gompa like that.
- DAMtitim pokʌrʌ kompʌkom tẽअहिले पोखरा गुम्बा तAs of now, the Pokhara gompa is nice
- DAMtiŋim tẽ aअहिले त हगी?How nice is it, okay?
- DAMkherʌ ajepʌri tiŋiखेर गएन अहिले त।It was not ignored (lit. wasted).
- DAMlʌmʌ nurpu tshiriŋ phul lʌtseनुर्बु छिरिङ् लामालाई चढाउनु भयो।(He) offered (it) to Nurbu Chiring Lama.
- DAMkhimtsẽ ta kẽtse lʌtseवहाँले के जिम्मा लिनुभयो।What he took responsibility of is...
- DAMtiŋi tuŋ pʌkora kompʌko kherʌ ajepʌriअहिले पोखरा गुम्बा चाहिँ खेर गएन।The gompa in Pokhara now has not been ignored (lit. wasted).
- DAMsʌpʌ tʌtsi tsurjãराम्रो भयो यहाँ पनि।It is also good here.
- DAMŋjaŋ jul kompa jul kompa tshe moहाम्रो गाउँको गुम्बा पनि छ, गाउँको गुम्बा राम्रो छ।There is a gompa of our village, and this gompa is good.
- DAMporto tse portotse na lʌmaपोर्तोचेमा त लामा (छन्)।There are lLamas in Porteche.
- DAMsjaŋtsi(गुम्बा) बनाए।(They) built gompa.
- DAMʈopʌ khjari ʈopʌ o lʌtseलामाहरू लामा छन् । यस्तो गरेरThere are llamas doing this as well.
- DAMlʌmʌ khjapaराजा लामा (थिए)।There was a llama king.
- DAMotʃoŋ mo atseयस्तो थिए (राजा, ठाउँ)।(The king) was like this.
- DAMtso toso lʌko areअहिलेको छैन।There are none (like this)
- DAMthẽ moराखेको छ।(they) have kept.
- DAMutsu lʌpko hanʈi mopaeवहाँको कहाँ छ होला (लामाको फोटो)?Where might his photo be?
- DAMʈulkulʌko mo taniअवतार लामाको टुल्कुको फोटो थियो नि?The (photo) of incarnated llama, Tulku llama.
- DAMtosoअहिलेNow,
- DAMtoso ʈulkulʌko tsiriअहिले टुल्कुको यहाँ (छ फोटो, यी)।the photo of Tulku is here.
- DAMtoso jaŋtsẽri phepa ʈulkuअवतारमा आउनु भएको टुल्कु लामा (यिनै हुनुहुन्छ)।(This) is the photo of the Tulku llama who came after incarnation.
- DAMto jaŋ tsẽri phepa ʈulkukoअहिले आउनु भएको अवतार लामा टुल्कु चाहिँ,The incarnated llama Tulku (who came here) recently is,
- DAMa tiŋiअहिले (आज)these days,
- DAMtele pilim tiŋim tẽहिजो भन्दा पनि आज त (धेरै)these days (lit. today), compared to previously (lit. yesterday).
- DAMʈulkutse jaŋtsele phe lʌtseअवतार लामा पहिला भन्दा अहिले धेरै आउनुभयो।Many incarnated llamas have come now.
- DAMtiŋim a phre phreअव आज त किसिम किसिमका (लामाहरू)There are llamas of various kinds,
- DAMputse moल्याउनु भएकोछ।(they) have brought them.
- DAMo lʌtse tiŋim sʌpʌत्यसरी गरेर अहिले राम्रो (छ)।This way, it is good now.
- DAMtiŋim tʌpʌ moअहिले त राम्रै छ।As for now, (It) is good.
- DAMu tʌrkotse tẽ ŋjaŋko utsuŋʌ te areत्यहाँबाट हामी त केही छैनौँ।Compared to the llama (lit. from there), we are of no significance.
- DAMtele lʌmari ta ʃupaaपहिले लामाले गुरूले भन्नुभएको कुराहरूThe things said by llamas before,
- DAMtaŋpako tem ŋjaŋपहिले जमाना त हामीlong before us,
- DAMphiko kjaŋtse lʌmʌtse ta selnaŋmokoपहिले लामाले जे कुरा भन्नुभयो, त्यो हेरिकन हामी त्यही हिसाबले गरिराखेका छौँ।we have been doing following what the llama had said before.
- DAMokori ŋjotse lʌtse ŋjaŋत्यसलाई हेरेर हामीLooking at it,
- DAMu tsukori tsi tsi kututsetse lʌtse ʈuri mopanaउनले जे भन्नु भएको छ त्यसमा हेरेर हामीले मेहनत गरि राखेका छौँ।we have been working hard looking at what he had said.
- DAMtiŋiko ʃena te lʌl areआज (त केही काम छैन ।) अरू केही गर्ने छैन।There is no work today. There is nothing then.
- DAMlʌma tʌmŋako ŋi tsi tsi thol tsimpaलामाले जुन आशिर्वाद दिए हामी अलि अलि (आशिर्वाद) पायौँ।Whatever blessings the llama gave us, we (got) the (blessings) of the same kind.
- DAMta khempʌri lʌtse lʌtse(कति सक्छौँ) गरि राखेका छौँ।We have been doing whatever we can.
- DAMʈuʈupko o tʌtse aबसीरहेका छौँ, यसरी गर्ने पर्ने।We've been sitting, like this.