16 Jan 2016
3 min 6 sec
- TEKkɦi min ta ɦimpɛतपाईंको नाम के हो ?What is your name ?
- DAMtan cɦiriŋतान छिरिङ्।(My name) is Tan Tshiring.
- TEKlo kête tace roबर्ष कति भयौ त ?How old are you (lit. became)?
- DAMlo ŋîcû kriवर्ष एकहत्तर (भएँ)।I (am/became) seventy one years.
- TEKlo ŋîcû kriवर्ष एकहत्तर।Seventy one ?
- TEKkhôpɛ ŋɦi tonto toteseशुरूमा हाम्रो बालि रोप्दा खेरिIn the beginning while planting crops,
- TEKkhɛlase topɛ khôpɛ cɛकसरी रोप्छन् शुरूमा चाहिँ ?how do (they) plant in the beginning
- TEKŋɦi ɦjulereहाम्रो गाउँमा।in our village ?
- DAMmu yurnaपानि पर्यो भनेIf it rains (they do it),
- DAMčɦuse topɛ mo ayurnaपानि लगाएर रोप्ने पानि परेन भने ।(they) plant by irrigating (field) if it does not rain.
- DAMmu yurna ɦosiyaŋ topɛपानि पर्यो भने यत्तिकै रोप्छन्।(They) plant it without irrigating (lit. without).
- TEKkle tone čɦînter thîpɛ ta ta lapɛखेत रोपी सके पछि फेरि के के गर्छन्?After the field is planted, what (what) do they do ?
- DAMɦotoroŋअनि (फेरि)Again (and then)
- DAMrɦa lɛ ɦoco lapɛबार लगाउँछन्, यस्तै।(they) make fence (and like this).
- TEKrɦa lapɛ ɦotaterबार लगाउने, त्यस पछिTo make fence, (and) after that
- TEKɦotater ɦjulereत्यसपछि गाउँमाafter that in the village,
- TEKtata lya ɦoteter kle tone čɦinterके के गर्छन खेत रोपी सके पछि ?what what do they do after planting rice in the field ?
- TEKŋɦi mɦi čɦike ta ta lyaहाम्रा मान्छेहरू के के गर्छन्?What do our neighbours (lit. men) do ?
- DAMra thaŋ ɦipɛ ɦorəmबार काट्न जान्छन्।(They) go to cut the fence.
- DAMkompɛ khepsi la tocɛगुम्बामा पुजा गर्छन्।(They) worship in gompas.
- DAMɦotore khepsɛ lane čɦintesmeअनि पुजा सके पछिAnd then afte finishing worship,
- DAMɦorome ɦyum čɦeke hlocɛअनि किताब पढ्छन्।and then they read holy books.
- TEKɦyum lhone čɦintereकिताबहरू पढि सके पछि ?After reading the books ?
- DAMɦyumceke hlolaseकिताबहरू पढेरHaving read the books,
- DAMtɦosor me ŋɦieअहिले चाहिँ हाम्रोnow in particular our
- DAMŋɦi ɦyulere sidzən khase ɦorəm ɦyum hlone čɦinter man thopəre ŋiहाम्रो गाउँमा सिजन आएर अनि कितावहरू पढी सके पछि किरा टिप्न जान्छन्।as the season approaches (lit. coms) in our village, they go to pick
- TEKman thone čɦinterयार्सा गुम्बा टिपे पछिAfter picking the Yarsagumpa?
- DAMman thone čɦinter yučẽ raŋ raŋto ɦyulereयार्सा गुम्बा टिपे पछि आ-आफ्नो गाउँमा आउँछन्।(They) come to their own village after picking the Yarsagumpa.
- TEKɦyulie kɦe tatalapɛ raŋloगाउँको काम के के गर्छन् फेरि ?Which works of the village do they do ?
- TEKɦyulie kɦe tatalapɛ raŋloगाउँको काम के के गर्छन् फेरि ?Which works of the village do they do ?
- TEKklêre mrã sê atopɛखेतमा झार उखेल्नु पर्दैन ?Don't they have to wee the field ?
- DAMlâle mrasê lâle preकुनै झार गोड्छन्, कुनै(ले) चौंरीSome weed the field, others (graze) yaks.
- DAMpyuŋ čɦeke priri ŋi mrinčɦeke mrasê ʈuकेटाहरू चौंरीलाई हेर्न जान्छन्, केटीहरू झार गोडेर बस्छन्।Boys go to graze (lit. look) yaks, girls weed the field (and sit).
- TEKɦotore čɦuču ŋhie ɦyulere sên tata lapɛअनि (फेरि) पछि हाम्रो गाउँमा अरू के के गर्छन्?And then later, what things do they do ?
- DAMɦoteɦoयति नै हो।This is all.
- DAMpɦarse thyuŋcɦyaŋ phapɛ čyaबर्षामा धुन्छ्याङहरू खान्छन्।(They) eat Dhunchyang (in the month of Asar).
- TEKthərci khêtem lapɛधर्चे कहिले गर्छन् ?When do they do Dharche ?
- TEKša tare lapɛकुन बारमा गर्छन्?Which day do (they) do ?
- TEKta ʈûpɛघोडा दौड।The horse race.
- DAMthumpie chepe som phli terlɛसातौं महिनाको तीन चार गते तिर गर्छन्।(They) do on the third or fourth day of the seventh day.
- TEKta ʈuipɛघोडा दौडाउँछन्।Do (they) ride (lit. run) the horses ?
- TEKɦotere ta ʈûini čɦintereअनि घोडा दौड सकेरAnd then having finished the horse race
- DAMta ʈira ʈûiघोडा एक दिन दौडाउँछन।(They) ride (lit run) the horse only one day.
- DAMthêrci tira lɛधेर्ची (धोडा दौड) एक दिन गर्छन्।They do horse race for one day.
- DAMɦo piknik cæ ɦocor ɦosiyaŋत्यो बनभोज खान्छन् अनि यत्तिनै (हो)।(They) eat that picnic, this is all.
- DAMthêrci lɛधेर्ची गर्छन् (मनाउँछन्)।(They) celebrate Dherchi.
- TEKthêrci lane cɦînter hotereधेर्चे गरे पछि अनिAfter finishing Dherchi (and then) ?
- TEKklêe tonto kɦate kɦatere kɦəntopɛखेतको बाली कति कतिमा काट्छन्?How frequently do they harvest (lit. cut) the crops ?
- DAMkɦêpɛ hlæ chêkere khɛnoआठौं महिना तिर (बाली) काट्छन्।(They) harvest (lit. cut) the crops usually in the eighth month.
- TEKkɦêpɛ hlæreआठौं महिनामा ?In the eighth month ?
- TEKkhɛnne tshinter tata lapɛकाटि सके पछि के के गर्छन्?What do they do after harvesting (lit. cutting ) crops ?
- DAMhre lalɛ hre parpar lalɛ lophriŋ ŋiतान्छन्, कुनै तान्छन् बिचबिचमा कुनै जोत्न जान्छन्।(They) pull, some pull (it), (and some others) go to plough the
- TEKɦoreअनि ?And then ?
- TEKtoləकुट्छन्?Do they strike (to get grains)?
- DAMtoकुट्छन्।(They) strike.
- DAMɦotore tone čɦintê sumअनि कुटी सके पछिAnd then after they strike,
- DAMlâremकुनै तas for some (people)
- DAMphâlpɛre ŋiकाठमान्डुमा जान्छन्।(they) go to Kathmandu
- DAMcɦecheke cyapəreबच्चाहरू हेर्न।to see (meet) their children.