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15 Dec 2011
1 min 23 sec
Video Overview

This title is part of a series of short (2-5 minute) dramatic enactments of contemporary life in Lhasa in the early 2000s. In this episode, an older woman cautions a younger woman about the downsides of marriage. She says that men will tell their lover many nice things before marriage, but then will change dramatically for the worse after marriage. She thus counsels the younger woman to take her time and not rush into marriage. While not directly relevant here, the older woman is Dadrön's mother, who is herself suffering from a situation where her best friend has stolen her boyfriend away. 

一位年纪大一点的妇女在给年轻的女孩介绍婚姻的弊端。她说婚前一般男人会说很多好听的话,但婚后他们就会变化很大,不管家务事,使得妻子很累。 一位年纪大一点的妇女在给年轻的女孩介绍婚姻的弊端。

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  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    tog tsam bskams bzhag
    The plants have become a little dry.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    mchod chang la ni sbrang rtsi snying po
    " is like the essence of honey..."
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    o tsi tshe dpal/
    Oh, Tsepal!
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    རང་ག་པར་ཐད་མཁན་ཡིན་པ། ཨོག་འདི་འདྲས་སྟོན་བྱས་
    rang ga par thad mkhan yin pa/_og 'di 'dras ston byas
    Where are you going, all done up like that?
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    ཨ་ཅག ང་དེ་རིང་དགའ་རོགས་སྒྲིག་གར་འགྲོ་མཁན་ཡིན།
    a cag_nga de ring dga' rogs sgrig gar 'gro mkhan yin/
    Sister, I'm off to make a boyfriend today.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    dga' rogs sgrig gar as/
    To make a boyfriend, eh?
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    'ong /
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    da dngos gnas dga' rogs bsgrigs na dang po nas gzab gzab byas ni ma gzhin sngan la skad cha snyan po dang gang ga bshad kyi red da/
    Well, if you're really going to try and make a boyfriend - unless you're careful at first, he'll smother you with sweet talk.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    ཆང་ས་བརྒྱབ་ཚར་ན་ཚར་པ་རེད། ང་ཚོའི་ཅོག་་་་་་་་
    chang sa brgyab tshar na tshar pa red/_nga tsho'i cog
    Once you've married, it's over. Our husbands...
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    Uh huh.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    gi bzo ra (bzo 'dra po) de 'dras 'ong da rang khyed rang tsho
    You know husbands like that... Now, you...
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    a cag rang gi cog yag po zhe po 'dug ga
    Sister, your husband is really great, isn't he?
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    ད་འདུག་ཟེ་བལྟས་བཞག་པ་ཅིག་ཡོད་མ་རེད་ད། དངོས་གནས་ནང་གི་སྦུག་ལ་ནི་ཇུས་གཏོགས་ཅི་ཡའི་༼ཅི་ཡང་༽བྱེད་ཀྱི་མ་རེད།
    da 'dug ze bltas bzhag pa cig yod ma red da/_dngos gnas nang gi sbug la ni jus gtogs ci ya'i (ci yang )byed kyi ma red/
    Well, from one point of view, he's not. He doesn't get involved at all with household matters.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    ཚང་མ་ངས་བྱེད་དགོས་རེད་ད། སྔན་མ་༼སྔོན་མ་༽ཆང་ས་མ་བརྒྱབ་གོང་ལ་ངར་རྒྱ་པོ་༼ཞེ་པོ་ཅིག་༽བྱེད་ཀྱི་ཡོད་པ།
    tshang ma ngas byed dgos red da/_sngan ma (sngon ma )chang sa ma brgyab gong la ngar rgya po (zhe po cig )byed kyi yod pa/
    I have to do everything. Before we were married he did a lot for me, you know?
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    khyed rang tshos ha go gi red pa/ de dus khyed rang tsho chung chung red pa/
    You guys should know. You guys were little then
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    da deng sang yod ma red gang ga ngas byed dgos red da/
    Now, these days it's not like that. I have to do everything.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    pu gu(phru gu )la ni jus gtogs byed kyi ma red/
    He doesn't involve himself with the kids.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    ཚང་མ་ངས་བྱེད་དགོས་རེད། ང་ནི་དངོས་གནས་ཡིན་ད།
    tshang ma ngas byed dgos red/_nga ni dngos gnas yin da/
    I have to do everything. Really, it's just me.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    བྱས་ཙང་ཁྱེད་རང་ཚོ་ལོ་ཆུང་ཆུང་རེད་པ། གཟབ་གཟབ་བྱེད་ནི་མ་གཞིན་དངོས་གནས་
    byas tsang khyed rang tsho lo chung chung red pa/_gzab gzab byed ni ma gzhin dngos gnas
    So, you see, you guys are young. Unless you're careful...
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    skad cha snyan po rgya po (zhe po cig )bshad kyi red da/
    ...he will sweet talk you.
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    byas tsang nga rang la'i (la yang )
    That's why I'm...
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    da mdog dang ci dag gcig por blta yag yod ma red/ dngos gnas yin/
    And you shouldn't just judge him by his looks, that's for sure.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    mi la'i (la yang )tog tsam blta dgos red da/
    You also have to look a little bit at the person.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    rjes mar so so gang ga so sor khyer na dka' las khag po rgya po (zhe po cig )yod red da/
    In the future, if you take everything on yourself, it'll be very difficult.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    da nga tsho pu gu'i (phru gu )a ma red pa/
    We're parents now, you know? \\\\\[That's why it's so difficult for me & my husband.\\\\\]
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    a cag dngul la blta dgos red ma red/
    Sister, should I look at how much money he has or not?
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    dngul as/
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    da dngul zer yag de da ga re zer dgos red/
    As for money, what can I say?
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    དངུལ་མེད་ནའི༼ན་ཡང་༽་འགྲིག་གི་མ་རེད་པ། ད་ཡང་དངུལ་གཅིག་པོར་བལྟ་ནའི་༼ན་ཡང༽ཡག་པོ་ཡོད་མ་རེད།
    dngul med na'i(na yang ) 'grig gi ma red pa/_da yang dngul gcig por blta na'i (na yang)yag po yod ma red/
    If he doesn't have any money, then that's no good. But if you only pay attention to his money, that's no good either.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    ད་གཙོ་བོ་མི་ཡག་པོ་ཅིག དངོས་གནས་མི་ཏོག་ཙམ་འཇོན་པོ་ར་ཅིག་༼འདྲ་པོ་ཅིག༽་དགོས་ཀྱི་འདུག་ག
    da gtso bo mi yag po cig_dngos gnas mi tog tsam 'jon po ra cig ('dra po cig) dgos kyi 'dug ga
    The most important thing is that he's a good man. Really, you need someone who's capable.
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    mi zer yag de 'gyur 'gro gi 'dug ga
    People change, you know?
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    ha go yag ci ya'i mi 'dug ga
    You won't even recognize them at all.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    བྱས་ཙང་ག་ད་མ་གཞི་ཧ་གོ་ཡག་མི་འདུག ད་མི་ཟེར་ཡག་དེ་འགྱུར་འགྲོ་གིས་ད། ད་ཡིན་ནའི་་་་་་
    byas tsang ga da ma gzhi ha go yag mi 'dug_da mi zer yag de 'gyur 'gro gis da/_da yin na'i
    So, you won't even recognize them. People change. But in spite of this...
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    de ring ngas phyin/
    Today I 'll go and ....
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    da khyed rang tsho gzab gzab byed a
    ... you guys be careful now...
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    'ong 'ong a cag
    Yes, yes, sister.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    gzab gzab byed ma bzhin da rjes mar brgyab tshar song na a ni yang 'gyod pa skyes na phyi tshar pa red da/
    Unless you're careful, then later you might get married and have regrets, and then it'll be too late.
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    ngas nyi ma kha shas cig nas 'khrid yong dgos/
    After a few days, I'll bring him here for you.
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    'ong go a cag
    Ok, sister.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    'ong 'ong
    Yes, ok.
  • ཨ་ཅག་ལགས
    de dus ngas ga 'dras 'dug bltas dgos a/
    Then at that point, I'll take a look and see what he's like.
  • ཚེ་དཔལ་ལགས
    'ong 'ong /
    Yes, yes.