27 Jun 2017
15 min 19 sec
- LHKwo me taɕi d̪ile kʰam saŋbohello grandfather namaste wellए हजुरबुबा नमस्कार!Good afternoon, Grandpa!
- TSHwo kʰam saŋbohello wellनमस्कार!Good afternoon!
- LHKani miŋ tɕi n̪eji̤and.then name what say.SAMA -xxअनि नाम के हो?What is your name?
- TSHŋa ŋa miŋ1 1 nameमेरो नाम हो?My name is..
- TSHŋa miŋ t̪a jṳl n̪aŋ mi su wɛ hamiko jo̤d̪i1 name PART village inside man who QUE know.NEG xxमेरो नाम त गाउँमा कसैले पनि थाहा छैन।None knows my name in this village.
- TSHŋa miŋ d̪i wo̤roŋ ã: kʰokpa n̪aŋ t̪ʰøn luŋ med̪i t̪eli1 name PART 1PL mother womb inside come.out period NEG.xx EMPHमेरो नाम त आमाको पेटभित्र बाट निस्कने बित्तिकैAfter I was born, my name is...
- TSHtsʰiriŋ waŋd̪ʏTshiring Wangdiछिरिङ वाङदि।It is Tshiring Wangdi.
- LHKtsʰiriŋ waŋd̪ʏ jɛ̃Tshiring Wangdi QUEछिरिङ बाङदि हो?Tshiring Wandi?
- TSHjɛ̃Yesहो।Yes!
- LHKkesa d̪i woroŋ rø jṳl n̪aŋ ke ji̤n̪birthplace PART 1PL Sama village inside get.birth COPजन्मेको ठाउँ चाहिँ हाम्रो गाउँमै हो?Were you born in our village?
- TSHworoŋ d̪ala woroŋ d̪ala1PL around.here 1PL around.hereहाम्रो यहिँ हाम्रो यहिँ...Yes, here!
- TSHdzoko woroŋ jṳl n̪aŋ karma tsʰiriŋ kʰim d̪inow.SAMA 1PL village inside Karma Tshiring house PARTअहिले हाम्रो गाउँमा भएको कर्मा छिरिङको घर चाहिँ।In that same house where Karma Tshiring lives now.
- TSHwo̤ n̪aŋ kʰim ŋot̪oʔ wod̪iraŋ ji̤n̪DEM inside house indeed/main that REFL COPत्यहि भित्र घर मुख्य त्यहि नै हो।I was born in that house.
- LHKd̪en̪i wo ʈɛʈɛ gaŋ d̪eni tɕʰjo dʑjaŋsa gøn̪d̪a dʑjaŋ ji̤n̪and.then that small time and.then book learn -place where learn COPअनि सानोबेलामा पढाई चाहिँ कहाँ पढ्नु भएको थियो?Where did you study while you were small?
- TSHsu lɔ ŋa jẽwho PART 1 PARTको भनेको मलाई?Who?, Is it me?
- LHKjɛ̃Yesहो।Yes!
- TSHtɕʰjo d̪a d̪en̪i ɣõ̤ɣõ dʑjaŋsa d̪i d̪ibook PART and.then in.the.beginning learn -place this PARTअनि पढाई त सुरुमा पढ्ने ठाउँ त्यो तIn the beginning, the place to study...
- TSHd̪en̪i woroŋand.then 1PLअनि हाम्रो।Then our...
- TSHŋa maɕi ʈɛʈɛ gaŋla d̪an̪da me si̤n̪ʏn̪1 sure small time -LOC now grandfather Sinyunम सानो बेलाम अहिलेको हजुरबुबा सिनुन।When I was small, grandfather Sinun...
- TSHme tsʰiriŋ namgjal jap kʰjoroŋ ɖampa meɖograndfather Tshiring Namgyal father.RES 3 memory NEG.POSSIBहजुरबुबा छिरिङ नाम्ग्यालको बा तिमिलाई त याद छैन होला।You may not know Tshiring Namgyal's father.
- TSHd̪an̪d̪a gompa me gjamtsʰoki jap d̪i me rikdzin̪ namgjal ji̤n̪now Gumba grandfather Gyamtsho -ERG father.RES PART grandfather Rigzin Namgyal COPअहिले गुम्बा हजुरबुबा घ्याम्चोको बुबा चाहिँ रिन्जिन नाम्ग्याल हो।Grandfather Ghyamcho's father was Rinzin Namgyal.
- TSHme rikdzin̪ n̪amgjal jabd̪ika me dʑjaŋtɕʰjuk d̪ampa n̪e jo̤d̪igrandfather Rigzin Namgyal father.RES PART grandfather Jhangchuk dead.RES say.SAMA xxहजुरबुबा रन्जिन नाम्ग्यालको बुबा चाहिँ झाङछुक दाम्पा भनेको छ।Then, Rinzin Namgyal's father was told to be Jhangchuk Dakpa.
- TSHme dʑjaŋtɕʰjuk d̪ampa d̪a ŋagrandfather Jhangchuk dead.RES PART 1हजुरबुबा झाङछुक दाम्पा अब मGrandfather is Jhangchuk Dhakpa; and I..
- TSHŋa ɲala jetɕi ɲi ke1 up -LOC elder.sister two get.birthमेरो माथि दुईवटा दिदि छ।There are two elder sisters of mine.
- TSHjetɕi ɲi wala betsa bu ji̤n̪ su n̪e n̪aelder.sister two down -LOC children son COP -xx say.SAMA xxदिदिको मुनि बच्चा छोरा भए पनिAfter sisters, there was one son..
- TSHd̪en̪i ŋa keand.then 1 get.birthअनि म जन्म्यो।After that, I was born.
- TSHd̪en̪i ŋa ke wo̤ŋn̪e kaand.then 1 get.birth come -CONV PARTअनि म जन्मेरपछिAfter I was born..
- TSHd̪en̪i ŋa ke wo̤ŋn̪e ka bu tɕik n̪u n̪e n̪u d̪en̪i bu tɕik ke n̪a kaand.then 1 get.birth come -CONV PART son one xx say.SAMA xx and.then son one get.birth xx PART 3अनि म जन्मिदा खेरि एउटा छोरा छ भनेर छोरा जन्मेछ भनेर उSince there was already another son, for me...
- TSHme ɖowa dzaŋ dzaŋ ji̤n̪grandfather Lama send send COPम लामामा हाल्यो।They took me to study Lama.
- TSHd̪en̪i ɖowa dzaŋ wo n̪i lo ɲi sumand.then Lama send that later year two threeअनि लामामा हालेर दुई तिन बर्ष पछि...After 2/3 years since I went to study Lama...
- TSHŋa ɖuk d̪ʏn̪ ja tɕʰjo gjeme malap jo̤ɖu ai1 six seven xx book not.too.much NEG- learn xx PARTअनि पाँच छ सात बर्ष सम्म त पढेन होला।I might not have studied for six to seven years.
- TSHworoŋ ɖamba wo̤ŋkʰen n̪o tɕi ɖampa wo̤ŋke1PL memory come -xx PART what memory come -xxहाम्रो कहाँ याद हुन्छ यादै हुदैन नि।It is difficult to remember.
- TSHani d̪en̪i tɕʰjo lap tɕʰjo lap lab na tɕʰjo ŋot̪oʔ lapkʰen̪ d̪iand.then and.then book learn book learn say COND book indeed/main learn -xx PARTअनि पढेको भन्दा पनि मुख्या पढाउने मान्छे चाहिँRather than to talk about study, the teacher was...
- TSHd̪en̪i ŋaraŋ awad̪ɔ lap lapand.then 1 -EMPH father -PL.SAMA learn learnअनि हाम्रै बुबाले सिकाएको...My father himself taught me.
- TSHɲɛ awa1PL fatherमेरो बुबा...My father..
- TSHŋot̪oʔ lap lap d̪aindeed/main learn learn PARTमुख्य सिकाउने चाहिँ..The main teacher was..
- TSHd̪a ŋot̪oʔ t̪ʰamtɕenow indeed/main allअब मुख्य सबैIt is all.
- TSHwoni d̪en̪i kʰoraŋ d̪a tɕʰjo d̪i ji̤ki pel n̪athen and.then 3 -EMPH PART book PART letter introduce.letter xxअनि उनिहरुको विचमा पढाई चाहिँ लेख्न सिकाउँदाWhile they taught me to write...
- TSHtɕʰjo d̪a aruŋ n̪uŋ d̪a wo̤roŋbook PART normal COP PART 1PLअनि पढाई त ठिकै छ अनि हाम्रोIt study is normal.
- TSHd̪a wola rikpa t̪ʰamtɕe rikpaPART that -LOC idea all ideaअब त्यो माथि बिचार सबै विचारIn that, to discuss all things...
- TSHgoŋgoŋ t̪en̪go jo̤d̪i d̪a wo̤roŋgood depend.on -xx xx PART 1PLराम्रो सित राख्नु पर्यो अब हाम्रो...We have to do our best to make it better...
- TSHtsunɖʏ dʑego jo̤d̪ihard.work do -xx xxमेहनत धेरै गर्नु पर्छ।We should work hard.
- TSHtsunɖʏ tɕʰempo jo̤ na mi labʈa tɕi na woroŋ gɛme wo̤ŋkʰen n̪o aihard.work big xx COND man school compare COND 1PL nothing come -xx PART PARTमेहनत ठुलो भयो भने मान्छेको मुक्ति हुन्छ भने हाम्रो किन हुँदैन है?If we have courage, there will be liberation; Is this not right?
- TSHd̪a tɕi lab n̪a raŋ rikpa raŋ dʑego jo̤d̪inow what say COND REFL idea REFL do -xx xxअब जे भनेपनि आफ्नै विचारमै भर पर्छ।All of it depends on your thinking.
- TSHd̪a tɕʰjo d̪i rikpa dʑeso pʰantɕi tɕi dʑe n̪a wo̤ŋkʰenow book PART idea do -xx from what do COND come -xxपढाईलाई विचार गर्यो भने जस्तो भयो पनि राम्रै हुन्छ।If you study better, it is always good.
- LHKd̪en̪i kʰesiŋ woroŋ d̪ila saŋgul tɕʰembo lep gaŋand.then recently 1PL this -LOC earthquake big come timeअनि हाम्रो अर्ति ठुलो भुकम्प आउँदाखेरि...When the big earthquake hit....
- LHKgo̤n̪d̪a jo̤ wo gaŋwhere xx that timeकहाँ थियो त्यतिखेर।Where were you then?
- TSHsaŋgul tɕʰembo lep gaŋ ŋa gomba d̪ʏ̤n̪la d̪e jo̤earthquake big come time 1 Gumba in.front.of -LOC sit xxठुलो भुकम्प आउँदा खेरि म गुम्बाको अगाडि थियो।When the big earthquake hit, I was in front of Gumba.
- TSHd̪i sa d̪ila d̪ɔ: jo̤this land this -LOC potatoes xxयो ठाउँमा आलु थियो।There were potatoes.
- TSHd̪ɔ: ko ɲi̤n̪ n̪a d̪ɔ: hala t̪ap d̪e jo̤potatoes dig day xx potatoes that.side plant sit xxआलु खनेर उता रोप्न लाग्यो।They were starting to plant potatoes.
- TSHd̪en̪i ro̤l ɲi sum ro̤l ɲi sum kʰurn̪eand.then mud-line two three mud-line two three carry -CONVअनि दुई तिन वटा ड्याङ फेरि दुई तिन ड्याङ पुग्ने गरे बोकेर...
- TSHd̪en̪iand.thenअनिThen...
- TSHjuru ɖʏ̤sune d̪ɔ: wo n̪aŋla lama sum n̪e tɕik t̪apn̪e wo gaŋla lepsocanal dig -xx -CONV potatoes that inside -LOC times three xx one plant -CONV that time -LOC come -xx xxड्याङ खनेर आलु त्यहि भिर्त तिन चोटि रोपेपछि अचानक आयो।Just after making these three mud-lines and planting three potatoes,
- TSHkʰoraŋ laŋ na d̪aŋ liŋ ni t̪aŋn̪e be3 -EMPH to.this.side.and.that.side send/fall -CONV PARTअनि त यताउता गरेरThen, doing different things...
- TSHd̪i gjoŋola tɕʰjort̪en tɕik jo̤this behind -LOC Stupa one xxयो पछाडिमा एउटा मन्दिर थियो।There was one Chhorten at the back.
- TSHd̪i tɕʰjort̪en tɕik d̪a dzoko woroŋ labʈaŋ me ʈaɕi d̪ordʑethis Stupa one PART now.SAMA 1PL religious.family grandfather Tashi Dorjeeयो मन्दिर त हाम्रो लाप्डाङ (लामाहरुको उत्पत्ति।बस्ने ठाउँ) टासिThis Chhorten, in our Lapdang; Tashi Dorje...
- TSHd̪i tɕʰjort̪en mema tɕʰjort̪enthis Stupa down Stupaयो स्तुपाको तल स्तुपा...Next Chhorten down from this one...
- TSHt̪ʰukke mind̪uk lɔ t̪ʰukke me lɔ wo d̪iknow.RES NEG- xx PART know.RES NEG.xx PART that PARTथाहा छैन रहेछ योलाई थाहा छैन रैछ यो चाहिँ....He did not know about that...
- TSHd̪i bala tɕʰjort̪en ɲi jo̤ re tɕik d̪i me methis middle Stupa two xx xx one PART grandfather grandfatherयतै तिर दुईवटा स्तुपा छ रैछ एउटा चाहिँ हजुरबुबाThere were two Chhorten around here; for one Grandpa..
- TSHlabʈaŋ woroŋ me d̪ampa d̪i pʰobʈaŋ ji̤n̪ lɔreligious.family 1PL grandfather dead.RES PART lama.house COP PARTयो घर चाहिँ लाब्टाङ (लामाको जात) हाम्रो बितिसकेको हजुरबुबाको घर हो।Lapdang is our late grandfather's family.
- TSHd̪en̪i kʰeraŋ pʰa tsʰu ɖo gaŋand.then 2 -EMPH that.side this.side go timeअनि तिमीहरु यताउता जाने बेलामा...When you go around here...
- TSHpʰa tsʰu ɖo gaŋ ani d̪e gaŋ n̪ithat.side this.side go time and.then sit time xxयताउता जाने बेलामा अनि बस्ने बेलामाWhile going and coming from here..
- TSHd̪i tɕʰjot̪en̪ d̪ila goŋgoŋ dʑe a lɔthis Stupa this -DAT good do PART PARTयो स्तुपालाई राम्रो सँग हेर्दिनु भनेछ।He told us to look after this Gumba.
- TSHd̪ila saŋ ɖoŋo goŋmo saŋ solka goŋ t̪aŋ tsaŋɖa d̪opo dʑe a lɔthis -DAT always morning evening worship good send/fall clean neat do PART PARTत्यसलाई आगो-पुजा बिहान बेलुका आगो-पुजा प्रार्थाना गरेर यसलाईDo prayers in the evening and in the morning; keep this in a good
- TSHd̪a mema d̪i n̪aŋla me lãla t̪ʰukke mind̪uk kʰeraŋnow down this inside -LOC grandfather Lamas -DAT know.RES NEG- xx 2 -EMPHत्यो तल पट्टिचाहिँ भित्र रिम्पोछेलाई पनि थाहा छैन रहेछ।Even Rimpoche did not know about the lower one.
- TSHd̪a ŋama kalpa d̪i saŋpo dʑjuŋwa tɕik ji̤nɖo ainow before era PART kind/good become one COP.POSSIB PARTअनि पहिलाको युग चाहिँ राम्रो (उत्तम) होला नि है।The old time might be a good one!
- TSHd̪i t̪o d̪i d̪a labʈaŋ methis up PART PART religious.family grandfatherत्यो माथि त लाब्टाङ हजुरबुबा...Up there; Lapdang Grandpa...
- TSHme d̪amba suŋ d̪uk pʰboʈaŋ ji̤n̪ n̪e n̪ugrandfather dead.RES say.RES xx lama.house COP say.SAMA xxबितेको हजुरबुबाले भन्नुभएको छ दरबार हो भन्छ।That one is a palace, our late grandfather had said.
- TSHn̪e n̪u lɔsay.SAMA xx PARTभनेको छ।He told it.
- TSHdzoko d̪i pʰobʈaŋ ɕjagaɕigi t̪ali so n̪unow.SAMA this lama.house damaged EMPH.SAMA make xxअहिले उहि त भताभूङ्ग जस्तै बनाएछ।Now, it has been said to be totally destructed.
- TSHkʰim d̪i d̪a jo̤lu laji t̪ʰurt̪iŋ tɕjapd̪a ɕig n̪u kʰoroŋ julajihouse PART PART some up downwards all crack xx self to.the.topघरहरु त कोहि माथि देखि तलसम्म सबै भत्केको छ माथितिर त।Some houses have totally been damaged from top to bottom; over
- TSHtɕʰort̪en t̪ʰamdʑe go bɔkʰen saŋsaŋ go mabok tɕʰjort̪en tɕikjeStupa all head snatch -xx only head NEG- snatch Stupa one - xx NEG- xx 3 PARTस्तुपा सबै टाउको।शिर लडेछ नलडेको एउटा पनि छैन। त्यहि त।The tops of all Chortens have been damaged.
- TSHd̪a d̪i tɕʰjort̪en̪ go bɔkʰen d̪i t̪ʰamdʑe d̪inow this Stupa head snatch -xx PART all PARTअब यो स्तुपा शिर भत्केको सबै तBy all those damaged Chhortens...
- TSHmi tɕʰempo d̪aŋ lã: tɕʰempo t̪ʰamtɕela ɲen̪ɦu lɔman big and Lamas big all -DAT affect -xx PARTमान्छे ठुलो र लामा ठलो हरु सबैलाई असर पर्छ भन्छनIt is told that this will affect great men and Lamas all.
- TSHd̪en̪i woroŋ d̪i ji̤ɕen̪urpu suŋ n̪u aand.then 1PL this Dalai.Lama say.RES xx PARTअनि हाम्रो यो दलाई लामाले भन्नुहुन्छ।Our Dalai Lama says this.
- TSHd̪en̪i kʰeraŋ d̪iand.then 2PL thisअनि तिमिहरु यो।And you...
- TSHd̪alo kʰeraŋ woroŋ ji̤n̪ n̪athis.year 2PL 1PL COP CONDयसपालि तिमिहरु, हाम्रो भयो भने...This time you....if we have..
- TSHd̪a luŋpa d̪itsʰø d̪ila sa lɔk d̪o lɔk d̪inow village time this -LOC land dig stone dig thisगाउँतिर समयमा माटोखन्ने ढुङगा फुटाउने यो...Breaking stones and digging mud...
- TSHɲuŋdʑi dʑɛ lɔlittle do PARTअलि कम गर।Do less work!
- TSHsa lɔk d̪o lɔk d̪i ɲuŋdʑi dʑeland dig stone dig PART little doजमिन खन्ने ढुङ्गा फुटाउने अलि कम गरेरWorking as breaking stones and digging mud...
- TSHreka d̪ila semtɕen̪d̪ɔhill/jungle towards animals -PL.SAMAजङगलतिर जनावर हरुThe animals in the jungle...
- TSHreka d̪i buhill/jungle this insectजङ्गलतिर किराहरु।The insects in the jungle..
- TSHjaŋ jartsagʏnbu n̪akʰen d̪i d̪iagain Yartsagunbu say.SAMA -xx this PARTफेरि यास्सागुम्बा भनेको त्यो चाहिँThen, the Yarsagumba....
- TSHd̪i d̪i mud̪a jartsagʏn̪bu ko:kʰen d̪i ja̤kpo lep maɦũ lɔthis PART down.there Yartsagunbu dig -xx PART good.TIB come NEG.come PARTयो तलतिर यास्सागुम्बा खोज्ने चाहिँ राम्रो हुँदैन भनेछ।To search for Yarchagumba down these places is not good.
- TSHkʰeraŋ lo sum ɕi̤ n̪aŋla2PL year three four inside -LOCतिमीहरु तिनचार बर्ष भित्रIn three to four years, you..
- TSHkʰeraŋ kʰala ja̤kpo tɕik rakji re suŋ n̪u a d̪a2PL food.TIB good.TIB one get -xx COP say.RES xx PART PARTतिमीहरुलाई खाना राम्रो एउटा पाउँछ भनेको छ तYou will get good food, it was told.
- TSHd̪a kʰala ja̤kpo d̪i kʰesiŋ guntsu wo̤ŋ n̪u d̪a woroŋnow food.TIB good.TIB PART recently how come xx now 1PLअब खाना राम्रो चाहिँ कस्तो आयो अस्ति हामिलाईWhat good food we got recently!
- TSHd̪a d̪i tɕotɕonow this like - likeअब यो जस्तै।If something like this..
- TSHd̪i tɕotɕo d̪oroŋ lama sum ɕi ŋa ɖuk wo̤ŋtɕi n̪a t̪athis like - like still times three four five six come -INF COND PARTयो जस्तै फेरि तिन चार पाँच छ पटक आयो भने तIf it continues to come for four to five to six times, then...
- TSHkʰim tɕikjɛ̤ male jo̤ɖohouse one.also NEG- remain xxघर एउटा पनि बाँकि रहेन होला।There won't be a single house left.
- TSHkʰjoroŋ tɕjapt̪a n̪orme soŋ jo̤ɖu3 all loss go xxतिमीहरु त सबै क्षति भईसक्यो होला।There would have been total damage.
- TSHkʰjoroŋ d̪i lamkja wo̤ŋsa d̪i ɕjar tɕʰjokla wo̤ŋ ji̤n̪ n̪e n̪u3 PART path come -place this east towards -LOC come COP say.SAMA xxतिमीहरु त यो सुरुमा पुर्वबाट आएको हो भनेको छ।It has been told that it came first from the east.
- TSHd̪a dzoko d̪i ɕjar tɕʰjok d̪i ɖoŋme tɕʰjok kʰel d̪uk anow now.SAMA this east towards PART lowest.house towards lie xx PARTअब अहिले पुर्ब भनेको चाहिँ तलको टोल तिर परेको छNow, the east is centered around lower villages.
- TSHd̪an̪d̪a d̪i wo̤ŋ n̪a ɖoŋme tɕʰjok wo̤ŋ n̪u anow this come - xx lowest.house towards come xx PARTअहिले यो आउँदा तलको टोलपट्टि आउँदो रहेछ।Now, it comes from these downward villages.
- TSHkjon̪ ma̤ŋ t̪aŋ ɕja̤g d̪ukloss much send/fall put xxधेरै क्षति भएको छ।There has been much damage.
- TSHd̪a kjon̪ d̪a gompa ji̤la aruŋ maŋbo ɕig d̪e d̪unow loss PART Gumba xx -LOC normal many crack sit xxअब क्षति त गुम्बातिर पनि अलि धेरै भएको छThe Gumbas have also been damaged considerably.
- TSHd̪a ŋa wod̪a gomba d̪i ge d̪e jo̤d̪inow 1 there Gumba PART crack sit xxअब मेरो पनि गुम्बामा चर्केको छ।My Gumba has also some cracks.
- TSHd̪a ŋan̪i betsad̪ɔ mala soŋ ŋaraŋ tɕikpo ji̤n̪now 1 -xx children -PL.SAMA down -LOC go 1 -EMPH alone COPअब म त बच्चाहरु तलतिर गयो म आफै एक्लै हो।My children have gone to downward places; I am alone here.
- TSHd̪a wala jeitɕi tɕik jo̤d̪inow down -LOC elder.sister one xxअब त्यो तल एउटा दिदि छ।There is one elder sister down from here.
- TSHd̪a mo gulɦɔ mikʰu jo̤d̪i t̪am tɕinow 3SG.FEM shake -xx NEG- be.able xx talk whatअब उ चाहिँ असक्त भएको छ के भन्नु त (अलमल परेको)She has been unable to do anything.
- TSHn̪e n̪usay.SAMA xxभनेको छ.It was told.
- TSHd̪a ŋaraŋ tɕikla t̪e n̪anow 1 -EMPH one -DAT see CONDअब म आफै एउटालाई हेर्दा...For me as well...
- TSHd̪a ŋa pʰõ: tsʰõ ɖotɕi n̪inow 1 here.and.there go -INF PARTअब म उतातिर गयो पनि तEven if I go towards there..
- TSHd̪a jetɕi d̪a mi jokpo gjukʰen̪ bõ: tɕik a bõ: tɕik tsa tɕik menow elder.sister xx man caretake walk -xx daughter one faeces daughter one useless NEG.xxअब दिदिलाई त कुरुवा (बिरामि हेर्ने मान्छे) एउटा केटि छ तर केटि चाहिँIt is told that she has one caretaker girl; but, she is not good.
- TSHd̪en̪i kʰesiŋ woroŋ d̪i ji̤ mi tɕʰembo wo̤ŋ gaŋand.then recently 1PL this xx man big come timeअनि अस्तो हाम्रोतिर ठुलो मान्छे आउँदाखेरिWhen those officials came here..
- TSHgur tɕʰembo ra t̪e n̪utent big like give xxठुलो पालहरु दिदो रहेछ।They gave us big tents.
- TSHd̪en̪i mi mekʰen mekʰend̪ɔ wo dʑikʰen t̪ʰamdɕed̪ɔand.then man NEG.xx -xx NEG.xx -xx -PL.SAMA that do -xx all -PL.SAMAअनि घर मान्छे नभएको हरु सबैलाईFor those who does not have houses and relatives...
- TSHjaŋ kjobso ra t̪e n̪u aagain relief.aid like give xx xxफेरि केहि राहातहरु दिँदोरहेछ।They gave other relief aid as well.
- TSHwoni gur tɕʰembo re t̪e n̪u aafter.that tent big one give xx xxत्यहिबाट ठुलो पाल एउटा दिँदोरहेछ।They gave big tents.
- TSHd̪a lo sum sunow year three aroundअव तिनबर्ष...For three years..
- TSHŋaraŋ usu kaŋpa gultɕi med̪i usu beraŋ1 REFL like.that leg shake -INF NEG.xx like.that totallyम आफैँ खुट्टा हिन्न नसकेर यस्तो भएको छ।I have myself been unable to walk.
- TSHd̪a lo n̪i n̪a lo halam ɕibtɕu su ɖo n̪unow year PART COND year approximately forty around go xxअब बर्ष भन्दाखेरि झन्डै चालिस बर्ष पुगेको रहेछ।Now, it has been forty years.
- TSHd̪a mu d̪e gaŋ lonow down sit time yearअब तल बस्दाखेरी बर्ष..
- TSHd̪a d̪ʏntɕju n̪aŋ lep wo̤ŋkʰenow seventy inside come come -xxअब सत्तरि तिर पुग्ने लाग्योNow, I am almost seventy years old.
- LHKd̪en̪i kʰesiŋ saŋgul ɣõ̤ɣõ lep gaŋ tɕikand.then recently earthquake in.the.beginning come time oneअनि अस्ति सुरुमा भुकम्प आउँदाखेरि केहि...When the big earthquake hit suddenly..
- LHKsaŋgul ji̤n̪ n̪am hagoso...tsʰordʑjuŋearthquake COP DOUBT know -xx feel - getभकम्प हो भनेर थाहा पायो कि (अनुभव भयो कि)Did you know that it was an earthquake?
- LHKd̪en̪i gõgõ lep gaŋ tɕi ji̤n̪ n̪am n̪odʑuŋand.then in.the.beginning come time what COP DOUBT think.SAMA - getअनि सुरुमा आउँदाखेरि के हो जस्तो लाग्यो?What did you think in the beginning?
- TSHwo d̪i woroŋ hagoke t̪elithat PART 1PL know -xx simplyत्यो त हामिले थाहा हुन्छ त्यतिकैIt knew it immediatly.
- TSHd̪en̪i wod̪ila lamsaŋ t̪eli woroŋ hagoke ji̤and.then that -DAT immediately EMPH 1PL know -xx xxअनि त्यो त एकछिनमै हामिले थाहा हुन्छ।I knew it very soon.
- TSHworoŋ ŋama ŋa ʈɛʈɛ gaŋla ŋama ŋa ʈɛʈɛ wo gaŋla1PL before 1 small time -LOC before 1 small that time -LOCहाम्रो पहिला म सानो हुँदाखेरि सानो हुदा खेरि...When I was small...
- TSHd̪an̪d̪a woroŋ pʰu-wo̤md̪aŋ mu kʰonow 1PL Homdang.cave down 3अहिले हाम्रो फु-हाम्दाङ (ठाउँको नाम) तिर त्योIn around Phu-Hamdang...
- TSHsod̪i n̪aŋ kʰaja̤le tɕʰjok d̪ara me d̪ara me n̪e tɕik jo̤ aSodi inside little.above towards buttermilk grandfather buttermilk grandfather say.SAMA one xx xxसोति अलिमाथि (भित्र) त्यतैतिर मोहि-बाजे मोहि-बाजे भन्ने एउटा थियोA little up from Soti, there was a man named buttermilk-grandpa...
- TSHd̪en̪i wola d̪en̪iand.then that -LOC sit -xxअनि त्यतै बस्दा..While living there...
- TSHd̪en̪i tsʰamo ɲa̤ln̪i wo gaŋ tɕik lepsoand.then night sleep -CONV that time one come -xxअनि राति सुत्ने बेलामा त्यतिखेर एउटा आयो।At night, one earthquake hit.
- TSHwo gaŋ tɕik lepso wone pʰelam mud̪a lepthat time one come -xx then again down.there comeत्यतिखेर एउटा आयो अनि फेरि तलतिर आयो।Once it hit and agin another hit downwards.
- TSHani lo t̪iŋma guntɕu ji̤ tɕjadzand.then year after how xx who.knowsअनि पछिल्लो बर्ष कस्तो भयो होला खै।What happened next year!
- TSHmu ji jala wo̤ŋn̪e la go sumba baladown xx up -LOC come -CONV upwards head third middleतलबाट आएर उकालो घो-सुम्बा (टाउको-तीनवटा) त्यहि तिर।Coming from downward to Ghosumba...
- TSHjaŋ jaŋ wo bala tɕik lepsoagain again that middle one come -xxफेरि त्यहि बिचतिर एउटा आयो।One earthquake hit somewhere in the middle there.
- TSHani d̪i d̪i pʰon d̪a ɲe pʰon̪ d̪a d̪e gaŋ d̪i pʰon d̪aand.then this this phone PART 1PL phone PART sit time this phone PARTअनि यो उतातिर हाम्रो उतातिर बस्दाखेरि त्यो उतातिर।Towards this side...
- TSHdzoko ɲeraŋ kʰim ɲiŋpa d̪e gaŋnow.SAMA 1PL -EMPH house old sit timeअहिले हाम्रो पुरानो घरमा बस्दा खेरि...While living in our old house..
- TSHpʰet̪a d̪oroŋ kʰjoroŋ saŋgul lep wo̤ŋ n̪e n̪u lɔoutside still 3 earthquake come come say.SAMA xx PARTबाहिर अझै पनि तिमीहरु भुकम्प आउँछ भनेर भनेको छ।The earthquake will hit again, it was told.
- TSHd̪a wo gorum d̪alanow that yard aroundअब आँगन तिर..Around the yard...
- TSHmi t̪ʰamtɕe wod̪a gur pukn̪e d̪e jo̤d̪iman all there tent fix -CONV sit xxसबै मान्छेहरु त्यहि तिर पाल हालेर बसेको थियो।All men lived there under tents...
- TSHwo ɲin̪ tsʰamo lep d̪a lepsothat day night come PART come -xxत्यहि दिन राति आउन त आयो।Another earthquake hit the same day night.
- TSHd̪a wo tsʰuntɕu saŋgul lep raŋ lep menow that after.that earthquake come -EMPH come NEG.xxअनि त्यसपछि भुकम्प आउँदै आएनAfter that, the earthquake never hit again.
- TSHlepraŋ lepraŋ lep mecome -EMPH come -EMPH come NEG.xxआउँदै आएन।It never hit again.
- TSHmi su hagokeman who know -xxमान्छेहरु कसलाई चाहिँ थाहा हुन्छ?Who knows this?
- TSHwo mat̪ok su hagokethat except who know -xxत्यो बाहेक कसलाई थाहा हुन्छ।Who knows except that?
- TSHd̪at̪a d̪a d̪at̪a d̪a luŋba d̪ila d̪anow PART now PART village towards PARTअब त अब त अब यो गाउँमा त।Now, in this village...
- TSHd̪ithisयो।This..
- TSHd̪a guntɕu dʑekʰe n̪a n̪odʑjuPART how do -xx xx think.SAMA -xxअब त कस्तो हुन्छ भनेर सोचेको थियो।What will happen next? It was thought.
- TSHsempa n̪aŋ n̪o d̪ordʑe sempa sa n̪emsoul inside think.SAMA Dorjee soul land pressमनमा सोचेको थियो दोर्जे-सेम्पा (भगबान) माटो थिचI prayed god to press the earth.
- TSHd̪ordʑe sempa sa n̪emDorjee soul land pressभगवान माटो थिच।God press the earth!
- TSHd̪ordʑe sempa sa n̪em d̪ordʑe sempa sa n̪em n̪e d̪e jo̤Dorjee soul land press Dorjee soul land press say.SAMA sit xxभवगान जमिन थिच जमिन थिच भनेको थियो।I prayed god to press earth!
- TSHkʰo n̪i d̪an̪d̪a3 PART nowउ चाहिँ अहिलेThis, now..
- TSHme tuk sa tuk tɕʰu tuk sumpo sumpo d̪i go̤kpu jo̤d̪ifire move land move water move three.CLF three.CLF PART bad xxआगो माटो पानी लाई क्षति गरेको चाहिँ एकदम नराम्रो हुन्छ।To damage fire, mud and water is bad.
- TSHdzoko d̪i n̪aŋ sa tuk d̪i ɕe̤n̪ɕjo jo̤d̪inow.SAMA this inside land move PART worst xxत्यहि भित्र पनि जमिन क्षति चाहिँ सबैभन्दा नराम्रो हो।With that, damage to land is worse.
- TSHkʰjoroŋ sa lɔlɔ gjapke3 land up.and.down fall -xxतपाईँहरु, माटो चाहिँ तलमाथि हुन्छ त।The mud moves up and down.
- TSHd̪a kʰesiŋ n̪amnow recently rainअब अस्तिको पानीThe water last time..
- TSHsa tɕʰjompo ge gaŋ d̪a saŋgul tɕʰjompo tɕik lep ji̤n̪ n̪eland big crack time now earthquake big one come COP PARTजमिन ठुलो फाट्दा खेरि ठुलो भुकम्प आएको हो निBecause the land broke wider, the big earthquake hit.
- TSHsaŋgul tɕʰjombo tɕik lep gaŋearthquake big one come timeठुलो भुकम्प आउँदा खेरि..When the big earthquake hit...
- TSHreka t̪ʰamtɕe kʰa d̪i kʰa ge d̪e jo̤hill/jungle all mouth PART mouth crack sit xxपहाडहरु सबै चिरफार भएको छ।All mountains have been broken badly.
- TSHkʰa be d̪e jo̤d̪i d̪amouth separate sit xx PARTचिरफार भएर बसेको छ।They have been broken badly.
- TSHd̪a kʰa be gaŋ t̪iŋdʑe li n̪am tɕʰjarpa gokpo d̪i gjab gaŋnow mouth separate time later xx rain rain.TIB bad PART fall timeयो चिरफार भएपछि मा पानी नराम्रो पर्दा खेरि..They are broken, and while there is rain...
- TSHd̪a guntsu d̪o wa wo̤ŋ n̪unow how stone come.out come xxअब कस्तो आउँछ त झर्ने ढुङ्गा..What kind of stones would fall!
- TSHd̪a kʰo sak sak dʑe d̪e jo̤d̪inow 3 ready do sit xxअब उ चाहिँ तयार गरेर बसेको छ।Now, it is getting ready.
- TSHd̪a kʰo d̪i d̪a kʰo d̪i woroŋnow 3 PART now 3 PART 1PLअब यो चाहिँ यो चाहिँ हाम्रो।Now, this one..
- TSHja̤ma gon̪d̪a ɖo n̪a kʰo sak sak dʑeɦu aiup.and.down where go COND 3 ready do -xx PARTतलमाथि जहाँ हेरे पनि उ चाहिँ तयार भएर बसेको छ।It is getting ready everywhere.
- TSHd̪a kʰo sak sak dʑe n̪e ka woroŋ go̤n̪d̪a ɖo na kʰan̪jon̪ d̪inow 3 ready do xx PART 1PL where go COND pray PART recite -xx xxत्यो तयार हुँदाखेरि हामी जहाँ गएपनि मन्र जप्नु पर्छ।We have to utter our Mantras wherever we go since it is getting ready
- TSHkʰo d̪i kʰo d̪i n̪amɕi n̪amɕi med̪i wo̤ŋkʰen̪3 PART 3 PART soul soul NEG.xx come -xxत्यो त सोच।विचार छ किन छैन त।Do we consider that or not!
- TSHkʰo sa tʰul tɕalak3 land magic thingsत्यो चाहिँ जमिन जादु हो।It is magic of earth.
- TSHnamɕi jo̤ na ka kʰo gul ji̤n̪soul xx COND PART 3 shake COPसोच भएर त उ हल्लाएको हो।It moved as it has its consciousness.
- TSHd̪en̪i d̪a sa tɕjapt̪a gon̪d̪a med̪i jop d̪e min̪uand.then PART land all where NEG.xx shake sit NEG- xxअनि जमिनहरु सबै यताउता गरेर हल्लाउँदो रहेछ।This has caused all the land to move all the ways.
- TSHkʰo n̪amɕi med̪i na tɕi dʑe gulge3 soul NEG.xx COND what do shake -xxउसलाई सोच भएन भने किन हल्लाउँछ त?If it can not think, how can it move the things?
- TSHgul ku med̪ishake xx NEG.xxहल्लाउन नहुने थियो।If would not have moved anything.
- TSHtɕʰu d̪aŋ me ɲipo d̪i mu t̪ʰard̪ʏ ma guntsu guntsu ji̤ n̪awater and fire two -CLF PART down last around how how xx CONDपानी र आगो दुईवटा अन्ततिर जसो गरेपनिWhatever happens, at last, water and fire...
- TSHjalajili ɖik jo̤d̪ia.bit suit xxअलिअलि मिल्छ।They mix a little bit.
- TSHkʰo sa tʰul wo̤ŋkʰen d̪i sa tʰul leka dʑekʰen d̪i3 land magic come -xx PART land magic work do -xx PARTयो जमिन जादु आएको चाहिँ जादु आएको चाहिँ (हल्लाउने गरेको चाहिँ)The magic that has occured to the land...
- TSHd̪i d̪i med̪i kʰeraŋ gokpu ŋot̪oʔ wo d̪i ka jo̤d̪i d̪ant̪uŋ woroŋ n̪othis PART NEG.xx 2PL bad indeed/main that PART PART xx still 1PL think.SAMA xxयो त छैन साह्रै नराम्रो चाहिँ त्यहि चाहिँ छ अझै हाम्रो थाहा छ।.....the worst one is this one; we know that.
- TSH???
- LHKd̪eni woroŋand.then 1PLहाम्रोOur...
- LHKme kʰjo n̪i tɕʰjo ɕekʰen re tɕʰjo n̪aŋlagrandfather 2 PART book know -xx COP book inside -LOCहजुरबुबा तपाईँ धर्म बुझ्नुहुन्छ धर्ममा।Grandpa! you have studied scriptues; in scriptures...
- LHKsaŋgul d̪i joŋja gjumtsʰen tɕi dʑen̪e wo̤ŋ ji̤nearthquake PART come.xx reason what do -CONV come COPभुकम्प चाहिँ के कारणले गर्दा आएको जस्तो लाग्छ?What could be the cause of an earthquake?
- LHKwo̤ŋja d̪i tsoɦo d̪icome -xx PART main PARTआउने (कारण) मुख्या चाहिँ केहो?What could be the main cause?
- TSHtsoɦo d̪i wod̪i ka tso d̪ila tɕi d̪uk n̪o n̪a n̪o n̪a d̪a gulmain PART that PART main towards what xx think.SAMA COND think.SAMA COND now shakeमुख्य यो चाहिँ मुख्य के छ भन्दा खेरि हल्लाएको छ।The main thing it has made is a movement.
- TSHkalpa d̪utsʰø d̪i dʑilap ɲjam ɖo jo̤d̪i kʰeraŋera time PART bless deteriorate go xx 2PLयुग समय चाहिँ पहिला-राम्रो-पछी-नराम्रो बिस्तिरै हराउँदै गएको छ।The time was good earlier; but it is gradually changing to the bad
- TSHwo d̪an̪d̪a lo ji̤ɕin̪orbu suŋ mind̪uthat now year Dalai.Lama say.RES NEG- xxअँ यसपालि साल दलाई लामाले भन्नु भएको थियो निDalai Lama already told.
- TSHd̪oŋbu ŋama tɕʰjøpa rila ɕjug n̪a kʰalak n̪amkʰa ji̤n lɔearlier before religion.followers hill -LOC sit.RES COND food.TIB sky COP PARTपहिला पहिला धर्म गर्ने मान्छेहरु पहाडतिर बसे पनि खाना चाहिँ आकासबाटEarlier though the devotee lived in hills, the food would fall down
- TSHd̪and̪a tɕʰjøpa n̪amkʰa t̪a garu garunow religion.followers sky PART where whereअहिले धर्म गर्ने हरु आकास बाट त कहाँ कहाँ।For the devotee now!, how could it be from the sky?
- TSHkʰala t̪ʰurla bab wo̤ŋ suŋ min̪d̪uk wɛfood.TIB downwards fall come say.RES NEG- xx QUEखाना माथीबाट झर्छ ?No food comes from the sky.
- TSHkalpa d̪ʏtsʰø d̪i ɲam ɖo jo̤d̪iera time PART deteriorate go xxयुगहरु विस्तारै नराम्रो हुँदै जाँदै छ।The age is turning to the bad one.
- TSHd̪a dʑilap tɕjapt̪a ɕjor ɖo jo̤d̪inow bless all lose go xxअब आशिर्वाद सबै हराउँदै जान्छ।The blessing decreases gradually.
- TSHgoŋ mawoŋ jo̤d̪i d̪a d̪uk ɖo d̪uk ɖo lewoŋgood NEG- come xx now horrible horrible come -xxअब राम्रो हुँदैन यो नराम्रै नराम्रो हुँदै छ।There won't be anything good onwards; it goes wrong all the way
- TSHd̪a d̪ukɖo d̪ukɖo wo̤ŋ min̪unow horrible horrible come NEG- xxअव नराम्रै नराम्रो आउँदै छ नि।It is going to be bad forever.
- TSHd̪a mi t̪ʰamtɕe n̪i d̪a d̪en̪i d̪oroŋ ŋaro ɕi n̪aŋ ɕi n̪o min̪u wɛnow man all PART now and.then still tomorrow die day.after.tomorrow die think.SAMA NEG- xx QUEअव मान्छे सबै त अब अनि अझै भोलि मर्छ पर्सि मर्छ सोचिरहेको छ!People still may have some hope of good things to happen in future.
- TSHd̪a ɕi n̪a ɲowa tɕik d̪e n̪a ga ɲowa ɲi d̪en̪a ganow die COND day one sit COND happy day two sit - COND happyअब मर्नु भन्दा एकदिन दुईदिन बाँचेको राम्रो हो।After death, nobody knows what will be right!
- TSHɲowa tɕik d̪oroŋ hamigo hamigo d̪oroŋ miday one till.now know.NEG know.NEG still manएक दिन अझै थाहा नपाई थाहा नपाई अझै मानिस...Even now, without knowing...
- TSHd̪a d̪oroŋ sotɕi maŋpo dʑetɕi maŋpo tɕi tɕi kʰala tɕinow still make -INF many do -INF many what what more whatअब अझै धेरै बनाउँदो रहेछ धेरै क्रियाकपालहरु त्यो माथि यो।They are doing even more activities.
- TSHtɕik kʰala tɕik miŋen̪ tɕik kʰala tɕik miŋen̪one talk one NEG- listen one talk one NEG- listenएउटा कुरा अर्का सुन्दैन एउटा कुरा अर्काले सुन्दैन।Nobody cares about others.
- TSHtɕʰøki t̪empa med̪i d̪a tɕʰø d̪ibook -POSS root NEG.xx PART book PARTधर्मचाहिँ सम्हाल्नु छैन अब धर्म चाहिँ..Nobody cares about religion...
- TSHtɕʰø d̪i mila boma t̪e n̪abook PART man -DAT contract give CONDपुस्तक अर्कालाई ठिक्क दिए पनिThough the holy books were given...
- TSHjakpo jo̤ mare n̪e suŋ min̪d̪uk wɛ d̪agood.TIB xx NEG- COP say.SAMA say.RES NEG- xx QUE PARTराम्रो हुँदैन भनेको छैन त?It is told that it won't be good.
- TSHd̪a lama suŋ min̪d̪u wɛ kalpa d̪itsʰø d̪i ɲjam ɖo jo̤d̪inow times say.RES NEG- xx QUE era time PART deteriorate go xxलामाहरु भन्छ नि युगहरु बिस्तारै नराम्रो हुँदै जाँदै छ।Lamas are telling that the age is going to be bad.
- TSHworoŋ d̪itsʰø d̪i ka ɲjam wo̤ŋ jo̤d̪i1PL time PART PART deteriorate come xxहाम्रो समय चाहिँ नराम्रो हँदै जान्छ।Our time is going to be unfortunate one.
- TSHd̪a ɲjam n̪a woroŋ ji̤n̪ n̪anow deteriorate COND 1PL COP CONDअब नराम्रो भयो भने हाम्रो तWhen it is unfortunate...
- TSHdzamboliŋ tɕʰjok wo̤ŋ mat̪ok woroŋ tɕik tɕi ji̤n̪kʰeearth towards come except 1PL one what COP -xxसंसार तिर आएको हाम्रो तिर मात्र आएको होईनIt has troubld all over the world; it is not only here.
- TSHd̪a dzamboliŋ d̪a d̪a̤lonow earth now this.yearसंसार भरि अब यसपालिAll over the world, this year...
- TSHworoŋ mi kjobso t̪ekʰen maŋbo1PL man relief.aid give -xx manyहाम्रो मान्छेहरु राहात दिने कति धेरै..So many people are there to provide us with relief aid.
- TSHkjopso d̪i woroŋ guntsu wo̤ŋ n̪urelief.aid PART 1PL how come xxराहात चाहिँ हाम्रो कस्तो आउँदो रहेछ।A lot of relief aid is coming.
- TSHd̪a kjopso t̪ekʰen d̪inow relief.aid give -xx PARTअब राहात बितरण गर्ने चाहिँThe distribution of relief aid...
- TSHtsawa d̪ila t̪en̪e semtɕen ɲiŋdʑe dʑen̪iroot towards give -CONV animals mercy do -CONVमुख्य कुराचाहिँ त्यसले गर्दा ईन्द्रिय-भएकाहरुलाई दया गरेर।Because of this, with kind grace to all sentient beings...
- TSHɖowa rik ɖuk semtɕen̪ t̪ʰamtɕe ɲiŋdʑe dʑen̪i ka kjopso wo̤ŋ ji̤n̪life.stages kind six animals all mercy do -CONV PART relief.aid come COPसबै छवटा जन्म ईन्द्रिय सबै दया गरेर त राहात आएको हो।Because of the kind grace, we are getting the relief aid.
- TSHwo me n̪i t̪a woroŋ kjopso tɕi dʑe wo̤ŋkʰethat NEG.xx PART PART 1PL relief.aid what do come -xxत्यो नभए त हामिलाई राहात कहाँ बाट आउँछ?If it is not so, where would the relief aid come from?
- TSHd̪a kjopso kjopso wo̤ŋsa med̪i kʰeraŋnow relief.aid relief.aid come -place NEG.xx 2PLअब राहात आउने ठाउँ नै छैनNow, there is no place left to get relief aid from.
- TSHd̪a t̪ø me t̪ʰamtɕe d̪iPART up down all PARTअब माथि तल सबै..All over...
- TSHt̪ø me tɕjapt̪a d̪a woga ji̤up NEG.xx all now same xxमाथि तल भएको सबै त्यहि त हो।It is all that we have up and down.
- TSHd̪a kʰo d̪i saŋgul n̪a n̪an̪ d̪inow 3 PART earthquake say.SAMA PARTअब त्यो भुकम्प भनेको चाहिँ...This earthquake is...
- TSHt̪a n̪a t̪a tɕʰo ɖoPART COND PART able goयोलाई हेर्दा हेर्न सक्दैन।We can not look at it.
- TSHliŋ liŋn̪e ɕjṳŋ kʰur ɖoɦu n̪e mi̪n̪u wɛdown down -ABL horizontal carry go -xx say.SAMA NEG- xx xxतलदेखि बिनाश गरेर माथि जान्छ भनेको छ नि!It is told it goes from down to up destroying all.
- TSHd̪a d̪a liŋla ɖo jo̤ɖunow PART down -LOC go xxअब त मुनितिरै जान्छ होला।It may come from downwards.
- TSHd̪a liŋn̪e gon̪e kor ɖo jo̤ɖunow down -ABL head -ABL move go xxअब मुनितिरै घुम्दै जान्छ होला।It may go down.
- TSHd̪a woroŋ jṳlla reimi ji̤n̪now 1PL village -xx alone COPअब हाम्रो गाउँमा मात्र होईनIt is not only in our village.
- TSHd̪a wo mala mi guntsu ɕi ɖo n̪e n̪unow that down -LOC man how die go say.SAMA xxतलतिर मान्छे कति मर्यो भन्छ।It is told that many people died in the downward areas.
- TSHd̪a roŋma doroŋ woroŋ d̪i tɕʰjo ajajili ɕekʰen d̪inow lowland - around still 1PL PART book little know -xx PARTअब तलतिर अझै हाम्रो त धर्म अलिअलि गरेको चाहिँ।To the downwards, (it is worse); for us, because we have still
- TSHsa dʑilap d̪iland bless PARTमाटोको आशिर्वाद चाहिँThe grace of the land..
- TSHjalajili guntsu me na jalajili jo̤d̪ia.bit how NEG.xx COND a.bit xxअलिकति जस्तो नभएपनि अलिकति छ।We have got it somehow.
- TSHd̪oroŋ kalpa d̪ʏtsʰø guntsu tɕik gjur tɕik migjur lab ɕɛ maɦũstill era time how one become one NEG- become say say NEG.comeअझै युगको समय कस्तो हुन्छ भन्न सक्दैन।We can't predict yet what the future will be like.
- TSHd̪a ŋeraŋ tɕʰewa tɕʰewanow 1PL.SAMA -EMPH religion.followers religion.followersअब हाम्रो धर्म मान्नेहरुलाईTo those who follow our religion...
- TSHworoŋ tɕʰø d̪aŋ dʑikt̪en̪ n̪akʰen̪ d̪i guntsu ɲjam ɖo n̪u1PL book and common.people say -xx PART how deteriorate go xxहाम्रो धर्म र साधारण काम गर्नेहरु भनेको चाहिँ कस्तो खराब हँदै गईरहेकोOur religion and our people are getting corrupt slowly.
- TSHd̪a d̪a hago min̪u wɛnow PART know NEG- xx xxअब बुझ्यो है।You understood this!
- TSHd̪a woroŋ dʑɛt̪aŋ dzorpunow 1PL way.of.doing dirtअब हाम्रो गर्ने तरिका फोहोरि..Our way of life is filthy one.
- TSHworoŋ dʑet̪aŋ sot̪aŋ miɖik ra kʰaln̪e d̪alo wo̤ŋ min̪u wɛ1PL way.of.doing way.of.making NEG- suit like become -CONV this.year come NEG- xx xxअब हाम्रो गर्ने तरिका बनाउने तरिक नमिलेकोले यसपाला भुकम्प आएन त।Because of lack of our manners the earthquake hit this year.
- TSHkʰoraŋ d̪a mi mi guntsu dʑe ɖei n̪u3 -EMPH PART man man how do go xxत्यहि त अब मान्छे हरु कस्तो भईरहेको छ।What condition human beings are in!
- LHKd̪en̪i kʰesiŋ saŋgul ɣo̤ɣo lep gaŋ d̪en̪iand.then recently earthquake in.the.beginning come time and.thenअनि अस्ति सुरुमा भुकम्प आउँदा खेरि अनिIn the first earthquake...
- LHKme kʰjo ji̤n̪ n̪a betsa pʏn̪ maŋtɕʰe tɕʰikja t̪ʰa riŋpo jo̤lu jombugrandfather 2 COP COND children relative mostly abroad far.away some Kathmandu and.then mostlyबाजे तपाँइले भन्दा खेरि बच्चाहरु, दाजुभाईहरु, बाहिर बिदेशतिर अनि कोहिChildren, brothers etc. being abroad, and some of them in Kathmandu...
- LHKd̪i ja̤ma wo kabso ja̤ma pʰon̪ t̪aŋ pʰon manɖo d̪en̪i usuthis up.and.down that moment up.and.down phone send/fall phone NEG- go and.then like.thatअनि माथि तल त्यतिखेर माथितल फोन गरेर फोन नलागेको जस्तो अनिWhile trying to make contact, phone did not work.
- LHKkale ra tɕik dʑuŋ dʑuŋ maũtrouble like one get get NEG.xxअनि दुखहरु केहि भएको भएन।Were there such troubles?
- TSHpʰon̪ d̪i je̤ betsa jo̤lu muba jo̤d̪iphone PART PART children some far.from.home xxफोन चाहिँ कोहि बच्चा उ तलतिर छ।For contact, some children are in downward areas.
- TSHd̪a tɕik jombun̪aŋ jo̤d̪i ainow one Kathmandu - inside xx PARTअब एउटा चाहिँ काठमान्डुमानै छ नि है।One is in Kathmandu.
- TSHd̪a jombun̪aŋ jo̤kʰen d̪i mu d̪iŋpa n̪i lep mo̤ũ lɔnow Kathmandu - inside xx -xx PART down deep PART come NEG.xx hearsayअब काठमान्डुमा बस्ने चाहिँ, अनि उ तलतिर त आएन रे।To the Kathmandu deweller; and to those who are farther away..
- TSHd̪a amarika d̪ekʰen̪ luŋpa d̪ila lep mõũ lo d̪a kʰuŋ d̪inow America sit -xx village towards come NEG.xx hearsay now 3PL PARTअनि अमेरिका देशमा बस्नेहरुलाई आएन रे अब तिनीहरु चाहिँ...To those who are in America, it did not affect.
- TSHkʰuŋ n̪i ja̤rmar pʰon̪ t̪aŋkʰe ji̤n̪ ai3PL PART up.and.down phone send/fall -xx COP PARTउनिहरु त माथितल फोन गरिरहेको छ।They were able to make contacts in different places.
- TSHd̪a ja̤la pʰon̪ woŋ n̪u d̪aŋ mala ɖo gaŋla woŋ n̪unow up -LOC phone come xx and down -LOC go time -LOC come xxअब माथिपनि फोन आएको थियो हिजो तल जाँदाखेरि पनि फोन आयो।While being up there, there was a contact possible; while being down
- TSHpʰon̪ d̪a ja̤la t̪aŋ n̪u mu d̪i t̪aŋphone PART up -LOC send/fall xx down PART send/fallफोन चाहिँ माथि गर्दो रहेछ तल तिरबाट आयो।They phoned to the upper places.
- TSHkʰoroŋ ma̤la n̪i kjon̪ me lɔ woroŋ d̪i jala n̪iself down -LOC PART effect NEG.xx hearsay 1PL this up -LOC PARTउनिहरु तिर पनि केहि क्षति छैन रे हाम्रो यहाँतिर पनिThere are no damages at their places; to us as well..
- TSHd̪a kjon̪ me n̪en̪a mi ŋama ɕikʰen̪now effect NEG.xx say.SAMA COND man before fall.down -xxअब क्षती छैन भने, पहिला भत्केकोहरु।There is no more damage; those damaged earlier...
- TSHda ɕiɣnow fall.downअब भत्क्यो।They were damaged.
- TSHŋot̪ok d̪i t̪a ŋot̪oktruly this PART trulyसाँच्चि भन्दाखेरी साँच्चि।Actually...
- TSHworoŋ kʰaŋpa so n̪a t̪a julpa d̪eŋan kʰaŋpa1PL house.TIB make COND PART villager all house.TIBहाम्रो घरहरु बनाए पनि त सबै घरहरु बनाउनु पर्छ।We have to rebuild all of our houses.
- TSHjulpa d̪eŋan̪ mige mi su wɛ meɖuvillager all NEG- crack man who ALSO NEG.POSSIBगाउँले सबै नचर्केको कोहि पनि छैन होला।There are no houses without cracks in the village.
- TSHd̪a jolu gokpu dʑekʰenraŋ d̪i ŋali soraŋ sokjaŋ wo̤now some bad do -xx -EMPH PART earlier make -EMPH make - need PRATअब धेरै नराम्रो भएको हरुचाहिँ पहिला बनाउनु नै पर्यो नि।We have to build those which are badly damaged first.
- TSHd̪oroŋ ŋɛd̪ɔ n̪i melak midʑjor d̪uk wo gumpa d̪i soku jo̤d̪istill 1PL.SAMA -PL.SAMA PART labour.exchange NEG- get xx that Gumba PART make - need xxअझै हामिहरुलाई त काम गर्ने मान्छे नपाउँदो रहेछ यो गुम्बा पनि बनाउनुWe did not get workers--for us we have to build the Gumba.
- TSHmelak midʑjor jod̪ilabour.exchange NEG- get xxकाम गर्ने पाउँदैन।We do not get workers.
- TSHt̪am d̪atalk PARTत्यस्तै हो।Such!
- TSHd̪en̪i melak d̪en̪i opa kʰaŋpa lugand.then labour.exchange and.then that towards house.TIB collapseअनि कामदार पनि उसैको घर भत्क्यो।The workers themselves have thir houses damaged.
- TSHd̪a minow manअब मान्छेहरु।Then, men..
- TSHd̪a melak tsal n̪a midʑjor n̪u anow labour.exchange search COND NEG- get xx PARTअब कामदारहरु पाउन गाह्रो छ।It is difficult to get workers.
- TSHmiraŋ raŋsa miʈel ɖolpu jo̤kʰen̪ ɖaŋ d̪i d̪i d̪iman -EMPH same family.member much xx -xx party PART this PARTमान्छेहरु आफ्नै परिवार-धेरै भएको हरु तThose who have big families...
- TSHworoŋ miʈel ɖolpu mekʰen ɖaŋ d̪i1PL family.member much NEG.xx -xx party PARTहाम्रो मान्छे-थोरै भएकोहरु तWe people who have few individuals at home have to...
- TSHmelak midʑjor n̪ulabour.exchange NEG- get xxकाम गर्ने नपाउँदो रहेछ।We can't excute our work.
- TSHwo mi re red̪ɔ kʰoroŋthat man one one -PL.SAMA selfत्यो एक्लै बस्ने हरु तThose who are alone...
- TSHd̪a ŋa d̪a wo saŋgul wo̤ŋɲi wo̤ŋɲi bɛnow 1 PART that earthquake come -xx come -xx xxअब म त यो भुकम्प आउँदा आउँदा खेरी।While the earthquake hit, I...
- TSHwo ɲimɖe soŋ t̪elithat a.while go simplyत्यो एकछिन पछि त।After sometime...
- TSHɲimɖe soŋ t̪eli kʰim n̪aŋ pʰin̪ ji̤n̪a.while go simply house inside go.PST COPएक छिन पछि त घर भित्र पसेँ।I entered into the house after sometime.
- TSHkʰim n̪aŋ pʰin̪ kʰim n̪aŋ pʰin ji̤n d̪ahouse inside go.PST house inside go.PST COP nowघर भित्र पसेँ, घरभित्र पसेँ अनि...I entered into the house and then...
- TSHn̪aŋla lepn̪e tɕʰjøme tɕik pulinside -LOC come -CONV butter.lamp one offerभित्र छिरेर एउटा बत्ति बालेँ।I lit one holy-thread.
- TSHme d̪a pʰin̪n̪e gompa n̪aŋ ŋa tɕik kʰur wo̤ŋdown xx go.PST -CONV Gumba inside drum one carry comeतल पट्टि गएर गुम्बा भित्र बाट एउटा ढ्याङ्गो लिएर आएँ।I brought one drum from inside Gumba.
- TSHpʰet̪alaoutside -LOCबाहिर।Outside...
- TSHsaŋ solka t̪aŋ puɲin̪ tɕʰok solka t̪aŋ usu dʑeincense pray send/fall Mt.Manaslu towards pray send/fall like.that doपाठपुजा गरेर, पुङिन तिर पनि पुजा गरेको थियो।I prayed and worshipped towards Pungen.
- TSH??
- LHKd̪en̪iand.thenअनिThen...
- TSHd̪a d̪edzo moŋ wo ɲi̤n̪ d̪oroŋ aro pʰantɕinow sit xx NEG.xx that day still tomorrow againअब बस्ने स्थिती पनि भएन त्यो दिन अझै पछि तिर पनि।The condition was not easy; that day and later..
- TSHd̪i aro pʰantɕʰi d̪athis tomorrow from nowत्यो भोली पछि अब...Then later, tomorrow...
- TSHpʰõ paŋd̪aŋ muji̤ betsad̪ɔ paŋd̪aŋji̤ d̪e gjuk lɔ d̪en̪i mid̪ɔthat.side ground down -xx children -PL.SAMA ground -xx sit walk hearsay and.then man -PL.SAMAउता चउर तिर तलतिर बच्चाहरुले चउराम बस्न जाउ मान्छेहरु त।Go to live in the open fields! the children said.
- TSHd̪e n̪u d̪a paŋd̪aŋji̤ d̪e gjuk lɔsit xx now ground -xx sit walk hearsayबसेको छ, चउरमा बस्न जाउ रे।(Others) are as well; they told us to go.
- TSHd̪i paŋd̪aŋji̤ d̪e gjuk lɔ wo jṳl n̪aŋ pa ʈapliŋ jarthis ground -xx sit walk hearsay that village inside towards tent borrowयो चउर तिर बस्न जाउ रे, गाउँतिर त्रिपाल चलाएर।They told us to go live in the open fields.
- TSHtapliŋd̪ɔ jarmar puken̪d̪ɔ raŋ raŋsa mi maŋpod̪ɔtent -PL.SAMA up.and.down hair -INF -PL.SAMA REFL same man many -PL.SAMAत्रिपाल यताउता टाँगेकाहरु चाहिँ आफ्नै धेरै परिवार भएकाहरु रहेछन।Those who had big families arranged tarpaulin tents.
- TSHd̪i julpa jo̤kʰen̪d̪ɔ d̪oroŋ kʰim n̪aŋ mi ɲa̤l n̪uthis villager xx -xx -PL.SAMA still house inside man sleep xxयो गाउँमा भएको हरु अहिले पनि घर भित्र नसुत्दो रहेछ।The people of this village still do not live inside the houses.
- TSHwo pʰet̪a pa ɲa̤l n̪u lɔthat outside towards sleep xx PARTत्यो बाहिर तिर सुत्दो रहेछ।They sleep outside.
- TSHd̪a gombaji̤la dzoko gur dʑjake t̪eli puknow Gumba -xx -LOC now.SAMA tent a.lot EMPH fixगुम्बा तिर पनि अहिले पाल एकदम धेरै (संख्या) हालेको छ।There are many tarpaulin tents arranged in Gumbas as well.
- TSHgompaji̤la gur dʑja̤ke t̪eli puk ɕja̤gGumba -xx -LOC tent a.lot EMPH fix putगुम्बातिर पनि धेरै पाल टाँगेको छ।Many tarpaulin tents have been fixed in Gumbas as well.
- TSHd̪a balasu t̪ʰopt̪eli lejaɦu dʑjom t̪eli kʰim n̪aŋ d̪etɕi n̪inow sometimes suddenly come -xx completely EMPH house inside sit -INF PARTअब अचानक झ्वाट्ट आउँछ कि घर भित्र बस्यो भने थिच्छ कि भनेरThe earthquake might hit suddenly and the house will press and kill
- TSHdʑjom t̪eli t̪aŋ ɕja u d̪oroŋcompletely EMPH send/fall keep DEM stillकिच्छ कि के थाहा अझै पनि।We can't understand it till now.
- TSHwo ɲi̤n tɕi dʑeke gudutsu sem n̪aŋ kʰoroŋthat day what do -xx feeling.ONOM soul inside selfत्यहि दिन के गर्ने मन भित्र कस्तो कस्तो भएको थियो।I was confused on that day.
- TSHkʰoroŋ tɕi n̪odʑi min̪otɕi mind̪uk kʰo re d̪aself what think.SAMA -INF NEG- think.SAMA -INF NEG- xx 3 xx xxत्यहि त के सोच्ने नसोच्ने केहि छैन त यो अब।We can't think anything correctly.
- TSHd̪iriŋ d̪a ŋoma t̪eli kʰim n̪aŋ d̪etɕi midʑjor ji̤n̪ n̪am n̪odʑjutoday now truly EMPH house inside sit -INF NEG- get COP DOUBT think.SAMA -xxआज त साँच्चिकै घर भित्र बस्नन पाउँदैन जस्तो लाग्यो।I felt I could not live in the house on that day.
- TSHkʰim d̪a ja̤r t̪ɛ n̪u d̪i kʰoraŋhouse now up lift xx this 3 -EMPHघरहरु त माथि उचाल्दो रहेछ यो त।The earthquake moved the houses up.
- TSHwod̪a tɕi d̪aŋ tɕi wo̤ŋkʰe n̪e wod̪athere what and what come -xx xx thereत्यो त के हो के हो, कस्तो आएको त्यो।It was quite confusing.
- TSHmi d̪a kʰeraŋ d̪i mala mid̪ɔ mid̪ɔ ŋurkjaŋ raŋ ɕjor n̪u bɛ kʰoroŋman PART 2PL this down -LOC man -PL.SAMA man -PL.SAMA cry-shouting -EMPH come.out xx xx selfतलतिरको मान्छेहरु त रोई-चिच्याई भएर त्यस्तो सम्म भएको थियोThe people from the downward areas shouted and even cried.
- TSHŋurkjaŋ ɕjor t̪a ɕjor tɕja ma n̪icry-shouting come.out PART come.out happen xx PARTरोई-चिच्याई त भईहाल्छ नि।It really does so.
- TSHd̪oroŋ kʰeraŋ ojstill 2PL PARTअझै तपाईँहरु त।You...
- TSHkʰo sa ʈul woŋkʰen tɕjalak d̪i3 land magic come -xx things PARTत्यो जमिन हल्लाएको चाहिँThe movement of this earth...
- TSHworoŋ n̪amkʰala mi jo̤d̪i n̪on̪i kʰo n̪amɕi jo̤d̪i re1PL sky -LOC man xx think.SAMA -CONV 3 soul xx COPतपाईँको आकासमा मान्छे छ भनेर उसले थाहा हुन्छ रे।It is believed that it knows there is man in the sky.
- TSHn̪amɕi d̪i kʰur wo̤ŋd̪i resoul PART carry come -CONV COPआत्मा चाहिँ लिएर आउँछ।It brings the soul.
- TSHworoŋ dʑet̪aŋ d̪okkja ŋera kʰane kʰo wo̤ŋ re1PL the.way.of.doing appearence unsuitable become 3 come COPहाम्रो क्रियाकलापहरु साह्रै नराम्रो भएको कारणले आएको हो।It is because of our sinful deeds.
- TSHkʰola namɕi jo̤ re3 -DAT soul xx COPउसलाई पनि आत्मा छ रे।Even he...
- TSHkʰo n̪amɕi jo̤n̪e ka woroŋla ɲiŋdʑe samn̪i3 soul xx -CONV PART 1PL -DAT mercy think -CONVउसले आत्मा भएर त हामीलाई दया गरको हो।Because this is soul, it is kind to us.
- TSHkʰo d̪i woroŋla aj3 PART 1PL -DAT PARTउ चाहिँ हामीलाई।This one, for us...
- TSHd̪ila kʰo d̪i kʰo d̪i tɕiji̤ n̪e n̪utowards 3 PART 3 PART what -xx say.SAMA xxअनि उ चाहिँ के भन्दाखेरी।Then, this one...
- TSHd̪a ɲiŋguŋ t̪ikt̪ik tɕikla wo̤ŋ min̪u wɛnow middle.of.day exactly one -LOC come NEG- xx xxअब ठ्याक्कै दिउँसो तिर आउँदो रहेछ निIt actually occurs in the day.
- TSHkʰo re gõgõ sa wo ɲi̤n̪ sa d̪i3 PART in.the.beginning day that day day PARTत्यहि त सुरुसुरु आउँदा खेरी त्यहि बारमा चाहिँWhen it hit the first time, it occured on saturday.
- TSHsa sa pemba ji̤n̪dayday Saturday COPवार बार, शनिवार है।On saturday.
- TSHɲowã pʰe sula t̪akt̪ak d̪en̪e lepso aNyowa half around -LOC exactly.TIB and.then come -xx PARTदिउँसो तिर ठ्याक्कै दिउँसो तिर आयो त है।It hit exactly on the noon.
- TSHkʰoroŋ d̪eni sa pempa ɲi̤n̪ raŋself and.then day Saturday day -EMPHत्यहि त शनिवारको दिनमा चाहिँ।On saturday...
- TSHluktɕi ŋot̪ok d̪i sa pembala lugso kʰeraŋfall.down -INF truly PART day Saturday -LOC collapse make 2PLखास क्षती चाहिँ शनिवारको दिनमा भएको थियो तपाईँको।Indeed, the main damage was caused on saturday.
- TSHwo n̪i wo n̪i d̪ẽ sa miŋmar ɲi̤n̪ d̪i sa miŋmar ɲi̤n̪ d̪ithat PART that PART after.that day Tuesday day PART day Tuesday day PARTअनि अनि त मंगलवारको दिन चाहिँ मंगलबारको दिन चाहिँ।Then, on tuesday...
- TSHŋa wod̪a birbadurja̤ jo̤1 there Birbahadur - towards xxत्यहि दिन चाहिँ म वीर बहादुरकोमा थिएँ।On that day, I was in Bir Bahadur's place.
- TSHŋa birbadurja̤ jo̤ja t̪eja sa pemba n̪aŋ1 Birbahadur - towards xx -xx see -xx day Saturday insideम वीर बहादुर कहाँ थिएँ, त्यहि त शनिवारको दिन भित्र।I was in Bir Bahadur's place; on saturday...
- TSHd̪i sa miŋmard̪ɔ n̪i sa tɕʰɛmboji̤this day Tuesday -PL.SAMA PART day big xxत्यो मंगलबार हरुचाहिँ ठुलो वार हो।Tuesday is a big day.
- TSHkʰo re kʰuŋ sala t̪en̪e lepɦu n̪e n̪u a kʰjoroŋ woroŋ3 PART 3PL day -LOC see -CONV come -xx say.SAMA xx xx 3 1PLत्यहि त त्यो चाहिँ बारलाई हेरेर आउँछ भन्छौँ तपाईँ हामीIt hits on different days.
- TSHdzoko mu woroŋ woraŋ d̪a tɕi ɕekʰe mi muja suŋ jo̤d̪inow.SAMA down 1PL 1PL now what know -xx man down -xx say.RES xxअहिले हामी, हामीलाई त कहाँ थाहा हुन्छ, मान्छेहरु तलवाट कुरा गर्दोHow could we know this!
- TSHworoŋ sem naŋla ɕjag jo̤d̪i1PL soul inside -LOC put xxहाम्रो मनमा राखिरहेको छ।I have this in my mind.
- TSHsala t̪en̪e leɦu lɔday -LOC see -CONV come -xx hearsayवारलाई हेरेर आउँछ रे।In different days...
- TSHd̪en̪i ŋa latɕʰimi re d̪e ɲi̤n d̪iand.then Laxmi xx sit day PARTअनि म लक्ष्मीकहाँ बसेको दिन चाहिँ।The day when I lived in Laxmi's place...
- TSHjaŋ aruŋ tɕʰembo tɕik lepagain normal big one comeफेरी ठिकैको झड्का आयो।One aftershock hit.
- TSHŋama sa pempa tɕjotɕjo gokpu d̪a lepmi usu d̪oroŋbefore day Saturday like bad PART come -NEG like.that stillपहिला शनिवार जस्तै नराम्रो त आएको थिएनIt was not comparable to Saturday's earthquake.
- TSHd̪a gomba n̪aŋla minow Gumba inside -LOC manअनि गुम्बा भित्रको मान्छे।The men in Gumba...
- TSHtɕʰøwa t̪ʰamtɕe d̪i gomba n̪aŋ jo̤d̪ireligion.followers all PART Gumba inside xxधर्म गर्ने मान्छेहरु सबै गुम्बामा थिए।All prayers were in the Gumba.
- TSHtɕʰjoka t̪aŋ gaŋ wo gaŋla dʑwap t̪elipray send/fall time that time -DAT happen.OMON EMPHत्यो पुस्तक पढ्दा खेरी त्यहि बेलामा झ्याप्प आयोIt hit when they were reading holy books.
- TSHbirbadur ŋa loŋ lɔ me at̪ak loŋBirbahadur 1 stand.up PART grandfather elder.brother! stand.upवीरबहादुरले मलाई उठ बाजे आदाक उठ।Bir Bahadur told me to stand up!
- TSHme at̪ak me at̪ak loŋ loŋ lo jɛ kʰjoroŋ loŋgrandfather elder.brother! grandfather elder.brother! stand.up stand.up PART father 3 stand.upबाजे आताक बाजे आताक उठ, उठ उठ भन्यो बुबा तिमी पनि उठHe told me to stand up and told his father to stand up.
- TSHme atak loŋ wo ɣjoŋɣoŋ pa d̪e gjuk wo ɣjoŋɣoŋ pa d̪e gjuk lɔgrandfather elder.brother! stand.up that back towards sit walk that back towards sit walk PARTबाजे आदा उठ, पछाडितरि बस्न जाउ, पछाडितिर बस्न जाउ भने।He told us to go to behind areas.
- TSHŋa d̪ala d̪ekʰe n̪e ji̤n̪ d̪ila d̪e na d̪ekʰe n̪e lamakʰen tɕi1 around.here sit -xx say.SAMA COP towards sit COND sit -xx say.SAMA god.bless whatम यहाँ बस्छू भनेको हो, यहाँ बसेपनि भगवानको आशिर्वाद हो।I wanted to live here; even when I live here it is god's grace.
- TSHkʰjo uzu kʰim kipu li2 like.that house fun xxतपाईको यस्तो सुन्दर घर तThe beautiful house..
- TSHd̪ila mi d̪ukt̪i mupa jin̪ n̪a nitowards man other NEG- towards COP COND PARTयहाँ त अरु मान्छे तलतिर जस्तै..Here, not like downwards...
- TSHjabsula ɕjuŋ d̪etɕi n̪i dʑjom t̪aŋɦuporch -LOC towards sit -INF PART completely send/fall -xxपेटीतिर बसेपनि त झ्याप्प थिच्छ किIt might kill even living at proch.
- TSHd̪ala dʑjom t̪aŋsa n̪i mind̪uk tɕi sa lɔlɔ t̪aŋɦuaround.here completely send/fall -place PART NEG- xx what land up.and.down send/fall -xxयहाँ त थिच्ने ठाउँनै छैन, बरु पल्टिएर मात्रै होHere is no chance of being crushed; it is just by turnover only.
- TSHhale usu lɔlɔ t̪aŋtɕi n̪a t̪a julpa d̪eso meɖo n̪e ɕjag tɕiOh! like.that up.and.down send/fall -INF COND PART villager sit -xx NEG.POSSIB say.SAMA put whatओहो, यस्तो पल्ट्यो भने त गाउँलेहरु बस्न पनि सक्दैन होला मैँले भनेकोIf it gets turnover like this, none could survive.
- TSHjṳlpa d̪etsʰo meɖuvillager living.situation NEG.POSSIBगाउँलेहरु बस्न सक्दैन।None can live.
- TSHkʰo naŋla ɕjaso3 inside -LOC go -xxउ चाहिँ, भित्र गएको थियो।He had gone inside.
- TSHkʰoŋ jɛ d̪i ɣole ɣole berka tsuk ɕjaso3PL father PART slowly slowly walking.stick step.on go -xxउसको बुबा चाहिँ बिस्तरै लठ्ठी टेकेर बाहिर जानुभएको थियोHis father had gone outside with the help of a stick.
- TSHŋa ni d̪e ɕjaɣ jin1 PART sit put COPम चाहिँ त्यहिँ बसको थिएँ।I was sitting there.
- TSHd̪oɾdʑe sempa sa n̪em d̪oɾdʑe sempa sa n̪em d̪oɾdʑe sempa sa n̪emDorje soul land press Dorje soul land press Dorje soul land press hand PART book see -CONV permanently selfगुरु रिम्पोछे माटो थिच.........हातमा पुस्तक बोकेर तI uttered Mantra "God press the earth! God press the earth!" and
- TSHsaŋgela kjabso tɕʰɛwo tɕʰøla kjabso tɕʰɛwo ɣɛnd̪ʏnla kjabso tɕʰɛwoBuddha -DAT follow may.bless book -DAT follow may.bless Lama -DAT follow may.bless say.SAMA xxवुध्दलाई सम्मान गर्छू, उहाँको विचारलाई सम्मान गर्छु, अनुयायिहरुI said I respected God Buddha, his ideas and his followers.
- TSHlã: kuntɕʰok t̪ʰamtɕe sorwa gjab lakpa ɲi t̪ʰamn̪e t̪ʰalmo dʑjar ɖuLamas three.gods all pray do hand two hold -CONV pary.with.hand holy.cereals PART get DOUBTसबै भगवानहरुलाई प्रार्थाना गरेँ दुई हात जोडेर नमस्कार गरेर, हातमाI prayed with all the gods; I prayed with two hands together and
- TSHjaŋ puɲin̪ ɖu d̪i tɕʰøagain Mt.Manaslu holy.cereals PART bookफेरी, पुङगिनतिर सदविउ चढाएँ।Then, I offered some holy cereals towards Pungen.
- TSHwo n̪aŋpa kʰim n̪aŋpa pø tɕik kʰur woŋ wo d̪oŋba puɲin̪ tɕʰokthat inside - towards house inside - towards incense one carry come that in.the.front - towards Mt.Manaslu towards xx -LOC holy.cereals one offerत्यहि बेलामा घरभित्र बाट धुप एउटा लिएर त्यो अगाडि बाट पुङ्गिनतिरBurning one incense, I offered holy cereals towards Pungen.
- TSHd̪en̪i wo d̪i tɕiʈak ɣaŋʈak wo mana mena dʑe ṳtɕi miɕɛ mana ɕɛɣɛn̪and.then that PART best.possible that nevertheless do like.this NEG- know except know -xx PART that PART xx do PART do need PRATअनि त्यस्तैगरी सक्दोसम्म त्यहि भएपनि गर्नु पर्यो नजानेर मात्रै जानकोI tried to perform all what I knew.
- TSHt̪ʰamtɕela ji̤n̪ n̪a kʰjab ɖowo jiall -LOC COP COND spread go xxसबैलाई पनि फैलिँदै जान्छ।It spreads to all.
- TSHd̪a d̪iriŋ n̪i kʰim n̪aŋnow today PART house insideअब आज त घरभित्र पनि।I thought I could not enter inside house.
- TSHkʰim n̪aŋ ɕjṳtɕi jɛ̤ madʑjor d̪a ɣø̤n̪t̪a d̪e ɖotɕi jɛ̤ n̪odʑuŋhouse inside enter -INF xx NEG- get now where sit go -INF xx think.SAMA -xxघर भित्र छिर्न पनि पाएन अब त कहिँ जाउँ जस्तो लाग्यो।I thouht I could go somewhere.
- LHKd̪en̪iand.thenअनि...Then...
- LHKsaŋgul dʑela d̪en̪i tɕikearthquake later.TIB and.then oneभुकम्पको पछि अनि केहिAfter the earthquake...
- LHKtsʰokpa d̪aŋ ɕjuŋ d̪aŋ gomba kʰa kjobso ɖa tɕikorganization and government and Gumba mouth relief.aid like oneकेहि सँस्था र सरकार र गुम्बा तर्फबाट केहि राहात।The relief aid from organisations, government or Gumba etc..
- LHKdʑjorso wɛget -xx xxकेहि पायो कि?Did you get that?
- TSHd̪ẽ....d̪ẽ kjopso d̪i kʰesiŋ woroŋ ja̤la woŋ d̪u wɛafter.that after.that relief.aid PART recently 1PL towards -LOC come xx xxअनि...अनि राहत चाहिँ अस्ति हाम्रो माथितिर आयो है।We got the relief aid.
- TSHjɛ̃ kʰesiŋ woroŋ d̪iji ja̤la woŋkʰɛn̪ d̪i d̪iYes recently 1PL this -xx towards -LOC come -xx this PARTअँ, अस्ति हाम्रो माथीतिर आएको चाहिँ योThat which came in our areas...
- TSHd̪a kjobso d̪a d̪i ʈapliŋ ʈapliŋ tɕʰɛtɕʰuŋ ɲi lepsonow relief.aid now this tarpaulin tarpaulin big-small two come -xxअब राहात चाहिँ यतातिर त्रिपाल सानो र ठूलो दुईचोटि आएको थियो।The tarpaulin- one small and one big- it came two times.
- TSHwon̪e ɖɛ lep ɖɛ lep n̪um tɕjotɕjo lep won̪e mar tɕjotɕjo ɲeɲe lepthen rice come rice come oil like come then ghee like little comeअनि चामल आयो, तेलजस्तो आयो, घीउ पनि थोरै जस्तो आयो।We got rice, oil, ghee etc.
- TSHlepso won̪e d̪en̪icome -xx then and.thenआयो, अब फेरी।We got and again...
- TSHani d̪alo ale d̪aand.then this.year rupees nowअनि यसपाली त पैसा पनि...And this time the money as well..
- TSHd̪en̪i t̪oŋʈʰak n̪e n̪aand.then thousand -xx say.SAMA CONDअनि हजार भन्दाखेरीThen, thousand...
- TSHŋama d̪o kʰɛmpo pasaŋ t̪endzin d̪o jṳd̪a pʰeb ɖup gaŋbefore PART abbot Pasang Tenzin PART upward come.RES finish timeपहिला खेम्पो पासाङ तेन्जिङ माथि पाल्ने (आउने) बेलामाWhen Khenpo Pasang Tenzing came...
- TSHmi re re aruŋ maŋ n̪aŋdʑuŋman one one normal much give.RES -xxएकजना बराबर अलि धेरै दिनुभएको थियो।It was given a little more for each one.
- TSHn̪aŋ n̪u d̪en̪i woroŋ mu ja̤la tsʰoɲin d̪aŋ labɖaŋ me dʑiŋmigive.RES xx and.then 1PL down towards -LOC Tshongin and Labdang grandfather Jingmiदिएको थियो, अनि हाम्रो तलबाट पनि छोङगिन रिम्पोछे र लाब्डाङको बाजेAnd our Chongin Rimpoche and Jhingmi, Labdang Grandpa,..
- TSHgormo sum t̪oŋ sum t̪oŋ tɕik n̪aŋdʑuŋmoney three thousand three thousand one give.RES -xxपैसा चाहिँ तीन तीन हजार एउटा दिनुभएको थियो।They gave us three thousands each.
- TSHd̪a mud̪a lopʈala t̪e na d̪alo minow down.there school -LOC give xx this.year manयसपाली तलको स्कुललाई पनि यसपाली मान्छेहरु।To the school down there as well..
- TSHd̪a maŋ ɲuŋ mat̪ok n̪aŋ nunow much get except give.RES xxअब धेरै थोरै फरक मात्रै दिँदोरहेछ (दिनचाहिँ दिदोरहेछ)They gave only a little.
- TSHd̪en̪i t̪ʰamtɕe d̪i woroŋ woŋ jo̤d̪i ajand.then all PART 1PL come xx PARTअनि सबै ठाउँबाट हामीलाई आउँदो रहेछ।We got relief aid from different places.
- TSHd̪i d̪i kʰo ɕjuŋ tɕjalak d̪i woroŋ ɕjuŋgi kjobso t̪ekʰen d̪ithis PART 3 government things PART 1PL government -GEN relief.aid give -xx PARTयो चाहिँ उनिहरुको सरकारको सामान हामीलाई सरकारको राहत दिएको चाहिँThey gave their governments supports to our government.
- TSHraŋ kunluŋ t̪en̪ na ɖowa semtɕen̪ t̪ʰamtɕe t̪ʰob ɖoREFL thought depend.on xx life.stages animals all gain goआफु पनि पुजा गरेपनि सबैजनालाई (ईन्द्रिया प्राणीहरु) राम्रो होस।Though we worship for ourselves, we wish for all the sentient beings.
- TSHjolu kjopso t̪e n̪u n̪en̪isome relief.aid give xx say.SAMA -CONVकोहि राहात दिन्छ भनेर।Some people help others.
- TSHn̪en̪i mila mila semtɕen̪la ɲiŋtɕe sam tɕit̪ʰok gaŋt̪ʰok samn̪e kasay.SAMA -CONV man -DAT man -DAT animals -DAT mercy think try.best.possible think -CONV PARTभनेर, मान्छेलाई मान्छे जनावरलाई दया सोचेर धेरै तरिकाबाट सोचेर तWishing good for all people and animals..
- TSHt̪ʰamtɕe n̪et̪ʰok t̪ʰob ɖoji woroŋall from.virtue gain go -xx 1PLसवै तरिकाबट धर्म हुन्छ हाम्रो।We can earn virtues from different ways.
- TSHmi tɕjalak sein̪i woroŋman things eat -CONV 1PLअर्काको सामान खाएर हामिलाई त।By troubling others...
- TSHworoŋ l̥akpu majĩ kʰeraŋ woroŋ1PL extra xx 2PL 1PLहाम्रो राम्रो हुँदैन तपाईँ हामीIt won't be good to us.
- TSHd̪ẽ d̪alo ka woroŋ t̪o d̪u d̪aafter.that this.year PART 1PL look xx PARTअब यसपाली त हाम्रो हेर न त।For this year, our...
- TSHd̪a usu n̪e n̪u tɕjapt̪a gon̪e woroŋ ɲiŋtɕe sam maŋ ɲuŋ ma me nanow like.that say.SAMA xx all from 1PL mercy think much get except NEG.xx xxअब यस्तै त भनेको छ सबै तर्फबाट हामीलाई दयालागेर थोरै धेरै कुराBecause of their kind hearts...
- TSHworoŋ woŋ min̪u ai1PL come NEG- xx PARTहामीलाई आइरहेको छ नि...We are getting things.
- TSHd̪a t̪ʰamtɕe d̪i tɕjapt̪a tɕjotɕjo wo̤ŋkʰe jinow all this all like come -xx xxअब सबैलाई एउटै हुन्छ है।It is same to all.
- TSHworoŋ1PLहामीलाईFor us.
- TSHmi mjaŋ woroŋ mi su jo̤ ai t̪e kjaŋ wo t̪am d̪aman come.NEG 1PL man who xx PART give need hello talk PARTनआउने हाम्रो को छ त है दिनु परिहाल्यो नि कस्तो कुराWe do not have anyone; so, we need help.
- LHKd̪en̪i saŋgul lep dʑeand.then earthquake come laterअनि भुकम्प आएरAfter the earthquake...
- LHKme kʰjo tɕʰjo ŋarpa ɖɔ d̪en̪i kurum tsakatsiki tɕjo dʑe dʑimigrandfather 2 book carefully go and.then worship little like do do -NEGबाजे तपाईँले किताव राम्रो पढ्यो कि अथवा पाठपुजा हरु गर्नुभएको थियो किDid you read holy book? or Did you worship?
- LHKd̪a woroŋ ɖowa rigɖuk semtɕen t̪ʰamtɕela pʰɛnja tɕʰɛd̪unow 1PL life.stages kind.six animals all -DAT benefit forजिवन जगतको सबैलाई राम्रो हुनको लागीFor the betterment of both life and earth!
- TSHd̪en̪ga ŋa med̪athen.xx 1 downwardsअनि त म तलतिर।Then, to the down..
- TSHd̪en̪i n̪aŋ ɕe ŋa puŋɲin n̪aŋji̤ pʰin̪ ji̤n̪and.then day.after.tomorrow next.day 1 Mt.Manaslu inside -xx go.PST COPअनि भोलीपल्ट तिर म पुङ्गिन तिर गएको थिएँ।Next day, I went to Pungen.
- TSHd̪a puɲin̪ n̪aŋ pʰin̪ d̪a reka t̪ʰamtɕe ɣoŋt̪onow Mt.Manaslu inside go.PST now hill/jungle all hilltopअब पुङ्गिनमा गएर सबै ठाउँको डाँडाडाँडा तिरGoing to Pungen, in all hilltops...
- TSHreka t̪ʰombu t̪ʰamtɕe jali ŋama jĩ d̪esa t̪ʰamtɕe li d̪artɕjok tsukhill/jungle high all towards before xx sit -place all xx flag buryअग्लो ठाउँ सबैतिर पहिला बस्ने ठाउँ तिर सबैलाई झन्डा झुन्ड्याएँ।I put the flags around there.
- TSHd̪ẽ d̪artɕjok tsu d̪ẽ d̪artɕjok tsuafter.that flag bury after.that flag buryअनि झन्डा झुन्डयाएँ अनि झन्डा झुन्ड्याएँ।I put those flags and then.....
- TSHd̪ẽ pʰelam opa dʑin̪e opa d̪artɕjok tsuk tsu be n̪a n̪iafter.that again there do -CONV there flag bury bury do COND PARTअब फेरी त्यहि तिर गएर झन्डा झुन्ड्याएँ यस्तो ब्यस्त तI put many flags and was very busy..
- TSHd̪artɕjok maŋpo tsuk luŋt̪a tsukflag much -CLF bury prayer.flags buryधेरै झन्डा झुन्ड्यायो, लुङ्ता पनि झुन्ड्यायो।I put flags and Lungtas as well.
- TSHd̪ẽ raŋ mi d̪iafter.that REFL man PARTअनि आफ्नो मान्छेहरुThen for us people..
- TSHd̪ẽ raŋ kʰim n̪aŋ d̪a reka t̪ʰombu reka t̪ʰombu me raŋ d̪e n̪aafter.that REFL house inside now hill/jungle high hill/jungle high NEG.xx REFL sit CONDअनि आफ्नो घरभित्र अझै माथि माथि लेकतिर लेकतिर नभए आफ्नो बस्ने पनिThen in our houses and to the upward areas...
- TSHt̪ʰamtɕela d̪e n̪a woroŋ wo dʑeall -LOC sit COND 1PL that doसबैलाई हामी यस्तै गर्ने।We all do the same.
- TSHperna kurum ji̤n̪a sak kjaŋ ofor example worship COP.xx pray need xxउदाहरणको लागी पाठपुजाहरु पनि गर्नुपर्यो नि।Fo example, we have to pray and worship.
- TSHd̪a kurum n̪a maŋbo sak go jo̤d̪inow worship kind many pray need xxअब पाठपुजाहरु पनि धेरै गर्नु पर्छ।We have to pray and worship a lot.
- TSHt̪ʰamtɕe pʰen̪ n̪a pʰen̪ mapʰen̪ n̪a mapʰen̪ aiall recover COND recover NEG- recover COND NEG- recover PARTसवैलाई राम्रो भयो भने त भयो भएन भने पनि के गर्नेIt will turn good.
- TSHkurum t̪ẽn ji̤n̪ sam n̪a samge raŋ woroŋ ji̤n̪ jiworship refer COP think COND think -xx REFL 1PL COP xxपाठपुजा गरेर मात्रै हामीले कुरा गर्दा खेरी।Doing and prayer and worship...
- TSHpʰen̪ d̪a pʰen̪ ɕja man̪d̪a woroŋ kʰo gjawa ka n̪aŋkʰen̪ d̪i airecover PART recover obviously xx 1PL 3 god PART give.RES -xx PART PARTराम्रो त भईहाल्छ नि हाम्रो यो चाहिँ त पहिलानै गुरुहरुको भनाई।विचार हो।It will be good; it is what our Gurus used to say earlier.
- TSHd̪i d̪a t̪en̪ ɕja man̪a lø t̪en̪ t̪amthis PART depend.on obviously xx sure show talkयो त गर्नुपरिहाल्यो नि बास्तबमैWe have to do it indeed!.
- LHKd̪en̪i t̪ʰuktɕitɕʰe d̪iriŋ ketɕja ɕɛja rak ɣaw dʑuŋ t̪ʰuktɕitɕʰeand.then thank.you today talk say -xx get happy become thank.you thank.youअनि धन्यवाद आज कुरा गर्न पाएकोले खुसी लाग्यो धन्यवाद।Thank you! we got chance to talk with you!, thank you!
- TSHə̃Yes!अँ।Ok.