15 Apr 2015
11 min 17 sec
Video Overview
A NarPhu woman from the village Phu demonstrates how to grind salt in order to raise and provide for yaks.
- Nepal
- DAMmraŋcʌ areदेखिन होला।Perhaps I had not seen.
- DAMmraŋ myacʌ areदेख्न पाईन होला।Perhaps I had not seen.
- DAMonim kinʌ su chop thoŋअस्तिनैको चिसो निस्केछ।I felt the cold of long time ago.
- DAMtîstiniह्या।Fie! the salt is in grains.
- DAMčhok čhok læ̂siयस्तो यस्तो कुट्ने (धुलो बनाउने)।Let's grind like this.
- DAMpɦoŋpɛčɦêडल्लोहरू।These are grains.
- DAMcû âtɛcaŋ phruŋca sêsêtoयो दाईले हालेर पिउँदै गर्नुस् न।Brother, please pour and keep drinking.
- DAMsêtoपिउनुस्।Please drink.
- DAMsêto yʌछिटो पिउनुस्।Please drink.
- DAMtæ̂ læ̂topo yâ akhyupẽ ŋɦaniके गर्ने? हात(ले) फुर्सद नै पाउँदैन।What shall I do? I am a bit busy.
- DAMkini ʈûpʌni priɦyâni ɦyarcʌआज (छोरा घर)मा बस्नेमा याकचौंरीमा गयो।Instead of staying at home, my son has gone to graze yaks.
- DAMpɦriki câcʌriचौँरीको (लागि) नुनThe salt is for the female yak.
- DAMtɦosor nacʌ ʈɦâŋiआज, भोलि, पर्सी,Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow,
- DAMtæ̂ sê khurpaɦjasê khorसबै कुरा चिसो हुन्छ।it has been cold.
- DAMkhorcʌ khaya athune(चिसो लागेर) सक्दै सक्दिन।I am tired of work.
- DAMnɦikece pɦilaŋ tæ̂pʌहाम्रो भाषा बोले पनि हुन्छ?Shall I speak my own language ?
- DAMtæ̂paहुन्छ?Shall I speak?
- DAMnisyaŋcaŋ pɦakarenco ɦolमनाङ्बाटै ल्याउ भन्छु ।Shall I tell that I brouht it from Manang?
- DAMsenअर्कोThe next,
- DAMŋoŋe mincyaŋ lɦoपहिले नाम (भन्ने) कि वर्ष (उमेर)?Shall I first tell my name or age?
- DAMmiŋ pɦiu lɦo tikîनाम भन्ने (अनि) उमेर कति भन्ने?Name and then the age?
- DAMlɦo kɦiki tæ̂pcʌ pɦiउमेर कति भयो भन्ने?First to tell the name and then to tell the age?
- DAMɦosaŋ pɦisi ɦimposयस्तै भन्ने होला नि।Perhaps I should tell this.
- DAMkyaŋ tæ̂ necen kenne ɦyarciकस्तो हँसाउँदो कुरा गर्छौ?How a funny thing are you saying?
- DAMŋæ̂ tæ̂ tɦôtaमलाई यस्तो लाज लाग्ने?I feel ashamed to speak this?
- DAMŋêe miŋ nin riciमेरो नाम नेमा रिची हो।My name is Nema Richi.
- DAMhos pɦisiयस्तै भन्ने (हो)?Shall I tell like this?
- DAMɦwaseni câce kɦyurpaयसरी नुन घुमाईरहेको (हो)।I am moving the grinding stone.
- DAMɦwaseni ɦyâŋi pinciयसरी याकलाई दिने।And to give to male yaks.
- DAMɦoŋe ɦyâŋi pinci câcʌयसरी याकलाई नुन दिने।To give salt to yaks like this.
- DAMse nisyaŋcacʌ pɦæ̂kʌpʌ ɦinयति टाढा मनाङ्बाट ल्याएकी हुँ।I brought this from so far, from Manang.
- DAMɦoŋi ɦosaŋअनि यत्ति हो?Shall I tell like this?
- DAMr̥aptaki krãcaŋ câce pinci tæ̂naहप्तै पिच्छे नुन दिनु (खुवाउनु) पर्छ।We should feed animals each week.
- DAMcâce khîki khyurle lãci aranaजति पिसे पनि पुग्दैन।The salt is not enough although I grind it much.
- DAMcâceni kɦumpoनुन (मा) महँगो (छ)।The salt is also expensive.
- DAMnisyaŋcacʌ câcʌ pɦæ̂kʌcʌ hyaciki câceमनाङबाट ल्याएको नुन, याकको नुन।The salt was brought from Manang for yak.
- DAMɦosɦol ɦosker sen tæ̂ pɦisi muयत्ति नै हो ।अ रू केही पनि भन्नु पर्छ?Perhaps this much is enough, shall I have to tell something more?
- DAMcɦupô tɦukpɛ kɦe læ̂ topʌअँ अँ यस्तो दुख हुने काम गर्नु पर्ने।Yes, I should do this hard work.
- DAMŋæ̂ tɦukpoम दुख (मा छु)।I am in trouble.
- DAMchetecheme tɦuktɦuk r̥ur̥ul tæ̂ceजन्मे देखि मर्ने बेला सम्म दुखै दुखैमा बित्ने भयो।My life is spent in hardship from birth to death.
- DAMtɦaŋpʌ pɦamʌ sicʌ tɦukcʌउहिले बुबा आमा बितेर दुख (पाएँ)।Long ago I was in hardship because of the death of my parents.
- DAMtɦosor tɦukpo ɦwasiŋe chyar chyarअनि अहिले दुख एकदमै नजिक नजिक (दुख पाएँ)।And now I am suffering hardship very frequently (lit. very near).
- DAMchyar khæ̂cʌ tɦukceनजिक नजिक दुख पाएँ।I suffer hardship very nearly.
- DAMprinʌ arece hyaceŋi pinचौंरी त छैन, याकलाई दिने।Although there are male yaks, this is for yak?.
- DAMprinʌ cuŋci sĩcʌचौंरी पनि बेची सकियो।The female yaks were all sold.
- DAMsen tæ̂ læ̂paअरू के गर्ने?What shall we do?
- DAMchopô tɦukpoयस्तो दुख (छ)।I suffer hardship like this.
- DAMlɦo sumcuŋ pɦlîcuŋricʌतीन चार वर्षमाIn three four years,
- DAMlɦo mɦolo ŋɦyûceŋa ceʈuपच्चिस छब्बिस वर्ष सम्मand until twenty five or twenty six years
- DAMceʈu tɦotɦomo kicʌपच्चिस छव्बीस वर्षसम्म सुखै थियो।I lived in happiness till I was twenty five or twenty six years old.
- DAMmɦi kɦelale niŋkâŋ kɦelɛअरूकोमा काम गरे पनि दिन भरी काम गर्थेँ।Even I worked in other's house, having done hard work there,
- DAMmɦmuŋkaŋ kɦoe kɦokɦoki precʌरातभरी गीत गाउँदै हिँड्थेँ।I used to sing songs the whole night then.
- DAMɦotakyar tɦukpo syarcʌत्यसपछि साह्रै दुख पाएँ।After that I suffered a great hardship.
- DAMmɦi kɦe læ̂laki cæ̂cʌअर्काकोमा काम गर्दै गर्दै खाएँ।I earned substence (lit. eat by working) in other's hosues.
- DAMɦwataker chopo tɦukpoत्यहाँदेखि साह्रै दुख पाएँ।After that I suffered great hardship.
- DAMɦwaŋi sen tæ̂ pɦi seयत्ति हो, अरू के भन्ने?Is this all? What other things shall I tell?
- DAMmɦolo ŋɦyûsûceŋaca ceʈuम पच्चीस छब्बीस वर्ष सम्मI lived in happiness till I was twenty five or twenty six years old.
- DAMceʈû tɦotɦo kicʌ ɦotakerसुख भयो, त्यहाँबाट,I spent living there.
- DAMtɦoŋe ŋɦapču ŋɦasum tæ̂p ɦinअब (म) त्रिपन्न वर्ष भएँ।Now I am fifty three years old.
- DAMtɦukce tɦalenअहिले(साल)मा दुख पाएँ।I had hardship tough time this year.
- DAMtɦukpaŋša tɦoŋeदुखै दुख मात्र अनि,I think I would suffer much from now on.
- DAMʈɦukčura sunceker tɦukpʌ syarci kapʌri tæ̂cʌत्रिसठ्ठी वर्ष देखि दुखै दुख पाउने भएँ।From now begins the days of hardship for me.
- DAMsen tæ̂ areअरू केही छैन।I have no other things.
- DAMsesîŋcɦê ɦalamhyaŋ picci čɦinna(रोप्ने) खेतहरू धेरै जसो छोडि सकेको छ।I have planted half of the field, which is often planted.
- DAMtɦuŋrena cuŋci sẽcʌपशुहरू सबै बेचीसकेँ।I have sold all animals.
- DAMtɦoŋemɛ čɦûnʌ achyonaअब त शरिरले नै सक्दैन (सकेन)।Now my body can't do hardwork.
- DAMtæ̂ læ̂siके गर्ने?What to do?
- DAMtæ̂ yarcagumpa khæcʌ læ̂si oके यार्सागुम्बा आएर (उम्रेर) के गर्ने?What shall we do even if Yarsagompa grows?
- DAMchoppʌ ɦyo aɦyocʌ phæ̂ sicʌ tɦukpɛपुजा नपुगेर बुढा बितेर दुःख भएर,As my husband died, I am suffering as if I lost one of my wings.
- DAMtɦukpʌ cuŋtop tæ̂cʌबुढा बितेर दुख भएर बेच्नु पर्यो।I have to sell my property as my husband died and we suffered
- DAMŋæ̂na læ̂ acɦwecʌमैले पनि गर्न सक्दिन।I could not do it.
- DAMsêcɦêna læ̂ acɦwecʌबच्चाहरूले पनि गर्न सक्दैनन्।The children could not do the work either.
- DAMŋæ̂nʌ tɦoŋe ŋapču ŋasumneम त अब त्रिपन्न वर्ष भएँ।I am now fifty three years old.
- DAMtɦoŋe tɦosor tɦokpo cɦyarchyar kɦæ̂अब अहिले दुख नजिक नजिक आएरAs the hardship falls frequently (near and near).
- DAMtɦaŋpʌ pɦusičɦê raŋkʌ aʈɦonपहिला पहिला बालबच्चाहरू आफ्नो खुट्टामा उभिन सकेनन्।unable to do something themselves.
- DAMmɦi kɦe tæ̂nale cɦyu kɦyuru ɦyarमान्छेकोमा धेरै काम गर्यो, ज्यानले नसक्ने भयो।Having done much work, my body has been very weak.
- DAMtɦosor tam lɦo cum kɦyuru ŋipi tûi atamneअहिले त वर्षले नसक्ने समय नहुनेमाIn fact, compared to the age, the body should not have been this
- DAMɦos tɦukpo kɦæ̂ptencʌ acɦyocʌयस्तो दुख आएर सकिन।I could not do it becuae of suffering from hardship..
- DAMɦo sicʌ pricʌत्यही कारणले चौँरीहरूTherefore, I sold all yaks.
- DAMcuŋ thentôp tæ̂cʌचौँरी बेच्नुपर्यो।I have to sell yaks.
- DAMphaŋcôm syorcʌघाटा परेरI sold them in deficit.
- DAMcû pričɦê tæ̂ arapʌचौंरीहरू त केही छैन।I don't have yaks at all.
- DAMhwase himpôhos ɦoker tæ̂ pɦipaयत्ति नै होला नि, अरू त के भन्नु?I think this is encough. I don't have other things to tell.
- DAMphaŋtom tori are pričɦêniनाफा भन्ने केही छैन चौँरीहरूमा।There is profit in keeping yaks.
- DAMcû hya ŋɦî sumpʌricʌ cacʌri pinciniयिनै दुई तिनओटा याकलाई नुन दिनलाईI am grinding the stones for feeding yaks.
- DAMkhyurpiniपिँधिरहेको (घुमाईरहेको) ।I'm grinding it,
- DAMkɦêpʌni khyuʈûpâफुर्सद भएर पिसेर बसेकी छु।as I realize there is a leisure, I am moving the grinding stone.
- DAMnacʌ ʈɦâninʌभोलि पर्सिमाThen, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow,
- DAMcâcêni sekhorनुन चिसो हुन्छ (नुनमा चिसो लाग्छ)।the salt is wet.
- DAMrentâni sekhorझाँतो चिसो हुन्छ।The grinding stone is also wet.
- DAMkhyurja acɦyoeपिस्न सकिँदैन।I could not grind.
- DAMčɦu achuile cû câcʌcʌ ɦyaŋikipciŋiशरिरले नसके पनि यो नुन दुई तीन ओटा याकको लागि (बनाउँदै) छु।Although my body can't do, I have been making this for the yaks.
- DAMcuŋ tɦotɦomni câcʌri pintôcʌबेच्न सके सम्म याकलाई नुन दिनु पर्यो नि।I need to give the salt to them until I sell them.
- DAMsen tɦunŋrenʌ tæ̂na areअरू केही बस्तुहरू पनि छैनन्।I don't have any other animals.
- DAMcâce čɦêŋni chopo kɦumpoनुनहरू पनि यस्तो महँगो छ।The salt (and other things) are very expensive like this.
- DAMcâce pɛkini mɦyɛ̂ ŋɦokeएक पाथी नुनको पाँच सय रूपैया परेको छ (पर्छ)।It costs five hundred rupees for one pathi of salt.
- DAMnɦokeपाँच सय रूपैयाँ (पर्छ)।It costs five hundred rupees.
- DAMcâceniनुनको।its costs five hundred for a Pathi of salt,
- DAMmotacʌ bɦakʌpʌतलबाट ल्याएको।brought from below.
- DAMmotacʌ bɦakalem čɦyukiतल बाट ल्यायो भने चार सय पर्छ।It costs four hundred if brought from below.
- DAMyɛce pɦakalem ŋhokiलेक बाट ल्यायो भने पाँच सय पर्छ।It costs five hundred if brought from up (higher place)
- DAMthaŋcece pɦakʌlʌm čɦyukiथोचेबाट ल्यायो भने चार सय पर्छ।It costs four hundred if brought from Thonce.
- DAMcâcʌ čɦêŋi chopô kɦuŋpoनुनहरू यस्तो महँगो।The salt (and other things) are expensive like this.
- DAMtæ̂ læ̂siके गर्ने (गरौं)?What shall we do?
- DAMsen tæ̂ pɦisiअरू के भनौँ?What other things shall I say?
- DAMɦoŋe sesiŋ čɦêŋʌ rum pici sĩcʌखेतहरू त सबै छोडिदिएको छ।We have already left farming the fields.
- DAMtɦosorki bhyoŋčɦê tæ̂la aŋencʌआजकलका ठिटा ठिटीहरू केही काम गर्नै मान्दैनन्।The youths of today don't want to do anything.
- DAMtæ̂ tɦukpuʌri tæ̂cʌयस्तो दुख पाएँ।I had hardship like this.
- DAMŋɦî kɦeme tɦâlen tɦukpʌriहामी दाजु बहिनीलाई यसपाली दुख भयो।We (brother and sister) had hard times this time.
- DAMtɦukpʌri tæ̂ce(यसपटक) दुख भयो।We had hard times this time.
- DAMtɦukpuni tɦukpamu ŋɦî ŋɦîkapa su areदुख त दुख पर्यो, हामीजस्तो दुख कसैलाई परेको छैन।The hardship befell on us, such hardship has not fallen on other
- DAMcû ɦyulniयो गाउँमाin this village.
- DAMŋɦîki kitûहाम्रो (हामीलाई) दुख (छ)।We have hardship.
- DAMmɦiŋim cha ʈucʌमान्छेलाई त छाडिदेउ (कुरै नगर)।Let's not talk about people.
- DAMčɦæ̂ cipiciŋyaŋ ašar lotoचराचुरूङ्गीलाई पनि दुख नपरोस्।I wish even the animals and fowls do not have such hardships.
- DAMŋɦîkɦeme kape kitû čɦæ̂ cipiciŋyaŋ ašar lotoहाम्रा दिदी बहिनीलाई जस्तो दुख चराचुरूङ्गीलाई पनि नपरोस्।Such hardships may not fall even to fowls.
- DAMmɦiŋhimo chaʈocʌमान्छेलाई त छोडिदेउ।Let's not talk about men.
- DAMphæ̂ lo akhorpeni chopo kɦe tæ̂pʌश्रीमान (बितेको) एक वर्षमै यस्तो काम (दुख) भयो (हुने)।I have such a hardship even within a year of my husband's death.
- DAMkiŋi phæ̂ sinaआज बुढा बितेकोToday, the husband dead,
- DAMŋɦî tɦukna rempʌke čɦenkʌčɦenहामीले दुख पायौँ भनेर झन (झन)saying we had hardships,
- DAMčɦenkʌčɦen tɦukporiझन झन दुख पाउने।we get more hardship.
- DAMkitu ŋɦîni šarcʌहामीले यस्तो दुख सुख देख्यौँ।We saw such happiness.
- DAMmeyuŋkini ŋɦapču ŋɦakcike tæ̂pɛ meyuŋ ɦyarcʌअहिले भाई पचास वर्ष एकाउन्न वर्षको भाइ बित्यो (गयो)।My brother of fifty or fifty one passed away.
- DAMtæ̂ læ̂siके गर्ने?What shall we do?
- DAMnap chapʌ arapniदुख बिमार केही नभएकनWithout having been ill,
- DAMčɦope čhaho tæ̂pʌयस्तो घटना घट्यो।such accident (misfortune) befell.
- DAMlhekica ŋyu kɦyučɦêyaअझै उसको सम्पत्तीहरू पनिMore, his properties also,
- DAMro ʈhuli tæ̂cʌ sucʌ tɦakpʌ læ̂siसबै लथालिङ्ग भयो, कसले हेरिदिन्छ?all are in disordered state, who will look after it?
- DAMŋɦî khemeki kituहामी दिदी बहिनीको (जस्तो) दुखThe hardships of we sisters,
- DAMkitu suŋya akhæ̂toकसैलाई पनि नआओस्।let it not fall on others like this.
- DAMphama sicɛ raŋka athonबुबाआमा सानोमा बितेर (आफ्नो) खुट्टामा उभिन नसकेर दुख पाएँ।Since the parents died when I was small, and I had hardship because
- DAMamacʌ ɦosiki læ̂cʌ sokecʌआमाले यति सम्म गरेर हुर्काईन्।Mother grew up with me by doing this much hard work.
- DAMlæ̂kicʌ khecʌअझै दाजुबहिनीहरूलेEven then, we brother and sister,
- DAMthepcya pɦulen læ̂ceठिकै रीण गरेर (थापेर)having taken loans,
- DAMsocʌपाले।we cared for children.
- DAMɦotaker kikkan tæ̂cʌत्यहाँ देखि अलि सुख पाएँ।I had an easy time from then.
- DAMtɦosorki râŋtâ râŋtakiअहिले आफ्नै आफ्नैThese we (we do our) own,
- DAMrâŋtâ râŋtâki tæ̂cʌ ʈɦompokeआ-आफ्नो सम्पत्ती भन्ने सोचेको तas we thought of one's own properties,
- DAMtɦukpo čhyar čhyar lɦo akhorpeniदुख नजिक नजिक वर्ष नपुग्दैमा (आयो)।hardship befell even within one year often.
- DAMtɦukpo čhyar čhyarniदुख नजिक नजिक (आयो)।Hardship befell very soon (quickly).
- DAMmɦa sicʌ lɦo akhorpeni kini mɛyun chope čɦyaoज्वाईं बितेको (बितेर) वर्ष दिन नपुग्दै भाई यस्तो (भयो)।My brother became like this even within one year of the demise of
- DAMtæ̂ læ̂siके भन्ने?What to say?
- DAMsesiŋri mule sucʌ kyoŋkopʌखेत भईदिए पनि कसले हेरिदिनु (हेरबिचार गर्नु)।Even if I have fields to farm who will look after it?
- DAMcû ɦya kɦrippiri pɦileयो एउटा याक भने पनि,Even if there is a yak,
- DAMsucʌ læ̂kʌpʌकसले गर्छ?who will do it?
- DAMsesiŋcʌजग्गा जमिन चाहिँAs for the land and other properties,
- DAMpri sile cû kolæ̂cʌचौंरी मरे पनि यो छोरालेeven if the female yak dies, this son,
- DAMkyoŋkɛki ʈɦomcaपाल्छ कि भन्ने आशा छ।I hope this son will take care of me.
- DAMas læ̂cʌआश गरेँ।I had a hope of it.
- DAMnuŋkô ŋoŋe ɦyarcʌबुढा अगाडि बिते।My husband passed away before.
- DAMŋêe as athucʌमेरो आशा पुरा भएन।My wishes (hopes) were not fulfilled.
- DAMčhipta tɦûipo læ̂yu kɦuyucʌकाल यमराज अलछिनि (ले लग्यो)।This is because of the demon (Yamraj).
- DAMlæ̂kecʌ ŋɦæ̂ pɦile nuŋ tɦukci kari tæ̂cʌअझै म भन्दा उसले (बुहारीले) साह्रै दुख पाउनी जस्तै भयो।I hope she (the daughter) will get more hardship than me.
- DAMtæ̂ki ɦucuri tæ̂p ɦyãयस्तो दुख कसरी भए होला?How could this hardship happen?
- DAMtɦukʈacʌ kala chyačɦê sûkhanaधेरै दुख भएर हात खुट्टा सबै दुखिरहेको छ।Because of much hardship, my limbs have been aching.
- DAMtor kheroni pɦrasi aranaमाथि उकालोमा हिँड्नै सक्दिन।I could not walk up roads.
- DAMyarcakûmpô thu ŋisi pɦile kɦana thu ŋisi thuni acčyoetomयार्सागुम्बा टिप्न जाउँ भने कहाँ जाने, टिप्न जानै सक्दिन।Where to go to pick up the Yarsagompa? I can't go to pick it.
- DAMkhẽro cikrâŋ pɦraši arapa čɦu pyocʌउकालोमा कत्ति पनि हिँड्न सकिन शरिर झम्झमाएर।I can not walk uphill as the body becomes numb.
- DAMmočɦêna kho rɦelle khæ aŋennaतलकाहरूले आउ भने पनि मान्दिन।I do not obey as people from below call me.
- DAMkola kɦrampɛce kiŋya khep areठूलो छोरा चाहिँ अझै पनि आएको छैन।The elder son has not come yet.
- DAMtæ̂ læ̂pa tɦoŋeखै अब के गरौं?What shall we (I) do now?
- DAMcoŋe sî pipɛni khennalयता सामान पठाउनको लागि आएको रहेछ नि।He has come to this side to send the things.
- DAMcãkî si ten ŋêe sitenबुहारीको सामान र मेरो सामानThe things of daughter-in-law, and my things.
- DAMtɦâpa râŋlo mo ŋuikiअझै फेरि तल उसकोEven now his things below,
- DAMsekhaŋki hocorहोटलको त्योof the hotel, that,
- DAMtæ̂ri læ̂ ŋipki tæ̂ hilleके गर्न गयो कि के होला?perhaps he went to do something, or what else?
- DAMkilaŋ caniहिजो (र) अस्ति नैyesterday, and the day before yesterday.
- DAMkilaŋ khæ̂so pɦiʈi mi tæ̂pa tæ̂ ɦilleहिजो आउँछु भनेको थियो, अझै के होला?He said he would come yesterday, what more things might happen?
- DAMkilæ̂cʌ kiŋi khæ̂so pɦina phipke khæcêlहिजो त आजै आउँछु भन्दै थियो।He said he would come right yesterday.
- DAMtæ̂pa ki ŋa kɦæ̂p are pɦinaफेरि आज पनि आएको छैन रे।He said he would not come even today.
- DAMaŋamɛ coyaŋ mopêlछोरी त यहीँ छ।The daughter is right here.
- DAMkola čâŋpʌcʌm kilʌ tɦokʌcʌ caŋiसानो छोरा चाहि हिजो अस्ति नै आयो।As for the younger daughter, he came yesterday or day before
- DAMtɦosor tæcʌ porca hyarci kulcʌअहिले घोडा लिएर जान दिएँ।I permitted him to go by taking horse.
- DAMtæ̂ areकेही छैन।There is nothing.
- DAMtæ ŋɦî kkipcen hya ŋɦî khipcʌदुई तीन ओटा घोडा र दुई तीन ओटा याकलाईThis salt is for two or three horses, and for two or three yaks.
- DAMkɦri ŋipri mɦyɛ̂ sumpʌri læ̂ ʈimuएउटा दुईटा गाई तीन ओटा गरी रहेकी छु।I have been keeping one, two, or three cows.
- DAMtæ̂ læ̂seके गर्ने?What to do ?
- DAMsen ɦosɦol sen tæ̂ pɦiselयति नै हो, अरू के भन्ने?This is all. What to say more?
- DAMsesiŋ kɦe læ̂cʌ cæ̂syo pɦipî ara naखेती पाती गरेर खाने कुराको त आशै छैन।I have no hope of making a living by farming (lit. eating).
- DAMtɦwɛ̂ ʈâcʌ cæ̂syo pɦipi rewa aranaभारी बोकेर खान्छु भन्ने आशै छैन।I don't have a hope of making a living by carrying loads.
- DAMtɦoŋe tæ̂mule čɦôcinʌ sĩcʌजे भएको (भए भरको सम्पत्ती) सबै सकिई सक्यो।All properties whatsoever was finished.
- DAMŋɦîŋi kapɛ tɦukpom su ŋja akhæहामीलाई जस्तो दुख त कसैलाई पनि आएन।Such hardship as we are facing never befell to any people.
- DAMŋɦî khemiŋi kapɛŋi tɦukpo su ŋja akhæहामी दाजुबहिनिलाई जस्तो दुख कसैले पनि पाएनन् ।Nobody had the hardship like we siblings (brother and me) are
- DAMsečɦê kɦe cûtaŋ cû pipʌ areबच्चाहरू(ले) गर्नु पर्ने काम यो भन्ने (केही) छैन।There is not any work the children are engaged in (lit. there are no
- DAMŋeŋ tûmpûri kɦlaniक्षमा पाउँ, विवाह गरेको ठाउँमाPardon me, this is the place where I was married.
- DAMthûinyam thûiki kɦlâniसमयमा गरेन भने,If you do not do in time...
- DAMkɦyu šace sĩcʌ(अरूले) धन कमाई सके।The other people have already earned.
- DAMsikčyaki kɦlâni sikčya tæ̂si čɦicʌपढाईको ठाउँमा पढाई पुरा गरिसकेका छन्।They have completed their studies.
- DAMŋêkim ɦinam tæ̂ri arapaमेरो घर(मा) केही पनि छैन।There is nothing (lit. they have not studied) in my house (family).
- DAMɦoseयस्तैThe things are like this.
- DAMkɦîki semʈa akɦæ to ʈɦomleजति पिर नगरुँ भनेर सोचे पनिEven if I think I should not think about this, or think about this,
- DAMcûčɦê ŋæ̂ŋiयिनीहरूले मलाईthese thoughts troubled me,
- DAMsemʈa khæsi kulkupe tæ̂ læ̂si atʌचिन्ता लाग्ने दिन्छ, के गर्ने दाई?these things make me worry, what shall I do brother?
- DAMhosiker pɦisi ačɦyoto moयति धेरै बोल्न सक्दिन।I cannot speak that much.
- DAMe birse rʌichʌ mana tʌ ehã chʌए बिर्सेकी रहीछु, माना त यहाँ छ।Oh! I have forgotten. The Mana is right here.