27 May 2015
1 min 49 sec
- SABमेरो नाम मुखिया हो।My name is Mukhija.
- SABमेरो गाउँ ब्रागा (मा हो)।My village is in Praka.
- SABकिनभने यहाँ ब्रागा गाउँमा खाने पानि चाहिँ अलिBecause the drinking water herein Braga village,
- SABपिउने पानि चाहिँ अलि समस्या छ ।there is a problem of drinking water.
- SABयहाँ मान्छेको घर चाहिँ (बसोबास चाहिँ घरधुरी) बैसठ्ठी जति छन्।There are about sixty two people in this village.
- SABयहाँ खानेपानि पानिको मूल धेरै छैनन्।There are not many water springs (sources) here.
- SABत्यसकारण खाने पानि चाहिँ अपर्याप्त छ (पर्याप्त छैन)।Therefore, the drinking water is not adequate,
- SABकिनभने हामी तीन चार लिटर पिउनै पर्छ।because we have to drink three or four liters of water daily.
- SABत्यसकारण (हामीलाई) पानि चाहिँ पुग्दैन।Therefore the water is not enough.
- SABपानि चाहिँ अलि राम्रो छ भने (पिउन) हुन्छ।If the water is good, we may drink it.
- SABहामीले पानि पिउँदा उमालेर पिउनु पर्छ।While drinking water, (we) should drink by boiling it.
- SABपच (पानिउमाल्दा आउने लेदो) बेसी भयो भनेहाम्रो पेटमा चाहिँ असर गर्छ।If there is more Paje, it affects our stomach,
- SABत्यसकारणit causes something bad in our stomach.
- SABअर्कोThe other,
- SABअहिले मेरो काम पढाउँदै (सर गर्दै) छु।Now my work is to teach (I have been teaching).
- SABअब यहाँ पढाएको (सर गरेको) तीन वर्ष भयो।I have been teaching here for three years.
- SABयस्तै यी वच्चाहरू (मान्छे)लाई बराबर गर्छु (पढाउन बराबर व्यबहारSimilarly, If (I) say I do (treat) these children (men) equal (in
- SABनेपाली महिना(in) Nepali month.
- SABयसमा छेब चाहिँ छैन।There is no book.
- SABअक्षर रहेन रहेछ।Even if there is no letter (alphabet),
- SABनेपाली (महिना) भाषाबाट गर्नु पर्यो (सिकाउनु पर्यो) ।We should teach through the Nepali language.
- SABहाम्रो भाषा चाहिँ लोप हुँदै गयो अहिले चाहिँ।Now our language has been disappearing.
- SABअधिकांश बच्चाहरू त हाम्रो भाषा बोल्दै बोल्दैनन्।As for our children, majority of (them) don't speak our language and,
- SABअरू त यति नै होला।the other things are this much.