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22 Apr 2018
6 min 45 sec
Video Overview
Kristine Hildebrandt

Ms. Lhenzan Butyi, a native speaker of Kutang, describes her experiences durint the Nepal earthquakes in 2015.

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  • NYI
    namaste grandmother
    नमस्कार हजुरआमा
    Namaste Grandma!
  • LEN
  • NYI
    grandmother grandmother 2 name what say COP.xx
    हजुरआमा तपाईको नाम के हो?
    What is your name?
  • LEN
    Lendzam Buti say COP.xx
    लेन्जाम वुटि हो
    My name is Lenzam Buti.
  • NYI
    grandmother 2 village PART whereCOP
    हजुरआमा तपाईँको गाउँ कहाँ हो?
    Which village are you from?
  • LEN
    village PART Bihi COP
    गाउँ चाहिँ बिहि हो
    I am from Bihi.
  • NYI
    grandmother 2 talk most what speakCOP.xx
    हजुरआमा तपाईँ धेरै कुन भाषा प्रयोग हुन्छ
    Which language do you speak most?
  • LEN
    talk Kutang voice/language xx speakCOP.xx
    कुरा चाहिँ कुताङ भाषै बोल्छु
    Most of the time, I speak Kutang language.
  • NYI
    always Kutang
    सँधै कुताङ नै हो
    You speak Kutang all the time!
  • LEN
    Kutang voice/language xx
    कुताङ भाषा मात्रै
    Mostly Kutang language.
  • NYI
    next talk Tibetan -PL little
    अरु कुरा भोट भाषा हरु अलि
    Other languages like Tibetan etc..
  • LEN
    Tibetan -PL NEG- speak Nepali voice/language PART always knowNEG- know
    भोट भाषाहरु बोल्दैन नेपाली भाषा त आउँदै आउँदैन
    I do not speak Tibetan, and I can understand Nepali language.
  • LEN
    Kutang voice/language xx
    कुताङ भाषा मात्रै
    Only Kutang language...
  • NYI
    grandmother 2 village -ABL here come -xx year how.maybecome
    हजुरआमा तपाई गाउँबाट यता आएको कति बर्ष भयो?
    How long have been living here since you left your village?
  • LEN
    village -ABL here come -xx year sevenbecome
    गाउँबाट यता आएर सात बर्ष भयो
    It has been seven here since I came here from village.
  • NYI
    now Kathmandu inside sit xx NEGPART
    अहिले काठमान्डुमा हुनुहुन्छ हैन
    Now, you are living in Kathmandu, is not it?
  • LEN
    COP now Kathmandu insidesit
    हो अहिले काठमान्डुमा बस्छु
    Yes, I an living in Kathmandu now.
  • NYI
    grandmother 2 child -PL how.mayCOP.xx
    हजुरआमा तपाईँसँग बच्चा कतिवटा छ?
    How many children do you have?
  • LEN
    child now three COP.xx er fourCOP.xx
    बच्चा अहिले तिन जना छ ए चार जना छ
    There are three...four children...
  • LEN
    earlier xx xx xx xx
    पोहोर परार तिर परार तिर
    Some years ago....
  • LEN
    youngest.child smallest PART year thirty do COP.xxdie.xx
    कान्छो छोरा चाहिँ तिस बर्ष भएको थियो मर्यो
    The youngest son, who was 30 years old, died.
  • LEN
    Pharping -ABL die -xx
    फर्पिङमा वित्नुभयो
    He died in Pharping.
  • LEN
    now again child son three one PART up outside -LOC doCOP.xx
    अहिले फेरि तिनबटा छोरा एकजना चाहिँ बिदेश तिर गएको छ
    Now, there are three sons; one is in the foreign country.
  • LEN
    two PART up village -LOC COP.xx
    दुईजना चाहिँ गाउँतिर छ
    Two are in the village.
  • LEN
    grandson granddaughter COP.xx grandsongranddaughter -PL
    नातिनातिनिहरु छन नातिनातिनिहरु
    I have grandchildren; granddaughters and grandsons...
  • LEN
    some village -LOC man daughter-in-law become -xxCOP.xx
    कुनै गाउँमा मान्छे बिवाहमा गएको छ।
    Some of them have gone to village for marriage ceremony there.
  • LEN
    some this.side daughter-in-law grandson daughter-in-lawbring -xx COP.xx
    कुनै यता बुहारि नातिले स्वास्नि ल्याएको छ grandson has already married...
  • LEN
    some now here Kakarbhitta great.lama Karki school -LOCCOP.xx
    कुनै अहिले यता काँकडभित्ता खेम्पो कार्कि स्कुलमा छ
    Some are in the Khempo Karki school in Kankadbhitta.
  • NYI
    grandmother 2 earlier book learn -xx get NEG- get schoolgo -xx get NEG-get
    हजरुआमा तपाई पहिले पढ्न पायो कि पाएन स्कुल जान पायो कि पाएन
    Did you get chance to go to school (in your childhood)?
  • LEN
    book PART NEG- know what -ALSO book learn -xx -ALSO NEG- getsmall
    पढ्न जान्दैन के पढ्न पाएन सानो
    Could know nothing; what to study being small...
  • NYI
    small xx village -LOC sit -xx xx this
    सानोबेला गाउँमा बसेको यो
    You lived in village when you were small..
  • NYI
    field work do
    खेतको काम गर्यो
    You worked in field.
  • LEN
    COP like.this xx
    हो यस्तै हो
    Yes, I did.
  • NYI
    now Kathmandu inside sit -xx REFL house -LOC family who whoCOP.xx
    अहिले काठमान्डुमा बसेको आफु घरमा परिबार को को हुनुहुन्छ
    In Kathmandu, who are with you now?
  • LEN
    Kathmandu inside sit -xx family village familyxx
    काठमान्डुमा बस्ने परिबार गाउँको परिबार हो?
    Family in Kathmandu; Do you mean family in village?
  • NYI
    NEG Kathmandu inside COP.xx -xx -PL
    होईन काठमान्डुमा भएको हरु
    No, I mean those who are in Kathmandu.
  • LEN
    Kathmandu inside 1PL family who xx COP.xxxx
    काठमान्डुमा हाम्रो परिवार को को छ भनेको हो?
    Do you mean family members in Kathmandu?
  • LEN
    relatives little little PART xx xx xx inside sit -xxPART now 1PL
    आफन्तहरुत अलिकति अलिकति छ हामी आफै बसिरहेको चाहिँ अहिले हामि
    We have some relatives; as for we living here....
  • LEN
    father PART elder.sister PART again girl PART COP.xx PART thisPART
    बुबा चाहिँ दिदि चाहिँ फेरि एउटा केटि त छ नि यो चाहिँ
    Father, elder sister, and again one girl....
  • LEN
    Talomo say COP.xx
    दालोमो भन्छ
    (One girl) her name is Talomo.
  • LEN
  • LEN
    man four here inside sit this grandson granddaughter -PL upKakarbhitta -LOC school learn xx xx
    चारजना मान्छे यता भित्र बस्छ यो नातिनातिनि हरु माथि काँकडभित्ता
    Four men live inside here; these grandchidren study in Kankadbhitta
  • NYI
    earlier 1PL month three become PART NEG PART earthquakecome -xx PART earthquake big come -xx grandmother 2 whereCOP.xx
    अस्तिन हाम्रो तेस्रो महिना चाहिँ गइसक्यो हैन त भुकम्प आएको थियो नि
    Our third month (Tibetan) ended earlier, is not it?;Where were you
  • LEN
    here -LOC COP.xx xx here -LOC COP.xx xx suddenly xx1PL food eat -xx doCOP.xx
    यतै थियो यता हुँदा अचानक छ नि हामि खाना खान लागिरहेको थियो
    We were here; it (earthquake) hit suddenly when we were about to have
  • LEN
    food eat -xx -ALSO NEG.xx
    खाना खान पाएन
    We could not have lunch.
  • LEN
    scared xx again xx.ONOMxx
    सातै गयो फेरि गाङदाङदाङ गुङगुङदुङ भयो।
    We were frightened a lot; it was quite confusing.
  • LEN
    weep.ONOM weep.ONOM weep xx child -PL scaredgo -xx
    ह्वाँ ह्वाँ रोयो नि वच्चाहरु सातै गएर
    Being scared, children wept a lot.
  • NYI
    earthquake come time -LOC grandmother 2 body -PLPART
    भुकम्प आउँदा खेरि हजुरआमा तपाई जिउ हरु छ नि
    When the earthquake hit, in your body....
  • NYI
    body -PL mind REFL mind inside like.whatxx -xx
    जिउहरु मन आफ्नो भित्र कस्तो भएको थियो?
    What did you think in your mind (when the earthquake hit)?
  • LEN
    mind PART fear.ONOM become xx xx move.ONOMmove.ONOM
    मन त फासिङ दासिङ।झासुङ झुसुङ भएको थियो थरथर कमायो
    It trembled us a lot; we were very scared.
  • NYI
    body -PL move.ONOM move.ONOM do like.this
    अहिले पनि थरथर कामिन्छ हो
    Is it that the body keeps shaking?
  • LEN
    scared xx
    सातै गयो।
    We were scared.
  • NYI
    earthquake come finish -xx xx grandmother 2 outside come -xxNEG PARToutside
    भुकम्प आएपछि हजुरआमा तपाई बाहिर निस्किनु भएको हैन त बाहिर?
    You came outside after the earthquake; is not it so?
  • LEN
    outside come -xx xx down ground -LOCsit -xx
    बाहिर निस्केर पो तल चउरमा बस्यौ।
    We came out and lived there in the field.
  • LEN
    this after still come finish -xx -ALSO still this.sidemove.ONOM move.ONOM do PART knowCOP.xx
    यो पछि अझै आईसकेपछि फेरि यता लिङलिङलिङ हल्लेको जस्तो लाग्छ
    We still feel our bodies shaking.
  • LEN
    this Tibetan man -PL PART xx xx down sit gosend -xx
    यो भोट मान्छेहरु सबैजना तल तिर बस्न जाउँ
    Let's all of Bhot people go down there to live!
  • LEN
    man xx sit -place sit -xx 1PL -ALSO down sit -xx
    मान्छे सबै जम्मा भएको ठाउँमा बस्न गएको थियो हामी पनि तल बस्न गयो
    As all men gathered in one place, we also went there to live.
  • NYI
    night -LOC outside sleepxx
    राति बाहिर सुत्नुभयो कि क्या हो?
    Did you sleep outside at night?
  • NYI
    outside say -xx tent inside sleepxx
    बाहिर भनेको पालमा सुत्नु भएको हो?
    It means you lived in a tarpaulin-camp?
  • LEN
    yes tent inside sleep
    अँ पालमा सुते
    Yes, I lived in tarpaulin-tent.
  • NYI
    sit outside cook -xx eat
    खाना बाहिर पकाएर खाएको हो?
    (And), you cooked outside (the house)!
  • NYI
    day how.many sit outside
    कति दिन बाहिर बस्यो?
    How many days did you live outside?
  • LEN
    day twelve thirteeen time become sitdown -LOC
    बार तेर दिन जति भयो तल बस्यो।
    We lived down there for twelve or more days.
  • NYI
    1PL this earthquake say -xx PART 1PL this earlier -ABL 1PLgrandfather grandmother -PL what say -xx earthquake thisabout -LOC reason PART what COP
    यो हाम्रो भुकम्प भनेको चाहिँ हाम्रो यो पहिलादेखि हाम्रो बाजेबज्यै हरु
    What is the cause of an earthquake? What did our elder's say on this?
  • NYI
    earthquake what do -xx come
    भुकम्प किन आउँछ?
    Why does the earthquake strike?
  • LEN
    like.this say -xx like.this old.woman -PL earthquakecome.xx earthquake come.xxsay -xx
    यस्तो भन्थ्यो यस्तो बाजेबज्यै हरु भुकम्प आयो भुकम्प आयो
    Yes, our elders used to tell about such earthquakes.
  • LEN
    sometime.ago like sometime.ago like NEG- come xxearlier xx move.ONOM move.ONOM move.ONOM move.ONOM PART do -xx
    अस्ति जस्तै अस्ति जस्तै त कहिले पनि आएन पोहोर तिर सानो सानो सानो सानो
    It never occured like this one (earthquake); some minor ones used to
  • LEN
    sometime.ago PART more xx xx NEG.xx -xx come -xxlike.this
    अस्ति चाहिँ कहि नभएको जस्तो ठुलो आएको थियो
    This earthquake is strange one.
  • LEN
    scared xx
    सातै गयो
    It frightened us a lot.
  • NYI
    grandmother 2 small COP.xx time -ABL earthquake like.this likebig always NEG- comexx
    हजुरआमा तपाई सानो बेला यस्तो ठुलो भुकम्प कहिल्लै आएन कि हो?
    Did you never realize such an earthquake in your childhood?
  • LEN
    NEG- come always now till like.this come PART see -ALSONEG- experience
    आएको छैन यो अहिले सम्म यस्तो आएको देखेको पनि थिएन
    Never; It never occured like this time.
  • LEN
    sometime.ago -LOC PART more xx -ALSONEG.xx
    अस्ति चाहिँ कहिँ नभएको ठुलो
    This one is very big one.
  • LEN
    earlier little little PART come.xx
    पोहोर तिर अलि अलि आउँथ्यो
    Earlier only minor ones used to strike.
  • NYI
    earthquake come -xx REFL family -PL more injury PART NEG- comeNEG PART
    भुकम्प आएर आफ्नो परिबार हरु धेरै चोटपटक भएको छैन होला हैन?
    Is there injuries to your family members (in this earthquake)
  • LEN
    family -PL injury PART NEG- come bring -PL fall.down -xx COP.xxsay -xx
    परिबारहरु चोटपटको त भएको छैनन घरहरु भत्केको छ रे
    I heard some houses were damaged; but, there is no injuries in the
  • NYI
    village -LOC
    In the village?
  • LEN
    The house..
  • LEN
    yes village -LOC
    अँ गाउँमा
    Yes, in the village.
  • NYI
    house village -LOC COP.xx -xx house -PL make finish NEG- finishxx xx xx DOUBT
    गाउँमा भएको घरहरु बनाईसक्यो कि छैन यतिकै छ कि
    Were the new houses made or not in the village?
  • LEN
    some reach some before man -PL before make say -xx 1PL
    कोही पुग्यो कुनै अस्तिनै मान्छेहरु अस्तिनै बनाउँदै छ हामि
    Some men (who reached there) told that people were making the houses.
  • LEN
    house late xx NEG- make -xxlike.this
    घर ढिलो भएको पनि बनेको छैन।
    Those houses which were yet to be made were there.
  • LEN
    make say here make say now finish COP.xx
    बनाउनु भने यता बनाउनु भने अहिले सक्यो होला
    Now, they might have finished making their houses.
  • NYI
    1PL village REFL village COP.xx -xx family -PL with talkspeak -xx get NEG- get
    हाम्रो गाउँ आफ्नै गाउँ भएको परिवारहरुसँग कुरा गर्न पायो कि पाएन
    Did you get chance to talk with men from the village?
  • LEN
    talk speak -xx get PART down come.xxPART
    कुरा गर्न पायो दाई चाहिँ तल आएको थियो
    My elder brother came here and I talked with him.
  • NYI
    village PART here come.xxPART
    गाउँमा भएको चाहिँ यता आएको हो?
    Did he come here from village?
  • LEN
    village PART herecome.xx
    गाउँमा भएको चाहिँ यता आएको थियो
    Yes, he came from village.
  • NYI
    राम्रो हो
    It's good.
  • NYI
    then 1PL
    अनि हाम्रो
  • NYI
    next what COP.xx like.this this xx after
    अरु के छ नि यति हो अब
    What is next; Is there more?
  • NYI
    earthquake come man all troublexx
    भुकम्प आयो मान्छे सबै जनाले दुख पाएको छ
    The earthquake hit and we were troubled.
  • NYI
    village man -PL trouble xx 1PL -ALSO 1PL man -PL troublexx
    गाउँको मान्छेहरु दुख पायो हाम्रो मान्छे पनि दुख पाएको छ।
    Both villagers and us were troubled.
  • NYI
    then this earthquake come -xx like.this grandmother 2 thisworship COP xx COP this PART do NEG- do house-LOC
    अनि भुकम्प आउँदा हजुरआमा तपाईँ यो पुजापाठ भएपनि गर्नुभयो कि भएन घरमा
    Did you perform some sort of worshipping?
  • LEN
    do book read
    गर्यो लामा किताब पढ्यो
    We did; we invited Lamas to read books.
  • NYI
    book read worship do NEG- do
    लामा किताव पढ्यो कामना गर्नु भयो कि भएन?
    Did you perform wish-Puja as well?
  • LEN
    yes worship do book read PART here go.round.temple go xxworship PART do
    अँ कामना गर्यो लामा किताब पढ्यो यता कोरा गएपनि कामना चाहिँ गर्यो
    Yes, we did: we invited Lama to read holy books, performed wish-Puja,
  • LEN
    memory PART COP.xx
    याद चाहिँ छ
    I remember this.
  • NYI
    grandmother 2 village -LOC relief.aid go DOUBT NEG- go DOUBTnow till knowledge getNEG- get
    हजुरआमा तपाई गाउँमा राहात गयो कि गएन अहिले थाहा पायो कि पाएन
    Did you get information about any relief materials getting there in
  • LEN
    village relief.aid PART xx
    गाउँको राहात चाहिँ हो?
    Do you mean relief materials in village?
  • NYI
    1PL Kathmandu inside NEG Bihi village -LOC relief.aid goDOUBT NEG-go
    हाम्रो काठमान्डुमा होईन बिहि गाउँमा राहात गएको छ कि छैन?
    It's not in Kathmandu but in Bihi village.
  • LEN
    what unsure 1PL knowledge NEG.xx -xx
    के कुन्नि हामीलाई थाहा छैन
    I am unsure; I do no know this.
  • NYI
    knowledge NEG.xx xx
    थाहा छैन हो?
    Do not you know?
  • NYI
    government -ABL relief.aid come POSSIBL NEG- com thisPART
    सरकारबाट राहात आएको छ कि छैन यो चाहिँ
    Did the givernment provide any relief materials?
  • LEN
    government relief.aid PART where here Kathmandu -LOCxx
    सरकारि राहत चाहिँ कता यता काठमान्डुमा हो?
    Do you mean the government relief matieris in Kathmandu?
  • NYI
    Kathmandu inside COP xx COP up village COP xx where COP xxCOP
    काठमान्डु भएपनि माथि गाउँ भएपनि जहाँ भएपनि
    I mean everywhere; either in village or in Kathmandu or in any place.
  • LEN
    village PART unsure come -xxchild -PL
    गाउँचाहिँ कुन्नि आएको वच्चाहरु
    I am unsure about village; those childeren who came here..
  • LEN
    1PL here COP xx always relief.aid COP say -xx xx xx PARTNEG.xx
    हामी यता भएपनि राहत कहिले सानो पनि छैन
    Though we are here (in Kathmandu), there is no relief material (for
  • NYI
    relief.aid always NEG- come xx
    राहत कहिल्यै पनि आएन हो?
    Did not they provide it (relief material) at all?
  • LEN
    always NEG- come
    कहिल्यै पनि आएन
    No, never.
  • NYI
    Gumba Gumba towards -ABL NEG- come x
    गुम्बाबाट पनि आएन हो?
    Not even from Gumba?
  • LEN
    NEG- come always
    कहिल्यै पनि आएन
    Never, never.
  • LEN
    relief.aid COP xx always knowledgeNEG.xx
    राहत भन्ने कहिल्यै पनि थाहै छैन
    I have not got any relief materials
  • NYI
    okay okay grandmother 2
    ल ल हजुरआमा तपाईँ
    Okay Grandma!..
  • NYI
    grandmother 2 this this talk little speak -xx getmore mind be.happy -xx
    हजुरआमा तपाईँ धन्यवाद यो अलिकति कुरा गर्न पाएकोमा धेरै खुसि लाग्यो
    We are very happy and we thank you for this conversation.
  • NYI
    Thank you!