22 Apr 2018
7 min 39 sec
Video Overview
Kristine Hildebrandt
Mr. Kunsang Dhondrup, a native speaker of Kutang, describes his experiences during the 2015 Nepal earthquakes. In this video he explains his thought processes as the earthquake was happening.
- NYIelder.brother namastदाजु नमस्कारBrother, Namaste!
- KUNnamasteनमस्कारNamaste!
- NYIelder.brother name what say COP.xxदाजुको नाम के हो?What is your name?
- KUN1 Kunsang Dhundupकुन्साङ धुन्डुपKusnsang Dhundup
- NYIyear how.many reach -xx becomeकति बर्ष हुनुभयो?How old are you
- KUNyear twenty-sevenसत्ताईस बर्षTwenty-seven years old.
- NYIelder.brother family inside who whoCOP.xxदाजुको परिबारमा को को हुनुहुन्छ?How many members are there in your family?
- KUNxxके?what?
- NYIfamily inside who who COP.xxपरिवारमा को को हुनुहुन्छ?How many members are there in your family?
- KUNfamily inside xxपरिवारमा?In the family?
- KUNxx sixहामी छ जनाWe are six.
- NYIwho who COP.xxको को छ?Who are there?
- KUNhere elder.sister xx - mother then family -PL xx this childtwo then youngest.childTashiयता पेमा दिदि परिवारहरु अनि वच्चा दुईवटा अनि भाई टाशिPema sister's family, two childs, and younger brother Tashi.
- NYIelder.brother small time -LOC book learn -xx getNEG- getदाजु सानो बेलामा पढ्न पायो कि पाएन?Did you get chance to study while you were child?
- KUN1 book learn -xx NEG- getम पढ्न पाएनI did not get chance to study.
- KUNhere -LOC little REFL -place xxयता अलिकति आफै मात्रैJust a little by myself.....
- NYIelder.brother now work what doCOP.xxदाईले काम के गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ?What are you doing these days?
- KUNhere -LOC work what COP.xx here field little fieldweed -xxयहाँ काम के छ यता खेत अलिकति खेत गोड्दैWhat work is here? Weeding a field......
- NYIthen elder.brother 1PL earlier month four.ORD -LOCdateदाई हाम्रो अस्तिन चौथो महिना मा दिन..Brother! in our fourth month (of Tibetan calender, the day....
- NYIholy.place PART day saturday o'clock twelve earthquake cometime -LOC elder.brother 2 whereCOP.xxसात गते सनिबार बार बजेमा भुकम्प आउँदा खेरि दाई कहाँ हुनुहुन्थ्योThe 7th day, on saturday, at 12 o'clock, where were you at that time
- KUN1 here down Rana down -LOC COP.xxम यता रानाको भन्दा तल थिएँI was in the place down from Rana.
- NYIRana down -LOC what dogoरान तलतिर के गर्न गएको थियो?Why did you go to place down to Rana?
- KUN1 letter reach goम चिठि पुर्याउन गएको थियोI was there to provide the letters.
- NYIpost-office post-office reach goxहुलाक हुलाक पुर्याउन गएको थियो हो?Are you there to provide letters?
- NYIthis earthquake come time elder.brother friend whoCOP.xxयो भुकम्प आउँदाखेरि दाईको साथि को थियो?Who was with you when the earthquake hit?
- KUNfriend NEG.xx 1 aloneसाथि थिएन म एक्लै थियोThere was none; I was alone.
- NYIthis come time -ABL elder.brother 2 whereCOP.xxभुकम्प आउँदखेरि दाई कहाँ थियो?Where were you when the earthquake hit?
- KUNRana down reach -xxरानको तल पुग्दाWhne I reached to the place down to Rana...
- KUNup down stone fall.down.ONOM come.xx hide -place NEG- getcave inside hide sitमाथिबाट ढुङ्गा बरङरङ आउँदै थियो लुक्ने ठाउँ पाएन एउटा सानो गुफामाThe stones were falling from upper areas; I did not get a place to
- KUNlittle stop become -xx xx outsidecomeएकछिन रोकेपछि बल्ल बाहिरा आयोWhen it stopped, I came out.
- NYIearthquake come finish -xx earthquake COP DOUBT knowledge getDOUBT little finish -xx knowledge getभुकम्प आएपछि भुकम्प हो भन्ने थाहा पायो कि एकछिन पछि बल्ल थाहा पायो?Did you know the earthquake at the moment or later?
- KUNlittle finish -xx front -LOC knowledge getएकछिन पछि बल्ल थाहा पायो।I knew it after awhile.
- NYIfront -LOC knowledge NEG- get xxपहिलेनै थाहा पाउनु भएन?Did not you know before?
- KUNlike.this move.ONOM knowledge -xx stone small onefall.down -xx xx finish -xx stone big knowledge -xx more -PLcome.xxसानो ढुङ्गा एउटा दुईवटा झरेको थियो त्यसपछि ठुलो ठुलो ढुङ्गा आयोFirst of all, some small stones fall down and later the big stones
- NYIthis earthquake come time PART REFL -LOC injury PART what -xxNEG- come xxयो भुकम्प आईसकेपछि आफूले चोटपटक केहि लागेन होला निDid you have any injuries from this earthquake?
- KUNinjury PART NEG- come 1 PART cave inside hidesitचोटपटक त भएन यता गुफामा लुकेर बस्योI do not have any injuries; I hid in the cave.
- NYIthis earthquake come finish -xx elder.brother 2 wheregoभुकम्प आईसकेपछि दाई तपाई कहाँ जानु भयो?After the earthquake hit, where did you go?
- NYIup retucome DOUBT again downgoमाथि फर्केर आएको थियो कि तल गएको थियोDid you go down or come up?
- KUNup return comeमाथि फर्केको थियोI returned up.
- NYIhouse return come xxघरमा फर्केर आएको थियो हो?Did you return home?
- NYIthis time -LOC REFL family -PL whereCOP.xxयतिखेर आफुको परिवार हरु कहाँ थियो?Where were your family at the moment?
- KUNfamily -PL here house COP.xxपरिबार यहाँ घरमा थिएThe family was in the village.
- NYIelder.sister here xx xxदिदि यहाँ थियो हो?Is it that the sister was here?
- KUNelder.sister here xxदिदि यहिँ थियोYes, the sister was here.
- NYIyoungest.child PART where goभाई चाहिँ कहाँ गएको थियो?Where has the younger brother gone?
- KUNyoungest.child PART youngest.child down xxभाई तल थियोThe younger brother was in the lower places.
- NYIKathmandu inside xx xxकाठमान्डु थियो हो?Was he in Kathmandu?
- NYIthis earthquake come time -LOC REFL mind inside PART worry come xxNEG- comeयो भुकम्प आएपछि आफै मनमा चिन्ता आएको थियो कि थिएन?Were you worried because of this earthquake?
- NYIman die DOUBT like.this become DOUBT house fall.down become DOUBTlike.this worry come NEG- comeमान्छे मर्यो कि यस्तो भयो कि घर भत्क्यो कि यस्तै चिन्ता आयो कि आएन?Were you worried about houses falling down, people dying etc.?
- KUNlike.this do mind xx pain/trouble down phone send -xxयस्तो गर्यो मन चाहिँ मन दुखिरहेथ्यो तल फोन गर्न गएको थियIt happended and I was worried; I went to phone.
- NYIthis finish -xx up house return go house house PART howbecome COP.xxयो सकेपछि घर फर्किदा घर चाहिँ कस्तो भएको थियो।After that, as you came back home, what had happened to your house?
- KUNhouse house PARTगाउँको घर चाहिAs for the house....
- KUNsome break -xx some break go go like.thisकुनै भत्केको थियो कुनै भत्किन लागेन लागेको थियो यस्तोSome were already fallen and some were in very bad condition.
- KUNxx.ONOM becomघात्राक घुत्रुक भएछEverything was not normal.
- NYIvillage reach -xx like.this village man -PL how become COP.xxearthquake comefinish -xxगाउँ पुग्दा गाउँले मान्छे कस्तो भएको थियो भुकम्प आएपछिWhen you came back to your house, what had happened to the village
- KUNall -LOC become COP.xx housebreak -xxसबैजनाले भएको थियो घर भत्क्योFor all of them, the houses had fallen down.
- KUNonly become COP.xx some that.side break -xx some this.sidebreak -xxयस्तो भएको थियो कुनै उता भत्किरहेको थियो कुनै यता भत्किरहेको थियोIt was like this; the houses had fallen everywhere.
- NYIthis night PART elder.brother 2 where sitPARTयो राति चाहिँ तपाई कहाँ बस्नु भएको थियो?Where did you sleep at that night?
- KUNthis night REFL here yard -LOCsleepत्यो राति मेरो आफ्नै यता आगँनमा सुत्यो।At that night, I slept in my own yard.
- NYIoutside sleepबाहिर सुत्योOh! you slept outside.
- KUNoutside yardबाहिर आगँनमाIn the yard outside.
- NYIthis outside sleep time -LOC trouble whatCOP.xxबाहिर सुत्दा खेरि के के गाह्रो भएको थियो?What troubles you had to face sleeping in the yard?
- NYIsleep -place good NEG.xx DOUBT food good NEG.xx DOUBTसुत्ने ठाउँ राम्रो थिएन कि खाने कुरा राम्रो थिएन किMay be, there was not good place to sleep and the food to eat!
- KUNfood -xx good NEG.xx sleep -place -xx what COP.xx xx xxlike.this bed one make.bedखाने राम्रो थिएन सुत्ने ठाउँ पनि के छ र यस्तै सुत्यो यस्तो एउटाThe food was not good and not a good place to sleep; we slept laying
- KUNsleepसुत्योWe slept.
- NYIday how.may outside sleepकति दिन बाहिर सुत्नुभयो?How many days did you sleep outside?
- KUNday PART many.xx become PART nine ten PART outsidesleepदिन त धेरै भयो होला नौ दस दिन जति बाहिर सुत्यो।It was for many days;we slept (outside) for about ten days.
- NYIvillagers -PL outside sleepxxगाउँले हरु पनि बाहिर सुतेको हो?Is it that other people also slept outside?
- KUNvillagers -PL outside sleepगाउँले पनि बाहिर सुत्योYes, other people also slept outside.
- NYIvillage -LOC PART man -PL next man -PL injury become COP.xxxx NEG.xxअनि गाउँमा छ नि अरु मान्छेहरुलाई चोटपटक भएको छ कि छैनHas there been any injuries to any villagers?
- KUNnext man PART injury NEG- become far man one dieअरु मान्छेले चाहिँ चोटपटक भएछैन तर उता एउटा मान्छे मर्योNo, nobody has been injured but one man died.
- NYIelder.brother 2 youngest.child PART Kathmandu inside xxNEG PARTदाजु यहाँको भाइचाहिँ काठमान्डुमा छ हैन तYour younger brother is in Kathmandu, is not it?
- NYIREFL youngest.child -xx Kathmandu inside xxआफु भाइ काठमान्डुमा छYour younger brother is in Kathmandu.
- NYI3PL with talk speak -xx think -xx phone PART this dayxx phone send -xx get DOUBTउनिहरु सँग कुरा गर्न मन गर्ने फोन चाहिँ त्यहि वेलुका गर्नु पायो कि?Thinking about taling with them, did you get chance to call in that
- KUNthis day phone NEG.xx here -LOC phoneNEG.xxयो बेलुका फोन थिएन यहाँ फोन छैनThere was no phone in that evening here.
- KUNup tomorrow day.after.tomorrow day two three day Ghap xxphone send -xxमाथि भोलिपर्सि दुई तिन दिन घापमा गर्न गएको थियोAfter some days, we went to Ghap to make a call.
- NYIhere up Ghap go time -LOC Ghap this middle road PART howbecome COP.xxयहाँदेखि माथि घाप जाँदा घाप को विच बाटो कस्तो थियो?What was the path like when you went upto Ghap?
- KUNroad all xx collapse become that.side go -place xxNEG- xx xxबाटो सबै भत्केको थियो उता जान बाटो सक्ने नसक्ने स्थिति थियोAll the path was ruined; it was very difficult to go.
- NYIlater PART up Ghap reach -xx phone send -xx getNEG- getपछि चाहिँ घाप पुग्दा फोन गर्न पायो कि पाएनDid you get chance to make a call when you reached Ghap?
- KUNGhap Ghap phone front NEG- work 1 go time -LOC phone gobecome COP.xxघाप फोन पहिला नजाँदोरैछ तर पछि म पुग्दाखेरि फोन बनिसके रहेछEarlier, the phone was not working in Ghap; but, at the time when I
- NYI1PL this what sayहाम्रो यो छ निOur, that is...
- NYIfamily -PL what -xx injury Kathmandu sit -xx family -PLinjury NEG.xx PARTपरिबारले केहि चोट काठमान्डु बस्ने परिवारहरु चोटपटक भए छैन त?Has not there been any injuries to your family members in Kathamandu?
- KUNinjury NEG.xx well COP.xxचोटपटक भएन सञ्चै छNo, they are well.
- NYIthis earthquake come finish -xx PARTयो भुकम्प आएपछि छ निAfter the earthquake....
- NYIrelief.aid PART what what come.xx down xxराहात के के आयो तलबाटWhat relief materials came from down?
- NYIgovernment COP xx COP 1PL Gumba xx COP xx COP organization1PL foreign organization COP xx relief.aid what what come.xxसरकार बाट भएपनि गुम्बा बाट भएपनि संघसंस्था हाम्रो जापान।विदेशि संस्थाEither it is from government or from Gumba or from other
- KUNrelief.aid PART what tarpaulin blanket this riceराहत त के यो पाल कमल यो चामलThe relief materials are tarpaulins, blankets, rice etc.
- KUNthis dry eat -xx noodlesयो सुख्खा खाने चाउचाउThe noodles....
- NYIthis relief.aid PART 1PLयो राहत चाहिँ हाम्रोThen, the relief materies, ours..
- NYIthis Bihi only.one COP DOUBT upयो बिहिमात्रै हो कि माथिIs it just in Bihij or up as well.
- NYI1PL this village aroundयो हाम्रो गाउँ वरिपरिIt is only aroud our village.
- NYIvillagers all divide -xxgiveगाउँले सबैजनाले बाँडेको होIs it that all divided it (relief materials)?
- KUNvillagers once divide -xx give PARTगाउँले सबैजना बाँडेछ।All the villagers divided it.
- NYIthis earthquake come finish -xx earthquake NEG- come xx say -xxagain inside mind PART more fear -xx NEGPARTयो भुकम्प आएपछि यो भुकम्प नआओस भन्ने फेरि मनभित्र धेरै डर लाग्छ हैन तAfter the earthquake hit, you might have been frightened, is not it?
- NYINEG- come xx say -xx again village COP xx COP house COP xxCOP family with COP xx COP pray xx read do NEG- doनआओस भनेर फेरि गाउँ भएपनि घर भएपनि परिवार सँग भएपनि पुजापाठ गर्यो किTo stop the earthquake, have you done any religious activities?; be
- KUNpray 3PL villagers -PL once xx -xx here do -xxपुजापाठ उनिहरु गाउँलेहरुले सबैजना मिलेर यहाँ गर्योAs for such Pujas, all the villagers did here together.
- NYIday how.may doकतिदिन गर्योHow many did they do (Pujas)?
- KUNday two DOUBT doदुईदिन जति गर्योThey did it for about two days.
- KUNSangchen xx doसाङजेन पुजा गर्योThe Sanjen Puja was performed.
- NYI1PL village -LOC Mane xx Kane xx Gumbaxxहाम्रो गाउँमा माने छ काने छ गुम्वा छ।We have Manes, Kanes etc. in our village.
- NYITshorten Gumba do Krwak Gumba do Bihi Gumba xxNEG PARTछोर्तेन पोक गुम्बा छ क्रवाक गुम्बा छ बिहि गुम्वा छ हैन तWe have Tshorten Pok Gumba, Krwak Gumba, Bihi Gumba, is not it?
- NYI3 -PL earthquake come finish -xx injury PART how becomeCOP.xxयिनीहरु भुकम्प आएपछि क्षति कति भएको छ?What has happened to those by the earthquake?
- KUNinjury -PL become xx all like.thisक्षति त भएछ सबैमा यस्तैThere has been damange everywhere.
- KUNlike.this xx.ONOM do -xx COP.xx some xxfall.down.xx fall.down.xxयस्तो ठाकठाकठुकठूक भएको छ कुनै भत्किन भत्किन लागेको छThey have been ruined; some are in very dilapadated conditon.
- KUNMane Dhungyur -PL here Kane -PLbreak -xxमाने धुङग्योर हरु यहाँ कानेहरु भत्केछDhungyor Mane and Kanes have been damaged here.
- NYIBihi village -LOC livestock -PL injury become COP.xx xxNEG.xxबिहि गाउँमा जनावर हरुलाई केहि क्षति भएको छ कि छैनHas there been any injuries to the cattles in Bihi village?
- KUNlivestock -PL 3PL cow -PL xx PART stone hit -xx dielike.this say -xxजनावरहरु उनिहरु गाईहरु प्राय ढुङगा लागेर मरेछ भन्ने सुनेI heard that some animals died by the falling stones.
- NYIman earlier -LOC man road COP.xx time-LOCमान्छे पहिला मान्छे बाटो हुँदाखेरि चाहिँEarlier, when there was path, the men.....
- NYIdown xx mule come -xx mule -LOC load xx -xxतलबाट खच्चर आउँथ्यो खच्चड माथि भारि बोक्थ्योThe horses used to come from down and people used to make horses
- NYIeat -xx NEG.xx rice COP xx COP what COP xx COP down xx carrycome -xx NEG PARTखाने कुरा छैन चामल भएपनि जे भएपनि तलबाट बोकेर ल्याउँथ्यो होईन तWhen there was no food; and either it is rice or other things:people
- NYInow PART downअहिले चाहिँ तलFor now, down there....
- NYIArughhat -LOC road collapse become this middle road collapse becomemule go -place NEG.xxआरुघाटको बाटो भत्केको छ यो विचको वाटो भत्केको छ खच्चड जाने बाटो छैनThe path to Arughat has been damaged, and there is no path for horses.
- NYIthis road make -xx say -xx importance COP.xx xxNEG.xxबाटो बनाउने चाहि महत्वपुर्ण छ कि छैन?Is it important to make the path?
- KUNthis road PART PART make need -xx COP.xx thisinsideयो बाटो पो वनाउनु पर्छ जस्तो लाग्छ यसमाI think it (the path) should be made.
- KUNnow eat -xx what -ALSO NEG.xx rice -PL come -place this muleroad NEG.xxअहिले खानेकुरै छैन चामल आउने यो खच्चड बाटो छैनNow, there is notthing to eat and there is no path for horses.
- KUNdown xx things come -xx NEG.xx thisतलबाट सामान आउने छैन योIt is not possible to bring the things from down.
- KUNeat -xx NEG.xx oil finish what finish here buy -placebuy -place NEG.xx this mule come come tillखानेकुरा छैन तेल सकियो सबै सकियो यता किन्ने ठाउँ नै छैन यो खच्चडEverything finished: there is nothing to eat; no oil, no food, no
- NYIthis REFL Rana down xx NEGPARTयो आफू रानाको तलतिर थियो हैनYou were down to Rana, is not it?
- NYIroad walk -xx man -PL meet NEG- meet earthquake come timeबाटो हिँडने मान्छे भेट्यो कि भटेन भुकम्प आउँदा खेरिDid you meet anyone who was walking in the path in that earthquake?
- KUNroad walk -xx man 1 up returncome -xxबाटो हिँडने मान्छे म माथि फर्किदाWhen I returned back, the men in the path...
- KUNUngyo -LOC 3PL Hyolmo man sixteen DOUBT COP.xxउङगोएमा उनिहरु योल्मो मान्छे सोह्र जना जति थियोThere were around sixteen Hyolmo men in Ungoye.
- KUNaround.four around.five sick becomeCOP.xxचारपाँच जना घाईते भएको रहेछFour or five men were injured there.
- KUNup with come here 3PL doctor xx send -xxमाथि सँगै आयो (हामि) यता उनिहरु डाक्टर सँग भेट्टाईदिएँWe came up together and I helped them to meet with doctor.
- NYIthis Hyolmo man -PL what do sickbecomeयो ह्योल्मो मान्छेहरु कसरि घाईते भयोHow did those Hylomo men get injured?
- KUNhere Ungyo -LOC food eat -xx say -xx foodmakeयता उङगेलमा खाना खाने भने खाना बनायोThey decided to have food in Ungel; and, the food was prepared.
- KUNthis inside sit earthquake come up stone xx.ONOM fall.downsome hand -PL hit some this back hitयो भित्र बस्यो भुकम्प आयो माथिबाट ढुङ्गा बुदुङदुङ आयो कुनै हातमाWhen they sat inside, the earthquake hit, and the stones started to
- NYIelder.brother 1PL opinion -LOC PARTदाईको विचारमा चाहिँThen, brother! in your opinion.
- NYIearthquake say -xx what COPभुकम्प भनेको के हो?What is an earthquake?
- NYI1PL this grandmother grandfather PART 3 say -xx land down -LOClike.this xx xx like.this like.thisxxहाम्रो यो बाजेबज्यै छ नि उनिहरु भने जमिनको मुनि यस्तो छ उस्तो छ रेOur forefathers used to say that there are either this or that things
- NYI1PL book inside month -xx nextxxहाम्रो धर्ममा हेर्यो भने छुट्टै छIt is different in our religious books.
- NYI1PL down foreign speak ask -xx scientists around ask -xx nextxxहाम्रो तल बिदेशि भन्यो भने बैग्यानिक अनुसार अर्कै छAccording to scientists and (foreigners), it is different thing.
- NYIelder.brother 2 opinion -LOC earthquake say -xx whatCOPदाइको विचारमा भुकम्प भनेको के हो?What do you think about the earthquake?
- KUNearthquake say -xx PART listen come.xxभुकम्प भनेको सुनेको थियोI had heard about the earthquake.
- KUNhere this how how say -xx land down like.this come -xxlike.this become -xx how COP.xx how COP.xx know.NEGयहाँ यो....कस्तो कस्तो छ जमिन मुनि यस्तो आउँछ यस्तो भएर कस्तो हो(People) tell different things about the earthquake, as something
- NYIelder.brother 2 belief do this PARTदाई यो विस्वास लाग्छ त योBrother! do you believe on that?
- KUNbelief do NEG- do what -xx like.this come -xx say -xx 1REFL know.NEGविस्वास गर्ने कि नगर्ने के यस्तै आउँछ रे मलाई त केहि थाहै छैनWhether to believe it or not: that is what people say; I do not know
- NYI1PL elder.brother this PART 1PL Bihi up -LOC PART Kimalungbesay -xx Sherang xx NEGPARTदाई यो छ नि हाम्रो बिहि माथि किमालुङब्वे भन्ने सेराङ छ हैन तBrother! Up from Bihi, there is Serang called Kimalungbe, is not it?
- NYIholy.place big xx xx like.thishere -LOCठुलो तिर्थस्थल छ हैन त यसरि यताThere is a pilgrimage site, is not it?
- NYIGumba xx Mane xx holy.place big xxhere -LOCगुम्बा छ माने छ ठुलो तिर्थ स्थल छ यताThere is Gumba, Mane, and the big pilgrimage site.
- NYILama -PL xxलामाहरु छThere are Lamas.
- NYI3 -PL injury how become COP.xxयनिहरु कतिको क्षति भएछ?What damage has been there?
- KUN3 -PL injury PART NEG.xxDOUBTयिनिहरु क्षति त भएको छैन होलाMay be, there is no damage.
- KUNinside this house -PL that.side this.side PART xx herevillage xx almost ruin -xxCOP.xxभित्र यो घरहरु यताउता चाहिँ यता गाउँ जस्तै बिग्रेको छThese houses are damaged similar to houses here in our village.
- NYIelder.brother 2 this earthquake finish -xx xx Sherang this xxgo -xx getNEG- getदाई तपाई यो भुकम्प आएपछि सेराङ तिर एकछिन जान पायो कि पाएन?Did you have chance to go to Serang after this earthquake?
- KUNSherang go -xx NEG- getसेराङ जान पाएनI did not have chance to go to Serang.
- NYIthis earthquake NEG- come time front -LOC PART 1PL herevillage -LOC PART maize xxxxयो भुकम्प आउनु भन्दा अगाडि हाम्रो यता गाउँमा मकै छ हैन तBefore this earthquake, there was maize in our field, is not it?
- NYIcereal.kind do here field work PART a.lot xx NEGPARTकरु भयो यता खेतको काम धेरै छ हैन तOf that Karu, the work in the field, there is a lot of work, is not
- NYIearthquake come finish -xx 3 -PL injury PART how becomeCOP.xxभुकम्प आएपछि यिनिहरु असर कस्तो परेछ?With the earthquake, what damage has been to these things?
- NYIland move -xx 3 -PL what becomeCOP.xxजमिन हल्लाएर यिनिहरु कस्तो भएछ?By the movement of land, what has happened to them?
- KUN3 -PL like.this become COP.xx this what xxयिनिहरु यस्तो भएछ यो छ निThey have been like this, that is....
- KUNfront earthquake come -xx do -xx break fall.down.xx fall.down.xxxxxxपहिला भुकम्प आएर यस्तो हल्लेर भाँच्न लागिरहेको थियोWe were about to harvest it; but, by the earthquake....
- KUNthis time -LOC this maize NEG- pick time -LOC rain rain -xxlike.this thisयतिखेर यो मकै टिपेको छैन पानि परेर यस्तो योNow, we have not harvested it yet; with the rain...
- KUNthis inside water go -xx collapse collapse become -xx allbreak -xxत्यो भित्र पानी गएर सबै भत्क्यो भत्क्यो सबै भाँचियोBy the rain, now all maize-crop has been damaged.
- NYIokay elder.brother thank.you thenल दाई धन्यवाद!Brother! thank you!