02 Mar 2014
2 min 16 sec
Video Overview
A Gyalsumdo woman describes the details of her marriage proposal and wedding ceremony.
- Nepal
- SABŋaki mitʃe tʃeke kaŋla lo tɯrku ɖhoeमेरो विवाह गर्ने वेलामा मेरो उमेर उन्नाईस वर्षको थियो।I was nineteen years old when it was time for me to marry.
- SABta lo tɯpkeत्यतिखेर अठार वर्ष थिएँ।I was eighteen years old then.
- SABtɯpke ɖoe ani tɯpkeअठारौं वर्षमा लागेकी थिएँ।I had just turned eighteen.
- SABtʃhəplə tʃhəpləबगरछापमा, बगरछापमा।In Bagarchhap, in Bagarcchap
- SABtʃhəpləबगरछापमा।In Bagarchhap.
- SABtʃhəplə dhene ŋaki khaŋpa taŋ khjokaki khaŋpa ɲikaraŋछापमा त्यसपछिम मेरो घर र श्रीमानको घर दुवैजनाकोIn Bagarchhap, people from both my husband and my village,
- SABŋaki ɦjul taŋ khjokaki ɦjul tʃikpaमेरो गाउँ र उनको गाउँ एउटैWe were from the same village.
- SABtʃikpa reएउटै हो।It is the same one.
- SABdhene khjokaki apa amaki ŋaki amalə laŋ ɦõʃõत्यसपछि श्रीमानको बाउ आमाले मेरो आमासँग (लाई) माग्न आए।My husband's parents came to propose to me for their son.
- SABkare tʃhjaŋkareपुङ्, छ्याङ् हालेको पुङ्With Pung with some beer (chhyang)
- SABtʃhjaŋkare kherti laŋ ɦõʃuŋछ्याङ् पुङ् ल्याएर माग्न आए।They came to propose with Pung (with chhyang).
- SABdhene ŋege amaki terʃuŋत्यसपछि मेरी आमाले दिइन्।Then my mother accepted.
- SABdheneअनि,Then,
- SABdheneअनि,then,
- SABnamala bhomola kiʈi paŋkepछोरी बुहारीलाई किटी (साडीको पछाडी लगाउने) पाङ्केप (अगाडी पट्टि लगाउनेThey brought Kiti and Pangdep, their daughter and daughter-in-law,
- SABaŋtuŋ totʃe konde dhene tʃhiriŋ kiŋkəp ʃjəmuआङ्गुङ् (भित्रलगाउने बख्खु), कमीज (आइमाईको) लगाएर त्यसपछि भुत्लाभएकोThey wore Anggung, a shirt, and a cap with fur.
- SABbhidzalə dhene tʃhjubaकेटालाई अनि बख्खु (केटाले लगाउने),Bakhkhu for the boy,
- SABtotse dhene dhorma kondi tʃhiriŋ kiŋkəp ʃemu kondiकमीज अनि पाईन्ट (केटाको) लगाएर छिरिङ् किङ्कप टोपी लगाएरWho was wearing the shirt and pants, and wearing the Kingkap cap.
- SABdheneअनिThen,
- SABdheri dhene tʃhjaŋ daŋअनि त्यसपछि छ्याङ् रand then chhyang,
- SABmakpa pəʈʈiki makpa makpaki dhene aʃjaŋkulə tʃhjaŋ ludiज्वाईंपट्टिको टोली ज्वाइंको तर्फवाट केटीको तर्फबाट जाँड हालेरThen the bridegroom's family served beer for them.
- SABdhene asjaŋku tʃhjaŋ thuŋdiचेलीपट्टिकोले जाँड पिएरThe bride's family drank.
- SABdhene bhətər tseअनि भतेर गरे (भयो, भतेर हुन शुरु भयो)।Then began the Bhater feast.
- SABdhene aʃjaŋkuki tʃhjaŋ thuŋ siŋdiləअनि चेलिबेटी तर्फले जाँड खाईसके पछि,After the people from the brigegroom's side finished beer,
- SABdhene namako ghjapla khertiत्यसपछि बुहारीलाई पछाडि पिठमा बोकेरThey carried the bridegroom on their backs.
- SABdhene makpaki khaŋpalə kher ɖhogeअनि बुहारीलाई पिठमा बोकेर ज्वाईंलाई (केटाको घरमा) लैजाने।And then carried the bridegroom on their backs..