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16 Nov 2016
10 min 54 sec
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Dawa Dolma, a speaker of Nubri, describes her experiences in the 2015 Nepal earthquake.

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  • SANG
    ə̃ əi taɕi d̪ile
    ah! elder.sister namaste
    अँ दिदि नमस्कार..
    Sister! Good morning!
  • DOL
    taɕi d̪ile
    Good morning!
  • DOL
    kʰjaŋ ɣirila taɕi d̪ile
    2 all -DAT namaste
    तिमीहरु सबैलाई नमस्कार।
    Good morning, all of you!
  • SANG
    jetsi miŋ tɕi re
    elder.sister name what COP
    दिदिको नाम के हो?
    What is your name, sister?
  • DOL
    ŋa miŋ d̪awa dojma
    1 name Dawa Dolma
    मेरो नाम दावा डोल्मा..
    My name is Dawa Dolma..
  • SANG
    kesa n̪amduraŋ ji̤n̪a
    birthplace Namdu -EMPH COP.xx
    जन्मेको नाम्रुङमै होला?
    Birthplace is Namru, is not it?
  • DOL
    n̪amduraŋ re
    Namdu -EMPH COP
    नाम्रुङनै हो।
    It is in Namru.
  • SANG
    d̪an̪a d̪a d̪ja n̪amdu su su d̪e jø
    now then here Namdu who who sit COP
    अहिले यहाँ नाम्रुङमा को को बस्छ?
    Now, how many of you are here in Namru?
  • SANG
    su su ɲumu jøʔ
    who who together COP
    को को सँगै हुनुहुन्छ?
    How many of you are together?
  • DOL
    d̪an̪a n̪amdula
    now Namdu -LOC
    अहिले नाम्रुङमा
    Now, in Namru...
  • DOL
    petsa ɣiri mu d̪ala jøʔ d̪i-reja
    child all down around xx xx.TIB
    बच्चा सबै तल छ हैन
    All the children have gone down (in Kathmandu).
  • DOL
    d̪jala ŋi ɲi ma meʔ
    here -LOC 1PL two except NEG
    यहाँ हामि दुईजना बाहेक छैन
    There are none except two of us.
  • SANG
    atɕo d̪aŋ and
    दाई र....
    Elder brother and ....
  • DOL
    atɕo d̪aŋ kʰo d̪aŋ ŋi ɲiraŋ and 3 and 1PL two -EMPH
    दाई र उ र हामी दुई नै....
    Elder brother, him, that is,two of us
  • SANG
    an̪i d̪i kʰadzaŋ d̪awa sumbala d̪i
    then this before month third -LOC DIST
    अनि यो अस्ति महिना तीनमा यो...
    Then, earlier, in the third month of Tibetan-calander, that
  • SANG
    saŋgul wo̤ŋ gaŋ əi gan̪a jøʔ
    earthquake come time elder.sister where COP
    भुकम्प आउने बेला दिदि कहाँ हुनुहुन्थ्यो?
    When the earthquake hit, when were you (sitting)?
  • SANG
    tɕi dʑe d̪e jøʔ
    what do sit COP
    के गरेर बसेको थियो?
    What were you doing?
  • DOL
    earthquake NEG- come around before 1 house.TIB inside -LOC
    भुकम्प आउनु अलि अगाडि म घर भित्र जाँड पकाईरहेको थियो।
    Just before the earthquake hit, I was cooking JAAND
  • DOL
    tɕʰjaŋ tsø ɦajaŋ tɕʰjombo n̪aŋla tɕʰjaŋ tsø
    beer cook dish big inside -LOC beer
    जाँड पकायो ठुलो भाँडामा जाँड पकाएँ।
    I cooked JAAND in the big pot.
  • DOL
    ən̪i ɲal ən̪i baptsaŋ pʰap luk
    then make.sleep then fermented.rice yeast put
    अनि सुतायो अनि कट मार्चा हाल्यो।
    Then, I put it (the pot) and put MARCHA (yeast) there.
  • DOL
    ‍ən̪i ɲald̪i
    then make.sleep -CON
    अनि सुताएर..
    After putting it...
  • DOL
    ɲal loŋmed̪i golak t̪umd̪i d̪i pʰila ləu t̪øn̪ wo̤ŋ re'a
    make.sleep immediately clothes cover -CONV this outside raddish
    सुताउने (राख्ने) बित्तिकै लुगा ओढाएर यो बाहिर मुला निकाल्न आएको हैन।
    Just after putting the pot and spreading cover over this, I came to
  • DOL
    d̪i bekuŋ n̪aŋla
    this ditch inside -LOC
    यो खाल्टोभित्र..
    In this ditch...
  • DOL
    ləu t̪øn̪ wo̤ŋd̪i ka
    raddish take.out come -CONV xx
    मुला निकाल्न आएको त।
    Ass I came there to pull out radish.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ ləu t̪øn̪d̪i bekuŋ n̪aŋ ɕju si̤ŋ re'a
    then raddish take.out -CONV ditch inside enter finish then
    अनि मुला झिकेर।निकालेर खाल्टोमा पसिसक्यो हैन।
    To take raddishes out, I was already in the ditch. Then,
  • DOL
    bekuŋ n̪aŋ ɕjṳd̪i ləu t̪øn̪d̪i tseu n̪aŋla d̪ok d̪ok ɲi ji̤n̪um sum
    ditch inside enter -CONV raddish take.out -CONV bamboo.basket inside -LOC round round two DOUBT three put immediately
    खाल्डोमा पसेर मुला निकालेर डोकोभित्र दुईवटा हो कि तीन बटा डल्लो
    Entering to the ditch, pulling raddishes out and putting one or two
  • DOL
    d̪i liŋ liŋ liŋ ɣul d̪uk
    this shake.badly shake COP
    यो थरररर हल्लेछ।
    This started to tremble.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ liŋ liŋ ɣul gaŋ d̪ẽ
    then shake.badly shake time
    अनि थरररर हल्लेको बेला अनि
    Then at the time of trembling...
  • DOL
    peʔ dʑid̪i
    a.lot.TIB fear -CONV
    धेरै डराएँ।
    I was frightened a lot
  • DOL
    mik d̪i kʰaŋbala t̪ed̪i kʰaŋba wo̤n̪e t̪ale ɣul d̪uk
    eye this house.TIB -LOC see -CONV house.TIB this.way PART shake
    आँखा चाहिँ घरमा हेरेको त घरचाहिँ यसरी हल्लेछ।
    As I looked in the house, it was shaking
  • DOL
    an̪i d̪ẽ kʰaŋpa wo̤n̪e t̪ale ɣul d̪uk d̪ẽ
    then then house.TIB this.way PART shake xx
    अनि त्यसपछि घर यसरीनै हल्लेछ त्यसपछि
    Then, as the house was shaking like this, then...
  • DOL
    tɕi d̪aŋ tɕi med̪i ɣul d̪uk
    what xx what NEG- this shake xx
    एकदम धेरैनै हल्यो
    It shaked violently.
  • DOL
    an̪i ju d̪i bandzam-t̪ʰaŋka ju tɕʰju wo̤ŋsan̪i ɕikd̪i wo̤ŋ d̪uk
    then DEM this Bandzam-Thanka DEM water come -place -ABL slide.down -CONV come
    अनि त्यहाँ त्यो भन्जाम थाङका (ठाउँको नाम) पानी आउने ठाउँबाट भत्केर
    Then, from Bhanjyang Thangka, the place from where water comes, it
  • DOL
    an̪i d̪i ɦaɾken d̪ija ɕiɣd̪i wo̤ŋ d̪uk
    then this opposite.side ALSO slide.down -CONV come
    अनि त्यो पारिपट्टि पनि भत्केर आयो
    Then, it started to fall that side (opposite of her place)
  • DOL
    d̪i dak kaɾpo d̪oŋla ɕikd̪i wo̤ŋ d̪uk
    this rocky.cliff in.the.front -LOC slide.down -CONV come
    यो ढाँड सेतो अगाडिबाट भत्केर आयो।
    It started to fall white-rocky-place in the front there.
  • DOL
    an̪i d̪ẽ ŋaraŋ tojlet
    then after.that 1 -EMPH toilet
    अनि यो मेरो ट्वाईलेट पनि...
    Then, our toilet...
  • DOL
    ŋaraŋ tojlet d̪i buŋ buŋ ɕikd̪i wo̤ŋ d̪uʔ
    1 -EMPH toilet PART fall.down.ONMO slide.down -CONV come
    मेरो ट्वाईलेट पनि बुङबुङ भत्केर आयो
    My toilet also started to fall with loud bangs
  • DOL
    an̪i d̪i d̪i ɦalø d̪i kʰaŋpa d̪i pema waŋɣjal kʰaŋpa doŋn̪i ɕigd̪i
    then this this next this house.TIB this Pema Wangel house.TIBin.the.front -ABL slide.down -CONV come xx
    अनि यो त्यो उतापट्टि यो घर त्यो पेमा बाङगेलको घर अगाडिपट्टि भत्केर
    Then, this next house-Pema Wangel's house, it also started to fall
  • DOL
    ɣjapla ɕikd̪i wo̤ŋ d̪uk ŋa ke ŋen̪ t̪øn̪ re
    back -LOC slide.down -CONV come xx 1 shout take.out PART
    पछाडिपट्टि भत्केर आयो म चिच्याएँ
    Then, it started to fall in that back side and I screamed.
  • DOL
    tɕi d̪aŋ tɕi me dʑid̪i
    what xx what NEG.xx fear -CONV
    एकदम डराएर
    being scared a lot...
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ riŋga ŋʏ̤ ŋikja ŋʏ̤ miktɕju t̪aŋ
    after.that some weep 1PL -PL weep tear send/fall
    अनि कोहि रोए हामीहरु रोयौँ आँसु झारेर
    Then, some cried and we also cried with tears on our eyes
  • DOL
    ŋʏ̤ an̪i d̪ẽ pʰalam
    weep then after.that again
    रोयौँ अनि फेरि
    We wept and then again..
  • DOL
    hɹitɕik n̪i t̪oɹsoŋ
    awhile later stop -xx
    एकछिन पछि हरायो
    It stopped after a while
  • DOL
    t̪ord̪i d̪ẽ pʰila t̪ʰøn̪
    stop -CONV after.that outside come.out
    रोकेर अनि बाहिर निस्केँ
    After it stopped, I came out.
  • DOL
    pʰila t̪ʰøn̪d̪i d̪ed̪i ən̪i t̪ʰamdʑe-mamdʑe pʰalam u pʰed̪a t̪ʰøn̪
    outside come.out -CONV sit -CONV then all again DEM outside come.out go.PST COP
    बाहिर निस्केर बसेको अनि सबैजना फेरि त्यो बाहिर निस्केर गयौँ
    After coming out sitting a while, all of us walked from there
  • DOL
    d̪i ɦalla t̪ʰøn̪d̪i man̪ man̪i tɕʰjokma pʰin̪d̪i
    this a.bit.far come.out -CONV Mane towards go.PST -CONV
    यहाँबाट निस्केर तल मानेको छेउबाट गएर
    Coming out from there, and going there to the side of Mane
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ.... pema a tɕi re tsʰewaŋ gjuɾme beme d̪ija ŋʏ̤d̪i ŋʏ̤d̪i wo̤ŋ
    after.that Pema xx what COP Tshewang Gyurme wife ALSO weep -CONV weep -CONV come COP
    ....अँ केरे छेवाङ ग्युर्मेको बुढी पनि रुँदै रुँदै आएछ।
    Thsewang Ghurme's wife also came with tears on her eyes
  • DOL
    ŋi gaŋbo od̪a ŋan̪sola man̪e damla ŋʏ̤ d̪e re
    1PL all.TIB there -LOC Mane near -LOC weep sit COP
    हामी सबै त्याहाँ चौतारी नजिक रोएर बस्यौँ
    We all sat near that rest place weeping.
  • DOL
    tɕi d̪aŋ tɕi me ŋʏ̤
    what xx what NEG.xx weep
    एकदम धेरै रोयौँ
    We wept a lot.
  • SANG
    ən̪i d̪a liŋ liŋ gul loŋme d̪a d̪i saŋgul re n̪edʑoŋ tɕi ji̤n̪um
    then then shake.badly shake immediately then this earthquake COP think -xx what DOUBT think -xx
    अनि अब थररर हल्लिने बित्तिकै अब यो भुकम्प हो सोच्यो कि के होला
    What did you think of that-an earthquake or something else?
  • DOL
    saŋgul wo̤ŋ re n̪edʑoŋ d̪ẽ tʰamdze d̪aŋ-d̪iŋ ke t̪øn̪d̪i riŋnga u
    earthquake come COP think -xx after.that all shouting.ONOM sound take.out -CONV some DEM this up -LOC this DEM here
    भुकम्प आएको होला सोच्यो अनि सबै चिच्याएर कोहि यो माथि यो यहाँ
    We thought it was an earthquake and we all shouted and some up there
  • DOL
    hlak-budi d̪i d̪i kʰampa ɣjap u tɕilo
    Lakpa Budi PART this a.plant.kind back DEM that
    ह्लाकबुढीचाहिँ यो खाम्पा रुख पछाडी केरे..
    As for Lakbudi, behind Khampa tree....
  • DOL
    gaɾd̪a ɲala d̪e d̪uk
    fence up -LOC sit xx
    बार माथि बसेछ।
    She sat up there in the fence
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ u mo bõ: tɕik d̪i
    after.that DEM 3SG.FEM daughter one PART
    अनि उसको एउटा छोरी चाहिँ
    Then, one of her daughters...
  • DOL
    bõ: tɕema d̪i tsʰaŋ-budi labken̪ d̪i d̪i jelokla gju d̪uk
    daughter small PART Tshewang-Budi say -NMLZ PART this yard -LOC walk COP
    सानो छोरी छाङबुढि भन्ने चाहिँ आँगनमा हेरिरहेछ।
    Younger daughter, called Tshangbudi, was watching in the courtyard
  • DOL
    bõ tɕʰeja d̪i maja labken̪ d̪i ɕjala iskulla tɕʰø labken̪ d̪i wo̤
    daughter big PART Maya say -NMLZ PART Syala school -LOC book learn -NMLZ PART DEM PART porch up walk COP
    ठुलो छोरी माया भन्ने चाहिँ श्याला स्कुलमा पढ्ने चाहिँ त्यो चाहिँ
    Elder sister, one who studies in Syala school, was walking in the
  • DOL
    dẽ mo aɾak t̪ʰab d̪jaŋ t̪aŋ ɕjaɣ jøʔ lo
    after.that 3SG.FEM wine hearth keep.ONMO send/fall put COP xx
    अनि उनि रक्सि पारिरहेको छ रे
    Then, she was drinking wine.
  • DOL
    mo d̪i ɲala dʑe ŋa d̪i wagla dʑe
    3SG.FEM this up -LOC do 1 this down -LOC do
    उ चाहिँ यो माथि म चाहिँ यो तल
    She was up there and I was down here
  • DOL
    mo aɾakkja gurd̪iŋ lok
    3SG.FEM wine -PL upside.down turn
    उसको रक्सिहरु पनि पल्टियो
    All of her wine spilled
  • DOL
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ ŋi giɾi ke t̪øn̪d̪i dʑid̪i laken̪i d̪ẽ ha gju gju tsʰu gju gju
    after.that 1PL all sound take.out -CONV fear -CONV after.that that.side walk walk this.side walk walk after.that after.that
    अनि हामिहरु चिच्याएर यता हिँड्यौँ उता हिँड्यौँ अनि त्यस पछि
    Then we ran here and there shouting
  • DOL
    d̪oɾdʑe semba sa n̪en̪ lab t̪oɾsoŋ
    Dorje soul land press say stop -xx
    दोर्जे सेम्पा (देबता) भुँई थिच भन्यो हरायो।
    We uttered "Dorje Sempa, press this earth", then, it stopped.
  • DOL
    hri soŋ n̪a pʰalam wo̤ŋ d̪uk
    awhile go xx again come xx
    एकछिन पछि फेरि आयो।
    After a while, it trembled again
  • DOL
    jẽ tɕi d̪aŋ tɕi me t̪ʰamdʑe-mamdʑe dʑid̪i la kʰeɾ d̪u lo
    PART what xx what NEG.xx all fear -CONV spirit take.away xx hearsay
    एकदम धेरै सबैजना डराएर सातो गयो
    It was terrible, we were all scared very much.
  • DOL
    lat̪ok soŋd̪i
    spirit go -CONV
    सातो गएर
    Being scared...
  • DOL
    tɕi d̪aŋ mik d̪i d̪ẽ
    what xx eye PART after.that
    एकदम आँखा चाहिँ त्याहाँ
    Then, as we looked there...
  • DOL
    kʰim t̪ed̪i kʰim gul d̪u ən̪i tojlet baŋ baŋ ɕiɣ wo̤ŋ d̪u
    house see -CONV house shake xx then toilet fall.down.NOM fall.down come xx
    घर हेरेको त घर हल्लिहरेथ्यो अनि ट्वाईलेट ब्वाङ ब्वाङ भत्केर आयो
    As we looked the house it was shaking and the toilet was falling
  • DOL
    an̪i u bandzam t̪ʰaŋka tɕʰju ɲala tɕi d̪aŋ tɕi me be d̪iŋ d̪iŋ d̪iŋ
    then DEM Bandzam-Thanka water up -LOC what xx what NEG.xx PART Ding.Ding.Ding PART fall.down -CONV come xx
    अनि त्याहाँ भन्जाम थाङ्का पानी माथी एकदम धेरै धिङ धिङ धिङ नै भत्केर
    And ,then, from Bhanjyang Thanka up there, up from the water, it was
  • DOL
    an̪i wod̪a mik ja t̪ed̪i u ɖak kaɾpo d̪oŋla be
    then there eye up see -CONV DEM white.rocky.cliff in.the.front -LOC PART
    अनि त्याहाँ आँखा माथि हेरेको त त्यो ढाँड सेतो अगाडि यस्तो
    Then, as I looked up, that rocky white area in the front
  • DOL
    d̪o t̪ale t̪ʰøn̪ wo̤ŋd̪i ɕiɣ d̪u
    stone PART come.out come -CONV fall.down COP
    ढुङ्गा नै निस्केर आएर भत्क्यो।
    It fell down with stones
  • DOL
    un̪i u ɦarken̪ ɦaɾken̪ ɕigd̪i wo̤ŋ d̪u lab dzø ɕja̤kdzø med̪i
    after.that DEM opposite.side opposite.side fall.down -CONV come xx say around put around NEG.xx -CONV
    अनि त्याहाँ पारी पारी भत्केर आयो एकदम धेरै नै
    Then, it started to fall down badly in those opposide sides
  • DOL
    un̪i d̪i kʰim gjakoŋ kʰim gjakoŋ pema waŋɣjal kʰim d̪i
    after.that this house back.side house back.side Pema Wangel house PART
    अनि यो घर पछाडि पछाडि पेमा बाङगेल घर चाहिँ
    Then, in the area behind this house, Pema Wangel's house
  • DOL
    tɕi d̪aŋ tɕi me ɕiɣd̪i wo̤ŋ d̪u be gjakoŋ ɕiɣ wo̤ŋ d̪u d̪oŋ ɕiɣ
    what xx what NEG.xx fall.down -CONV come xx PART back.side fall.down come xx in.the.front fall.down come xx after.that
    एकदम धेरै धेरै भत्केर आयो पछाडि पट्टि भत्केर आयो अगाडिपट्टि भत्केर
    It fell down everywhere-it fell down in the back and it fell down in
  • DOL
    lat̪ok soŋd̪i
    spirit go -CONV
    सातो गएर
    I was scared a lot
  • DOL
    an̪i d̪ẽ
    then after.that
    अनि पछि
    Then after...
  • DOL
    an̪i ŋaɾo wo̤ goŋmo d̪i d̪ẽ ŋi tɕjap t̪ale d̪i mi tɕjap t̪ale d̪i
    then tomorrow DEM evening PART after.that 1PL all PART this man all PART this up -LOC move COP
    अनि भोलि त्यो बेलुका चाहिँ यो हामी सबै यो मान्छे सबै यो माथि सरेर
    Then, in that evening we all moved away and went up there.
  • DOL
    d̪i ɲala
    this up -LOC
    यो माथि
    Up there
  • DOL
    an̪i d̪i ŋi ɲala d̪i gomba ɕi̤ŋ ɲala ŋi
    then this 1PL up -LOC this Gumba field up -LOC 1PL
    अनि यो हामी माथि यो गुम्बा खेतमा माथि हामी
    Then, up there in the field of that Gumba, we....
  • DOL
    tɕilo kjamliŋ sø ɕjag jød̪i
    that camping make put xx
    के रे क्याम्पिङ बनाएको छ।
    The camp was made.
  • DOL
    wo̤ kjamliŋ n̪aŋ jø̤ dzø gaŋmo n̪amdu mi tɕjap t̪ale kjamliŋ n̪aŋ d̪e
    DEM camping inside xx around all Namdu man all PART camping inside sit
    त्यो क्याम्पिङ भित्र सबै जना नाम्रुङको मान्छे सबै जना क्याम्पिङमा
    In that camp, all men from Namrung, that is, all men lived in the
  • DOL
    wo̤ d̪jala d̪e
    DEM here -LOC sit
    त्यहाँ बस्यौँ
    We lived there.
  • DOL
    ŋi mula tɕilo
    1PL with that
    हामी सँग के रे
    With us...
  • DOL
    pal tɕema tɕik jøʔ tɕilo
    tent small one xx that
    पाल सानो एउटा थियो के रे
    There was one small tarpaulin
  • DOL
    gja̤mi wo̤ŋ n̪a sapt̪uŋ sɛsa djajniŋ tebəl labken̪ d̪i tɕĩ wo̤ ɖana
    foreigner come COND meal eat -place dinning table say -NMLZ PART what DEM like one
    खैरे आयो भने खाना खाने डाईनिङ टेबल भनेको के त्यो जस्तो एउटा छ
    That is, what the foreigner (westerner) use while eating in dining
  • DOL
    wo̤ d̪i gur pukd̪i t̪ʰamdʑe mamdʑe od̪ala ɲa̤l d̪ẽ tapliŋ puk
    DEM this tent fix -CONV all there -LOC sleep after.that tent fix
    त्यो चाहिँ पाल लगाएर सबैजना त्यहाँ सुतेको अनि पाल लगायो।
    It was the tarpaulin like that, we spread it and slept.
  • DOL
    riŋge od̪a d̪e d̪ẽ sapt̪uŋ od̪a sɛ
    some there sit after.that meal there eat
    कोही त्याहाँ बस्यौँ अनि खान त्याहाँ खायौ
    Some of us lived there and had the food there
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ ŋaɾo ɲimu d̪i d̪ẽ ŋikja ŋeɾpa t̪ʰøn̪
    after.that tomorrow day PART after.that 1PL -PL come.out
    अनि भोलि दिउँसो चाहिँ हामीहरु जिम्मा(पुजा गर्न) लियो
    Then, next day, we went to do Puja
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ man̪i ɖaŋ
    after.that Mane recite
    अनि मानि जप्यौँ
    We spinned the Mane wheels
  • DOL
    putsa dʑɛ
    Puja do
    पुजा गर्यौँ
    We did Puja.
  • DOL
    d̪en̪e ɦawe d̪i majuŋ ɾo dʑe
    like.that bad PART NEG.xx xx do
    यस्तो नराम्रो चाहिँ नआओस
    May the bad be avoided
  • DOL
    luŋba gan̪a gan̪ala kjon̪ mat̪aŋ ɾo dʑe lab
    village where where -LOC loss NEG- send/fall xx do say
    गाउँ कहाँ कहाँ तिर असर नहोस भन्यौ
    We asked for no bad things to happen in farther away places
  • DOL
    putsa dʑe tsʰo pul
    Puja do Tormo offer
    पुजा गर्यौँ छो (पुजा गर्न बनाउने भातको डल्लो) चढायौँ
    We did Puja and offered Tsho (made of rice)
  • DOL
    man̪i ɖaŋ ɕjaŋma sum man̪i ɖaŋ ŋikja ŋeɾpa dʑe d̪ẽ
    Mane recite day three Mane recite 1PL -PL do after.that
    माने जप्यौँ तिन दिन माने जप्यौँ हामिहरु जिम्मा(सम्योजन) लियौँ अनि
    We spinned the Mane wheels around three days and we organized all
  • DOL
    ɕjaŋma aŋsaŋ od̪ala d̪e re
    day many there -LOC sit COP
    धेरै दिन त्याहाँ बस्यौँ
    We lived there for many days.
  • SANG
    d̪en̪e od̪ala d̪e gaŋ d̪ẽ kale kale gan̪i gan̪i ɲaŋsoŋ
    then there -LOC sit time after.that trouble trouble what.kind what.kind get -COP
    अनि त्याहाँ बसेको बेला अनि कस्तो कस्तो अप्ठेरो भएको थियो।
    Then, what difficulties did you find while you were sitting there?
  • SANG
    n̪am gjab jødo d̪ẽ sapt̪uŋ søsa meʔ
    rain fall xx -POSSIB after.that meal make -place NEG
    पानी पर्यो होला अनि खाना बनाउने ठाउँ भएन होला
    It might have rained, there has been troulbes to make food
  • DOL
    n̪am gjab d̪uk n̪am gjab d̪ẽ
    rain fall xx rain fall after.tha
    पानी परेछ पानी पर्यो अनि
    It rained and...
  • DOL
    sapt̪uŋ søsala tapliŋ puk d̪ẽ d̪an̪a t̪a
    meal make -place -LOC tent fix after.that now PART
    खाना बनाउने ठाउँमा पाल लगायौँ अनि अहिले त
    For cooking, we spread the tarpaulin and now....
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ ɕjuŋki tapliŋ maŋbo t̪edʑjoŋ ã
    after.that government -ERG tent many give -xx PART
    अनि सरकारले त्रिपाल धेरै दिनुभयो नि (झ्याङछुकलाई भनेको जस्तो)
    Then, the government gave lots of tarpaulin
  • DOL
    tapliŋ maŋbo t̪eʔdʑjoŋ d̪ẽ
    tent many give -xx after.that
    त्रिपाल धेरै दियो अनि
    (They) gave lots of tarpaulin and....
  • DOL
    d̪i sɛtɕi t̪ʰuŋtɕi maŋbo t̪eʔd̪i d̪ẽ gõ dʑjuŋ d̪a
    this eat -INF drink -INF many give -CONV after.that good get now
    यो खाने पिउने धेरै दिएर अनि राम्रो भयो अव
    It became easier by their help-food, water etc.
  • DOL
    d̪a ŋi d̪a tɕi n̪am kimba ale gaŋ tɕija kimba dʑjaŋ kʰu mewoŋ ai
    now 1PL now what when return rupees full one.only return return NEG- come PART
    अब हामी त के कहिले फिर्ता (फर्काउन) एक रुपैया पनि पैँचो दिन सक्दैन
    Then, as for as, we can not lend anything (to anybody), is not it?
  • DOL
    d̪ikpa lajø t̪a lajø gjab wo̤ŋ tɕi d̪aŋ tɕi me t̪eʔ re d̪ẽ
    sin result PART result fall come what xx what NEG.xx give COP after.that
    पाप पछि नराम्रो फल त फल पाउँछ एकदम धेरै दिनुभएको छ अव
    It is obvious that there will be bad luck with that sin-they have
  • DOL
    kʰuŋ katinla t̪eʔ re
    3 blessing -LOC give COP
    उहाँहरुको कारणले दिनु भएछ।
    It is because of them, they have given us.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ ŋama ŋiɾaŋ tapliŋ jalajulu jøken̪ d̪i ɲiŋpa tapliŋ ɲiŋpa
    after.that 1 - except 1PL -EMPH tent few xx -NMLZ PARTold tent old torn -PL xx -NMLZ -PL fix
    अनि पहिला हाम्रो त्रिपालहरु अलि अलि भएको पुरानो त्रिपाल पुरानो
    Then, the few of our old tarpaulins, those torn ones, we spread them.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ riŋge gur n̪aŋ ɲa̤l riŋge halø ɲa̤l riŋge tsʰulø ɲa̤l
    after.that some tent inside sleep some to.that.side sleep some to.this.side sleep
    अनि कोहि पाल भित्र सुत्यौँ कोहि उतापट्टि सुत्यौँ कोहि यतापट्टि
    Then, some of us slept inside that tarpaulin, some to next side and
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ t̪ʰamdʑe ɦajaŋ tɕʰjombo riŋge ɦajaŋ tɕʰjombo jar kʰur wo̤ŋ
    after.that all dish big some dish big borrow carry come some firewood
    अनि सबै ठुलो भाँडा कोहि ठुलो भाँडा चलाएर ल्यायो कोहि दाउरा
    Some of us brought big pots while some brought firewood.
  • DOL
    raŋ raŋsa kʰimla ɕiŋ kʰur re re d̪ʏ
    REFL REFL -place house -LOC firewood carry one one collect
    आ-आफ्नो घरबाट दाउरा एक एक भारी उठायौँ
    We brought bundle of firewood from our houses
  • DOL
    ɕiŋ kʰur re re d̪ʏ d̪ẽ arak kʰimn̪aŋ arak jø̤ tɕʰjaŋ jø̤ken̪kja d̪ʏ
    firewood carry one one collect after.that wine house - inside wine become beer become -NMLZ -PL collect
    एक एल भारि दाउरा उठायौँ अनि रक्सी घरमा रक्सि भएको जाँड भएको हरु
    We brought bundles of firewood and the JAAND
  • DOL
    ɲala t̪ale t̪ʰap tsu d̪ẽ man̪i ɖaŋ
    up -LOC PART hearth put after.that Mane recite
    माथिनै रक्सि पार्यौँ अनि माने जप्यौँ
    We made liquor up there and spinned Mane wheels
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ putsa dʑe tsʰo pul
    after.that Puja do Tormo offer
    अनि पुजा गर्यौँ छो (भात।करुको डल्लो) चढायौँ
    Then, we did Puja and offered rice
  • DOL
    ɕjaŋma sum man̪i ɖaŋ d̪ẽ ŋerpa ŋiraŋ ŋiraŋ raŋsu ŋiraŋ t̪ʰøn̪
    day three Mane recite after.that 1PL -EMPH 1PL -EMPH REFL.xx 1PL -EMPH come.out
    तीन दिन माने जप्यौँ अनि जिम्मा (सम्योजन) हामी आफै आफै आफैँ हामी
    We spinned Mane wheels for three days and we organized that
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ man̪i ɖaŋ
    after.that Mane recite
    अनि माने जप्यौँ
    Then, we spinned Mane wheels.
  • DOL
    gan̪a gan̪ala d̪at̪oŋ t̪aŋ man̪i ɖaŋ ɕjoɣ a lab man̪i ɖaŋ
    where where -LOC announce send/fall Mane recite come! PART say Mane recite
    कहाँकहाँमा बोलायौँ मान्न जप्न आउ है भनेर माने जप्यौँ
    We called (men) from different places, and asked for them to come to Mane
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ wo̤n̪e dʑe re
    after.that this.way do COP
    अनि यस्तो गर्यौँ
    Then, we did that.
  • SANG
    d̪en̪e kjopso gan̪i gan̪i wo̤raŋ ɕjuŋki gerpaki kjobso gan̪i gan̪i
    and.then relief.aid what.kind what.kind DEM -EMPH government -ERGprivate -ERG relief.aid what.kind what.kind get -xx
    अनि राहात कस्तो कस्तो हाम्रो सरकार बाट निजीबाट राहात कस्तो कस्तो
    Then, what kind of relief materials did you get from government or
  • DOL
    kjopso d̪ẽ maŋbo raksoŋ d̪ẽ
    relief.aid after.that many get -xx after.that
    राहात अब धेरै पायौँ अव
    We got a lot of relief materials.
  • DOL
    kjopso giri dẽ sa d̪aŋɕja pʰandʑi ʈokla sã laŋ pʰin̪ majĩ d̪ẽ
    relief.aid all after.that from.days.ago from Prok -LOC only take go.PST xx after.that
    राहात सबै अब अस्तिदेखी टोकमा मात्र लिन गएको हो नि
    The relief materials, all of that we got is from only Tok
  • DOL
    maŋbo laŋd̪i
    many take -CONV
    धेरै लिएर..
    Taking a lot...
  • DOL
    kjobso t̪a jaŋn̪ik laŋ gjasun̪ar tsʰun̪i lepsoŋ
    relief.aid PART a.lot take Gyasundar.Manang this.side -ABL come -xx
    राहात अब धेरै लियौँ ग्यासुन्दर बाट आयो
    The relief materials, we took it a lot; we got it from Gya Sundar
  • DOL
    jambu tɕʰjokn̪i lepsoŋ d̪ẽ
    Kathmandu towards -ABL come -xx after.that
    काठमान्डुबाट आयो अनि
    It came from Kathmandu
  • DOL
    tapliŋ n̪i tapliŋ jaŋn̪ik t̪eʔsoŋ
    tent xx tent a.lot give -xx
    त्रिपालहरु त्रिपालहरु धेरै दियो।
    They gave us many Tarpaulins
  • DOL
    ɖe n̪i ɖe jaŋn̪ik d̪al n̪i dal jaŋn̪ik d̪ẽ
    rice xx rice a.lot pulse xx pulse a.lot after.that
    चामलहरु चामल धेरै दालहरु दाल धेरै अनि
    They gave us rice, Dal and...
  • DOL
    tsautsau d̪aŋ dʑe sɛtɕi t̪ʰuŋtɕi n̪um
    noodle and do eat -NMLZ drink -NMLZ oil
    चाउचाउहरु गरेर खाने पिउने तेल
    .....noodles, other edible things and oil....
  • DOL
    mar jaŋn̪ik t̪eʔsoŋ d̪ẽ
    ghee a.lot give -xx after.that
    घिउ धेरै दियो नि अब
    ...and ghee, they gave a lot of things.
  • DOL
    katin re kamal n̪i t̪eʔdʑoŋ
    blessing COP blanket xx give -xx
    धन्य हो कमलहरु दियो
    They gave us blankets.
  • DOL
    katin re kʰuŋkja wo̤raŋ n̪i
    blessing COP 3 -PL DEM -EMPH xx
    धन्य हो उनिहरु हामी हरु त
    They are great; as for us....
  • DOL
    kʰuŋ luŋbala wo̤n̪e d̪ukpu ɲuŋ n̪a wo̤raŋ ale
    3 village -LOC this.way trouble get COND DEM -EMPH rupees
    उनिहरुको गाउँमा यस्तो दुख भयो भने हामी पैसा
    If they got such troubles, we......
  • DOL
    ale ŋa tɕija ji̤n̪a ale gaŋ tɕija ji̤n̪a wo̤raŋ dʑe kʰu ke ji̤nj̪a ai
    rupees five even COP.xx rupees full even COP.xx 1PL.POSS do xx xx PART
    पैसा पाँच रुपैँया भए पनि एक रुपैया भएपनि हामी सहयोग गर्न कहाँ सक्छ है।
    We would be unable to help them with money.
  • DOL
    kʰuŋ wo̤raŋ be laken̪i wo̤ne be n̪oksam t̪aŋd̪i laken̪i wo̤raŋla be
    3 1PL.POSS PART this.way PART think send/fall -CONV 1PL.POSS -DAT PART
    उनिहरु हामिलाई यस्तो सम्झेर यस्तो हामीलाई अब
    By understanding our problems, they...
  • DOL
    wo̤n̪e katin̪ be
    this.way blessing PART
    यस्तो धन्य अब
    By their grace..
  • DOL
    lajø gja wo̤ŋ laken̪i aruŋ tɕi me wo̤n̪e be
    result fall come normal what NEG.xx this.way PART
    पाप लाग्छ अब एकदम धेरै यस्तो अब.....
    It sinful (if we take more like this)
  • DOL
    sajog dʑe ʈã n̪i ʈã rak
    help do money xx money get
    सहयोग गर्यो पैसाहरु पैसा पायो
    They helped us; we got money.
  • DOL
    sɛtɕi t̪ʰuŋtɕi rak kamal rak baltin rak
    eat -NMLZ drink -NMLZ get blanket get bucket get
    खाने पिउने पायो कमल पायो बाल्टिन पायो
    We got foods, blankets, buckets etc.
  • DOL
    ɖe rak mar rak n̪um rak
    rice get ghee get oil get
    चामल पायौँ घिउ पायौँ तेल पायौँ
    We got rice, ghee, oil etc.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ d̪al rak
    after.that pulse get
    अनि दाल पायौँ
    Moreover, we got Dal.
  • DOL
    tɕi d̪aŋ tɕi med̪i wo̤n̪e laken̪i
    what xx what NEG.xx -CONV this.way
    एकदम धेरै यस्तो अब
    That is a lot.
  • DOL
    katin tɕʰombo re be
    blessing big COP PART
    धेरै धन्य हो अब
    They are great (very helpful).
  • SANG
    un̪i d̪an̪a t̪ʰuk t̪ale maraŋ kʰimn̪aŋ ɲa̤l me d̪ja t̪ale
    after.that now till PART xx house - inside sleep NEG.xx here PART
    अब अहिलेसम्म पनि कहिले पनि घरभित्र नसुतिकन यहाँ नै
    Then, without sleeping in the house till now...
  • DOL
    d̪ja ɲa̤l d̪e d̪an̪a t̪ʰuk t̪ale d̪aŋn̪u d̪aŋ d̪aŋn̪u barki kjala
    here sleep sit now till PART day.before.yesterdayyesterday day.before.yesterday middle xx -LOC a.little come COP
    यहाँ सुतिरहेँ अहिलेसम्न अस्ति हिजो अस्ति बिचतिर पनि अलिअलि आउँछ।
    We slept here; the aftershocks are still there, that is, till a few
  • DOL
    ŋi d̪jala tsʰoɾ d̪u
    1PL here -LOC feel xx
    हाम्रो यहाँ चाल पाउँछ
    We can feel this here.
  • DOL
    mi riŋga kʰaŋba n̪aŋ ɲa̤ld̪i tsʰor d̪u lab d̪u
    man some house.TIB inside sleep -CONV feel xx say COP
    कोहि मान्छे घरभित्र सुतेर चाल पाउँछ भन्छ।
    Some people say that they feel such aftershocks in the house.
  • DOL
    ŋi d̪aŋ d̪aŋn̪u sa d̪aŋn̪u tɕjap tɕikpe tɕik
    1PL yesterday day.before.yesterday some.days.ago times one.only one
    हामी हिजो अस्ति अस्तिनै एकपटक मात्र.
    For us, sometime ago only once...
  • DOL
    aruŋ tɕʰjombo t̪ale lepsoŋ lig lig lig dʑe d̪u
    normal big PART come -xx move.ONOM move.NOM move.NOM do COP
    अलि ठुलो नै आयो लिक लिक लिक गरेको छ।
    The bigger one (earthquake) occured; we felt it trembling.
  • DOL
    d̪en̪e ŋi t̪a d̪aŋɕja d̪i ɦape woŋ̤d̪i tsʰurt̪ab
    and.then 1PL PART some.days.ago this bad come -CONV after.that
    यो भित्र हामी त अस्तिदेखि यो नराम्रो आएको देखि बाट
    After this bad one (earthquake) hit use; we are inside this.
  • DOL
    ŋama d̪i ɲala sø
    before this up -LOC make
    पहिला यो माथि बनाएँ।
    In the beginning, we made it up there.
  • DOL
    t̪ʰamdʑe an̪i aruŋ ɦape lep mewo̤ŋ ɦape lep mewo̤ŋ lab
    all then normal bad come NEG- come bad come NEG- come say
    सबै अनि अब नराम्रो आउँदैन नराम्रो आउँदैन भन्यो
    Later, people said that the bad one (earthquake) won't hit anymore.
  • DOL
    t̪ʰamdʑe mamdʑe pʰəlam raŋ raŋsa kʰimla loksoŋ ai
    all again REFL REFL -place house -LOC return -xx PART
    सबैजना फेरि आ-आफ्नै घरमा फर्कयो हैन
    Then, all people returned back to their houses.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ ŋi d̪i pʰəlam mala ked̪i d̪i goare n̪aŋla sød̪i d̪i sø
    after.that 1PL this again down -LOC move -CONV this inside -LOC make -CONV this make
    अनि हामीचाहिँ फेरी तल सरेर यो रछानमा बनाएको अनि बनाएको
    After that, we moved to the field near to the house and made a
  • DOL
    an̪i ŋama d̪i d̪i tapliŋ d̪i tapliŋ t̪eʔdʑoŋ
    then before PART this tent this tent give -xx
    अनि पहिलाचाहिँ यो त्रिपाल चाहिँ यो त्रिपाल दियो
    They gave these tarpaulins in the beginning.
  • DOL
    d̪i tapliŋ hridʑi tɕema d̪u a
    this tent little.bit small xx PART
    यो त्रिपाल अलि सानो छ नि
    You can see this tarpaulin is small!
  • DOL
    tɕema moɲopd̪i an̪i ŋiraŋ tapliŋ ɲiŋpa jø̤
    small NEG- reach -CONV then 1PL - REFL tent old xx
    सानो पुगेन अनि हाम्रो आफ्नै त्रिपाल पुरानो थियो
    This small one did not cover properly; and, our tarpaulin was old...
  • DOL
    d̪i d̪i puk an̪i d̪ikja ŋiraŋ ɲiŋpa jø puk
    this PART fix then this -PL 1PL - REFL old xx fix
    त्यो चाहिँ टागेँ अनि यो हरु हाम्रो आफ्नो पुरानो थियो त्यो टागेँ
    I fixed those tarpaullins ̶those given ones and the older one that
  • DOL
    an̪i ɕjamla pʰəlam
    then later again
    अनि फेरि पछि
    Then, again...
  • DOL
    an̪i d̪i d̪i tapliŋ d̪i
    then this this tent PART
    अनि यो यो त्रिपाल चाहिँ
    As for this tarpaulin...
  • DOL
    d̪i tapliŋ d̪i an̪i ŋiraŋ jambula koʈa n̪aŋla tɕik jøʔ wo̤ d̪i kʰur
    this tent PART then 1PL - REFL Kathmandu -LOC room inside -LOCone xx DEM PART carry come -CONV fix
    यो त्रिपाल पनि अनि हाम्रो काठमान्डौँमा कोठा भित्र रहेछ त्यो पनि
    And this one (tarpaulin) was in our room in Kathmandu; we brought
  • DOL
    an̪i ɕjamla tapliŋ aŋsaŋ rak
    then later tent many get
    अनि पछि त्रिपाल धेरै पायौँ
    Later, we got many more tarpaulins.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ d̪an̪a t̪ʰuk d̪i n̪aŋ ɲa̤l d̪i tɕjakar t̪ʰokkja d̪ẽ
    after.that now till this inside sleep this tin roof -PL after.that
    अनि अहिलेसम्न यो भित्र सुत्यौँ यो टिनहरु पनि अनि
    We spent our days inside this till now; and those tins as well...
  • DOL
    kjobso t̪et̪e tɕjakar t̪ʰok re
    relief.aid give - give tin roof COP
    राहात दिएको छानो हो
    ..(these tins) were provided for roof as relief materials.
  • DOL
    t̪e re d̪ẽ
    give COP after.that
    दिनुभएको अनि
    They were given to us.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ d̪an̪a d̪aŋɕja d̪ẽ tɕjapt̪aŋ sum ɕi wo̤n̪e wo̤ŋ d̪u ɦape wo̤ŋ
    after.that now some.days.ago after.that times three fourthis.way come xx bad comexx
    अनि अहिले अस्ति न अनि तिनचार पटक यस्तो आयो नराम्रो आयो।
    Some aftershocks hit a few days ago.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ d̪aŋnu pʰalam mikja
    after.that day.before.yesterday again man -PL
    अनि अस्ति फेरि मान्छे हरु
    Then again, a few days ago, those people...
  • DOL
    tɕi lo tsʰewa ɕila wo̤ŋke re lo
    what hearsay date four -LOC come -xx COP hearsay
    के रे चारगतेमा आउँछ रे
    Some people said that it (earthquake) will hit on fourth day (of
  • DOL
    tsʰewa ŋala wo̤ŋge re lo wo̤n̪e lapd̪i mi giri dʑid̪i
    date before come -xx COP hearsay this.way learn -CONV man all fear -CONV
    पाँच गतेमा आउँछ यस्तो भनेर सबै मान्छे डराए।
    Some people said that it will hit on fifth day (of the month); so,
  • DOL
    lat̪ok soŋd̪i mi gaŋbo dʑid̪i laken̪i d̪an̪a dʑid̪i
    spirit go -CONV man all.TIB fear -CONV now fear -CONV
    सातो गएर मान्छे सबै डराएर अहिले पनि डराईरहेछ।
    All people are scared; they are scared till now.
  • DOL
    pʰəlam d̪an̪a mikja pʰəlam ŋaro
    again now man -PL again tomorrow
    फेरी अहिले मान्छेहरु फेरी भोलि
    The people are, again...tomorrow....
  • DOL
    n̪aŋmaŋ ɲimu d̪i tsʰewa tɕilo wo̤raŋ aũsila day this date that 1PL.POSS thirtieth -LOC
    तीसगते दिनमा गते के रे हाम्रो औँसिमा
    On thirtieth day, that is, on Aunsi...
  • DOL
    wo̤ ɲimu d̪i jaŋ lewo̤ŋ
    DEM day PART again come -xx
    त्यो दिन फेरि आउँछ।
    It will hit again on that day.
  • DOL
    gokpo samdʑi lewoŋ
    bad like come -xx
    नराम्रो यस्तो आउँछ।
    The very bad one (earthquake) will hit.
  • DOL
    sa gurd̪iŋ lokwoŋ wo̤n̪e labd̪i jaŋ mi giri dʑid̪i d̪ẽ
    land upside.down return -xx this.way say -CONV again man all fear -CONV after.that
    जमिन पल्टिन्छ यस्तो भनेर फेरी मान्छेहरु सबै तर्सेर अनि
    The earth will turn over; with such rumours, all people being
  • DOL
    mi giri la kʰer si̤ŋ d̪u be hritɕik wo̤n̪e
    man all spirit take.away finish xx PART little.bit this.way
    मान्छेहरु सबै सातो गईसकेछ यस्तो अलि यस्तो
    The people are very scared; even if....
  • DOL
    gat̪rak gut̪ruk lab n̪a dzisiŋ dzisiŋ dʑɛ d̪u
    noise.ONOM say COND sacared sacared do xx
    घत्राक घुत्रुक गर्यो भने पनि झिसिङ झिसिङ गर्छ
    ....something falls down, they get scared.
  • DOL
    mi giri wo̤n̪e la kʰer d̪u
    man all this.way spirit take.away COP
    मान्छे सबैजना अब सातो गईसक्यो
    All the people are scared now.
  • DOL
    dʑid̪i d̪ẽ
    fear -CONV after.that
    डराएर अनि
    Being frightened...
  • DOL
    hritɕik d̪aŋd̪aŋ d̪uŋd̪uŋ dʑe n̪a wo̤n̪e si̤ŋla dʑe d̪u
    little.bit sound.ONOM do COND this.way feel.NOM do COP
    अलिकति धाङधाङ धुङधुङ गर्यो भने पनि सिरिङग हुन्छ।
    Even with small movements, they get scared.
  • DOL
    mi hritɕik kaŋba wo̤n̪e liŋ liŋ gul n̪a kʰim liŋ liŋ dʑe d̪u
    man little.bit leg this.way move.ONOM shake COND house move.NOM do COP
    मान्छे एकछिन खुट्टा एकछिन यस्तो लिङलिङ हल्लायो भने पनि घर लिङ लिङ
    The house trembles even with movements of leg.
  • DOL
    wo̤ŋ ji̤n̪om n̪ed̪i wo̤n̪e lat̪ok ɖo d̪u
    come DOUBT think -CONV this.way spirit go COP
    आयो कि भनेर यस्तो सातो जान्छ
    (With this) we think that the earthquake hit again, and we get
  • DOL
    wo̤n̪i tsʰu d̪a mi giri la kʰer d̪u
    DEM -ABL this.side now man all spirit take.away COP
    यस्तो भएर अहिले मान्छेहरु सबै सातो लगेछ।
    Because of this, people are all scared.
  • DOL
    d̪an̪a mi giri wo̤n̪e leoŋ sã lab d̪u leoŋ sã lab d̪u
    now man all this.way come -xx only say xx come -xx only say COP
    अहिले पनि मान्छेहरु सबै यस्तो आउँछ मात्र भन्छ आउँछ मात्र भन्छ
    People are talking that this or that sort of earthquake will hit
  • DOL
    d̪aŋ kʰan̪upkja mikja
    yesterday day.beforexx man -PL
    हिजो अस्ति हरु मान्छे हरु
    Each day, people...
  • DOL
    jaŋ u tɕilo tsʰewa tɕɛŋala wo̤n̪e lewoŋ lo
    again DEM that date fifteen -LOC this.way come -xx hearsay
    फेरि यो के रे गते पन्ध्र मा यस्तो आउँछ रे।
    (People) say that similar kind of earthquake will hit on fifteenth
  • DOL
    gurt̪iŋ samdʑi lokwoŋ labd̪i mi giri jaŋ tɕi dʑetɕi lɛ̃ ai
    upside.down like return -xx say -CONV man all again what do -INF xx PART
    पल्टिन्छ यस्तो भनेर मान्छे सबै फेरि के गर्ने है भनेर
    The earth will turn over, they say; what to do if this happens!
  • DOL
    gan̪i dʑetɕi lɛ̃ wo̤raŋ giri ɕike re ai wo̤n̪e labd̪i jaŋ dʑiken̪
    what.kind do -INF xx 1PL.POSS all die - xx COP PART this.way say -CONV again fear -NMLZ COP
    के गर्ने होला हामि सबै मर्ने होल है यस्तो भनेर फेरी डराउने हरु छन
    They say "we all may die; what can we do!", they get scared a lot.
  • SANG
    d̪en̪e d̪a d̪i saŋgul lep gaŋ petsa bitukkja ɖamla me d̪ẽ
    and.then now this earthquake come time children -PL near -LOC NEG.xx after.that
    अनि अब यो भुकम्प आएको बेला बच्चा बच्चिहरु साथमा थिएन अनि
    Then, you did not have your children with you when the earthquake
  • DOL
    med̪i d̪ẽ wo̤ soŋ d̪aŋ t̪ʰamdʑe ŋʏ̤ dẽ u ɲa
    NEG.xx after.that DEM go and all weep after.that DEM up
    थिएन नि अनि त्यसो भएर सबै जान रोयौँ अनि त्यो माथि
    The children were not with us; so, we all wept and up there...
  • SANG
    gan̪a gan̪a jø d̪ẽ gan̪i
    where where xx after.that what.kind
    कहाँ कहाँ थिए अनि कसरि
    After, after…what kind…
  • SANG
    d̪ẽ pʰon̪ t̪aŋtɕi ɕjagpa gatsø dʑela pʰon̪ t̪aŋtɕi dʑjorsoŋ
    after.that phone send/fall -INF day how.many later.TIB phone send/fall -INF get -xx
    अनि फोन गर्न कति दिन पछि फोन गर्न पायो?
    After how many days did you get chance to make a call (to them)?
  • DOL
    pʰon̪ t̪aŋd̪i d̪ẽ ɕjaŋma aŋsaŋ soŋ d̪ẽ pʰon̪ t̪aŋd̪i pʰon̪ laji̤n̪
    phone send/fall -CONV after.that day many go after.thatphone send/fall -CONV phone line this.way like.thatlowland.people xx Yolmo lowland.people xx
    फोन गरेको त अनि धेरै दिन भएपछि फोन गरेको त फोनमा लाईन यस्तो थियो
    I tried to phone after some days (of an earthquake); but, there were
  • DOL
    d̪ila leka t̪aŋɣen̪ roŋbakja jʏ̤ ɲama
    this -LOC work send/fall -NMLZ lowland.people -PL DEM up -xx
    काम गर्ने रोङबाहरु त्यो माथिबाट
    ...and those workers, and up there....
  • DOL
    lɛka t̪aŋken̪ roŋbakja lat̪ok soŋd̪i mala wo̤ŋd̪i me tsʰiriŋ juŋɖuŋ
    work send/fall -NMLZ lowland.people -PL spirit go -CONVdown -LOC come -CONV grandfather Tshiring Yungdung place -LOCline this.way PART PART phone NEG- go
    काम गर्ने रोङबाहरु सातो गएर तल आएर बाजे छि युरुङकोमा लाईन यस्तो थियो
    Those workers, being scared, came down to phone (to their relatives)
  • DOL
    pʰalam pʰin̪ pʰon̪ menɖo pʰalam pʰin̪ pʰon̪ menɖo be lɛn̪ wo̤n̪e
    again go.PST phone NEG- go again go.PST phone NEG- go PART line this.way PART PART
    फेरि गयो फोन जाँदैन फेरि गयो फोन जाँदैन यस्तो लाईन यस्तो थियो कि
    It did not work properly for many times as I went there.
  • DOL
    pʰon̪ palo mendʑjor
    phone turn NEG- get
    फोन पालो नपाउने..
    It was difficult to get a turn.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ wo̤n̪e pʰon̪ tɕjapt̪aŋ sum ɕi t̪aŋ d̪ija
    after.that this.way phone times three four send/fall ALSO
    अनि यस्तो फोन तिनचार पटक गरेर पनि
    Eventhough I made a call for three or four times...
  • DOL
    petsakja pʰon̪ kja miŋin̪
    child -PL phone receive NEG- obey
    बच्चाहरु फोन उठाउन नमान्ने..
    The children did not receive the phone.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ ŋi petsakja d̪a mud̪a petsakja
    after.that 1PL child -PL now down.there child -PL
    अनि हाम्रो वच्चाहरु अब तलको बच्चाहरु...
    Then, our children, that is, children down there (in Kathmandu)...
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ mud̪a dʑe raŋ d̪jala dʑe d̪a ɕike re ai
    after.that down.there do REFL here -LOC do now die - xx COP PART
    अनि तल भयो आफु यहाँ भयो अब मर्छ भयो है।
    They are down there in kathmandu and we are here; we thought they
  • DOL
    d̪a petsa kʰa mit̪ʰuk re ai
    now child mouth NEG- meet COP PART
    अब बच्चाहरुको मुख नदेख्ने भयो है।
    We thought we can not see our children's faces.
  • DOL
    gan̪i dʑekẽ petsa mud̪a dʑe raŋ d̪ja dʑe
    what.kind do -INF child down.there do REFL here do
    बच्चा तल छ आफु यहाँ छ।
    The children are down there and we are here!
  • DOL
    d̪a petsa mit̪ʰuk re d̪ẽ gan̪i dʑekẽ labd̪i
    now child NEG- meet COP after.that what.kind do -INF say -CONV
    अब बच्चा नभेट्ने भयो अब के गर्ने भनेर..
    We can not find our children again; what can we do!, thinking this
  • DOL
    mi giri gaŋbo ŋʏ̤
    man all individual weep
    मान्छेहरु सबै जना रोए।
    All the people wept.
  • DOL
    petsa mud̪a jø̤ken̪ tɕjap t̪ale meme tɕjap t̪ale ŋʏ̤ ŋa ŋʏ̤
    child down.there become -NMLZ all PART family all PART weep 1 weep
    बच्चा तल भएको सबै जना परिवार सबैजना रोए म रोए
    Those who have their children down in Kathmandu all wept and I also
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ u me tsʰewaŋ gjurme bemekja ŋʏ̤
    after.that DEM grandfather Tshewang Gyurme wife -PL weep
    अनि त्यो त्यो बाजे छाङ घ्युरमेको बुढिहरु पनि रोए।
    Then, grandfather Chhang Ghurme's wife also wept.
  • DOL
    t̪ʰamdʑe mamdʑe ŋʏ̤ od̪a ŋan̪soma keŋen̪ t̪on̪d̪i ŋʏ̤
    all weep there -ABL shout bring.out -CONV weep
    सबै सबै जना रोयौँ त्याहाँ चौतारिमा चिच्याएर रोयौँ
    We well wept and cried in sitting in that Chautari (rest place).
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ pema d̪un̪rup beme tɕilo mo miŋla
    after.that Pema Dhunrup wife that 3SG.FEM name -LOC
    अनि पेमा धुन्रुपको बुढि केरे उसको नाम चाहिँ
    Pema Dhunrup's wife...
  • DOL
    mo t̪a d̪i jala pema d̪iki ŋʏ̤d̪i ŋʏ̤d̪i busoŋ
    3SG.FEM PART this up -LOC Pema Diki weep -CONV weep -CONV go -COP
    उनि त यहाँबाट पेमा दिकि माथि रुँदै रुँदै गयो।
    ..that is, Pema Diki went weeping...
  • DOL
    petsakja tɕi dʑe re labd̪i laken̪i ŋʏ̤d̪i ŋʏ̤d̪i wo̤ŋ d̪u
    child -PL what do COP say -CONV weep -CONV weep -CONV come xx
    बच्चाहरु के भयो होला भनेर रुँदै रुँदै आएछ।
    She came weeping worrying about children.
  • DOL
    kʰuŋkja u jala wo̤ŋd̪i tɕjap t̪ale od̪ala
    3 -PL DEM up -LOC come -CONV all PART there -LOC
    उनिहरु त्याहाँबाट आएर सबै त्याहाँ
    After coming from there, they all..
  • DOL
    tɕilo t̪ala kʰimkja tɕʰəwap tɕʰəwap t̪ale ɕiɣ ɖo d̪u
    that Tala house -PL fall.down.ONOM fall.down.ONOM PART fall.down go COP
    के रे तालाको घरहरु पनि छवाप छ्वाप गरेर भत्केर गयो।
    Thouse houses of Tala started falling down.
  • DOL
    laken̪i an̪i tɕʰuluŋ kʰimkja ɕiɣsoŋ then Chulung house -PL fall.down -xx
    अनि अनि छुलुङ घरहरु भत्क्यो
    Then, the houses from Chhulung fell down.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ kʰim giri ɕiɣ
    after.that house all fall.down
    अनि घरहरु सबै भत्क्यो
    Then, all houses fell down.
  • DOL
    t̪ala kʰim d̪i u me lurkjaŋpo d̪i me t̪aŋ ɕjaɣd̪i me setɕi majĩ ai
    Tala house PART DEM grandfather Lurkyangbo PART fire send/fall put -CONV fire kill -INF xx PART
    तालाको घर चाहिँ त्यो बाजे लुरक्याङबो चाहिँ आगो बालेर राखेछ आगो
    In Tala, grandfather Lurkjangbo left fire lighting; he shoud have
  • DOL
    me se se la ji̤n lo
    fire kill kill say COP hearsay
    आगो निभाउ निभाउ भनेको रे..
    People told him to put out the fire.
  • DOL
    me se me ka me t̪aŋ ɕjaɣd̪i me laken̪i bard̪i laken̪i
    fire kill NEG.xx xx fire send/fall put -CONV fire light -CONV
    आगो ननिभएर आगो बालेर राखेर आगो बलेर अनि
    Because of not putting out the fire...
  • DOL
    kʰaŋba giri tsʰik majĩ n̪ijã t̪alala
    house.TIB all burn xx xx Tala -LOC
    घरहरु सबै जल्यो हैन तालामा!
    All the houses burned in Tala.
  • DOL
    kʰaŋba giri t̪ope t̪ale tsʰikd̪i laken̪i
    house.TIB all all PART burn -CONV
    घरहरु पुरै जलेर के भनुँ अनि
    All houses getting burned...
  • DOL
    ɕjamla pʰəlam d̪aŋɕja pʰəlam sø majĩ n̪jã
    later again some.days.ago again make PART
    पछि फेरि अस्ति फेरि बनायो नि त।
    Later, they have started rebuilding them.
  • DOL
    sød̪i tsok t̪aŋ melak tɕjold̪i sød̪i d̪an̪a tsok tsok d̪u mu n̪i
    make -CONV raised send/fall find.worker -CONV make -CONV now raised raised xx PART Tala -LOC
    बनाएर ठड्याएको छ नि कामदारहरु खोजेर बनाएर अहिले ठाडो ठाडो छ नि
    Finding workers, they have started rebuilding; (you can see them!)
  • DOL
    t̪ʰarpa gjalzen̪ tɕikpe søme re laŋma tɕjap t̪ale sø re
    Tharpa Gyalzen one.only make - NEG.xx PART remaining all PART make PART
    एक्लै बनाएको छैन अरु सबै बनायो नि।
    Only one Tharpa Gyalzen has not made it; all other have made it.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ sød̪i
    after.that make -CONV
    अनि बनाएर
    Then, making....
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ ŋi d̪i d̪ẽ gamɖu tɕʰəwamo tɕik jø wo̤ dzø tɕʰjombo tɕik
    after.that 1PL PART after.that radio big one xx DEM around big one Kathmandu -LOC take.away come room inside
    अनि हाम्रो चाहिँ अनि रेडियो ठुलो एउटा छ यत्रो ठुलो एउटा
    We had one big radio brought from Kathmandu in our house .
  • DOL
    wo̤ dzø tɕʰjombo tɕik jø be laken̪i d̪i t̪olok tɕik jød̪i
    DEM around big one xx PART this of.this.size one xx
    यत्रो ठुलो एउटा थियो अनि यो जत्रो एउटा थियो।
    It was this much big.
  • DOL
    d̪i gamɖu d̪ija u kaɾkuŋ mala d̪o dzar
    this radio ALSO DEM window down -LOC stone fall
    यो रेडियो पनि त्यो झ्यालबाट ढुङगा खस्यो।
    The stones fell down from the window and the radio...
  • DOL
    gamɖu tɕʰjob-n̪ak t̪ale soŋ kʰa a̤ŋd̪a t̪ale soŋ u d̪i ŋan̪so
    radio deformed PART go mouth PART go DEPART behind -LOC throw
    रेडियो पुरै कच्याक कुचुक भएछ मुखहरु ह्वाङग भएछ त्यो चाहिँ चौतारो
    The radio was totally damaged and I threw it from that Chautari
  • DOL
    juk re
    throw PART
    फालेको नि
    I threw it away.
  • SANG
    ən̪i petsa giri t̪ʰaŋbo d̪uk labd̪i d̪a sem gan̪i dʑjuŋ
    then child all fine xx say -CONV now soul what.kind get
    अनि बच्चाहरु सबै सञ्चै छ भनेर अब तपाईको मन कस्तो भयो
    How did you feel when you knew that your children were well?
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ ɕjamla pʰon̪ t̪aŋd̪i ka d̪ẽ petsakja t̪ʰaŋpo jø̤ labd̪i d̪ẽ
    after.that later phone send/fall -CONV xx after.that child -PLfine become say -CONV after.that soul happy -xx
    अनि पछि फोन गरेको त अनि बच्चाहरु सञ्चै छ भनेर अनि मन सञ्चो।खुसि
    When I phoned and knew that children were well, I was very happy.
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ petsakja t̪ʰaŋbo jø̤
    after.that child -PL fine become
    अनि वच्चाहरु सञ्चै छ
    Now, the children are well!
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ lab d̪u d̪ẽ lo d̪ed̪i d̪ẽ sempa jaŋsaŋ t̪ale dʑesoŋ
    after.that say xx after.that mind sit -CONV after.that soul light PART do -xx
    अनि भन्यो अनि चित्त बुझेर मन हल्का नै भयो
    I was relieved and felt happy.
  • SANG
    d̪ẽ d̪i saŋgul dʑela d̪a wo̤raŋ d̪i jṳl n̪aŋ mikja gan̪i tɕik gjur
    after.that this earthquake later.TIB now 1PL.POSS this villageinside man -PL what.kind one become sit xx changes becomesit xx
    अनि यो भुकम्प पछि अब हाम्रो यो गाउँ भित्र मान्छेहरु कस्तो चाहिँ भएछ
    What changes did you find in men (in our village) after the
  • SANG
    ŋama d̪aŋ maɳɖa riŋge
    before and difference some
    पहिला जस्तो नभएर कोहि
    It is not like earlier on; some...
  • DOL
    ŋama d̪a d̪ẽ un̪i go tsʰak tsʰak d̪ẽ un̪i
    before now after.that after.that smile smiley after.that
    पहिला त अब अनि हँसिलो हँसिलो अनि
    Earlier people were in happy faces...
  • DOL
    gaken̪ ɖana wo̤n̪e dʑe d̪u d̪an̪a t̪a
    happy -INF like this.way do xx now PART
    खुसि भएको जस्तो हुन्छ अहिले त
    They were happy; for now..
  • DOL
    t̪ʰamdʑe jṳln̪aŋ mikja d̪ẽ
    all village - inside man -PL after.that
    सबै गाउँको मान्छेहरु अब
    all the villagers..
  • DOL
    d̪a wo̤raŋ ɕike re ai
    now 1PL.POSS die - xx COP PART
    अब हामी मर्ने भयो है!
    We may die!
  • DOL
    d̪a wo̤n̪e wo̤ŋ d̪u d̪ẽ la kʰer d̪u t̪ʰamdʑe be hritɕik d̪oŋ d̪oŋ
    now this.way come xx after.that spirit take.away xxall PART little.bit sound.ONOM do COND spirit govillage -ERG man all PART little.bit spirit go COND village
    अब यस्तो आयो अब सातो लगेछ सबै अलि धोङधोङ गर्यो भनेपनि सातो गएछ
    All the people are very scared; they are frightened by small
  • DOL
    d̪ẽ lat̪ok soŋd̪i d̪ẽ leoŋ ai ɕioŋ ai
    after.that spirit go -CONV after.that come -xx PART die -xx PART
    अनि सातो गएर आउँछ होला है मरिन्छ होला है।
    Being scared, they say, we may die!, another earthquake may hit!
  • DOL
    dẽ wo̤n̪e lab d̪u d̪ẽ wo̤raŋ n̪i tɕi ji̤n̪a wo̤raŋ pe
    after.that this.way say xx after.that 1PL.POSS PART what COP.xx 1PL.POSS PART
    अनि यस्तो भन्छ अनि हाम्रो जे भएपनि हाम्रो अब
    They say like this; whatever may happen...
  • DOL
    sɛ ɕjaɣ ai t̪ʰuŋ ɕjaɣ ai kipu dʑe ɕjaɣ ai
    eat put PART drink put PART fun do put PART
    खाईदिउँ है पिई दिउँ है रमाईलो गरौँ है।
    Let's eat!, let's drink!, let's have fun!, they say so.
  • DOL
    wo̤raŋ n̪am ɕi n̪a ɕike re wo̤n̪e sã lab d̪u jṳln̪aŋ mikja
    1PL.POSS when die COND die - xx COP this.way only say xx village - inside man -PL
    हामी जहिले मरेपनि मर्ने हो यस्तो मात्र भन्छ गाउँका मान्छेहरु
    It does not matter; it is sure that we die once.
  • DOL
    d̪an̪a: wo̤n̪e lab d̪u
    now this.way say xx
    अहिले पनि यस्तो भन्छ।
    Now, they talk like this.
  • SANG
    ibi d̪ẽ tɕema gaŋ tɕʰjø lap jetsi kʰø tɕʰjø ra lap ɖo ɲjuŋjã
    grandmother after.that small time book learn elder.sister 2book like learn go get.chance -QUE
    बज्यै अनि सानो बेला पढ्न गएको दिदि तपाई, पढ्न जानुभएको छ?
    Have you been to school in your childhood, sister?
  • DOL
    ɖo maɲuŋ
    go NEG- get
    गएको छैन।
    No, I have not been to school.
  • SANG
    tɕʰjø maraŋ lap ɲuŋ med̪i ai
    book never learn get NEG.xx PART
    कहिले पनि पढ्नु भएको छैन हैन
    You have not never been to school!
  • SANG
    d̪en̪e d̪a mi kʰase n̪i wo̤raŋ ibi mekja lap n̪a saŋgul d̪i
    and.then now man some PART 1PL.POSS grandmother grandfather -PL learn earthquake PART
    अनि अब हाम्रो बाजे बज्यैहरुले भनेको अनुसार भुकम्प चाहिँ
    As our earlier generations used to say, the earthquake is..
  • SANG
    d̪ẽ sa waɣ laŋbo jø wo̤n̪e ɖawa lap d̪u ibi tɕi ji̤n̪um n̪e d̪u ibi
    after.that land under ox xx this.way like.TIB learn xx grandmother what DOUBT think xx grandmother 2.SG
    अनि जमिन तल गोरु छ यस्तो भन्नुहुन्छ बज्यै के होला जस्तो लाग्छ बज्यै
    They say that there is ox under the ground; what do you think?
  • DOL
  • SANG
    saŋgul d̪i tɕi dʑe wo̤ŋ ji̤n̪um n̪e d̪u
    earthquake PART what do come DOUBT think COP
    भुकम्प चाहिँ के भएर आएको जस्तो लाग्छ?
    Why does the earthquake hit?, what do you think?
  • DOL
    saŋgul ka d̪ẽ tɕi dʑe wo̤ŋ ji̤n̪um
    earthquake xx after.that what do come DOUBT
    भुकम्प त अब के गरेर आएको होला?
    How does the earthquake hit!
  • DOL
    saŋgul laken̪ d̪i gan̪i jø ji̤n̪um wo̤n̪e tɕik n̪e d̪u
    earthquake say -INF PART what.kind xx DOUBT this.way one think COP
    भुकम्प भनेको चाहिँ कस्तो छ होला यस्तो एउटा चाहिँ लाग्छ!
    What does this earthquake look like!, I think (get surprised) about
  • DOL
    gan̪i tɕik jø ji̤n̪um wo̤n̪e be laken̪i wo̤n̪e liŋ-liŋ dzamliŋ hliŋ
    what.kind one xx DOUBT this.way PART this.way move.ONOM earth all PART shake -INF earthquake
    कस्तो चाहिँ छ होला यस्तो अब यस्तो लिङलिङ पृथ्वि पुरै हल्लाउने
    What does it look like!; it can move the whole earth....
  • DOL
    gan̪i tɕik jø ji̤nɖo ai
    what.kind one xx COP.POSSIB PART
    कस्तो चाहिँ छ होला है
    What kind of thing this is!
  • DOL
    bu ji̤n̪um tɕi ji̤n̪um ai gan̪i jø̤ɖo ai tɕik t̪etɕi dʑjor n̪a ai
    insect DOUBT what DOUBT PART what.kind xx -POSSIB PART one give -INF get COND PART this.way soul one think COP
    कीरा हो कि के होला है कस्तो छ होला है एकपटक हेर्न पाए हुन्थ्यो है
    Whether it is insect or something else; I wish I could see it once.
  • DOL
    gan̪i jø̤ ji̤n̪um n̪e d̪u
    what.kind xx DOUBT think xx
    कस्तो होला लाग्छ
    What kind of thing it is! I think of this.
  • SANG
    d̪ẽ ibi mekja tɕik ra lap go dʑjã
    after.that grandmother grandfather -PL one like learn hear get.QUE
    बज्यै बाजेहरुले केहि भनेको सुन्नुभयो?
    Have you heard our forefathers talking about this?
  • DOL
    ibi mekja tɕigã lap go majuŋ
    grandmother grandfather -PL anything learn hear NEG.get
    बज्यै बाजेहरुले केहि भनेको सुनेन।
    I have not heard our forefathers talking about this.
  • DOL
    ŋa tɕemaraŋ jɛ̃ jukd̪i soŋd̪i d̪ẽ tɕi jø
    1 small -EMPH mother throw -CONV go after after.that what COP
    म सानैमा आमा छोडेर गएपछि अनि के छ र
    My mother died when I was small; then, how could...?
  • SANG
    an̪i ibi ɲumu t̪am jetɕi ɲumu t̪am tsʰik tɕik ɲi sum tɕik labtɕi
    then grandmother together talk elder.sister together talk word one two three one say -INF get -CONV happy get
    अनि बज्यै तपाईसँग बोल्न दिदि तपाई सँग एक दुई तीन शब्द बोल्न पाएकोमा
    We are happy to speak few words with you; thank you!
  • DOL
    kʰjaŋkja taɕi d̪ile
    2 -PL namaste
    तपाईहरुलाई पनि नमस्कार!
    Goodbye all of you!