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20 Apr 2018
6 min 47 sec
Video Overview
Kristine Hildebrandt

Ms. Bumchung, a native speaker of Kutang, describes her experiences during the 2015 Nepal earthquakes.

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  • NYI
    grandmother namaste
    हजुरआमा नमस्कार
    Grandma, Namaste!
  • BUM
  • NYI
    grandmother name what say COP.xx
    हजुरआमाको नाम के हो?
    What is your name?
  • BUM
  • NYI
    grandmother year how.mayreach -xx
    हजुआमा कति बर्ष पुग्नु भयो?
    How old are you?
  • BUM
    पचहत्तर बर्ष
    Seventy-five years old.
  • NYI
    grandmother village PART whereCOP
    हजुआमाको गाउँचाहिँ कहाँ हो?
    Where is your village?
  • BUM
    village here
    गाउँ यतै हो
    The village is here.
  • BUM
    house -ALSO NEG.xx father property -PL mantake -xx
    घरै छैन बाउ सम्पत्ति पनि मान्छेले लग्यो।
    I have no house; people took away my parents property.
  • BUM
    now house -ALSO Pardenhouse
    अहिले घर पनि पार्देनको घर हो
    This house is Parden's house.
  • NYI
    3 house village name what say
    उसको घर गाउँको नाम के हो?
    What is the name of his village?
  • BUM
    house always here now house PART
    घर यतै हो अहिले घर चाहिँ
    The house is around here; as for this house..
  • BUM
    now Kunsang Tshiring 1PL father property -PL up KunsangTshiring all xx 1PL property -PL
    अहिले कुन्साङ छिरिङ हाम्रो बाउ सम्पति हरु माथि कुन्साङ छिरिङ सबै
    Now, Kusnsang Tshiring has taken away all of my parents property.
  • BUM
    now 1PL die
    अहिले हाम्रो दाई.........मरे
    Now, my elder brother died....
  • BUM
    father PART now property Kunsang Tshiring sit 1 man houseinside xx xx -xx sit
    बुबा चाहिँ अहिले सम्पति कुन्साङ छिरिङ बसे म मान्छे घरमा बाहालाम बसेको
    My father's property was taken away by Kunsang Tshiring; now, I am
  • BUM
    what -ALSO what -ALSO NEG.xx 1 now
    केहि पनि छैन अहिले म सँग
    Now, I have nothing with me.
  • BUM
    field -ALSO NEG.xx what -ALSO what -ALSO NEG.xx
    खेत पनि छैन केहि पनि छैन
    I have no fields and nothing other.
  • NYI
    now grandmother sit -xxxx
    हजुरआमा एक्लै बस्नुहुन्छ हो?
    Is it that you are living alone?
  • BUM
    1 alone
    म एक्लै
    I am alone...
  • NYI
    who -ALSO NEG.xx xx
    कोहि पनि छैन हो?
    Is there none of you?
  • BUM
    There is none.
  • NYI
    child -PL who -ALSO NEG.xx xx
    बच्चा कोहि पनि छैन हो?
    Is it that you have no children as well?
  • BUM
    child NEG.xx child daughter one COP.xx this -ALSO die finishgrandson xx COP.xx this grandson xx diefinish
    बच्चा छैन छोरी एउटा थियो त्यो पनि मर्यो एउटा नाति थियो त्यो पनि मर्यो
    I have no child; there was one daughter, she died; there was one
  • BUM
    now granddaughter PART COP.xx Ten Norbu know xxKoya
    अहिले नातिनि एउटा मात्रै छ तेन नोर्बु चिन्नु हुन्छ कोया
    Now, there is only one granddaughter; do you know Ten Norbu?
  • NYI
    yes know COP.xx
    अँ चिन्छ
    Yes, I know him.
  • BUM
    3 wife PART 1granddaughter
    उसको स्वास्नि चाहिँ मेरो नातिनि
    His wife is my granddaughter.
  • BUM
    this PART xx after NEG.xx
    यो मात्र हो अरु छैन
    It is just her; there is no other (of mine)
  • NYI
    grandmother 2 small time book learn -xx getNEG- get
    हजुरआमा सानो बेला पढ्न पायो कि पाएन?
    Grandma!did you get chance to study in your childhood?
  • BUM
    xx book learn -xx NEG- get trouble experience experience whatCOP.xx work do - father trouble experience -xx whatCOP.xx
    पढ्न पाएन दुख पाउँदा पाउँदा के छ काम गर्दा दुख पायो के छ।
    I did not get any chance to study; I had to work all the times, I did
  • BUM
    work do -xx book learn -xx where get -xx
    काम गरेपछि पढ्न कहाँ पाउँछ
    Who can get chance to study just doing work all the times?
  • NYI
    grandmother now work PART what COP.xx villageinside
    हजुरआमा अहिले काम के छ गाउँमा?
    Grandma! what are the works in the village now?
  • BUM
    what -ALSO front.cloth weave sell waist.cloth weave sell after 1man labour go NEG-
    के पाङगाब (अगाडि लगाउने लुगा) बुनेर बेच्ने किन (बाँध्ने कम्मरमा)
    I can not do other people's work; I just weave and sell Pangab
  • BUM
    load carry xx NEG-
    भारि पनि बोक्न सक्दैन।
    I can not carry the loads.
  • BUM
    man -PL now stone chop xx stone -ALSO carry NEG-
    मान्छेहरु अहिले ढुङगा चिर्दैछ।फुटाउँदैछ ढुङ्गा पनि बोक्न सक्दैन
    Now, people are breaking stones; I can not do that.
  • BUM
    village PART work PART like.this front.cloth PART weavewaist.cloth PART weave -xx sell this xx
    गाउँ चाहिँ काम चाहिँ यस्तै पाङगाव बुन्ने किन बुन्ने अनि बेच्ने यस्तै
    The work in the village is like this; just weaving and selling
  • NYI
    1PL earlier
    हाम्रो अस्ति
    Earlier, our.....
  • NYI
    1PL Kutang PART year count xxxx
    हाम्रो कुताङ छ नि बर्ष हेर्यो भने
    In our Kutang, if we look at the calendar...
  • NYI
    month four.ORD NEG PART
    चौथो महिना हैन त
    It is the fourth month, is not it?
  • NYI
    month four.ORD date seven day saturday -LOCPART
    चौथो महिना सात गते शनिबार छ नि
    It is the fourth month, seventh day, on Saturday, is not it?
  • BUM
    date seven
    सात गते
    On the seventh day...
  • NYI
    earthquake big come time -LOCPART
    भुकम्प ठूलो आउँदा खेरि छ नि
    In that big earthquake, is not it?
  • BUM
    1PL here yard -LOC COP.xx
    हामि यता आँगनमा थियो
    I was here in the yard.
  • NYI
    this time -LOC grandmother where COP.xx
    हजुरआमा कहाँ थियो
    Where were you at that time, Grandma?
  • BUM
    here -LOC COP.xx
    यतै थियो।
    I was here.
  • NYI
    here -LOC what doCOP.xx
    यता चाहिँ के गरिरहेको थियो?
    What were you doing at the moment?
  • BUM
    basket near -LOC here
    डोकोको नजिक यता
    Near to this bamboo basket here....
  • BUM
    down reach -xx rock break say -xx
    तल पुगेर गिटि कुट भन्यो
    They called me to break stones down there.
  • BUM
    rock break rock break -xx down downsend -xx
    गिटि कुट्यो गिटि कुट्दा तल तल भयो
    I was breaking stones; it (earthquake) took me down and down.
  • NYI
    earthquake come time earthquake DOUBT knowledge get DOUBT whatDOUBTthink
    भुकम्प आउँदा भुकम्प हो कि थाहा भयो कि के होला सोच्यो?
    Did you know that it was an earthquake or you thought someting else?
  • BUM
    earthquake always like.this house -PL here ONOM.xx hereONOM.xx say -xx xx
    भुकम्प यस्तो घरहरु यता स्याराराक उता स्याराराक भन्यो हैन।
    When the earthquake hit, it made noise in the houses.
  • NYI
    this earthquake come finish -xx REFL village around -LOC man who whoCOP.xx
    यो भुकम्प आएपछि आफु वरिपरि मान्छे को को थिए?
    Who were around you when the earthquake hit?
  • BUM
    Langma 1PL two xxCOP.xx
    लाङ्मा हामी दुईजान मात्रै थियो
    With Langma, we were two here.
  • BUM
    after what -ALSO 1PL two here sleep 1PL here onlysleep
    अब चाहिँ हामी यता सुत्यो हामी यता मात्रै सुत्यो
    We slept only on this side.
  • NYI
    earthquake come finish -xx what do2 -PL
    भुकम्प आएपछि के गर्यो तिमीहरु
    What did you do when the earthquake hit?
  • NYI
    that.side walk this.side walk do -xx here floorsit
    यता कुद्ने उता कुद्ने गर्यो कि यता भुइँमा बस्यो
    Did you run hither and thither or you just sat on the floor?
  • BUM
    silent sit 1 here silent sit -xx fear -xx walk -xx leg breaksend xx think silent sit -xx
    चुपचाप बस्यो म यता चुपचाप बस्यो डराएर दौडिँदा खुट्टा भाँच्छकि भनेर
    I just sat here without doing anything thinking that legs would be
  • NYI
    this night PART wheresleep
    त्यो राति चाहिँ कहाँ सुत्यो?
    Where did you sleep at that night?
  • BUM
    this night PART Pyuin house upsleep
    यो राति चाहिँ पुईनको घरमाथि सुत्यो
    At that night, I slept up from Puin's house.
  • BUM
    field sleep
    खेतमा सुत्यो
    I slept on the field.
  • NYI
    field -LOC sleep
    बारिमा सुत्यो
    You slept on the field.
  • BUM
    field sleep PART man maize xx xx -xx after 1PLhere only sleep
    बारिमा सुत्यो मान्छेको मकै चेपेर।थिचेर लोभ लाग्यो अब चाहिँ हामी
    Thinking that the maize plants will be spoiled, we slept around here.
  • NYI
    this night sleep time -LOC
    त्यो राति सुत्दा खेरि
    While sleeping at that night...
  • NYI
    now xx this time relief.aid NEG.xxyard
    अहिले नै यतिखेर राहात पनि थिएन यो आँगनमा
    At the moment, there was no relief as well...
  • NYI
    tarpaulin NEG.xx NEG PART
    पाल छैन हैन त
    There were no tarpaulin's, is not it?
  • BUM
    NEG.xx here
    यता छैन
    It was not here.
  • NYI
    this time -LOC what cover
    यहाँ के ओढ्यो
    What did you use to cover your body?
  • BUM
    xx cloth cover
    हाम्रै लुगा ओढ्यो
    We used our own clothes.
  • NYI
    night -LOC PART whattrouble what what experience
    के के भयो?
    What troubles you had to face?
  • NYI
    house -LOC things take.out -xx NEG- get food eat -xxNEG- get cloth NEG.xx get.hungry trouble experience
    घर छैन सामान बाहिर निकाल्न सकेन खाना खान पाएन लुगा छैन भोग लाग्ने दुख
    Many troubles you had to face: no house, not able to take things
  • NYI
    what say mind inside this PART morefear -xx
    छ नि मनभित्र यो छ नि धेरै डराउनु
    Being frightened......
  • NYI
    what what trouble experience
    के के दुख पायो?
    What troubles you had to face?
  • BUM
    xx xx tarpaulin PART 3PL tarpaulin xx 1PL up xxcover
    यो पाल चाहिँ उनिहरु पाल सापटलिएर हामी माथि पुरै ओढ्यो
    We borrowed this tarpaulin from them, and that is sufficient to cover
  • BUM
    here man a.lot this down xx tarpaulin whereCOP.xx
    यता मान्छे धेरै यो तल यतिखेर पाल कहाँ हुने?
    There were many men; there was no chance to get tarpaulin here.
  • NYI
    earthquake come finish -xx
    भुकम्प आएपछि
    After the earthquake hit.........
  • NYI
    down PART PART government COP xx COP
    तलबाट सरकारि भएपनि
    From down, be it either government...
  • NYI
    then later relief.aid a.lot come NEG PART
    अनि पछि राहत धेरै आयो हैन
    There was a lot of relief materials, is not it?
  • BUM
    Yes, it came.
  • NYI
    here day how.may finish -xx this relief.aid PARTcome
    यहाँ कति दिन पछि यो राहात चाहिँ आयो
    How long after the earthquake the relief materials arrived here?
  • BUM
    memory -xx NEG.xx
    यादै छैन
    I do not remember anything.
  • NYI
    relief.aid PART what what come.xx downPART
    राहात चाहिँ के के आयो तलबाट
    What relief materials did come from down?
  • BUM
    later -LOC one later -LOC 1 house inside beer drink xxsay
    पछि तिर एक पछि मेरो घर भित्र जाँड खानु आउनु भने
    Later, one called me to drink DZAAND in one's house.
  • BUM
    man filled PART COP.xx
    मान्छे धैरै थियो
    There were many people
  • BUM
    xx xx xx house down down down some beer cup bring -xxyard come -xx some steps climb COP.xx dilemma
    फेरि आयो घर तल तल कुनै जाँडको कप लिएर आगँनमा आयो कुनै सिँढि चढ्यो
    (The earthquak) stroke one's again; some came out with cup's of
  • BUM
    relief.aid PART come.xx
    राहात त आयो
    The relief materials came.
  • BUM
    money give -xx rice give -xx oil give -xx gheegive -xx
    पैसा दियो चामल दियो तेल दियो घिउ दियो
    They gave us rice, oil, ghee etc.
  • BUM
    tarpaulin give -xx
    पाल दियो
    They gave tarpaulin
  • NYI
    earthquake come finish -xx 1PL this village -LOC PART househow.many collapsebecome
    भुकम्प आएपछि यो हाम्रो गाउँमा छ नि घर कति भत्केको छ?
    How much damage has been there with this earthquake in our village?
  • BUM
    collapse xx xx man collapse xx xxxx
    भत्केको मात्रै छ मान्छे भत्केको मात्रै छ
    Oh! everyone's has been damaged.
  • BUM
    now 1 house -ALSO totally collapse become WorkenTenzing down go -xx NEG- come -xx labour house do
    अहिले मेरो घर पनि पुरै भत्केको छ उर्केन तेन्जिङ पनि तल गएर आएन मेला
    Now, all of my house has been damaged; Urken Tenzing also did not
  • BUM xx xx xx many.xx
    ह्वाङगै छ धेरै दिन ह्वाङगै
    It was open; for long, it was open.
  • BUM
    food eat xx outside eatfear -xx
    खान खाएपनि बाहिर खानु पर्छ डरै लाग्छ
    Even for eating, we have to eat outside; It is frightening (inside)
  • NYI
    now xx house do NEG- finish xx
    अहिले सम्म घर बनाएको छैन त?
    Havenot you made the house till now?
  • BUM
    1 PART do front xx do always xxxx PART do finish
    मेरो चाहिँ बनायो अगाडि पछाडि बनायो साह्रै ह्वाङगै पछाडिको चाहिँ बना‌ई
    My house which was damaged badly in the front and in the back, has
  • BUM
    front do COP.xx now
    अगाडि बनायो....छ अहिले
    The front has been it has....
  • BUM
    unsure Parten REFL NEG- come -xx come -xx NEG.xx -xx -xx do
    खै पर्तेन आफु नआएर आउनै छैन मेला खोजेर बनाएँ
    Parten did not come; so, I myself found the workers and repaired it.
  • BUM
    house PART all ruin ruin only xxxx
    घर त सबै बिग्रेको मात्रै देख्छ
    All of the houses have been ruined.
  • NYI
    This earthquake...
  • BUM
    now 3PL see like.this here damage.ONOM up -LOC damage.ONOMlike.this xx
    अहिले उनिहरुको हेर्दा यता बुलुकबुलुक उता बुलुकबुलुक भएछ।
    Now, these people are seen going here and there.
  • NYI
    this earthquake come finish -xx PART 1PL villageman -PL
    यो भुकम्प आएपछि हाम्रो गाउँले मान्छेहरु
    After the earthquake hit, the villagers...
  • NYI
    man COP xx injury comeNEG- come
    मान्छेलाई चोटपटक भयो कि भएन?
    Was someone injured or not?
  • BUM
    injury PART Rigzin one PART
    चोटपटक त रिक्जिन मात्रै है
    The injured one is Rikzin only, is not it?
  • NYI
    Rigzin say -xx xx
    रिक्चिन भन्ने चाहिँ
    Rikcin is....
  • BUM
    up Kyuang Tsyon father PART PART this 3 xx PART
    माथि क्युवाङ च्योन बुबा चाहिँ, उ उहाँ घरपरिबार चाहिँ
    You may know father of Kwang Chjon; She is his spouse.
  • NYI
    1PL this 1PL village -LOC cow morekeep
    हाम्रो यो हाम्रो गाउँमा गाई धेरै पाल्छ
    In our village, a large number of cows are kept.
  • BUM
    cow PART injury NEG- come PART
    गाईहरुलाई चोटपटक भएन है
    No cows have been injured.
  • BUM
    COP cow PART Krwak PART cow moresay -xx
    हो गाई चाहिँ क्रयाकको गाई धेरै भनेछ
    There are many cows injured in Kryak.
  • BUM
    COP Khamdi ox
    हो खाम्दिकको गोरु...
    Yes, Khamdik's ox....
  • BUM
    Khamdi ox Krwaba fall.down Pandzet down fall.down -xx die xx cowone PART
    खाम्दिक गोरु क्रवबा तल लड्यो पाँजेड तल लडेर मर्यो रे एउटा गाई
    .. one of Khamdik ox died falling down from Krwaba down to Pandzet.
  • BUM
    Nale PART cow more die say -xx
    नालेको गाई त धेरै मर्यो
    Many bulls of Nale were killed...
  • NYI
    this earthquake come finish -xx PART
    भुकम्प आएपछि छ नि
    After the earthquake....
  • NYI
    come finish -xx like.this REFL village COP xx COP REFL COP xxCOP
    आएपछि यस्तो आफ्नै गाउँ भएपनि आफै भएपनि the village or by onself...
  • NYI
    pray COP xx COP do NEG- do
    पुजापाठ गर्यो कि गरेन
    Was there worship/ceremony performed?
  • BUM
    xx do -xx pray PART xxdo -xx
    धेरै गर्यो पुजापाठ त धेरै गर्यो
    The worship/ceremony was done a lot.
  • BUM
    true pray PART do -xx man all
    साँच्चिकै पुजापाठ त गर्यो मान्छे सबैजना
    Really, the worship/ceremony was performed a lot.
  • BUM
    pray PART man kind kind do -xx
    पुजापाठ त थरिथरि गर्यो
    Different kinds of worshipping were performed.
  • NYI
    1PL village -LOC PART Mane xx Kane xx Gumba xx NEGPART REFL -PL injury become COP.xx xx NEG.xx
    हाम्रो गाउँमा छ नि माने छ काने छ गुम्बा छ हैन त यनिहरु क्षति भएको छ
    In our village, we have Mane, Kane, Gumba etc.; whether there was
  • BUM
    Kane break -xx COP.xx xx Kane up earthquake come -xx Kanestone -PL xx.ONOM do -xx
    काने भत्केको छ भनेछ काने माथि भुकम्प आएर ढुङगाहरु भननननन गर्दो रेछ
    Many Kanes are said to be damaged.
  • NYI
    grandmother 2 PART this earthquake say -xx PART whatCOP
    हजुरआमा छ नि यो भुकम्प भेनको के हो?
    Grandma! what do you think the earthquake is?
  • BUM
    what -xx what -xx earlier like.this come -xx NEG- experiencenow xx one see xx xx like.this earthquake see -xxNEG- experience
    के के पहिला....यस्तो आएको महसुस गरेन अहिले यो एउटा देख्यो कहिले पनि
    I have never realized such event earlier in my life; now, I saw this
  • BUM
    before little little give come now like wherecome.xx
    अलिअलि त आउँथ्यो यो जस्तो त कहाँ आउँथ्यो
    There were only some minor ones before; this kind of earthquake was
  • NYI
    come PART come NEG PART 1PL
    आउन त आएको छ हैन हाम्रो
    It has occured; our...
  • NYI
    earthquake say -xx PART what COP how come -xx thisPART
    भुकम्प भनेको के हो यो कसरि आउँछ यो छ नि
    What do you think the earthquake is?; how does it happen?
  • BUM
    down down down send xx
    तल तल तल गर्छ नि
    It takes us down down and down.
  • NYI
    1PL up up Tibet xx come time -LOC
    हामी माथि भोटबाट आउँदा....
    When we come down from Tibet...
  • NYI
    grandmother PART this Tibetgrandmother
    हजुरआमा छ नि यो भोट हजुरआमा
    Grandma!, this Tibet....
  • NYI
    this PART man -PL what say -xx 1PL land down -LOC elephantxx this PART here move PART come COP.xx
    छ नि यो मान्छेहरु हाम्रो जमिनमुनिमा हात्ति छ यो चाहिँ यता हल्लिन्छ
    These people say that the animals like an elephant are under the
  • NYI
    REFL this PART grandmother 2 mind inside -LOC earthquake say -xxwhat COP
    यो आफु छ नि हजुरआमा तपाई मनमा भुकम्प भनेको के हो?
    What do you think the earthquake really is?
  • BUM
    this what COP.xx what COP.xx earlier xx NEG- come xx NEG.know.xx
    यो के छ के छ पहिले देखीनै नआएको हुनाले अहिले केहि थाहा छैन
    I do not know as I did not have prior experience of this yet.
  • BUM
    1 old.woman become xx
    म बुढि भएछ
    Now, I have been old.
  • NYI
    like.this like xx always now till always NEG- experiencexx
    यो जस्तै दुख कहिल्यै पनि अहिले सम्म भएको छ?
    Did you have such sufferings earlier as well?
  • BUM
    always now till come -xx NEG- experience
    अहिलेसम्म कहिल्यै पनि यस्तो दुख पाएको छैन
    I have never felt such an event yet.
  • BUM
    little little do PART now like always come -xx NEG-experience
    अलिकति अलिकति भएको छ यो जस्तै कहिल्यै पनि आएको थिएन
    Only minor ones were there but this kind of situation never occured.
  • NYI
    1PL this
    हाम्रो यो
    Then, our...
  • NYI
    Bihi up -LOC Sherang xx NEG PART Sherang holy.placebig xx NEG PART
    बिहिको माथि हाम्रो सेराङ छ हैन त सेराङ महत्वपुर्ण तिर्थस्थल छ हैन त
    Above Bihi, there is Serang which is an important pilgrimage site.
  • NYI
    Sherang -LOC Lama a.lot xx Gumbaxx
    सेराङमा लामा धेरै छ गुम्बा छ
    In Serang, there are many Lamas and Gumbas.
  • NYI
    this PART injury become COP.xx xxNEG.xx
    यिनिहरु क्षति भएको छ कि छैन
    Whether they were damaged or not?
  • BUM
    this -LOC injury COP.xx say -xx PART
    यसमा क्षति भएको छ रे है
    They are said to have been damged, is not it?
  • BUM
    little little fall.down COP.xx say -xx
    अलिकति अलिकति भत्केको छ रे
    They have been some minor damages.
  • NYI
    1PL this village xx learnPART
    हाम्रो यो गाउँ मुख्य बाटो छ नि
    We have this important path here...
  • NYI
    this village Krwak up go xx go Titur go xx go down DyangDodang go xx go this learn PART how COP.xx
    यो गाउँ क्याक गएपनि तितुर तिर गएपनि तल ड्यङ दोदाङ गएपनि यो बाटो कस्तो
    What is the condition of road?;Either we go to Krwak or Titur or
  • BUM
    1 anywhere NEG- walk -xx REFL -place sitsend -xx
    म कतै पनि गएको छैन यतै थपक्प बसेको छु।
    I have gone nowhere; I am simply living here.
  • NYI
    always sit xx sit learn PART how COP.xxhere
    सँधै बसिरहेपनि बाटोचाहिँ कस्तो छ यता
    Even though being here, what is the condition of road?
  • NYI
    ear listen listen xx listen
    कानबाट सुनेपनि हुन्छ
    You mave have heard as well.
  • BUM
    learn bad COP.xx front PART 1NEG- go
    बाटो साह्रै नराम्रो पहिला थियो म गएन
    The path is very bad; but, I have not gone.
  • BUM
    1 where -ALSO NEG- go
    म कहिँ पनि गएन
    I did not go anywhere.
  • NYI
    okay okay grandmother then 1PL with 1PLthis
    ल ल हजुरआमा धन्यवाद तपाईसँग यो हाम्रो
    Thank Grandma!, this is our..
  • NYI
    what say earthquake around -LOC talk little speak -xx get
    के भन्छ भुकम्पको बारेमा अलिकति कुरा बयान गर्नुभयो धन्यवाद।
    Thank you for describing your earthquake experience to us!