Explore Zhidé Group Wedding Songs #01
Audio Overview
Drinking song (chang gzhas)
- Music in Tibet
subjects 6121For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Music by Genre
subjects 6158For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Drinking songs (chang gzhas)
subjects 6159For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Music in Ngari
subjects 6148For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Zhide Group
subjects 6150For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Tö Dialect
subjects 698For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Zhidé
places 4184For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
Feature Type ADM4, Township (without urban registered population)
- Zhidé
places 4184For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
Feature Type ADM4, Township (without urban registered population)
- Tibetan
subjects 638For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
MEMO Memo: Filename: A0058 SongTitleEnglish: - SongTitleTibetan: - SongDescription: Description not yet available. Genre: Drinking song (chang gzhas) Instruments: Vocals: Tibetan Lyrics: ser po gser khri sgang nas // mtshan ldan bla ma bzhugs yod // bzhugs gral g.yas gral g.yon gral // grwa btsun 'dzoms pos skor yod // 'dzoms pos skor yod ya la // grwa btsun 'dzoms pos skor yod // pha de dam pa sangs rgyas // ma de rigs bzang mkha' 'gro // o lo skyes sa g.ya' ri // khang bzang la ni byas yod // gzhon pa'i skyes sa g.yon pa'i // 'dzoms sa la ni byas yod // yar 'dren ma la yar 'dren ma // chang dang ja khri yar 'dren ma // dran pa rgyab la khyer shog // g.yang ma rgyab la khyer shog // de ring bzhugs gral skor mo // skyid pa'i ngang la log 'gro // de ring bzhugs gral skor mo // dga' ba'i ngang la log 'gro // English Lyrics: On the golden yellow throne, Sits a famous lama, Surrounded by an assembly of monks, Seated in rows to the right and the left, Surrounded by an assembly, Surrounded by an assembly of monks. The father is the Holy Buddha. The mother is a Dakini of noble lineage. The birthplace of children Is Slate Mountain, a good place to live. The birthplace of young men Is the assembly-row on the left. Offer up, offer up, Offer up beer and [tea in a] precious teapot. Serve [the beer] with a bit of tsampa for luck, Serve [the tea] with a bit of butter for luck. Today the row [of people sitting] forms a circle. Leave [the assembly] feeling happy! Today the row [of people sitting] forms a circle. Leave [the assembly] feeling joyful! Artists: Shide group (zhi bde) Artist Region: Ngari Purang Shingpa Shide (mnga' ris sa khul spu hreng rdzong zhing pa shang zhi bde grong tsho) Song Region: Ngari Purang Shingpa Shide (mnga' ris sa khul spu hreng rdzong zhing pa shang zhi bde grong tsho) Translator: Tsering Gyalpo, R. Kirk Moore Transcriber: tshe ring rgyal po RecordingLocation: Ngari Purang Shingpa Shide (mnga' ris sa khul spu hreng rdzong zhing pa shang zhi bde grong tsho) Duration: 2:01 RecordingDate: 2000-08-10 MediumType: mini DV tape MediumID: Zhide-Ngari Music #1 (8-10-00) CDTrack: StartTime: 39:45 StopTime: 42:14 SessionId: S0006 LANGUAGE INFO Specific Dialect: Ngari Purang Shingpa Shide Speech Type: Song MASTER TAPE INFO Master Tape Label: NDRP Master 1 Recorded: 2000-08-02