24 Sep 2020
6 min 43 sec
- SABəni da neki santso ləर मेरो बिचारमाIn my opinion,
- SABtʃhja sjaŋma nepal ghjalkap netaŋउदाहरणकोलागि नेपाल देशकोFor example, the situation of the Nepal country
- SABdAng nepAlke nAng dhAlen kepe bhartseनेपालमा नराम्रो कर्माको जन्म भएर,And Nepal in Nepal the birth of bad Karma
- SABdhAng ani shungkiर सरकार बाट,And through government
- SABdhA mimangki golA sukenkiर जनताको प्रमुख,And the head of the people
- SABmiThaktshoनेताहरूAnd leaders,
- SABsiki khorlo korken rAdznitiराजनीतिमा जसले भूमिका खेल्दछन्,The people who play the role in politics,
- SABani hoktu dhekengki miserर जो मान्छे राजनीतिको मुनि बस्दछन्,And then the people who stay under the politics
- SABhinnADAत्यसैगरीAnd in that way,
- SABde tshangmAla nga dhokdhok sue tshik khang hoe naयी सबैलाई मैले एउटा महत्वपूर्ण कुरा भन्न चाहन्छु भनेAnd what I would like to say to these people is,
- SABnArAngki kjune tshA sjAkpA hinAम आफै द्वारा एउटा उदाहरण(And) I would like myself to be an example.
- SABnArAngne go tsuktjoeम आफै बाट शुरू गर्दाStarting from myself
- SABani toktsa liDar la sukiअनि उच्च पदमा बसेका नेताहरूAnd then the leaders (sitting) in higher position,
- SABtA siki sjokaअहिले राजनीति हाँगा (भाग)Now they are dividing the branches (shares),
- SABpaTi ghanDa tshik hinAजस्तो पार्टी भए पनिwhatever the party is like,
- SABDa paTitshe hinAhin tsunwan hinnAhinठूलो पार्टी होस् कि सानो पार्टी होस्Whether the party is bigger or smaller,
- SABdA pATiki ming ghAng hinAhin menAminपार्टीको नाम जे भए पनि होस् नभए पनि होस्।Whether the party has a name, or not,
- SABkhe nAmpA tshAngmAkiतिमीहरू सबैलेYou all,
- SABngering mepeghoneपक्ष्यपात नगरीकन, नभइकनWihtout doing any partiality, or being influenced by partiality,
- SABmimAngki nepAldi mitsherनेपाली मान्छे (जनता)The Nepali people,
- SABdA dhunggjur ngisum matshe tsamdeअनि दुई तीन करोड मान्छे (जनताहरू)There are about thirty million people,
- SABngoene DhAngneki neTukuhinसाँच्चीकै मेरा बालबालिका हुन्।They all are my children.
- SABnge bhidzA hin nge bhomo hinमेरा छोरा हुन्, मेरा छोरी हुन्।(They) are my sons, and daughters.
- SABliDar dhi ghangpo nge phAmA hinनेताहरू सबै हाम्रा बाउ आमा हुन्।The leaders are our parents.
- SABdi DhAu samlo tshik tang ghoe doयसरी यस्तो बिचार राख्नु (सोच्नु)पर्छ।(We) should think like this.
- SABpe maser ghe tshjamboएकदमै महत्वपूर्छ छ।(It) is very important.
- SABde mi sime Tukuhin de nge Tuku hin sAmlo tAngthukpa dzhenaयो अर्काको बच्चा हो, यो मेरो बच्चा हो भनेर बिचार लिन (गर्न) सक्यो भनेIf you can think that this is my own child, and that is yours,
- SABghjAlkhApde mATikpa netAngदेशको हालत ठिक छैन भनेर(You) should not think that the condition of the country is not good.
- SABghjAlkAp nAngla DhA hjong joeta dhAng kuma hjongwAtAng tsjAkpaदेश भित्र दुस्मन आउने, चोर आउने, लुटेरा आउने रThe enemy will (to) come, the thieves will (to) come, and the robbers
- SABta ghjAlkhAp hjArke manTowatAngर देश विकाश नहुने (विकाश तर्फ नजाने)And the country will not develop.
- SABtAm mitshjAmetAng TukpA kherkher sjorsjorकुरा नमिलेर झगडा बारम्बार हुने (हुन्छ)।(There) might be quarrels (after) not agreeing in the things.
- SABholA holA miser TukpA sjosjorतल तल जनताहरू झगडा गर्ने।The people to quarrel below.
- SABpATipATi Thukpasjore dzhe kjangkjang dzheduपार्टी पार्टी भित्र झगडा गर्ने मात्रै छन् (यहाँका जनता)।The people quarrel inside the party as well.
- SABdhi thoklA khenAmki ngune Dhangnekiयो सम्बन्धिको तपाईँहरूले सत्यतथ्यलेYours facts and figures (say) that,
- SABdi ŋikara ruktsheयी दुईटै मिलेरAgreeing between these two,
- SABsamlo dhemba dhe lakdhu dʏराम्रो सोचाई हातमा राख्नु,Think positive things with you (lit. in your hands).
- SABdzhumba ghjapla ʏkनराम्रो (सोचाई) पछाडी फाल्नु।Keep the bad thoughts in your back.
- SABhjala hjarke taŋheteयसलाई विकास गर्नको लागिIn order to develop this,
- SABdhen pe mase ghe tshimpa duयो एकदम महत्वपूर्ण छ।It is very important.
- SABdii mena əni tshike naŋdu ʈhuk ʃorयो बिना अनि एक अर्काभित्र झगडा हुन्छ।There is a mutual quarrel in lack of it.
- SABnaŋsiŋ kjaŋ kjaŋ dzhikinयसरी सधैँ गर्नेहरूThe people who do like this,
- SABmisegwa thaŋla kjaŋजनताहरू वास्ता नगर्ने।People donot care (them).
- SABəni di ghoptaghwa ʈhukpaʃorअनि यी नेताहरू नमिल्ने (झगडा गर्ने)।And these leaders do not agree.
- SABdzamliŋ demota ʃamɖephokसँसारले हेरी राख्न लाजलाग्दो भएको।It is a shame for the world to look at this.
- SABəni radznitik phel dzhuŋe tsik dheअनि राजनीतिक फेल भएको (हो), एउटै हो।And this is where the politics failed.
- SABho di masadhilaहो यो नपुग्नेहरूAnd for those whom it is not enough,
- SABdheneअनिAnd then,
- SABtsik dha mimaŋ tshukpu olʈeएउटा यो सम्पन्नता र गरिवीAnd this is for the richness and poverty,
- SABəni tero dzat mero dzat nae tsik huŋgi dhuaअनि तेरो जात मेरो जात भन्ने आउँछ।And there comes the thing like your caste, and my caste.
- SABnepalla dhurka surja tsik dhi huŋgeनेपालमा झगडा हुने एउटा यही (विषय, कुरा) हो।It is the matter of dispute in Nepal.
- SABdzatideki dhurkaजातदेखिनै झगडा हुन्छ।The quarrel begins because of the caste.
- SABəni dhərməge dzat dhurkaअनि धर्मको जातहरूको झगडा (हुन्छ)।And there is the quarrel becuse of religion or the caste.
- SABəni tero gaũ mero gaũ naiअनि तेरो गाउँ मेरो गाउँ भन्नेAnd then people say, this is your village, and this is mine.
- SABho da deअब यो चाहिँNow, as for this,
- SABghjalkhapki dzhilla dhuntsu dhjaŋa naŋlaदेश भित्र भएका पचहत्तर जिल्ला(There are) seventy five districts within the country,
- SABrila hjana ʈha du thaŋla hjona ʈhaduपहाडमा भए पनि समथर जमिन (ठाउँमा) भएपनिWhether they are in the hills, or in the plains,
- SABbhartu jøna ɖa ghaŋriki thamla jønaɖaबिचमा भएपनि (पहाडमा भए पनि) हिमालको सिमानामा भएपनिOr they are in between, or in the bordering areas of the mountains,
- SABtshaŋmaki ghjalkhap hjarke taŋhehi saŋlodiसबैले देश विकासको लागि विचार चाहिँ(We should think) for the progress of the country.
- SABraŋ sotsoki bhedzəŋ thoneआफै परिश्रम गरेरHaving worked hared,
- SABriŋgale lepe maŋla hjonten hekenकसैलाई दिमाग भित्र भएको शिक्षाFor some the education within one's mind,
- SABriŋka naŋla sukla suk jøkeकसैको शरिरमा बल भएकोSome have strength in the body.
- SABriŋka naŋla dhap meke ghjutʃukpo hinkenकसैको घरमा धनसम्पत्ती (धेरै ) हुनेSome have property at home.
- SABdhebe dhamtsekiयी सबैहरूAll these people,
- SABŋoene ɖhaŋne ŋaraŋki ghjalkap de hjarke taŋghø dua de samlo taŋko duइमान्दारीसाथ, साँच्चीकै मेरो देश चाहिँ बिकास गर्नु पर्छ भन्ने सोचाइ छ।(They think) that we should in fact develop the country sincerely.
- SABriŋge tshupuksene tsukpoki hjarke taŋeकुनै धनीहरूले धनीकै रूपमा बिकास गर्ने।The rich can develop as they can.
- SABŋjamtsom ʈaŋloŋ ʈaŋloŋke khjune hjarke taŋkhøeसाधारण (गरिव) मान्छेहरूले साधारण किसिमले नै विकास गर्ने।The poor can develop as poor can develop it.
- SABjønten jøsa miki jønten thokne hjarke taŋe(ज्ञान) भएको मानिसले ज्ञान बाटै विकास गर्ने।The people who have know can develop on its basis.
- SABnepaldi namkala tapa naŋsinनेपाल चाहिँ आकाससँग तुलना गर्यो भनेIf you compare Nepal with the sky,
- SABruktsina tshawa ɖhotaŋki tshuŋएकता भयो भने पानी जाने बाटो पाउँछ।If united, the water finds a way to go.
- SABhoraŋ di naŋsiŋयसरी नै हामी यो जस्तैLike this, we all
- SABhjarke taŋghø tsikएउटा विकास गर्नु (पर्छ)।We should make (one) development.
- SABdha mimaŋ hjoŋtso ta pe ŋaraŋ tʃha saŋlaअनि सबै जनताहरू म जस्तै मलाई उदाहरण राख्यो भनेAnd if all people and leaders take me as examples,
- SABho ta di masalaअब यो साधारण (मान्छेलाइ)For this simple (straightforward)man,
- SABpaŋ miserki naŋneलाईनमा भएका जनताहरू भित्रFor the people who are in queue,
- SABmake naŋla tʃha sjakpa hinaसाधारण (तल्लो) जनतासँग तुलना गर्यो भनेIf compared with the men with lower status,
- SABtsik dha ʈaŋ moएउटा अब गरिबीThere is (its) poverty.
- SABkjo mekin ʈaŋluŋ siŋ ʃa mekinधन नभएका गरिबहरू खेत जमिन नभएका(हरू)(If you compare) with those who do not have richness, do not have
- SABta kaŋjã mekin tʃha ʃakpa hinaकेही नभएका सँग तुलना गर्ने हो भने,If compared with (people) without having any land,
- SABho dhende dhupu tsikहो एउटा यस्तो पार्टीYes, there is a party,
- SABmi bhelʈaŋ ʃorken dhaŋमान्छेहरू अल्छी (हुन्छन्)।People are lazy.
- SABɖhinɖe tsiki dhona mepeयस्तो (गर्न) रूची नभएकाहरूThose who do not have interest,
- SABdhine khoŋ dhesago nepal ghjalkhap naŋ dheअनि यिनीहरू नेपाल देशभित्र बस्नेAnd then they do not stay within Nepal,
- SABsamlokə hami səŋgə kehi tshəinə dheबिचार, हामी सँग केही छैन भन्ने (बिचार)We do not have any thoughts related to this.
- SABsamlode dzənətsetəna kəmdzorkiबिचार चाहिँ जनचेतना कमजोरले (कमजोर भएकोले)Because of low level of consciousness (thought),
- SABdiki kaŋ senaयसलाई के भनौँ भनेWhat we shall say for this is,
- SABəni kirale gərda hira bigrjoअनि किराले गर्दा हिरा बिग्र्यो।And then the insect spoils the diamond.
- SABdi di ghjarkap ɖhʏnɖaki naŋlaयो देश सात बर्ष भित्र (मा)Within seven years, this country,
- SABkøn tʃhambo tsik ʃorteएउटा ठूलो बिनास भएर (भएको)It becomes a big distruction,
- SABmaŋki ɖhamजनताहरूको जराThe roots of the people,
- SABghər khaŋpaki phounɖesəntsiŋkiघर घर फाउन्डेशनकोThe foundation of home,
- SABtsikpa dhikpa naŋne hokne tsawa dhip dhipsuŋइटाहरू भत्किँदे खेरि भित्र बाट जरा नै भत्क्यो।As the bricks fell, the foundation within it also fell.
- SABkja thokthok ɖo mithuki tsik thoŋeदेश एकतामा जान नसकेको एउटा देख्छु।I see the country is not going unitedly.
- SABdela tete njamtʃhuŋयसलाई हेरेर गरिबीLooking at it, there is poverty.
- SABkhju hjona ɖadu mena ɖaduसम्पत्ति भएको पनि नभएको पनिThose who have property, or not,
- SABtasiŋ hjona ɖhameयस्तालाई हेर्ने हो भनेIf you look at it,
- SABhina ghjalkhap nepal raŋki miserजस्तै नेपाल देशकै जनताहरूFor example, the people of Nepal themselves,
- SABdi dhataraŋki takpo tsik tshuŋpe taयो अहिले एउटै नेता भएपनिAlthough there is a single leader there,
- SABraŋraŋ tsheməta ənusar daŋआफ्नो आफ्नो क्षमता अनुसारAccording to their capacity,
- SABraŋraŋki khintsø ənusarkiआफू आफूले जानेको अनुसारकोThe thing you know,
- SABraŋki ghjalkhapla tsesiŋ ta ghø tapआफ्नै देशलाई पत्ता लगाउनु, हेर्नु पर्ने छ।(You) should find out your own country, and you should look your
- SABgho ɖhenɖe tsik tsaŋmala samlo taŋghø duयसरी नै एउटा सबैले विचार पुर्याउनु पर्ने छ।Everyone should pay attention to it.
- SABəni lakpa sim dhe əni tʃhaŋ thuŋ ara thuŋअनि एक अर्काको हात समातेर जाँड र रक्सी पिउँछन्।And they drink the liquor and brewed liquor by holding their hands.
- SABtam toŋpa se ho de ghjalkhap hjarke hjarkeकथा सुनाउने (तर) कुनै अर्थ नभएको, यसरी देश बिकासThey tell the stories but without any meaning. And the country can
- SABkhane sena masena dhʏnda hoŋe minduमुख बाट बोले पनि नबोले पनि केहीहुँदैन।Nothing happens whether you speak or not.
- SABəni thoptaŋ la tʃha ʃakpa hinaअनि अधिकारलाई हामीले उदाहरण राख्यौँ भनेIf you take your rights as rights,
- SABnemdzuŋ thokla hina thoksa neसाधारण मान्छेको लागि पनि माथि बाटEven simple men (know)it from the above.
- SABsa mesala saजग्गा नभएको ठाउँमा पनिजग्गा (दिने)।To give land to those who do not have land.
- SABdho mesala dhoढुङ्गा नभएकोठाउँमा ढुङ्गा।To give stones to the place where there are no stones.
- SABəni dhinɖa tshene khoraŋki sasaअनि यसरी गरेर आफ्नै खानापिउनHaving done like this, the eating and drinking,
- SABthuŋ sa tensaदेखाउने ठाउँThe place to show,
- SABəni mi tʃhakpalaअनि मान्छे हुनकालागिAnd then for the men to become,
- SABʈhø tʃhakpala hetaŋ mi tʃhakpala peगर्मी हुँदा कसरी गर्मी हटाउने, मान्छे कसरी भनेको उदाहरण।How to avoid disease when it is hot, and the example how he said it,
- SABpe tsik tønsa hintsi mintsi ghøhjoŋएउटा उदाहरण देखाउन हामीलाई जसरी पनि चाहिन्छ।We need it anyway by showing the example.
- SABmena khaŋpame siŋme gho kupa kupa kʏघर पनिभएन खेत पनि भएन भने ढोकामा धागोले बाँधौँ।Let's tie it to the doors with rope if you have neither house nor
- SABtʃakpa ghjapte ghjukna tsik manaअब चोर्न जाने त होलानि?Perhaps you go to steal, right?
- SABmenana khorsameकेही नभए कोही आउनेवाला पनि छैनन (मौरीलेरस् चुस्न आएझै)।If there is nothing, nobody will come to (steal things).
- SABmero bhəneko jo pəni həinəमेरो भनेको कोही पनि हैन।There is nobody of my own.
- SABkhla tʃhakpala tendãकसरी भगवान बनेकोभनेर हेर्ने हो भनेBy looking at the formation of the ghost
- SABɖe tʃhakpala jøभुत भएकोthe ghost vanishes.
- SABho ta tʃhakpe miser dhetaअहिले मान्छे कसरी बनेका हुन् भनेHow men become so now is,
- SABdhese tsiktaŋ kentsa tsikबस्ने ठाउँ एउटाआड लाग्ने ठाउँ एउटाThe place to live, and a plce to take rest,
- SABdi sarkar suŋla raŋkiयो चाहिँ सरकारलाई आँफैलेAs for this, the government itself,
- SABmiser jøna ŋa menaजनता भए पनि म छैन भनेIf you say, I am not there even when there are people,
- SABraŋki thoptaŋko suŋla ʃuthup tsheko dzheआफ्नो हक सरकारलाई भन्न सक्नु पर्छ।You should be able to tell the government about your rights.
- SABthuŋguŋ satsa dhesa ghøjøŋपिउने,खाने, बस्ने चाहिएको हो।You need things to drink, eat and sit.
- SABdhenɖe dzhuŋsuŋna nepal kitukयस्तो भयो भने नेपालमा खुसी ुन्च।If you say this, the happiness,
- SABɖhaŋjom lephjoŋ əni dhaŋpo ŋa ŋotsha lephjoŋसमानता आउँछ, अनि पहिला इज्यत आउँछ।There is equality, and then there will be dignity.
- SABghaŋpo hjarke klak ɖho neduसबै विकास हुन्छ जस्तो लाग्छ।I feel all will be developed then.
- SABdha dhaleŋ tʃha ʃakpa hinaयसपाली उदाहरण हेर्योँ भनेLet's see an example this time.
- SABnepalke njamtʃha tshempo ɲiŋtshe ta dhenɖeनेपाल धेरै (तलझरेको छ), माया लाग्दो (छ) जस्तो (छ)।Nepal is going down, it is very miserable.
- SABme toŋʈha maŋpo bhumʈha maŋpo khaŋpa deहजारौँ मान्छे लाखौँ घर,Thousands and ten thousands of men,
- SABbhumʈa maŋpoki khaŋpaलाखौँ मान्छेको घरThe house of many thousands of men,
- SABghinor ʈhokla ɖoसम्पत्ती कामनलाग्ने भयो।Their property can not be used.
- SABdhʏndu si mi siजनावर मरे, मान्छे मरे।Animals died, men died.
- SABma thøn ʈhak thønघाउनिस्क्यो, रगत निस्क्यो।The wounds appeard (with them), the blood appeared from their body.
- SABdhendeki sela mekẽ dhenɖe tsuŋwalaखान नपाएको यस्तो अवस्थामाDuring the time they can not eat, and in the situation like this,
- SABəni hjul khim tshe tsik hinnaअनि एउटा नजिकको घरलाइ हेर्यो भनेIf you look at the house nearby,
- SABsarsar suŋ tsik hinna hjaŋएउटा सरकार भए पनिAlthough the government's (presence) is there,
- SABdha tshi ghjalkhap dhinɖeki hjopबिदेशीहरूको सहयोग,The assistance from foreigners,
- SABhoraŋki ŋeŋ ghjupa menʈo khenहामीहरूको नातेदार केही नपर्ने(Although) they are not our relatives,
- SABrokram dhenɖe tsenaयसरी सहयोग गर्दाIf you help us like this,
- SABhoraŋ nepal naŋhotsha phokteहाम्रो देश नेपाल इज्यत(There) is the prestige of our country, Nepal.
- SABtshiŋma hjoŋkhen khimtse ghaŋpo ɖhokto tsikɖe tsikसबै छिमेकी एकता भएरAll neighbours being united,
- SABtsikki tsikla rokraŋ tsedeएक आपसमा सहयोग गर्ने (गरेर)And helping each other,
- SABsamlo taŋhede peke tshimpu duयस्तो विचारलिएरआउनु निकै महत्वपूर्ण छ।It is important to have (take) a view like this.
- SABhoraŋ naŋpa saŋke ʈhuŋwa sətse delaहामी बुद्ध धर्म मान्ने बुद्ध जन्मेको ठाउँमाFor us who believe in Buddhism, the place where Buddha was born,
- SABsenla phempa phamtshe tshø hin noअरूलाई कसैले केही गर्न सकियो भने त्यही धर्म हो।If you can do something to others, it can be regarded as religion.
- SABhotate senla phinkin tshikयसरी नै अरूलाई सयहोग गर्न सक्ने एउटा,There is a chance to help others.
- SABdho koŋ toktok tsik kjageसानो सानो एउटा ढुङ्गा उठाउनु र(By picking up) small stones
- SABsin tok tok tsik kjage taŋसानो सानो दाउरा टिप्नु रTo collect firewood and,
- SABale khaŋki phen thoe dhu khiएकरूपियाँ (पैसाले) सहयोग गर्न सकिन्छ कि?Can we help with a rupee?
- SABghanʈi duकस्तो हुन्छ?How is it like?
- SABdhinte tshina nepal hjarke nirmãɖ lamsaŋ thsethup jø̃यसरी गर्यो भने नेपालको विकास तुरून्तै हुन्छ।Nepal will be developed soon if we do like this.
- SABtakparaŋ phi ghjarkhap kjaŋkjaŋla tsik dzhjaसधैँ विदेशी देशहरूमा भर पर्ने गर्नु रIf you rely on foreign people all the time,
- SABphiriki terta terhjoŋ nampərna hori ghelkhjapनिशुल्कमा त पाइन्छ, भोलिपर्सि हाम्रो देशYou get this free of cost, but in some time our country,,
- SABulʈə loŋken tsikla tʃha ʃakpa hinnaउल्टो एउटा माग्नेमान्छेलाई उदाहरण हेर्यो भनेIf you look at a beggar for example,
- SABterkani kaʈen tshimpolaदिने मान्छे त निकै महान हो।If you give something to people, it is great.
- SABhinna horaŋ kja takpar re tsik ŋotshəहाम्रो देश सधैँ भरी,Our country all the time,
- SABraŋki ghjalkhap raŋki so kø jøŋआफ्नो देश आफैले बनाउनु पर्छ।(We) should ourselves make (develop) our own country.
- SABraŋki satsa thuŋsaआफ्ने खाने र पिउने ठाउँ(We need) our own places to drink and eat,
- SABtshi thukken de raŋki tshe joŋआ-आफैले गर्नु पर्छ।(We) dhould do it ourselves.
- SABde tshena ʈewa dzakete kaŋla kale kale ɖojoŋयसरी गर्यो भने भर्याङ् (कुटकिला खुट्किला गरेर) विकास हुन्च।If you do like this, the ladder,
- SABdi mena horaŋki mine laŋयस्तो भएन भने हामीले अरूसँग माग्ने,If it is not the case, (we) always ask with others.
- SABdhiriŋ laŋ sa nampər dzhokआज माग्ने र खाने (अनि) भोलि सक्ने (जस्तो) हुन्छ।It is like begging today, and finishing it tomorrow.
- SABnaŋ hjaŋloŋ hjaŋ dzhopपर्सी फेरि माग्ने र सक्ने।And begging again the day after tomorrow.
- SABraŋki raŋ kaŋpa ʈuktsuk tshik ɖhen deआ आफ्नै खुट्टामा टेकेर उभिने।Doing on its own (standing on one's own leg).
- SABraŋki tsik tsikla rokpa tsheआफैबाट एक आपसमा सहयोग गर्ने।It is like helping each other's from oneself.
- SABtsik tsik rokla raŋ ɲukenएक अर्कालाई आफूले सक्दो सहयोग (गर्ने)।(It is like) helping each other as far as you can do.
- SABho dhente tsikहो यस्तो एउटा,(Here) is a thing like this,
- SABdzhina ghjalkhap hjarke la ɖo ŋe sʏयसो गर्यो भने मलाई देश विकाह हुन्छ जस्तो लाग्छ।I feel that the country will be developed if we do like this.
- SABŋa khe rakhte mahinpeम बाठो भएर भनेको होइन।It is not the thing I said because I am clever.
- SABŋe thoŋkigki ketsəयो मैले देखेको कुरा हो।It is a thing I have seen.
- SABtokto te tsikkiयो एउटा महत्वपूण (हो)।It is very important.
- SABdhila dhakpo tare ghaŋpo ghø tsik ghantsu sanaयसलाई हेरविचार गरेर सवै मिलेर खायो भने,Having looked at it, and having thought about it,
- SABhona horaŋ ghjalkhap hjarke ɖo mindu thetsum tsane minduयसो भए हाम्रो देशमा विकास छ कि छैन भन्ने शँका शँका छैन।If this happened, there is no doubt that the country will be
- SABdho dhotore tsik de hinकेही कुरा चाहिँ यिनै हुन्।Some things are like this.