12 Jun 2020
27 min 31 sec
Audio Overview
Kristine Hildebrandt
Samten Dakpa is a Lowa speaker describing his experience with the 2015 Nepal Earthquake.
- TSHtalk some send -xx COP PARTअब एक दुई कुरा गरौँ है।Let's talk few words!
- TSHquestion what COPप्रश्न के?Question?
- TSHelder.brother name Samten COP PARTदाजुको नाम साम्तेन हैन?Your name is Samten, is not it?
- SAMSamten Dakpaसाम्तेन ढाक्पाIt is Samten Dhakpa.
- TSHSamten Dakpaसाम्तेन ढाक्पा!Samten Dhakpa!
- TSHSamten Dakpa birthplace Gilung COP PARTPARTसाम्तेन ढाक्पाको जन्मस्थान घिलिङ हो नि!Your birthplace is Ghiling, is not it?
- SAMGilung hereयहिँ घिलिङ।Yes, in Ghiling.
- TSHGilung sit.RES -CONV year how.much/manygo -xxघिलिङ बस्नुभएको कति बर्ष.... ...भयो?How long have you been living in Ghiling?
- SAMnow year this middle -LOC study study -xx except nowget.birth -ABL that.side -LOC here straight COP PARTयो विचमा पढेको समय बाहेक, जम्मेदेखि यहिँ हो।Except study time in the meantime, I am always here.
- SAMnow study study -xx PART outside sit.xxCOPअब पढ्ने बेला बाहिर बसेको थिएँ।For study, I had gone outside.
- TSHstudy study -xx PART nowअब पढेको चाहिँ।Then about study...
- SAMstudy study -xx PART now year nine -ABLnowअब पढेको चाहिँ नौ बर्ष देखिAs for study, at nine years...
- SAMyear nine year PART class two studyPARTनौ बर्षमा दुई कछ्यामा पढेको थिएँ।I studied in grade 2 at nine years old.
- TSHDumba -LOC COP.xxडुम्बामा हो?It is in Dhumba?
- SAMDumba -LOC sit.xx PART...ढुम्बामा बसेको थिएँ।I lived in Dhumba.
- SAMhouse inside -LOC sit.xx COPPARTघरमा बसेको थिएँ। (ढुम्बामा)In a house in Dhumba.
- TSHHello elder.brother Pemaहेलो पेमा दाजु! (ङावाङ-फोन)Hello, Pema brother!
- SAMnow little winter PARTअब म जाडो महिनामा....In the winter...
- SAMfather with always Tibetan studyबाबा सँगै पढाई गरेँ।I studied with my father.
- SAMsummer PART Nepali land -LOC school -LOC go -xxdo -xxबर्षामा तलको ठाउँ, स्कुलमा जान्थेँ।In the summer, I used to go to school.
- TSHYes.......अँ....Yes....
- SAMclass five till PART that here studyCOPपाँच कक्षासम्म चाहिँ त्याहाँ पढेको थिएँ।I studied upto grade 5 there.
- SAMthat then here year one gap do -CONV sit.xx COPत्याहाँबाट एकबर्ष चाहिँ ग्याप गरेर यहिँ बसेको थिएँ।Then I did not study for one year.
- SAMyear one year full/wholeएकबर्ष पुरै।The whole year.
- SAMnow DEM -ABL Jarjong -LOC go -xxCOPअनि त्यसपछि झारजोङमा गएको हो।Then, I went to Jharjong.
- SAM1PL now again parentsअब हाम्रो बाबाआमा....Then, our parents..
- SAMtraditons PART PART do need -xx...रितीरिवाज।संस्कार पालना गर्नुपर्यो।We have to follow our custom.
- SAMnow that this do -CONV Jarjong towardsgoत्यसैकारण झार्जुङ तिर गएँ।Therefore, I went to Jharjung.
- SAMthen there year a.lot one sit.xx year seven eightoneअनि त्याहाँ निकै बर्ष बसेँ, सात आठ बर्ष जस्तै।Then, I lived there for many years, around seven to eight years.
- SAMthere liveत्याहाँ बसेँ।I lived there.
- SAMnow there medicine some studyअनि त्याहाँ औषधिहरु पढेँ।Then I studied medicine there.
- SAMthen pray-worship study thatdo -CONVअनि पुजापाठ सबै सिके, यसो गरेर.....Then I studied prayers and worships etc.
- SAMnow that then thenअनि त्यसपछि....Then, later...
- SAMwinter year twoहिउँदमा दुईबर्ष..For two winters...
- SAMBanaras high school -LOCवनारस कलेजमा....In Banaras College....
- SAMmonth three three short.course study -LOC go -xxCOPतीन तीन महिना कोचिङ (ट्युसन) पढ्न गएको थिएँ।I went to coaching class for three months each time.
- SAMhere there high school -LOCयहाँ...उता कलेजमा....Here...in the college...
- SAMBanarasवनारस...In Banaras...
- TSHBanaras COP PART PART xxवनारसमा हो नि!In Banaras!
- SAMthen year one winter month one thereDharmasala -xxअनि एक बर्ष चाहिँ हिउँदमा उता धर्मशालामाThen, for one year in Dharmashala...
- SAMmedicine winter go -place -xx littleoneहिउँदमा औषधिबारे बनाउने ठाउँमा अलिकति....Then, in the winter, something about medicine...
- SAMthere PART small one packed do -CONV live -xxNEG- getत्याहाँ ठाउँ पुरा भएको कारणले बस्न पाएन।I could not live there for some difficulties.
- TSHmonth one COP sayएक महिना हो नि!For one month!
- SAMnow 1PL a.lot contact xx PARTexceptअब हामीलाई एकदमै चिनेको छ भने मात्रै....If we have someone there, only then...
- SAMthen medicine coaching give.xxNEG- xxनत्र भने कोचिङ नपाईँदो रहेछ।Otherwise, we can't get coaching class.
- TSHmonth oneएक महिना!One month...
- SAMmonth one little then that.side -LOC this.side -LOC do -CONVthen return -CONV come -xxअनि एकदुई महिना यताउता गरी फर्केर आएँ।Then, living for around two months, I returned back.
- SAMnow then here always sit.xxत्यसपछि म यहिँ बसेँ।After that, I lived here.
- TSHelder.brother -POSS sibling Nyima Thileandदाजुको दाजुभाई न्यिमा ठिले र...Your brothers; Nyima Thile and...
- SAM1PL two except NEG.xx COPहामी दुई जना भन्दा छैन।There was none except we two.
- SAMthis -LOC xx -xx PART this again uncle towards -POSSchildren -PL little xxCOPयता हुनेचाहिँ, अनि फेरी काका पट्टि बच्चाहरु अलिअलि छन।Those here; there are some children of my uncle.
- SAMmain.house inside up child two xxCOPमुलघरमा चाहिँ दुईवटा बच्चा छनIn the main house, there are two children.
- TSHelder.brother now lifeदाजु अब तपाईँको जिन्दगी....Brother, your life...
- TSHwife when take -PTCP COP.xxविहे कहिले गर्नुभयो?When did you get married?
- SAMnow wife take -CONV year twelve littlego -xxअब बिहे गरेर बाह्र बर्ष जस्तो भयो।It has turned twelve years since I got married.
- TSHnow children how.much/many xx COP nowअहिले कति वच्चाहरु छन?Do you have children?
- SAMfourचारजना।Four.
- TSHfourचार!Four!
- TSHson/boy daughterकेटाकेटी?Son or daughter?
- SAMson/boy onlyछोरा मात्रै!Only sons.
- TSHson/boy only COP PARTछोरा मात्रै हो नि!Only sons!
- TSHnow where where xx COPअहिले कहाँ कहाँ छन?Where are they now?
- SAMson/boy big PARTठुलो छोराचाहिँ..The eldest one is...
- SAMKathmandu -xx school -LOC xxकाठमान्डौ स्कुलमा छ।...in school in Kathmandu.
- SAMManjugokja -LOCमन्जुगोश्यामा। (विध्यालय)In Manjugosja.
- SAMson/boy that below PART Tuktse -xx 1PLthisत्यसपछिको छोरा चाहिँ टुक्चेमा हाम्रो.....Next son is in Tukche...
- SAMNyingma.sect school one establish xxPARTएउटा न्यिङ्मा स्कुल स्थापना गरेको छ निThere is Nyima shool established.
- TSHTuktse -xx COP PARTटुक्चेमा हो नि!In Tukche!
- SAMlike.this do thenयस्तो गर्यो अनि...Then, I did so and...
- SAMchild that middle -POSS below nine that school -LOCsendअब बच्चा बिचको तलको यहाँको स्कुलमा पठाएको छ।I have sent next child to the school down here.
- SAMnow small -SUPER PART here kindergarten -LOC xx COPअब सबैभन्दा सानो चाहिँ बाल-हेरचाहर केन्द्रमा राखेको छु।The smallest one is in child-care centre.
- TSHthen elder.brother nowअनि दाजु अहिले...Then, brother...
- TSHnow work what inside xx doctor like do -CONVxx or againअहिले तपाईँ के काम गर्नुहुन्छ?, डाक्टर जस्तो गर्नुहुन्छ कि फेरी!What work do you do?, or something like doctor...
- SAMnow book inside -LOC 1PL earlier cultureअब हाम्रो पुस्तकमा भएजस्तै, पहिलेको सोचाई (दर्शन)Like what we have in our holy books, the traditional ideas..
- SAMphilosophy SELF -ERG that SELF -ERG nowदर्शन अनुसारनै...According to our tradition...
- SAMearlier -POSS custom and follow -xx follow -xx medicine -DAT priceNEG -xx do -CONVपहिले चलिआएको रीतिलाई पछ्याउँदै पछ्याउँदै औषधीलाई निशुल्क गरी....Following our custom, making the medicine free...
- SAMplace -LOC come -xx PART -DAT medicine somegiveठाउँमा आउनेहरुलाई औषधि दिनेGiving medicine to those who come.
- SAMthen some inside -LOCअनि कोही घरमा..And for some at home..
- SAMfit COND some inside -LOC take vein look medicinegiveअट्यो भने घरमा बोलाई नाडि छामी औषधी दिने....If we have space here, we provide medicine measuring one's wrist beat
- SAMthat field PART andअनि यहिँ खेतिपाति रThen, cultivation and...
- SAMthen medicineअनि औषधी.....and medicine...
- TSHbusiness -PL howव्यपार चाहिँ कस्तो नि!How is your business?
- SAMnow business PART this winter like one small oneexceptव्यापार भन्नाले हिउँदमा फाट्टफुट्ट मात्रOnly a little business in the winter...
- SAMbusiness nine this COP PART but main PARTnowव्यपार चाहिँ यो हो भने मुख्यचाहिँ....There is no specific business.
- SAMbusiness PART PART now here stick -CONV live -xxCOPव्यापार चाहिँ अहिले म यहिँ गरेर बस्छु।I am living here doing business
- TSHnow restaurantPARTअहिलेको रेस्टुरेन्ट चाहिँ।Then, the restaurant now..
- SAMhotel thisयो होटेल चाहिँ।This hotel..
- TSHhotel this EXCLयो होटल नि!This hotel!
- SAMYesअँ।Yes.
- TSHnow this main.house separate -CONV then house when go -xx COPthathouseअब त्यो मुलघरबाट छुटेपछि यो घरचाहिँ केहिले बनाउनु भयो?After you started to live separately, when did you make the house?
- SAMthis house make -CONV year seven go.xxयो घर बनाएर सात बर्ष भयो।It has been seven years.
- SAMpillar establish -xx -ABLखम्बा उठाए देखीSince I raised the pillars.
- SAMthis hotel do -CONV year three go.xx xx PART four go.xxxx PART like.this around except NEG- go -xxहोटेल चलाएर तीन बर्ष, यो बर्ष गनेर चार बर्ष हुन्छ।I am running hotel here for four years.
- TSHyear three four earlier like.whatxxतीनचार वर्ष पहिले कस्तो थियो?How was it like before three/four years?
- TSHbusiness like.what become -xx hotel -POSS through -LOCहोटेलको व्यापार कस्तो भयो?How was the hotel business?
- SAMnow business year -LOC year -LOC in.the.beginning -ABL littlepoor/weak xxअब व्यपार पहिले अलि नाजुक थियो।The condition of business was poor.
- SAMthen that then year -LOC year -LOC good good good go.PST thenअनि त्यसपछि बर्षै पिच्छे राम्रो राम्रो राम्रो हुँदै गयो अनिLater on, it improved gradually.
- SAMgood good go PART PART 1PL house as.wellEXCLप्रगती भयो बनेर हाम्रो घर पनिThinking that it progressed and the house..
- SAMwidth big big go need -xx man more more go PARTPART NEG- fit -xxफराकीलो बनाउँदै बनाउँदै लैजानु पर्यो, मान्छे धेरै बढ्दै गए भने मान्छेI wanted to make a big house for if people increased I needed greater
- SAMnow say - day last ending like do -CONV nowwholeपोहोर साल अन्तिम जस्तो गरी अव सबै...Last year, I almost completed.
- SAMfinal like do -xx COPअन्तिम जस्तो गरेँ।I completed it.
- SAMnow this.year what COP again earthquake come -CONVयसपाली फेरी भुकम्प आयो।The earthquake hit this year.
- SAMnow PART make PART NEG- make -xx like one makeput -xx PARTअब के बनायो पनि नबनाए जस्तै बनाईदियो क्यारे।The earthquake ruined it badly.
- TSHthis.year this PARTअब यसपाली तThen, this year...
- TSHearthquake come -xx COP Baishak -LOCबैशाखमा भुकम्प आयो।The earthquake hit in the month of Baisakh..
- TSHthis earthquake come time moment -LOC elder.brother where sit.RESxx nowयो भुकम्प आउँदा दाजु तपाईँ कहाँ हुनुहुन्थ्यो?When were you sitting while the earthquake hit?
- SAMearthquake come time moment -LOC 1 main.house house old -xxxx that moment -LOC father go time doत्यतिबेला म पुरानो मुलघरमा बाबा वितेकै बेलाI was in my old house; my father died...
- SAMnow there day take.care -xx and do -CONV now here doorclose put COP extremeत्यहाँ क्रियापुत्रिको कामको लागी भनेर यहाँ घर बन्द गरि गएको थिएँ।For the mourning ceremony, I went there closing my house here.
- SAMnow here door close PART except PART there PART work do -xxNEG.xx COP morningeveningयता घर बन्द नगरीकन उता काम गर्ने मान्छे छैन, विहान बेलुकाThere is none to help there without closing the house here.
- SAMincense offer pray recite then again morning PART Lamacall forty-nine catchधुप-बाल्ने, मन्त्र जप्ने अनि बिहान लामा बोलाई अनि पुजापाठ गर्ने...To light incense, chant prayers, and make do worship inviting Lama
- TSHhow do -CONV come -xx earthquake PART elder.brotherhouse -xx sit.RES xx COPभुकम्प कसरी आयो जब तपाईँ हुँदा खेरी?How did you feel the earthquake?
- SAMin.the.beginning PART PART 1PL all xx inside -LOC xxxx -xx PARTसुरुमा त हामीहरु सबै घरमै थियो हुन त।In the beginnig, we were all at home.
- SAMnow food eat -xx do -xx xx twelve o'clock time 1PLfood eat -xx time COP COP -xx PARTअनि खान खानै लागेको थियो, बार बजे चाहिँ आखिर हाम्रो खाना खाने बेला होWe were about to have meal; 12 o'clock is our lunchtime.
- TSHtwelve o'clock how.much/many COP.xxए बार बजे जति थियो!It was around 12 o'clock.
- SAMthen uncle terrace -LOC xx then1अनि बुबा पनि कौशिमा हुनुहुन्थ्यो, अनि म...And....was on the top of the house and I...
- SAMterrace -LOC go -xx rain some rain.lightly do -xxsay -CONVपानी सिमसिम परेछ भनेर कौशिमा गएको थिएँ।I went on the top of the house seeing drizzling rain.
- SAMnow thunder like one sound.ONOM say.xx what sky dry -LOCthunder make.noise -xx think -xx mind inside PART -LOCअब आकासबाट घुरुरु गरेको थियो, सुख्खा आकासमा(सफा आकास) पनि किनThere was sound in the sky; to my surprise, the clean sky was
- SAMrain some rain.lightly do -xx manure some put.in -CONVput xx manure PART now what water.xx get.wet -xx xxsay -CONVपानी सिम सिम पर्दै थियो, मलहरु सुकाइराखेको थिएँ, मलहरु पानीले भिज्छThe rain was falling lightly; I had put fertelizer in the sunlight
- SAMtarp take cover -xx go -INF say -CONV tarp take -CONV PARTtarp PART half -ALSO cover NEG- finish manure PART -LOCत्रिपालले मललाई छोप्छु भनेर त्रिपाल लगि मललाई आधि भाग पनि छोप्नI took tarpaulin to cover fertelizer and just covered almost half...
- SAMthat PART -LOCत्यसलाई।For this...
- SAMthen move move move do -xx PART whatdo -xx say -CONV later -LOC PART Chyangma.tree treebig one that ADRS.HON monk -POSS Chyangma.tree PARTअनि..........थर थर थर गरेको थियो, आबि, के गर्छ भनेर सोचेँ, पछि ठुलोIt trembled at once; I was surprised and I saw the big Chyangmo
- SAMChyangma.tree all PART like.this do -xx top up -LOCair come -xx likeच्याङ्माको रुखहरु सबै यस्तो गरेर हल्लिदै थियो, माथिबाट हावा आएको झैँChyangma trees were moving as if big wind came...
- TSHxxअँ...
- SAMthen 1 leg PART not.at.once place -LOC live ableNEG- able -xxअनि मेरो खुट्टा भुईँमा पटक्कै बस्नै सकेको थिएन ,I could not control my leg.
- SAMthen 3 two come.out -CONV come -xx 3PLthreeअनि उनिहरु दुईजना निस्केर आए, उनीहरु तीनजना।Then, they three came outside.
- SAMmother child twoआमा, बच्चा दुईजनाMother and two children.
- SAMday Thinley daughter PART again xx COP thatdayन्यिमा ठिलेको छोरी पनि थियो, त्यो दिनThere was Nyima Thile's daughter as well in the day.
- SAMthen she 3PL four.CL.xx shout.and.cry do -xx come.out -CONVcome -xxअनि उनि चारजनानै तर्सिई बाहिर निस्केर आए।Then, all four came running outside scared.
- SAMstupa three near.to.door -xx stupa three xxCOP Three.type Gombo house old-xxदैलो निर स्तुपा थियो, पुरानो घर अगाडि रिकसुम गोम्बो (तीन-भगवान) छ।Near the door was a Stupa; in front of the old house, there is Riksum
- SAMstupa that.xx like.this do -CONV NEG- fall.down aroundbecome -xx PARTती स्तुपाहरु त भत्केला झैँ भयो...These Stupas shaked very badly.
- SAMthen up terrace -LOC pile.of.firewood -PL PART to.here move.ONOMmove.ONOM do do inside -LOC some some go go outside some somecome come do -CONVअनि के कौशिको दाउराको चाङ त यता हल्लिई हल्लिई, भित्र यतातिर आउँदैँEverything was shaking violently and we rushed in hurry.
- SAMnow what say -xx NEG.xx 1PL now earlier customPART -LOCअब के हो भनेँ, पहिले पुर्खौलीको रीति।चलन अनुसारAccording to our tradition...
- SAMGod.Tordze-Chopa land press say -xx that saysay -xxधोर्जे च्योपा सा न्योन भनि मन्त्र जप्नु पर्नेWe have to utter, God press the earth!
- SAMthat say -CONV live land put -xx now live -ALSO exceptdo -ALSO what -ALSO NEG- xxत्यो जपेर भुईँमा बस्नुभन्दा अरु केहि गर्नु थिएनWe could only utter those Mantras; we could not do anything more.
- TSHhouse outside COP.xx orघर बाहिर हो कि?It is outside house?
- SAMhouse outsideघर बाहिर।Outside house.
- SAMthen uncle upstair -LOC xx COP down descendNEG- able -PTCPCOPअनि बाबा चाहिँ माथि हुनुहुन्थ्यो, तल झर्न सक्नुभएन।And father was in the upper storey; he could not come down.
- SAMnow mother child two and she come.out able -PTCPCOPअनि आमा बच्चा दुईजना र उ निस्किन सकेको थियो।Mother, two children and she? were able to come out.
- SAMchild -PL remaining -PL school -LOC xxCOPअरु बाँकि बच्चाहरु स्कुलमा थियो।Rest of the children were in school.
- SAMthen that outside come -CONV then what do -xx PART a.lotsome NEG- xxअनि बाहिर निस्की, त्यति गर्ने नि...Coming out and doing this...
- SAMdo one outside live -xx again come -xx COP tell.xx PART 3PLteacher -sayअलिबेर बाहिर बसेँ, फेरी आउँछ भनेर मान्छेहरुले के के भन्दै थियोI lived for awhile outside; but, people were fearing that it would
- SAMtimes two what do -CONV again come -xx COPsayदुइपटक जसरी भनेपनि आउँछ भनेर भन्छन।The earthquake always comes two times, it was said.
- SAMbig small like.what one come CONDसानो ठुलो जस्तो भएपनि।Either big or small.
- SAMnow that say -CONV outside come.out -CONVlive -xxत्यसकारण बाहिर निस्केर बसेँ।So, we came out and lived outside.
- SAMlittle NEG- come thenअलि बेर आएन अनि..It did not hit for sometime...
- SAMthen what there house old NEG- fall.down - xx PART nowsit.xx COP here PART house little better xx.POSSIBLsay -CONV think -xxउता घर पुरानो त नभत्केकोले यता त नयाँ घर त राम्रै होला भन्ने सोचेँ।Since the old house is still normal I thouht the new house to be okay.
- SAMthen 1PL -POSS two three little here see -xx come -xx uncle1अनि हामी दुइतिन जना हेर्न आयौँ बाबा म...Then, some of us came to see: father, me...
- SAM1PL threeहामी तीन जना।We three.
- SAMhere come -xx -EMPH PART DEM corner PART xx do -CONV open -CONVlivexxयता आउँदा खेरी त्यो कुना पट्टि चाहिँ फाटेर बसेको थियो।When we arrived here, there was crack at that corner.
- SAMwide do -CONVयसो गरि...Doing this...
- SAMnow 1PL hand two -CL.xx together put COND fit -xxxxदुबै हात सँगै हाल्दा पनि पस्दो रहेछ।The crack was very big; we could insert our two hands together.
- SAMin.the.beginning this day PART -xxपहिले त्यो दिनमाIn the first day...
- SAMthat thenत्यसपछि...Then...
- SAMthis this this door PART close that do -CONV PART outsidecome.out -xx go -xx -EMPHPARTयसो यसो यसो गरी यो ढोका बन्द गरेर बाहिर निस्केर जाँदा खेरी तWhen we closed the door and came out....
- SAMthat corner -LOC arrive NEG- arrive -xx again come -xxcome -xxत्यो कुनातिर पुग्दा नपुग्दै फेरी आईहाल्यो।We were just about to reach to that corner, it hit again.
- SAMhouse all PART that do -xx PART 1PL airwalk -xx like likeहाम्रो घर त यस्तो यस्तो गरि हावा आए झैँ हल्लियो।Our house shaked like this, as if the big wind came.
- SAMthenअनि...Then...
- SAMthat day PART that come -xx COP and.then thatthenत्यस दिनमा आएको थियो, त्यस पछि...It hit that day; later on...
- SAMthat.side -LOC return -xx go -xx then what man live - place PARTNEG- xxउता फर्केर गएँ, अनि के त मान्छे बस्ने खालको त थिएन।I returned back; it was not suitable for living here.
- SAMthen PART fear fear fear now inside PART -ABL ration likesome clothes like some nowwhatअनि के डराउँदै डराउँदै घरभित्र बाट अन्न जस्तो र लुगाफाटो र.....With fear, the food and clothes from house...
- SAMone terrace -ABL down down up yard -LOC throw one insidePART -ABL outside take.out do -CONVएकजना चाहिँ माथिबाट आँगनमा फाल्दै (समान) एकजना चाहिँ भित्रबाट बाहिरOne throwing objects from upstairs while another taking out from
- SAMthen DEM.DIS anyhow take.out -CONV thenअनि यसरी हतार हतारमा हस्याङफस्याङग गर्दै अनि..In hurry, in such a way...
- SAMoutside sit.xxharvest.ground -xxबाहिर बसेँ, धान उठाउने ठाउँमा।We lived outside at that time.
- SAMtarp old one fix do -CONVत्रिपाल थोत्रो एउटा हालेरArranging one old tarpaulin...
- TSHthis day wall -PL fall.down -xx orlike.thisत्यसदिन पर्खालहरु भत्क्यो कि?Did the walls fall down that day?
- TSHfall.down -xx like become -xx howbecome -xxचर्किने जस्तै भयो? कस्तो भयो?Cracked? or how was it like?
- SAMmost.of fall.down -xx except fall.down -xx for.that a.lotNEG- fall.downधेरैजसो चर्किने भन्दा भत्किने चाहिँ भत्केनMany got cracked; not much fallen down.
- SAMfall.down -xx PART now house 1PLभत्किने चाहिँ त हाम्रो घर।As for crumbling, our house...
- SAMgoat.house some like some harvest.place some like somelike.that some garden like.this a.lotfall.down -xxबाख्राको खोरहरु र बारि बगैँचाहरु जस्ता धेरै भत्कियो।The goat-farm, gardens etc. fell down.
- SAMhouse PART extreme NEG- fall.down fall.down -xx onlyNEG- fall.down - xx COPघरचाहिँ त पुरै ध्वस्त चाहिँ कुनै पनि भएन।None of the houses has been totally damaged.
- SAMlive -xx NEG -xx now fear -xx SELF except NEG.xxCOPबस्न नै नसक्ने हालत डरलाग्दो अबस्था थियो।It was difficult to live; it was scary.
- SAMNEG- crack -xx place all crack -CONV here now 1PL thispillar new fit.xx this allpiecesनचर्केको ठाउँ सबै चर्कियो, नयाँ खम्बाहरु सबै चिराचिराThere are everywhere cracks; new pillars all have cracks.
- SAMroot -ABL up -ABL down tillमाथिबाट तलसम्मFrom top to bottom.
- SAMthen what land all house all now what that theninsideयताको जमिन सबै र घर सबै त ....All the land and houses here..
- SAMnow there that moment -LOC holy.water some little offer -xxxx house new -LOC that do -CONV holy.water offerbutter.lamp offer -xx xxत्यसबेला नयाँ घरमा पानी र बत्तिहरु बाल्दै थिएँ,I was planning to arrange water and electricity in new house.
- SAMlike.what do -CONV effect get -PTCP xx.POSSIBL there houseold PART -LOC like.this like one NEG- fall.down -PTCPकसरी यसमा असर परेको होला उता पुरानो घरमा भने केहि खसेको छैन (केहिHow has this house been so damaged?, there has been no such damage in
- SAMhere PART whole place -LOC throw putxxयता भने भुईँमा लथालिङग थियो।It is damaged everywhere here.
- SAMwater.offering.bowl -PL allपानी-चढाउने-भाँडोहरु सबैAll the water-pots...
- TSHhouse PART new COP PART this PARTयो घर त नयाँ घर हो नि?This house is new one!
- SAMhouse year one again NEG- go -xxCOPयो घर एक बर्ष पनि पुगेको छैन।It has not been even one year.
- SAMnow house make -xx count CONDघर बनाएको गन्ने हो भने...Just after completing the house...
- TSHhouse make -xx do -ABLघर बनाउनु भएर?Building the house..
- SAMnow yearअब बर्षNow...
- SAMearlier PART this ground.floor make -CONV year one two around gapdo -CONV what -ALSO NEG- makeपहिला यो भुईँतला बनाएर एकदुई बर्ष केहि बनाएनFirst I made this ground-floor and I left it for some years.
- SAMnow that then man PART come - xx come - xxsay -CONVत्यसपछि मान्छेहरु आउँछ भनेर..Thinking that it runs well...
- SAMnow little little business one come PART come -INF COP businessone do PART do -INF COP life -LOC PARTव्यपार हुन नि हुन्छ, जीन्गदिमा एउटा ब्यापार गर्नु त गर्नु नै पर्छ हैन।It is suitable for business; anyway, I have to do at leat one
- SAMchildren -POSS thought do -CONV little one width big doCOND good arrive -xx or say -CONV widthbigवच्चाहरुको लागि भनेर अलिकति ब्यपार बढाए राम्रो हुन्छ कि भनि....I thought increase in business will be better for us.
- SAMdo -xx COP then upstairmakeबढाएँ, अनि माथि तल्ला बनाएँ।I added next floor in the house.
- SAMearlier upstair make -xx or opinion PART xx -ALSONEGपहिला त माथिल्लो तला बनाउने विचार त छँदै थिएन।I did not have a plan of making upper floor earlier.
- SAMin.the.beginning PART PARTपहिला चाहिँ त।In the beginning!
- SAMnow upstair make PART be.good -xx say -CONV then year earlierPART this makethenअब चाहिँ माथिल्लो तला बनाए हुन्छ भनी सोचेर बनाएँ अनिI thought it would be better to make upper floor and made it.
- SAMmake -CONV 1 winter PART India -LOC live -xxtime -EMPHबनाएर हिउँदोमा भारतमा बस्दा खेरी ..Making this, and spending winter time in India...
- SAMworry come - xx come -xxचिन्ता चाहिँ हुने थियो।It would be worrisome.
- SAMnow this.year upstair one make put xx COP now fall.downxx.POSSIBL or what do xx.POSSIBL say -CONV land PART baddo -CONV PARTयसपाली माथि तला बढाएको छु, अनि त्यो भत्कियो होला कि के भयो होला भनिI made this upper floor this year; whether it got damaged or happened
- TSHelder.brother what think -xxxxदाजु अब तपाईँ के सोच्नुहुन्छ?Brother! what do you think?
- TSHhouse old PART NEG- fall.downxxपुरानो घरचाहिँ नभत्किएको हुँदा...The old house is not much damaged
- TSHNEG- crack xx COND size bigPARTत्यति धेरै असर नभएको हो नि त..There is not much damage, is not it?
- TSHthis size big become -xx COPsayयो चाहिँ धेरै असर भएको हो नि?It has been damaged badly!
- TSHmain effect like reason like whatsee - xxखास क्षतीको कारण चाहिँ के देख्नुहुन्छ?What do you see the main reason for this?
- SAMnow up saying say 1PL thisयहाँको मान्छेको भनाईअनुसार (माथि भेगको मान्छे)According to the people here...
- SAMparticularly village this landSELFखासै गरी यो गाउँको जमिन आफै..Actually, the land of this village is...
- SAMa.lot.TIB bad xx earlier earlier flood come -xxstory -ALSOxxधेरै नराम्रो छ, पहिले पहिले बाढि आएको कहानी पनि छ।It is very weak; there are stories of floods in early times.
- SAMnow that do -CONV place PART itself 1PL foundation dig -xxsay CONDयस कारण हामीले जमिन खन्यो भनेबित्तिकै।The reason is: if we dig the land...
- SAMfoot one dig COND what -ALSO NEG- xx foot two down dig -xxCOND water come.out xx do -xएक फुट खन्दा केहि हुँदैन, दुई फुट खन्यो भने खन्ने बित्तिकै पानीIf we dig one foot, it is normal; but, it if dig two fit we get water
- TSHwater come.out -xx EXCपानी निस्किन्छ हैन?The water comes out.
- SAMactually house this -LOC this house this foundation like1PL village this -LOC xx -ALSO NEG.xxCOPखासगरी यस गाउँमा यो घरजस्तो जग जस्तो (बलियो) छँदै छैन।Actually, there is no place in the village which is stronger than
- SAMthis down towards -LOC foot four xx COP man seeNEG- see do -xx COP foundation dig time -LOC PARTयसको जग चार फुट छ, मान्छेले त्यस जगको फेद आँखाले देख्ने नदेख्नेThis house has its bottom four feet down; It was difficult to see at
- SAMthis water this.much this.much which take.out -CONV watertake.out -CONV foundation establish -PTCP PARTयति यति पानी भरेर निकाली जग बनाएको थियो।We took out a lot of water from there before we made the house.
- SAMhouse this againयो घरचाहिँ।In this house.
- SAMthen foundation all breadth foot four five arounddig -CONVअनि जग सबैको चौडाई चार पाँच फिट जति खनी...I dug four to five feet of space around it's foundation.
- SAMnow stone house be.sufficient -xx stone get.birth putxx COP now whole foundation -LOC go -xx COPघर बनाउन बटुलेको ढुङ्गा जम्मै जगमा गएको थियो।All the stones sufficient to built the house went into its foundation.
- SAMthat moment -LOC room four except makeNEG- ableत्यसबेला चारबटा कोठा भन्दा बनाउन सकिएन।I could not make more than four rooms at that time.
- SAMparticularly land itself bad xxखासै यो जमिन नै नराम्रो छ।The land is not good indeed.
- TSHland itself bad xx PARTए, जमिन नराम्रो छ!Yes, the land is not good.
- SAMland a.lot good NEG- xxयो जमिन त्यति राम्रो छैन।This land is not good.
- TSHelder.brother place other -LOC xx -xxCOP.xxदाजु तपाइँको जमिन अरु ठाउँमा पनि छ?You have land in other places, have not you?
- SAMnow land other land PART what now earlier main.house old -LOCPART what field.area -LOC exceptPARTअब के अरु हाम्रो पुर्खौलि जग्गा जमिनहरु पाखामा बाहेक...Our parent's lands in this area are all in the far away places.
- SAMfield all except road -LOC PART land one again NEG.xxCOPखेत तिर भन्दा बाटोमा त एउटै जग्गा छैन।We do not have other lands except the planting fields.
- SAMnow field up house make PART PARTNEG- be.goodअनि खेत माथि घर बनाएर त हुँदैन।We can't make houses in the planting fields.
- SAMnow son/boy -PL 1PL -PL like COP what corner some -LOC whatfieldतपाईँजस्तो के हाम्रो पनि खेत कुनातिर...All our planting fields are far from roads.
- SAMnow normal SELF except road up that field say -xxthis -PL -LOC say -xx road -LOC land NEG.xx COPबिचमा भन्दा बाटो निर खेत जमिन भन्ने कुनै छैन।They all fall in the middle of the others land.
- SAMearlier main.house big PART -LOC land inside except outsideNEG- xxपहिला पुर्खौलिलाई जग्गा जमिन भित्र भन्दा बाहिर एउटै छैन। (विचमा छ)Our parents had all their lands in the middle of other peoples land.
- TSHelder.brother -POSS now earthquake say PART how one -DATsee -xxदाजुले अब भुकम्प भन्दा कस्तो देखिन्छ? (अर्थ)What do you think the earthquake is?
- TSHearthquake what do -CONV come -xx PART earthquake say PART like.whatone xx PART shape like xxPARTभुकम्प किन आउँछ, के कारणले आउँछ,त्यसको रुप जस्तो भयो भने...Why does the earthquake strike? What could be the reason? If it has
- TSHhow xx PARTकस्तो होला? (ङावाङ)What form does it have?
- SAMnow then 1PL opinion a.lot know -xxNEG- xxअब यसबारे चाहिँ हामीले केहि जानेको छैन।I don't know about this much.
- SAMxxहोईन!Is not it so?
- SAMnow what COP NEG now saying PART many xx somePARTअब के हो होईन, भनाई त धेरै छन कसैले तWhat to believe?, there are many opinions..
- SAM1PL this lowland.people like some come -NMLZ -PLPARTहाम्रो यहाँ तलको-मान्छेहरु जस्ता आउनेहरुले तPeople from downwad areas generally say..
- SAMयो त भुईँचालो आएको होईनThis is not an earthquake.
- SAMsayपानी उम्लेर बाफ निक्लिने ठाउँ नभएर हल्लेको..हो भन्छन।It is for just because of the release of vapour when the water gets
- SAMknow.NEG COPबुझ्नै सक्दैन।We coulld not understand it.
- TSHson/boy drink.RESभाई पिउनुस! (चिया!)Take your tea!
- TSH1 NEG 1 PART become -xxपर्दैन, मलाई त भयो।I don't need.
- SAMthen 1PL -ERG man -PL saynowअनि हाम्रो मान्छेहरुले भनेThen our people here say...
- SAMearthquake say -CONV then whatसायोम (भुकम्प) भनेर केThen, the earthquke is...
- SAMearthquake then now who.knows then 1PL this tortoiselike now 1PL thisसोगुल भन्छन अनि हाम्रो यहाँ कछुवा जस्तै।They call it Songul and it is like tortoise.
- SAMxx xx Pungdo Pungdo like then that some -DATtail get -xx some -DAT head get -xx some -DATपुङ्दु जस्तै कतातिर पुच्छर पर्ने, कतैतिर टाउको पर्ने, (पुङदु:It's like Pungdu: it's different parts fall in different places..
- SAMleg.and.hand get -xx like.this come -xx COPthenहातखुट्टा पर्ने हुँदो रहेछ अनि...It's hand and legs etc. fall in different places.
- SAMthat -LOC depend -CONV 3 nowत्यसलाई मानेर...Considering it so...
- SAMtime time -LOC shake -xx COP shake -CONV that come -xxCOP say -xx like.this saying some hear -xx except nowसमय समयमा हल्लिन्छ, त्यो हल्लेर भुकम्प आउँछ भन्ने मात्र सुनेकोIt shakes in different times; this causes earthquake, I have heard
- SAMopinion earlier PART now PARTविचार सत्यतथ्य चाहिँ...The main facts...
- SAMwhat COP NEG know -xx NEG- xxके हो होईन थाहा छैन।I don't know it.
- TSHfear big -SUPER PART nowधेरै डरलाग्दो चाहिँ...The most scary one..
- TSHthis.year come -xx COPearthquakeयसपाली आएको थियो नि, भुँइचालो!It hit this year; this earthquake!
- SAMfear big -SUPER PART this.year do land inside -LOCdifference big much xxयसपाली चाहिँ सबैभन्दा डरलाग्दो भएको थियो, जमिनमा धेरै फरक थियो।It was actually very scary this year; it has caused a lot of changes
- SAMnow land dry and cold inside -LOC big much differencexxसुख्खा जमिन र भिजेको जमिन विच धेरै फरक छ।There is vast difference between wet and dry lands.
- SAMnow 1PL COP PART Nepali -LOC marsh talk -xx xxPARTअब हाम्रो नेपालीमा भन्नुपर्दा सिम जग्गा।In our usual tongue, we call it 'Sim Jagga' (wet place).
- SAM1PL -POSS COP PART marsh like become -CONVPARTहाम्रो यहाँ चाहिँ सिम जग्गा जस्तो भएर।Because of wet land here...
- SAMin.the.midst.of -LOC water doत्यो माथि पानी भएर।Because of water there..
- SAMthat -LOC effect a.lot bigxxयसमा धेरै क्षति पर्दो रहेछ।There occurs a lot of damage.
- TSHnow early -ABL From then thenयता पहिले देखीFrom the beginning..
- TSHearly -ABL know xx -xx COP PART Ghiling this marshland-LOCपहिला नै थाहा थियो नि घिलिङ (गाउँ) चाहिँ चरन-क्षेत्र हो भनेरIt was earlier known that Ghiling is a pasture land.
- TSHnow village PART marshland -LOC make -PTCP COPsay -CONVयो गाउँचाहिँ सिममा बनेको छ भनेर।This village was established in the pasture.
- TSHthis time -LOC then earthquake one arrive -xx or say -CONV thenthought -LOC NEG- rise COP.xxत्यहि बेला भुकम्प आउला कि भनि मनमा सोचेको थिएन?Did nobody think that there the earthquake might affect this area
- SAMDEM.DIS -LOC where rise -INFयस्तो त कहाँ सोच्छ र?Who thinks like this?
- TSHwho again NEG- rise COP PARTकसैले पनि सोचेको थिएन नि!Nobody thougt about it!
- SAMnow 3PL house old make make -xx now generation generationgo -NMLZ -PL year one oneउनिहरु जोसँग पहिलै बनेको पुरानो घर भएकोहरुले पनि, एक एक बर्षमा...Those who had made houses earlier, and had to make houses every each
- SAMyear five six -ABL house time one one makeneed -NMLZ -PL.ALSOपाँच छ बर्षमा नै घर बनाउनुपर्ने हरुले पनिThose who had to make houses each five/six years could not...
- SAMlike.this thought NEG- do -xx 1PL house newmake -NMLZ -DAT where know -xxसोच्न सकेनन भने हामी नयाँघर बनाउनु पर्ने हरुले त कहाँ सोच्न सक्छ र!They could not think about it; we who make new houses now can't think
- TSHyes yesए।Yes!
- SAMearlier PART place old -LOC dryland -LOClive -xxपहिला त पुरानो सुख्खा जग्गामा बस्नेEarlier, they were living in dry places.
- SAMhouse old -LOCपुरानो घरमा।In older houses..
- TSHTV -PL -LOC again year eighty -PL -LOC come -xx say -CONV ninetyyear earthquakeटिभिमा त असि बर्षमा भुईँचालो आउँछ भनेर नब्वे सालको भूँईचालोIn TV, it is often told that earthquake hits every eighty years; the
- TSHnow year eighty like.this earlierअब असि बर्ष यस्तो पहिले..Around eighty years ago.
- SAMlike.this PART come -xx say -CONV prediction xx NEG.xxCOPयत्रो आउँछ भनेर सोचमा थिएन।We did not think such a big earthquake would come.
- SAMTV PART xx -ALSO NEG.xx COPटि भि त छँदै थिएन।We did not have television.
- TSHcome -xx PART all -DAT know xx COP EXCL come -INF COPsay -CONV when come -xx when come-xxआउँछ भनेर त सबैलाई थाहा थियो, तर कहिले आउँने कहिले आउने, हैन! (ङावाङ)Everybody knew it would hit; but, nobody knew when it would hit.
- TSHPART but nowतैपनिHowever...
- TSHcome -INF COP know xx COP this -LOC now land wet -LOCpossibility become -xx say -CONV EXCLआउँछ भनेर त थाहा थियो, यो भिजेको जमिनमा असर हुने सम्भावना थाहा थियोWe knew that it would come; we also knew that there will be much
- TSHlike.this some againयस्तो जस्तै..Like this...
- TSHpreserve like try some do able -xxPARTसुरक्षा र उपायहरु केहि गर्न सक्थ्यो होला नि!We could have adopted some measures, could not we?
- TSHnow but thought not.at.all NEG.xx COP PART like.what come -xxsay -CONVतर पनि तपाईँको सोचमा केहि थिएन किनकी कस्तो (भुकम्प) आउँछ होला भनेरActually you did not think about it properly, did you?
- SAMthat SELF PART thought earlierत्यस्तो (उपाय-सोच) त पहिलाAbout such measures...
- SAMnow work do -xx time -LOC thought see -xx NEG- see -xxPARTwhatपहिला काम गर्ने बेला त यस्तो सोचमा आएकै थिएन, अनि के तI did not think about it while building a house.
- SAMthis middle -LOC nowत्यो बिचमा अब..In between...
- SAMmake -INF say -CONV thought now NEG- xx PART now landthis -LOCबनाउँछु भनेर त सोचेको थिएन, यो माटो यो जमिनमाI did not even think about building a house; in this land...
- SAMlike.this one earthquake one like.this land wet -LOClike.thisयत्रो भुकम्प आएर, चिसो जमिनमा यत्रो...With such an earthquake in such wet land...
- SAMsize big one come -xx say -CONV thoughtPARTभयानक (भुकम्प) आउँछ भन्ने सोचमा....Thinking that the big earthquake will hit...
- SAMeye PART see finish -CONV 1PL make -INF say -CONV thought PARTPART NEG.comeआँखाले देखिसके पछि बनाउँछू (घर) भनेर सोचमा त अब आउँदैन। (धेरै असरWe don't care it even after we face such an earthquake.
- SAMagain instant PART -LOC live - land PART PART what do - xx - xxneed -xxफेरी तत्काल बस्नको लागी जसरी पनि चाहियो।For shelter, we have to make house immediately.
- SAMimmediately sudden -LOC new PART make able NEG.xx where makeable -INFएक्कासी नयाँ (घर) बनाउन त सक्दैन, कसरी बनाउँन सक्ला र!One can't make a house at immediately, how can it be made?
- SAMland one need -xx stone oneneed -xxजमिन चाहियो, ढुङ्गा चाहियो।We need land, stones etc.
- SAMnow man only live -xx PART NEG- be.good 1PL -DAT PARTagainमान्छे मात्र बसेर त भएन, हामीलाई त फेरीThe house is not sufficient for us.
- SAMxx xx COP.xx xx COP.xx livestock put.in -xx oneneed -xxसामाडोक(पसुपाल्ने-खेतिगर्ने) भनेर फेरी गाईबस्तु हुल्नको लागी खोर पनिWe need barn for livestock and storage.
- SAMthen livestock put - land oneneed -xxपशु पाल्नको लागी एउटा ठाउँ चाहिएला।We need a place for livestock.
- TSHelder.brother livestock -PL -LOC what NEG- become -xxCOP.xxदाईको गाईबस्तुहरुलाई केहि भएन?Has there been any damage to your livestock?
- TSHNEG- become -xx COP.xx nowयसपाली केहि भएन?Has there been any loss?
- SAMlivestock towards -LOC now what NEG- become winter snow -POSS3 -EMPH little effect do -xx exceptगाईबस्तुलाई चाहिँ केहि भएन, हिउँदमा हिँउले गर्दा केहि असर भएको भन्दाThere is no damage to my livestock; but, this winter season posed
- TSHearthquake -POSS effect NEG- do PARTभुकम्पले केहि गरेन?The earthquake did not affect any livestock!
- SAMearthquake -POSS PART effect NEG- make -PTCPभुकम्पले कहि असर गरेन।The earthquake did not affect livestock.
- TSHthen field -LOCअनि खेतहरु...Then, the cornfields?
- SAMthat time -LOC man -POSS livestock -DAT effect NEG- become -xxत्यतिबेला मान्छेको बस्तुहरुलाई केहि असर भएन। (उहँको श्रीमती)There has been no effect to people's livestock.
- SAMfield -LOC again effect exceptखेतलाई पनि केहि असर गरेन।It did not affect the cornfields as well.