12 Jun 2020
13 min 27 sec
Audio Overview
Kristine Hildebrandt
Pema Samdup Gurung is a Lowa speaker describing her experiences with the 2015 Nepal Earthquake.
- DAMउ त्यो गुम्बाको मुनि पर्खाल लगाउन गयौँ।He went down there to construct a fence at the monastary.
- DAMपिकामा भत्क्यो।It fell during the spring.
- DAMहिउँले धकेलेर अनि भत्केर त्यो विचरा,The snow pushed and broke the poor wall.
- DAMपछि ढिलोभएर एक दिन बनाउन गएको थिएँ।I went there to contruct it once, because it was late.
- DAMकेटा र त्यो केटा चाहिँ चार वर्षThat boy and girl are both four years old.
- DAMछ वर्ष भएकी एउटी छोरी छ।one of daughters is six years old.
- DAMयति भाग पर्खाल बनाउनु पर्ने थियो।This portion of the fence needed to be constructed
- DAM(पर्खाल) बनाउँचा, बनाउँदा खेरी बनाए पछि अनि हामीहरूMade during the same time, when the fence was being constructed.
- DAMअब यसरी पर्खालको माथि काँडेदार विरूवाAt the top of the fence, like this.
- DAM(यताउता) भएर भयो।
- DAMत्यसपछि मलाईनिकै अचम्म लाग्यो।After that, I was really surprised.
- DAMत्यो चाहिँ भुइँचालो होला जस्तो लाग्यो।I think that might be an earthquake.
- DAMयो खाना खाइरहेको बेला खाना खाँदाWhen he was eating food.
- DAMखाना खाने ठाउँमा त्यहि ठाउँमा अहिलेAt the place where he was eating food.
- DAMत्यही ठाउँमात्यहाँ पर्खालको मुनि थिएँ।I was at the same place below the fence.
- DAMपर्खाल चाहिँ यहाँ बाट यसरी हेर्यो भनेIf looked at the fence from here.
- DAMपर्खालको भाग पूरैThe whole portion of the fence.
- DAMपोहोरसाल बनएर धेरै भएको छ।
- DAMमाटोको पोतेको (फिनिसिङ्) गरेको तीन वर्ष पनिभएको छैन।
- DAMसवै आचि (गुहु) यति महँगोभयो।
- DAMभत्केर आयो, आयो। फुङ्किङ् आएको र के आएको हो?
- DAMयो पछि म त झन्डै मरिन।I was nearly dead after that.
- DAMमनमा भगवानलाई सँझेको (जपेर)I remembered god.
- DAMआनि खाना खाने ठाउँ चाहिँ पूरै भत्केर आयो (खस्यो)।The kitchen totally collapsed.
- DAMउता चाहिँ पारि रूखहरू भाँचिए।The trees fell apart over there.
- DAMसबै रूखहरू नष्ट (भए)।All the trees fell down.
- DAMकिनभने सबै रुखहरूBecause all the trees.
- DAMउनीहरू अलि सजिलो गुम्बाबाट एउटाFrom the monastery
- DAMपानी भएको ठाउँमा हामीहरूWe came to a place where there was water source.
- DAMउनीहरूलाई गाउँको घरबाट
- DAMपछि धेरै मान्छेले थाहा पाएन रहेछन्।All lot of people did not know about that,
- DAMझोला बोकेर आएर अब त भएन भगवान यस्तो डरलाग्दो,
- DAMयो समयमामुटुDuring this time, my heart.
- DAMबस्ने, के बस्ने के गर्ने केही मनमा आएन।I was confused about about what to do.
- DAMछोड्देउ भनेर फर्केँर आएरI left it came back.
- DAMघर चाहिँ यो हो।This is my house.
- DAMअनि झोला चाहिँ घर भित्र राखेरAfter placing my bag inside the house.
- DAMआमा चाहिँ बुनिरहेकी थिएन।Mother was knitting clothes.
- DAMत्यो पछि त्यहाँ आएँ।Later, I came over there.
- DAMत्यहाँ एक छिन बुढापाकाको समूहसँग एक क्षण बसेँ।I stayed for a while with a group of old people.
- DAMत्यहाँ पुग्ना साथ फेरि सबै घरहरूAs soon as i reached there, all the houses.
- DAMयताउता यस पालि त सातो पुत्लो जिउ भयो (डराएँ), यसले गर्दा तmoved here and there.I was very scared due to this.
- DAMत्यो दिन नगएर त्यो भन्दा पहिला गएँ भनेNot going that day, going a day before.
- DAMपर्खाललगाएको भए यस्तो भएन (आएन जस्तो हुन्थ्यो)।If
- DAMदुइटै बच्चा लिएर गए पछि दिन सायद शनिवार होला किMaybe, it was Saturday, I Went there with both the kids.
- DAMकस्तो छ होला?How is it?
- DAMबच्चाहरू डे केर सेन्टरमाKids at the day care center.
- DAMछोरा चाहिँ डे केरसेन्टर मै छ।Son is in the day care center.
- DAMअनि पछि चाहिँ आचि (दिसा) एउटा पूरै भत्केको थियो।
- DAMआठ नौ दिन त त्यहाँ जानै सकिन।Going there eight or nine days.
- DAMमलाइ त डर लाग्यो।scared.
- DAMअब भत्के पनि भत्क्यो, बस्तु (जनावर) छिरे छिरुन्।
- DAMत्यहाँ एउटा ठूलो बगैँचा छ।There is a big garden there.
- DAMअनि त्यसपछि, धेरै दिन पछि गएँ।I went there after few days.
- DAMदुख लाग्दो (कुरा के भने) चराहरू मरेकाछन्, गधा मरेका छन्।The sad part is birds were dead, donkeys were dead.
- DAMकहिल्यै नदैखेको सामान (चिजहरू) देखेँ।I saw some items that I never saw before.
- DAMधेरै भागमा भत्कायो यस पटक (को भुकम्पले)।हामीलाई त खत्तम बनायो।This earthquake collapsed it into different parts.
- DAMघर पनि यसरी नै चर्कियो।The house also cracked in a similar way.
- DAMयो पालि भत्काउन सकेन, अनि अर्को साललाई ढिला भयो।It could not collapse this time, late for next year.
- TEKदाइ उताबाट यता भागेर आउँदा अनिBrother, when you ran towards here from there.
- TEKअनि यो गाउँ भित्र मान्छेहरू के गर्दै थिए?What were the peopele doing here in this village?
- DAMमान्छेहरू त असाध्यैThe people were very
- DAMसबै विचरा सबै होप्लेस भएर बसेको थिए।poor people were all hopeless.
- DAMकोही विचराFew poor people.
- DAM(पूरैजमिन) चक्कर जागे जस्तो भएर बेहोस जस्तो भएर बसेको थिए।were dizzy and almost looked fainted.
- DAMदुई तीन जना बुढाबुढीहरू त्यहाँतिर भेटेँ।I met with two or three old people over there.
- DAMअहिले यो बाजेका बुढाबुढी दुईजनाThe one old couple.
- DAMयता एक जोडी बुढाबुढी अहिले यो केटीको बा र आमा हुन्।One of the old couple are the parents of these childrens.
- DAMकुनै चाहिँ फेरि थाहा नभएका मान्छेहरू पनि छन्।One of the person that I didn't know.
- DAMकसैले खेतमा छ्याङ् पनिThe alcohol boiling in the field.
- DAMउम्लेर (भाँडोबाट निस्कने) जान्छ।It boiled out of the conatainer.
- DAMमलाई चाहिँ त्यो दिनमा एकदमै अनौठो भयो।Something strange happened to me that day.
- DAMत्यो दिन चाहिँ सबै भन्दा ठूलो बिनास (भयो)।I faced a big loss that day.
- DAMठूलो बिनास मात्र भयो।A big loss only.
- DAMयता छिमेकीकहाँ हेर्न जाँदा फेरिIt was while I was checking on my neighbor.
- DAMअहिले कसरी बस्दैछन् भनेर सोचेँ।to see how they were living.
- DAMपहिला आएँ, पछि आउँदा खेरिI came ealier and later.
- DAMघर भित्र छिर्ना साथ ॐपेरि आयो आचि।Om Peri was here immidietely after I entered inside here. Oh my god!
- DAMकाम गर्ने हिँड्ने केही भएन।I could not go out to work.
- DAMयसले त गाह्रो बनायो।It made it difficult.
- DAMझन्डै मरिन।I nearly died.
- TEKत्यति खेर दाई नि भुइँचालोDuring that time, the earthquake.
- TEKरोकिँदै रोकिएन हँ।didn't stop at all.
- TEKके आउँछ भनेर (तपाईँलाई) ज्यादै डर लाग्यो?What scared you the most thinkining that it will come back?
- DAMअब के भयो भनेThis is what happened.
- DAMसाना बच्चाहरू धेरै रMany young children
- DAMडर चाहिँ जनावर र सँगैThe fear was about animals.
- DAMबस्नु पर्ने जस्तो देखिन्छ।It felt as, we had to reside with them.
- DAMअब अचानक आयो भनेWhat if, it comes back again.
- DAMघरहरू त भत्केपनि भत्केभत्कुस्।It doesn't matter even if the houses collapse.
- DAMमान्छे चाहिँ गुमाइन्छ भनेरWhen it is about losing people.
- DAMदुख (चिन्ता) लाग्छ, कहिलेकाहिँI was worried.
- DAMत्यो चाहिँ एउटा चाहिँ कसरी आएको थाहा नै हुँदैन।It is unknown how that last one struck us.
- DAMतिनीहरुलाई त समय छैन (कहिले आउने भन्ने समय छैन) होइन र?They don't have specific time to strike us.
- DAMआफ्नै बच्चाको रेखदेखगर्ने मान्छे (मालिक) म नै हुँ।I am the one who takes care of the kids.
- DAMबच्चाहरू सके पनि नसके पनि तल बस्छन्।The children live below whether or not they can..
- DAMपहाडको मुनितिर जाने अनि हामी पनिGoing down the hills, we
- DAMहामी पनि कामको अबस्थाThe condition of our work.
- DAMकहिले चाहिँ अनौठो कामहरू गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ।Sometimes, we have to take odd jobs.
- DAMकहिले चाहिँ माटो ढुङ्गाको काम गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ।We have to work with rocks and sands sometimes.
- DAMअब कहिले मर्छन भनेरThinking about when are we going to die.
- DAMडर मात्र लाग्यो।I was scared.
- DAMअब अहिले त यस्तो मात्रै छ।This is the only situation right now.
- TEKदाइको विचारमा भुइँचालो चाहिँIn your opinion, the earthquake.
- TEKनाम्गेल गाउँ भित्र हाम्रो उपल्लो मुस्ताङ्मा आएको हो कि सँसारमै आएकोthere was an earthquake here only in the upper region of Mustang, or
- DAMमेरो मनमा यो जराबाटIn my opinion, from the root.
- DAMयो चाहिँ ठूलो आयो, नत्र भने सानो सानो आउँथ्यो।This was a big one, otherwise there would been many small ones.
- DAMसधैँ जुनै ठाउँमा पनिEverywhere.
- DAMआब सानो (कम्पनहरू) चर्काईको आधारमा हुन्छ।Now small aftershocks.
- DAMसानो पराकम्पनहरु (जमिन चर्किएकोमा) भर पर्दछ।small aftershocks depends upon the crack on the ground.
- DAMएउटा आउन त आउँछ भनेरSince there will be one earthquake.
- DAMहाम्रो नाम्ग्यालमा मात्र आएको होइन।It didn't only shook Namglyam.
- DAMठूलो र सानो बिनास चाहिँThe bigger and the smaller ravages.
- DAMयस्तै छ।are like this.
- TEKअब हाम्रो सात गाउँ विकास समितिमा घिलिङ् र नाम्ग्ययालOur seven village development commmittee has Ghiling and Namgyal.
- DAMअँ छ बिचरा।still there.
- TEKअब त्यो किन होला (घिलिङ् र नाम्ग्याल्मा)?Why is that?
- TEKभुइँचालो त एउटै आएको हो ।There was only one earthquake.
- DAMएउटा बाट (एक तिर बाट) हेर्यो भने,If looked from one side.
- DAMघिलिङ्को समस्यालाई हेर्यौँ भने पनिIf we look at the problems of Ghiling.
- DAMमाटो चाहिँ सिम भएरThe groung turning into a wetland.
- DAMएकतिर बाट हेर्यौँ भने घर त ओरिजिनल हो।The house is original if we look from this side.
- DAMघिलिङ्मा असिमित ढुङ्गाहरू छ, असिमित रूखहरूको (फल्याक टिम्बर) छ।Ghiling had a lot of rocks and timber available.
- DAMनाम्गेल् गाउँलाई हेर्ने हो भने के छ भनेWhat does Namgel village have?
- DAMपहिला यो सुख्खा छ भनेरConsidering it to be dry.
- DAMघाँस र पानि चाहिँ उम्रिँदैन (आउँदैन)।The grass and leaves won't grow.
- DAMघाँस र पानि चाहिँ उम्रिँदैन (आउँदैन)।Grasses won't grow there.
- DAMत्यति खेर घरको जग चाहिँ निकै कम खने।
- DAM(एक) फुट पनि खोतलेको छैनन्।
- DAMइट्टाहरू पनि चिसो भएर बसीरहेको छ।The bricks were cold.
- DAMसुख्खा जमिनमा भनेर ठिक छ भनेर
- DAMयातायात सुबिधा छैन।There were no transportation facilities.
- DAMहो अब बस्तुहरूलाई सक्दो चाहिँAs much as you can do fo the animals.
- DAMनाबालकलाई पछाडि बोकेरCarrying babies over the back.
- DAMघर बनाउँदा सानो असर परे होला।There were small effects while building the house.
- DAMहिउँ पर्यो र घर चाहिँ खिया जस्तै (चिस्यान्) लाग्छ।The snow resulted in the rusting and corrosion.
- DAMअनि त्यसपछि भुइँचालोAfter that, it was an earthquake.
- DAMयसरी नै मिसिएको होला जस्तो लाग्छ मेरो विचारमा।I think, this is how it got mixed.
- TEKअनि दाइको बिचारमा यो भुइँचालो चाहिँBrother, in your opinion the earthquake.
- TEKफेरि आउँछ कि जस्तो लाग्छ?Do you think it will come back?
- TEKअब रोकियो कि?Or is it the end?
- DAMअब यो चाहिँ भन्न सकिन्न।I cannot say anything about that.
- DAMकहिले काहँ आउँछ भन्छन्।They say it will come back somethimes.
- DAMयो घरलाई हन्दाज गरेर हेर्यो भनेIf you look at the house with estimation.
- DAMनचर्केको (नछुट्टिएको) चाहिँ ठिकै (छन्)।The places without the crack is alright.
- DAMछुट्टिएका हरू चाहिँ दिनका दिनEveryday, the places with the crack.
- DAMदिन दिन गरेर हप्तामा हेर्दा खेरिWatching everyday over the week.
- DAMठूलो भएको जस्तो देखिन्छ।It seems like it is getting bigger.
- DAMअनि मेरो अनुभव चाहिँ यस्तो (जस्तो) छ।This is what I feel like.
- DAMअब घरको स्थिति ठिक छैन।The condition of the house is not okay.
- DAMअब मैले चाहिँNow I have.
- DAMचार पल्ट (मैले) पत्ता लगाएँ।I have figured that out four times.
- DAMडरलाग्दो ठूलो एउटा दिनमा दुई पल्ट (भुइँचालो)आयो।There were two big scary earthquakes one day.
- DAMत्यसपछि एक छिन रात पर्नु भन्दा अगाडिAfter that, one night before the dusk.
- DAMठिङ्कालामा गएँ, गरए (गए पछि), ठिङ्कारमा अनौठो एउटा (भुकम्प) आयो।I was at Thinkla. When I was there, we experienced one different
- DAMएक दिन पहाडको माथि शिक्षक र मOne day I along with the teacher were at the top of the hill.
- DAMउनीहरू दुईजना पहाडकोमाथि बसीरहेका छन्।We were sitting there over the top.
- DAMपहाड मुनि हेरी रहेको छु।I was looking below the hill.
- DAMअनि त्यति बेला मान्छेहरू घरमा खुसी थिएनन्।People during that time.
- DAMघरमा खाना खान गए पनि हामीhad gone to eat their lunch. We
- DAMचोरी गरेर आएको जस्तै गर्नु पर्ने भयो।had to come back fast as if we came back stealing.
- DAMतुरून्तै आएर तुरून्तै भागेर आउनु पर्थ्यो।We had to run back very fast.
- DAMखुसी त छैनन् मान्छेहरू।Man was not very happy.
- DAMत्यहाँ बस्दा खेरी हल्लियो।It shook when we were sitting there.
- DAMयसरी घस्रेर आएको बाटोमा
- DAM(बाटोमा) के हुन्छ भनेर डर पनिथियो।There was a constant fear about what would heppen on the road.
- DAMअनि धेरै फिक्स जस्तै छैन।
- DAMअब त आउँदैन होला भनेर प्रार्थना गर्यौँ।We prayed so that it won't come back again.
- DAMयो त नआए हुन्थ्यो।We didn't want it to come back again.
- DAMयो त भगवानThis, God.
- DAMबिनाश मात्रै लिएर आउँछ।brings only misery.
- DAMत्यो चाहिँ आउँदा खेरिWhen it comes.
- DAMकाम केही छैन,विनाश मात्र गर्ने हो।It only brings destruction.
- DAMमन भित्र शङ्कात्यही छ।There was a doubt inside.
- TEKअनि दाई त्यति खेर चाहिँBrother, during that time.
- TEKशुरूमा चाहिँIn the begining.
- TEKभुकम्पले हाम्रो गाउँ तिर हाम्रोThe earhtquake in our village.
- TEKकस्तो सम्पर्क भयो?How was your contact with other people?
- DAMसम्पर्क भन्नाले साथीहरू थिए।I had friends in contact.
- DAMसम्पर्क चाहिँ यस्तो थियो किThe contact was such that.
- DAMसम्पर्क चाहिँ आप्ना आपन्त सँग कुरा कानी हुने,It was having a talk with your relatives and friends
- DAMफोन गरे भने मलाई तThey called me over the phone.
- DAMअनि मेरो न्याम्डोक (गाउँ) तिर भएको सन्तानहरूले थाहा,My relatives in the Nyamdak village.
- DAM(थाहा) पाएको रहेछ।मेरो नजिकको परिवार (सदस्य) तीन जना,My close knew about me.
- DAMकेही गर्यौँ भनेर अनि त्यसपछिIf I did something?
- DAMअनि पछि मैले भनेको ठाउँमा जान चाहिँ पाएनौँ।We could not go to a place that I told.
- DAMसबै राम्रै रहेछ भने।I told them everything was okay.