Explore (-): A0059
Audio Overview
Drinking song (chang gzhas)
- Music in Tibet
subjects 6121For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Music by Genre
subjects 6158For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Drinking songs (chang gzhas)
subjects 6159For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Music in Ngari
subjects 6148For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Zhide Group
subjects 6150For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Tö Dialect
subjects 698For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
- Zhidé
places 4184For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
Feature Type ADM4, Township (without urban registered population)
- Zhidé
places 4184For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
Feature Type ADM4, Township (without urban registered population)
- Tibetan
subjects 638For more information about this term, see Full Entry below.
MEMO Memo: Filename: A0059 SongTitleEnglish: - SongTitleTibetan: - SongDescription: Description not yet available. Genre: Drinking song (chang gzhas) Instruments: Vocals: Tibetan Lyrics: rgyab zer na dkar po'i brag la // phur pa rgyab rgyu byung na // rgyab rgyu byung na de 'dre'i // bya rgyal rgod po'i thugs la // bstun bzhin bstun bzhin gnang dang // pha de dam pa sangs rgyas // ma de rigs bzang mkha' 'gro // o lo skyes sa g.ya' ri // khang bzang la ni byas yod // gzhon pa'i skyes sa g.yon pa'i // 'dzoms sa la ni byas yod // yar 'dren ma la yar 'dren ma // chang dang ja khri yar 'dren ma // sgron pa rgyab las khyer shog // g.yang ma rgyab las khyer shog // de ring bzhugs gral skor mo // skyid pa'i ngang la slebs song // de ring bzhugs gral skor mo // dga' ba'i ngang la slebs byung // English Lyrics: If [you're going] to strike, [strike] a white rock. If [you want to] drive a stake [into the rock], [You should first ask] the vulture, the king of the birds, About driving [in the stake], [And then] act in accordance with its wishes. The father is the Holy Buddha. The mother is a Dakini of noble lineage. The birthplace of children Is Slate Mountain, a good place to live. The birthplace of young men Is the assembly-row on the left. Offer up, offer up, Offer up beer and [tea in a] precious teapot. Serve [the beer] with a bit of tsampa for luck. Serve [the tea] with a bit of butter for luck. Today the row [of people sitting] forms a circle. Leave [the assembly] feeling happy! Today the row [of people sitting] forms a circle. Leave [the assembly] feeling joyful! Artists: Shide group (zhi bde) Artist Region: Ngari Purang Shingpa Shide (mnga' ris sa khul spu hreng rdzong zhing pa shang zhi bde grong tsho) Song Region: Ngari Purang Shingpa Shide (mnga' ris sa khul spu hreng rdzong zhing pa shang zhi bde grong tsho) Translator: Tsering Gyalpo, R. Kirk Moore Transcriber: tshe ring rgyal po RecordingLocation: Ngari Purang Shingpa Shide (mnga' ris sa khul spu hreng rdzong zhing pa shang zhi bde grong tsho) Duration: 2:06 RecordingDate: 2000-08-10 MediumType: mini DV tape MediumID: Zhide-Ngari Music #1 (8-10-00) CDTrack: StartTime: 43:01 StopTime: 45:07 SessionId: S0006 LANGUAGE INFO Specific Dialect: Ngari Purang Shingpa Shide Speech Type: Song MASTER TAPE INFO Master Tape Label: NDRP Master 1 Recorded: 2000-08-02